1. What platform are you using?
Xbox One X
2. What version of the game are you using?
3. What DLC do you have installed?
All available DLC installed and active.
4. When did this start happening?
Large Galaxy, After year 2300. 10+ Empires, 3 Fallen Empire, War of heaven and multiple fleets over 30K by my empire, fallen empires and others.
5. Can you replicate it, if so, please explain how
Game play of more than 2 hours under the resource intensive conditions noted in #4 above. Crash may be tied to the iron man mode auto-save game.
6. Does this happen on all saves or just specific ones?
Iron man mode. has to do with console resources and length of time played. After crash I restart the game and I am good for about two hours before another crash. Becoming more frequent as year of game progress and # & size of fleets, armies increase.
7. What steps have you taken to try and solve this yourself (reinstall, Google error code etc)?
Restarting the saved iron man game works, but the memory leak and/resource exhaustion persists on an steady logarithmic decay.
Great game. I came from Pax Imperium Imminent domain through Galactic Civilizations. I really like Stellaris and want it to be the best it can be - I am happy to share any additional data including Xbox crash files.
Xbox One X
2. What version of the game are you using?
3. What DLC do you have installed?
All available DLC installed and active.
4. When did this start happening?
Large Galaxy, After year 2300. 10+ Empires, 3 Fallen Empire, War of heaven and multiple fleets over 30K by my empire, fallen empires and others.
5. Can you replicate it, if so, please explain how
Game play of more than 2 hours under the resource intensive conditions noted in #4 above. Crash may be tied to the iron man mode auto-save game.
6. Does this happen on all saves or just specific ones?
Iron man mode. has to do with console resources and length of time played. After crash I restart the game and I am good for about two hours before another crash. Becoming more frequent as year of game progress and # & size of fleets, armies increase.
7. What steps have you taken to try and solve this yourself (reinstall, Google error code etc)?
Restarting the saved iron man game works, but the memory leak and/resource exhaustion persists on an steady logarithmic decay.
Great game. I came from Pax Imperium Imminent domain through Galactic Civilizations. I really like Stellaris and want it to be the best it can be - I am happy to share any additional data including Xbox crash files.
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