event = {
id = 200548
random = no
country = GEN
name = "Piracy in the Passage of Gibralter"
desc = "Fortifying either side of the Straight of Gibralter, the so-called 'Pillars of Hercules', the Sultan of Granada decreed that all foreign vessels traversing the passage would pay a toll. With merchants being forced to reduce the volume of their cargo and run the passage at night, trade in the countries of Italy began to suffer. Growing angry with the Sultan's hamfisted mercantilist aggression, the great rulers of Genova and Palermo were not late in formulating their response."
action_a = {
name = "Why didn't we think of this?"
command = { type = relation which = GRA value = -100 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = GRA value = 120 }
command = { type = addcore which = 445 }
command = { type = addcore which = 732 }
command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
command = { type = trade value = -1500 }
command = { type = warships which = -2 value = 10 }
command = { type = transports which = -2 value = 5 }
event = {
id = 200549
random = no
country = SIC
name = "Piracy in the Passage of Gibralter"
desc = "Fortifying either side of the Straight of Gibralter, the so-called 'Pillars of Hercules', the Sultan of Granada decreed that all foreign vessels traversing the passage would pay a toll. With merchants being forced to reduce the volume of their cargo and run the passage at night, trade in the countries of Italy began to suffer. Growing angry with the Sultan's hamfisted mercantilist aggression, the great rulers of Genova and Palermo were not late in formulating their response."
action_a = {
name = "We will not tolerate this outrage!"
command = { type = relation which = GRA value = -100 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = GRA value = 120 }
command = { type = addcore which = 445 }
command = { type = addcore which = 732 }
command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
command = { type = trade value = -1500 }
command = { type = warships which = -2 value = 10 }
command = { type = transports which = -2 value = 5 }
event = {
id = 200550
random = no
country = SAV
name = "Blood and Gold"
desc = "Fortifying either side of the Straight of Gibralter, the so-called 'Pillars of Hercules', the Sultan of Granada decreed that all foreign vessels traversing the passage would pay a toll. While the Sultan's efforts were only partially successful, they did have an impact on the volume goods reaching the ports of the Mediterranean Sea. It was not long before the powers in Italy responded to the provocation and they were not alone in their wrath. Feeling the pinch of the Sultan's greed, his Royal Highness in Chambéry girded for war. This was no crusade -- it was a matter of blood and gold."
action_a = {
name = "This cannot be permitted to continue"
command = { type = relation which = GRA value = -100 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = GRA value = 120 }
command = { type = addcore which = 445 }
command = { type = addcore which = 732 }
command = { type = treasury value = -100 }
command = { type = trade value = -500 }
command = { type = warships which = -2 value = 10 }
command = { type = transports which = -2 value = 5 }