As the main mining facility began to collapse into the lava around them, Moeder and Opalwan were forced to head outside, navigating floating mining platforms as their duel continued across the infernal lake.
“I failed you, A’Nikori,” Opalwan admitted as their blades clashed once more. “I have truly failed you."
“You’ve only failed yourself!” Darth Moeder shouted back. “I made my choices! I destroyed A’Nikori Starflier because she was too weak to do what needed to be done, not you! This is who I truly am, beneath the lies of the Jedi!”
“I still do not believe that,” Opalwan replied. “Those are lies that the Chancellor... your new Empress told you to seduce you to the Dark Side. You must still know, deep down, that your Empress Eerabik is evil!”
“From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!” Moeder snapped back.
Opalwan wanted to bang his head against a wall in exasperation. “If you truly believe that, then you are lost!"
“Enough talking, my old
friend,” Moeder said. “For much longer do you think you can keep this up? You’re already tiring! Just let me finish you off and put you out of your misery!"
“I cannot do that,” Opalwan said sadly. “If you will not see reason, the task falls to me to put you out of yours, for your own good, and that of the galaxy."
Moeder leaped onto his platform, trying to drive him off, but they had drawn close to the shore of the molten lake. Using the Force to let him fly further than his heavy, crystalline body would normally allow, Opalwan leapt onto the ashen bank, which rose above the inferno below.
“It’s over, A’Nikori,” Opalwan called out, using his apprentice’s old name for what might be the last time. “I have the high ground!”
“Excuse me?” Darth Moeder sneered. “Have you truly gone senile in your final moments? Are you forgetting which of us can fly? You won’t have a chance to underestimate my power again! This is the
end for you, my old Master! For the high ground is truly mine!"
With that, Darth Moeder flew high up into the air and then dove downward with blinding speed, single-mindedly aiming for a decisive, hate-fueled strike.
In that moment, Opalwan did the only thing he could do.
He let go, entrusting himself to the Force even more fully than he had done back in the control center, briefly becoming not just an extension of its will, but an avatar of the light itself, shining amid the darkness that even now tried to choke it out of the galaxy.
Empowered by the Dark Side, Moeder was faster than Opalwan had ever seen before.
But blinded by her own hatred, Moeder was a fraction of a second too slow to recognize the danger that she faced.
The radiant blue plasma of Opalwan’s blade, now seemingly the manifested divinity of the Force itself, cut through her wings, causing Moeder to lose control of her flight and drop her own lightsaber, before descending to sever the Sith Lady’s lower body.
And so Darth Moeder fell in a ruined heap upon the fiery shore, somehow still clinging to life, as if through her hatred alone, but in pain like she had never felt before.
The sight was difficult for Opalwan to watch, but he could not avert his eyes from what he had done, and all of his sorrow now came flooding out.
“A’Nikori... you were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!"
“I HATE YOU!!!!” Darth Moeder screeched, trying to crawl up the slope after him with the stumps of her wings, in spite of her injuries, like a being possessed.
But then the heat of the fiery lake just below her ignited Moeder’s robes, and them Moeder herself, flames lapping hungrily at her flesh.
This was even more agonizing for Opalwan to watch, seeing his former apprentice in such a state, no matter how necessary it had been.
“You were like a sister to me, A’Nikori! I loved you!” Opalwan cried out to her.
“LIAR!” the ablaze Moder shouted back, her voice becoming raspy as her airways burned. “YOU MOCK ME AS YOU STAND THERE GLOATING! OR PERHAPS YOU
For a moment, Opalwan considered heading down the slope to Moeder, as a final act of mercy to his fallen apprentice. But then, he heard a familiar voice in his mind, offering words of warning.
“Delay her for a time, I did, but the Empress arrives, Opalwan. My body, I have lost, but joined the Force, I have. Little time left, there is. Survive you and Akanno must."
Looking down at Modeler’s burning form one last time, Opalwan knew that he had to let go one last time.
Terrible as her injuries were, Moeder would almost certainly die a horrible death, alone, upon the shore in a short time. But by any rights, she should have been long past dead already. If she somehow survived, she would undoubtedly return to wreak a terrible vengeance upon the galaxy, and would never stop pursuing him.
But that was out of his hands now. It was entirely up to the will of the Force, inscrutable as it could be.
And it was also the will of the Force that prompted him to call Moeder/A'Nikori’s former lightsaber to his hand. He did not understand why in that moment, but he somehow sensed that it was important that he do so.
With that, he turned, and headed to rescue Akkano before the Empress could arrive.
But Opalwan did not cross paths with the Empress, even as she made her own way down to the shore with all possible haste.
“Your Majesty!” a clone trooper called out.
“She’s still alive!” the Empress said, letting out a breath she hadn’t known she had been holding. “Bring the medical capsule, immediately!"
She bent down over Darth Moeder’s scorched form, examining it, and willing her daughter to live. Not out of any maternal instincts, of course. The damage was extensive, far too extensive in fact for Darth Moeder to serve as a suitable vessel for her powers now. But Moeder could be repurposed, and reconstructed into a most terrifying enforcer, if she could just survive for a while longer... Extensive cybernetics would no doubt be needed to replace those portions of her body that were now beyond repair, and those would in some ways blunt Moeder’s connection to the Force... but in other ways, the torment of her condition would nourish her growth in the Dark Side anew...
“You, as always, are mine, my daughter...” Eerabik said, stroking Moeder’s charred feathers in a twisted mockery of maternal affection.
Coruscant, Newly Renamed Empress Eerabik Surgical Reconstruction Center
Darth Vidia personally oversaw every step of the process. Charred flesh that was beyond use was excised. Cybernetic implants were installed and hardwired into Lady Moeder’s nervous system. Her lungs had been ruined, so mechanical pumps would breathe for her from now on...And all of it would be encased in a magnificent suit, designed to showcase the power and terror of the Sith.
Even in her daughter’s ruined state, the suit at least was
glorious, protecting the greatest treasure of the Sith... save for her own power, of course.
And then, the mask that would forevermore serve as Darth Moeder’s fearsome visage to the galaxy, while providing a hermetically sealed environment in which she could survive, descended over her scarred face. Modeled after a plague doctor’s mask of old, it was a sign that all would wither next to the power of the Dark Side.
With a hiss, the mask locked itself into place, and then the reborn Darth Moeder took her first breaths with her new life-support suit.
Yes, this would do, Darth Vidia thought.
“Lady Moeder... can you hear me, daughter?” the Dark Lady of the Sith asked.
“Yes, my Mistress,” Darth Moeder replied, her now artificial voice sounding hollow.
“Then rise, Lady Moeder."
The platform elevated and turned around so that Moeder faced her Empress.
Everything came rushing back to Moeder, even through her new existence that was wracked with pain. She remembered the fight with Opalwan, burning on the shore of the lake of fire, and before that...
“Akkano... my old apprentice.... is she safe... is she alright?” she asked. She remembered hurting her in anger, and in the moment she had even wanted to do it, but now, if there was any chance...
Vidia looked at her reborn apprentice with disgust. Moeder was still clinging to her old Jedi ties? An unacceptable weakness for a Sith. Yet even they could be turned to further her growth in the Dark Side.
“Lady Moeder... it appears that in your anger, you killed her,” Darth Vidia lied. In truth, she hadn’t given Akkano a second thought in her rush to save her apprentice, and knew not if she truly lived or not... though she could not sense her presence, at the moment.
“I... couldn’t have... my apprentice was alive, I felt it! You liar!” Darth Moeder raged.
Unleashing her fury, machinery all around them began to crumple and implode.
But the Empress remained untouched.
For all of her raw power, Moeder suddenly realized that she could no longer touch the Force quite as she had used to. She remembered where it was and how to use it, but it was like she had gone blind, groping in the dark for it, or that she was a deafened composer, struggling to hear the notes that had once formed such a beautiful, clear melody to her.
And in the end, she did not truly want to touch the Empress with her all-destructive powers.
For after she had betrayed everyone else, the Empress was the only one she had left, the only person who could possibly understand her and help her through this all-encompassing pain that was now her life.
But Moeder realized one other thing.
She hadn’t destroyed A’Nikori’s weaknesses when she became Darth Moeder.
They had destroyed her.
And now, she would have to live with the consequences of that.