Hi, just some screens from a recent Byyzantine game with a couple of suggestions. Some of them are pretty fun.
This first one is apparently what happens when Burgundy gets smashed into a one province minor at the very beginning of the game. As you can see, Savoy turned into a monster, taking over much of France and almost killing Brittany on top of that. This pic also reinforces why I don't like straights- as you can see they have diploannexed Wessex. This should not happen. (Burgundy has began to make a bit of a comeback.)
As you can see, for some reason Coroba and Tmelclem decided they hated Egypt and wanted to kill it. No real suggestions for this pic, just an unusual occurence.
Ahh, the kingdom of Armenia. I really enjoyed this event sequence, but one thing bugs me-the kingdom lacks Caucasian culture, making it more of an hinderance then a strong ally. I would be very happy if you added it as a benefit for the enlarged, revived kingdom.
Quite a few interesting things happening in this pic. First off, Barvaria has actually been reduced to, well, Barvaria. They always seem overly aggresive at the start and get the world against them- perhaps you should tone down their aggresion? Also, in a stunning twist, the Hanestic League diploannexed Genoa. I noticed this happens alot in Integgerum-perhaps there should be some sort of strength cap to when a nation can be diploannexed. Im fine with seeing German minors and nations being eaten by it and even nations like Yemen are okay, but Genoa is a major power and it wasn't even weak when this happened.
Ahh. and here we come to my two biggest complaints in the new version (which otherwise is great) Uzbek expansion and Golden Horde strength. I think you have made the Horde to strong in recent versions, to the point in which I almost always see them conquer Moscow and devastate the Order. Perhaps another series of crushing events is in order or lower the monarch stats-the Golden Horde should only be able to survive and expand in the hands of an extremly skilled player in my opinion. Also, I always see the Uzbeks wind up with some odd Russian provinces. I know you probably can't do anything about it, but it is annoying.
Well, that turned out to be far longer then I expected. Im having a great game so far- got may ass kicked worse then any other time in EU2 when I tried and failed mutiple times to invade the Kingdom of Jerusuelm, and now I am cowering in fear from the Caliphate which has eaten persia and I think is eyeing me next. Your mod really is a blast, and I eagerly look forward to every new installment.
This first one is apparently what happens when Burgundy gets smashed into a one province minor at the very beginning of the game. As you can see, Savoy turned into a monster, taking over much of France and almost killing Brittany on top of that. This pic also reinforces why I don't like straights- as you can see they have diploannexed Wessex. This should not happen. (Burgundy has began to make a bit of a comeback.)
As you can see, for some reason Coroba and Tmelclem decided they hated Egypt and wanted to kill it. No real suggestions for this pic, just an unusual occurence.
Ahh, the kingdom of Armenia. I really enjoyed this event sequence, but one thing bugs me-the kingdom lacks Caucasian culture, making it more of an hinderance then a strong ally. I would be very happy if you added it as a benefit for the enlarged, revived kingdom.
Quite a few interesting things happening in this pic. First off, Barvaria has actually been reduced to, well, Barvaria. They always seem overly aggresive at the start and get the world against them- perhaps you should tone down their aggresion? Also, in a stunning twist, the Hanestic League diploannexed Genoa. I noticed this happens alot in Integgerum-perhaps there should be some sort of strength cap to when a nation can be diploannexed. Im fine with seeing German minors and nations being eaten by it and even nations like Yemen are okay, but Genoa is a major power and it wasn't even weak when this happened.
Ahh. and here we come to my two biggest complaints in the new version (which otherwise is great) Uzbek expansion and Golden Horde strength. I think you have made the Horde to strong in recent versions, to the point in which I almost always see them conquer Moscow and devastate the Order. Perhaps another series of crushing events is in order or lower the monarch stats-the Golden Horde should only be able to survive and expand in the hands of an extremly skilled player in my opinion. Also, I always see the Uzbeks wind up with some odd Russian provinces. I know you probably can't do anything about it, but it is annoying.
Well, that turned out to be far longer then I expected. Im having a great game so far- got may ass kicked worse then any other time in EU2 when I tried and failed mutiple times to invade the Kingdom of Jerusuelm, and now I am cowering in fear from the Caliphate which has eaten persia and I think is eyeing me next. Your mod really is a blast, and I eagerly look forward to every new installment.