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What about tax value *transfers*? For example, if Granada followed the tactic I suggested, its other ports could lose 1-2 tax value each and Gibraltar could be boosted 8-10 with the net increase actually being 2-3....
Well, it would demand ownership of all provinces for event to trigger, and would be strange that all of a sudden you can recruit less soldiers and earn less produce from other provinces..

Sounds due giving tax increase is more like a cludge beacuse there is no good way to show control of trade (except CoT, but I wasn't allowed to kill the Hansa CoT when sounds due was due so..)
I'm not sure I agree with the idea being a kludge... when you think about it, except for the trade taxes associated with one, using a center of trade to represent what is essentially a massive tariff is kind of illogical. I'm not sure what the King of Denmark was *trading* for all that money. :)

I was thinking about +3 points on each side of the straight (collectively less valuable than the original Sund due event). Granada would be required to go somewhat naval and somewhat defensive (-1 each) in order to implement and it would cost money to establish. Genoa, Savoy and Sicily would get CBs on Tangiers and a temporary casus belli on Granada. It could be an interesting excuse for a major trade war and another way for some of the smaller nations to expand.

I don't think there is any point in moving the iberian CoT from Granada to Gibralter, although there could be an arguement for it being there in the first place.

Anyhow, if you don't like the idea, Nikolai, or if you think it is baked, please come to a consensus with Archduke and let me know.

My original plan for the Gib Straight event (the one currently implemented) was solely concerned with the strategic value of the passage and had nothing to do with trade. I'm not going to be offended if y'all just don't like this idea.

Nikolai II said:
Sounds due giving tax increase is more like a cludge beacuse there is no good way to show control of trade (except CoT, but I wasn't allowed to kill the Hansa CoT when sounds due was due so..)

Perhaps the Kalmar Union winning the Second Sund crisis should open a CoT in Denmark somewhere? It would have the effect of shrinking the influence of the Mecklenburg center while giving the KU a boost in trade taxes -- not a bad approximation of what a Sund Due would be like.

The region would get pretty crowded once (if) CoTs open up in Riga and Nyland as well though...
The Nyland CoT only opens when Novgorod goes. The first Kalmar CoT event will be nerfed, it is too easy and too early.

Concerning Gibraltar, I tend to agree with Medicine Man on the topic, only a very small tax boost is needed. The Sund is a much bigger problem to come through then the Gibraltar straits.
I have removed to CoT from the first Kalmar event - revised version in that thread.

+3 in two provinces sound like a lot for Gib - but I can't say for sure without looking at the totality of the event, what triggers and expenses (and +2 in three provinces would be easier for me to swallow ;))
OK. When I rework the event, I'll post it, and all of its children events, here.

EDIT: Here is the parent event for blocking the Straights of Gibralter.

event = {
id = 200546
trigger = {
owned = { province = 445 data = -1 } # Gibralter
owned = { province = 732 data = -1 } # Tangiers
random = no
country = GRA
name = "The Pillars of Hercules"
desc = "By the beginning of the 17th century the gaelic expansion into the new world was well underway and the great seafaring kingdoms of Europe were hauling back the wealth of the asia in treasure-laden caravels. Always an important passage, the Sultans of Granada realized that the Straight of Gibralter was now an artery connecting the mediterranean powers to the wealth of the Americas. Fearing that one of their European rivals might try to seize control of the straight, the Sultan was determined to construct a series of formidable coastal fortifications on both sides of the passage. Some of the Sultan's advisors wished to take the idea a step further and extract dues from all merchant traffic using the passage -- an idea which appealed greatly to the money-minded ruler."

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1600 }
offset = 365
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1750 }

action_a = {
name = "Fortify the channel and impose tariffs"
command = { type = treasury value = -500 }
command = { type = fortress which = 445 value = 1 }
command = { type = fortress which = 732 value = 1 }
command = { type = domestic which = land value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = offensive value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = mercantilism value = 3 }
command = { type = warships which = 445 value = 5 }
command = { type = galleys which = 445 value = 25 }
command = { type = naval value = 1500 }
command = { type = trade value = -4000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 444 value = 2 } # Granada
command = { type = provincetax which = 445 value = 2 } # Gibralter
command = { type = provincetax which = 732 value = 2 } # Tangiers
# command = { type = trigger which = 200xxx } # Genoese reaction
# command = { type = trigger which = 200xxx } # Sicilian reaction
# Either of the above two events will be a trigger condition for Savoy's reaction event
action_b = {
name = "Just fortify the channel"
command = { type = treasury value = -250 }
command = { type = fortress which = 445 value = 1 }
command = { type = fortress which = 732 value = 1 }
action_c = {
name = "Save funds for other projects"
command = { type = treasury value = 350 }
Last edited:
event = {
id = 200548
random = no
country = GEN
name = "Piracy in the Passage of Gibralter"
desc = "Fortifying either side of the Straight of Gibralter, the so-called 'Pillars of Hercules', the Sultan of Granada decreed that all foreign vessels traversing the passage would pay a toll. With merchants being forced to reduce the volume of their cargo and run the passage at night, trade in the countries of Italy began to suffer. Growing angry with the Sultan's hamfisted mercantilist aggression, the great rulers of Genova and Palermo were not late in formulating their response."

action_a = {
name = "Why didn't we think of this?"
command = { type = relation which = GRA value = -100 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = GRA value = 120 }
command = { type = addcore which = 445 }
command = { type = addcore which = 732 }
command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
command = { type = trade value = -1500 }
command = { type = warships which = -2 value = 10 }
command = { type = transports which = -2 value = 5 }

event = {
id = 200549
random = no
country = SIC
name = "Piracy in the Passage of Gibralter"
desc = "Fortifying either side of the Straight of Gibralter, the so-called 'Pillars of Hercules', the Sultan of Granada decreed that all foreign vessels traversing the passage would pay a toll. With merchants being forced to reduce the volume of their cargo and run the passage at night, trade in the countries of Italy began to suffer. Growing angry with the Sultan's hamfisted mercantilist aggression, the great rulers of Genova and Palermo were not late in formulating their response."

action_a = {
name = "We will not tolerate this outrage!"
command = { type = relation which = GRA value = -100 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = GRA value = 120 }
command = { type = addcore which = 445 }
command = { type = addcore which = 732 }
command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
command = { type = trade value = -1500 }
command = { type = warships which = -2 value = 10 }
command = { type = transports which = -2 value = 5 }

event = {
id = 200550
random = no
country = SAV
name = "Blood and Gold"
desc = "Fortifying either side of the Straight of Gibralter, the so-called 'Pillars of Hercules', the Sultan of Granada decreed that all foreign vessels traversing the passage would pay a toll. While the Sultan's efforts were only partially successful, they did have an impact on the volume goods reaching the ports of the Mediterranean Sea. It was not long before the powers in Italy responded to the provocation and they were not alone in their wrath. Feeling the pinch of the Sultan's greed, his Royal Highness in Chambéry girded for war. This was no crusade -- it was a matter of blood and gold."

action_a = {
name = "This cannot be permitted to continue"
command = { type = relation which = GRA value = -100 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = GRA value = 120 }
command = { type = addcore which = 445 }
command = { type = addcore which = 732 }
command = { type = treasury value = -100 }
command = { type = trade value = -500 }
command = { type = warships which = -2 value = 10 }
command = { type = transports which = -2 value = 5 }
Very, very nice. This one´s in.
Ok, Archduke. I'll clean this sequence up and include it in my next revision of the event text file. Please don't copy what I posted here.
Ok, include your real name if you want it mentioned.:)
I'm wondering if it would be worth expanding on this event chain at all. I could add an event that fires if Genoa ends up with both sides of the passage after this trade war heats up. I'm not sure how often it would come up however... either in SP or MP.
Medicine Man said:
I'm wondering if it would be worth expanding on this event chain at all. I could add an event that fires if Genoa ends up with both sides of the passage after this trade war heats up. I'm not sure how often it would come up however... either in SP or MP.

Not really needed, imo a reaction event giving you the claims is good enough.
Just FYI ;)

Medicine Man said:
that I'm going to rename "the Pillars of Hercules" (another name for the two sides of the straight).

I just found out that Gibraltar is a rework of the arabic name Jabal Tarik, (Tariks mountain, possibly transcribed Tariq in english) since it was there Tarik ibn Zeayd landed in 711, initiating the moor conquest of iberia.
Nikolai II said:
I just found out that Gibraltar is a rework of the arabic name Jabal Tarik, (Tariks mountain, possibly transcribed Tariq in english) since it was there Tarik ibn Zeayd landed in 711, initiating the moor conquest of iberia.

Yep. I think the Pillars of Hercules is just a really old name for the passage. I actually put a general named Tariq in the Granada leader file.
Guys, please check your events and send them me per e-mail.