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20 Badges
Dec 16, 2011
  • Crusader Kings II
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1. SR DoW description says that I get a slave camp level in the capital if I win. I did and I didn't get. My liege won some other same type of war, he also didn't got that level in his capital.

2. SR DoW Description says that I get three slaves for personal collection. Yet when I 'cash in' my victory, I don't receive any messages about anyone added to court at all.

Can somebody please explain me what am I understanding wrong ? Where does the camp level actually show up ? Is there some more hidden requirements or something ?
Are the 'personal collection slaves' meant the people I simply capture via siege ? If not, where are those slaves hidden ?
If you're a merchant republic, the slave camps are added to your family estate, I believe the three slaves aren't added via notfication, but you see them in the low priority message.
If you're a merchant republic, the slave camps are added to your family estate
Yup, that seemed to be the case, thanks.

I believe the three slaves aren't added via notfication, but you see them in the low priority message.
Problem is that I already have tons of slaves, so finding the new guys isn't that easy, but I hope you're right :)
Another question:

What invalidates slave raid CB ? Is there a limit to slave number in province ?

I just planned a SR, saved the game, went to shop, came back home, loaded the game and, boom, no more SR CB on anyone -_-
I did discover another thing - not only I, but everybody else has suddenly lost slave raid CB. What's the reason for that ?