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Dec 8, 2013
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Good evening.

I recently downloaded this Mod and I am positively addicted to it. For my first run, I am playing as a pirate (WHOOOO!!) and have already abolished slavery*, become Pirate King, acquired a landlocked duchy, and subjugated two of the three pirate duchies, along with the Golden Fields east of the Merchant Republics. I managed to keep my heir from losing his ship through education (a brutally challenging feat) and I began to expand outward. I was playing as an Oriental-esque Khal Khan (which kept confusing me because I was ALWAYS a "bad Khal" despite all sorts of good traits and a high Martial skill) until my first ruler was forced to step down for his heir (which I was hoping to happen). My heir switched to Lysene from the Hoard mechanics so that I could colonize some Ruins.

Through my adventures, I came to begin asking a few questions that I hoped you gentlemen (and ladies) could answer.

  1. Why in the HECK can't Pirates be Absolute Cognatic? The most successful pirate in human history, ever, was a woman. Since the pirates have Open succession, the most powerful child raises to power, making Absolute Cognatic very sensible.
  2. When I fully conquered the Fields duchy (west of Dark Den) as the Pirate King of Pirate Stepstone, I was confused to see that the Duchy was not undergoing De Jure Drift. A quick check of its baronies indicated that all of them were under my control or my vassals' control. The duchy was indeed created, but still, no drift. Years passed, and it still wouldn't drift.
  3. Why can't Pirates colonize coastal Ruins if they have the money? Pirates were famous in RL for colonizing and establishing Dens in totally abandoned, hostile locations, like the Carribean. Why can't I do it here?
  4. Once I outlaw slavery (I was playing as a pirate with a Liberated Slave trait), then what? Why am I not a Liberator? If slavery is illegal, why can't I raid slave states to free their slaves and moved them to my Court? That would make sense, considering that my own realm is anti-slave.
  5. Why is Free Cities' Empire so big? How is that even possible to form without Ruins?
  6. Why can't the Khal peoples colonize the empty Grassland zones and ruins? They are used to hostile steppes and unforgiving landscapes. Certainly they could use ruins as grazing grounds?
  7. What makes a "bad Khal" and a "good Khal"? The tooltip says I need the Ruthless Trait. Is that all? I played around and learned that Cruel, Tyrant, Kind, Diligent, and Martial skills do nothing to change that. All the traits in the Vanilla game do little to make a good Khal.
  8. Why does the Pirate religion look down on drunkeness? Why does it look down on gluttony and envy? Are these not all pirate-y traits?
  9. Pirates are traditionally seen as symbols of "freedom". Why, precisely, are they not allowed to abolish slavery? I'm not saying they should be inclined to, but they should be given the choice, at least to the player. Real pirates normally allowed captured people to serve the crew as equals or be ransomed off for huge sums of booty.
  10. How exactly does one take a Salt Wife? -and more importantly, how do I take more than one so I can have the maximum of three? So far, I can only snag one and then take an additional Lover that isn't my character's wife.
  11. Why can't I, as a Pirate, make my Prisoners into Concubines?

That's all of the questions I can think of right now. I hope you can answer them. This is an amazing Mod; you do not even need to know a single thing about "Game of Thrones" to play it!

Deus vult,

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Keeping this relevant.
In no particular order:

What is "Free Cities' Empire"? New Valyria? If you start from the first bookmark is already exists, and has claims over a vast area. After the first bookmark it is replaced by Volantis, which doesn't.

Concubines I believe have to be lovers or slaves, not normal courtiers.

I believe Dothraki fear /"cautiously avoid" many of the old ruins a superstition. Plus, colonization would imply settlement, with is anathema to them.

Basically, all the "real-world" stuff you mention is valueless in this setting. Pirates in this setting are usually much like any of the misogynist men in the setting, women pirates do exist, but are too rare to work with the basic Open Elective succession law.

I think, only think, that dejure drift is disabled I this mod. Everything stays the same fore thousands of years, after all.

Weak Khal can be avoided by having 9 martial, Skilled Warrior or Master Warrior, as well has having at least 1 prestige and you can't be maimed, clubfooted, a prisoner, that sort of thing.
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Thank you for your replies. I see why the Khals can't colonize now.

What confuses me, though, is this. Does a person get "Weak Khal" if they have nine Martial points and not the other stuff? Pirates must have ten Martial points as well.
Thank you for your replies. I see why the Khals can't colonize now.

What confuses me, though, is this. Does a person get "Weak Khal" if they have nine Martial points and not the other stuff? Pirates must have ten Martial points as well.

It's an OR trigger, so you should only get Weak Khal if you have less than nine martial, or lack the appropriate warrior trait. However, having less and negative prestige or any of these:
prisoner = yes
trait = incapable
trait = infirm
trait = crippled
trait = maimed
trait = weak
trait = imbecile
trait = inbred
trait = dwarf
trait = clubfooted
will cause it, even if you have the martial.
Ah. That makes sense. Thank you.
Good evening.
[*]Why can't Pirates colonize coastal Ruins if they have the money? Pirates were famous in RL for colonizing and establishing Dens in totally abandoned, hostile locations, like the Carribean. Why can't I do it here?
Any type of lord needs to be within two seazones to colonise a coastal ruin. I'd maybe try and establish a nearby base first.

[*]Once I outlaw slavery (I was playing as a pirate with a Liberated Slave trait), then what? Why am I not a Liberator? If slavery is illegal, why can't I raid slave states to free their slaves and moved them to my Court? That would make sense, considering that my own realm is anti-slave.
If you have the liberator trait you should have either the emancipation or liberation CB against slaver realms. Is this not the case?

[*]What makes a "bad Khal" and a "good Khal"? The tooltip says I need the Ruthless Trait. Is that all? I played around and learned that Cruel, Tyrant, Kind, Diligent, and Martial skills do nothing to change that. All the traits in the Vanilla game do little to make a good Khal.
I've added a more detailed tooltip to this for the ext version to make it clear.

[*]How exactly does one take a Salt Wife? -and more importantly, how do I take more than one so I can have the maximum of three? So far, I can only snag one and then take an additional Lover that isn't my character's wife.
Do you mean as an ironborn character? You can either raid for them (either by decision or by sacking holdings), or you can take prisoners as salt wives.

[*]Why can't I, as a Pirate, make my Prisoners into Concubines?
This should already be possible, although maybe only for the next update.