Some data... III. Reich, UK, USSR and USA... I've put togetether images showing their interceptor and fighter designs as of in DH full vanilla, 1941 scenario.
Not shown in the tables: Interceptors get a 25% bonus vs TAC, STRAT (and NAV?).
The markings in green (best) and red (worst) are NOT comparisons between interceptors and fighters (which can be easily seen enough) but of interceptors in comparison between the different countries, vice versa for fighters.
I still can't see a reason why those stats would need a change.
But while looking at those comparisons, it would be sad not to state a few observations:
First, sorry, for showing old INT and FTR for the USSR, not my doing, data was directly taken from DH full vanilla, 1941 scenario.
Thus by far the cheapest planes are on the USSR side.
Most versatile fighter surely on the German side, soft and hard attack boni due to land (!) doctrines, surprising close 2nd USA.
UK planes with the best org and morale but also the most expensive ones.
Considering that for every country eg Ftr-7 is completly identical in its base values and only with a different name tag, I am positively surprised about the differences which we can see here (mainly due to differences in land-doctrines etc.).
that could be accentuated even a bit more all over the board.