Elioka was pulled away from the corridor by one of the huntresses, right after the door had finally been unlocked.
For a few minutes, she was barely awake, but, when they took away her helmet to check on her wounds, she spaced in again.
“Let’s move... Where’s.. where’s my..?”
“Commander, you need to rest, you’re in no condition to-”
“Just slap some medigel and give me a stim shot already!”
She was still too stiff to move, and her mind was numb from all the biotic stress accumulated in the fight against the Justicar. A couple of asari were standing over her, scanning and healing her with their omni-tools; the stimulant was zapped into her veins and she dragged herself back up.
Alright, plus side: I can move. Everything hurts again, but whatever.
“Did you take my gun back? That thing’s not cheap.”
Elioka looked around to see how many of the squad had managed to get through. It seemed like only two commandos and four huntresses reached the other side, but only the huntresses were in any condition to fight. The door to the conduit had not been closed yet: one of the huntresses was keeping up a biotic barrier to close the breach, while two others were dragging the wounded, the dead and the equipment from the damaged section and into the safe space.
Elioka felt the room spin around her for a second, but she managed to not fall by leaning on one of her rescuers.
“Get me in contact with the fleet.”
“Yes, ma’am.” One of the huntresses held up her omni-tool, opening a holographic window to Myrayme’s command room.
“Commander!” shouted the Admiral. “We lost contact with you!.. I was fearing that-”
Elioka pressed a hand on her forehead, trying to lessen the pain. She could hear some gunfire echoing in the room, but it appeared to be far enough for the time being not to be an immediate reason for concern.
“We were blocked in the conduit and had to waste a Justicar.”
“I imagined there had been something like that. When our sensors picked up the breach in the conduit, I ordered the transport to go offer support.”
“Yeah, much appreciated. That tipped the odds.”
Myrayme nodded and lowered her gaze, flattered by the compliment.
“By the way, did the transport made it?” asked Elioka.
“Afraid not, Commander. It crashed on one of the asteroids after losing control.”
Elioka sighed. “S**t, well, we’ll just be going forward then. Not really a problem at this point.”
“How many troops do you have left?”
Elioka gave herself a look around. “Not many at the moment, but I bet there’s still some huntresses kicking, back in the conduit. We just need to unlock the doors... Speaking of which...” she hinted with her head at one of her caretakers to move to the nearest control panel, and painfully raised her own arm to activate her own omni-tool and move the connection with Myrayme to her own device.
“Commander,” the Admiral gave her a concerned look. “are you certain you want to proceed further? The orbital attack is proceeding on schedule with minimal losses, five of our ships are still fully operational, we can pick you up and finish t-”
“Not a chance, Ray. I just took on foot a f**king Justicar, nothing’s gonna top that. Plus, I have one last thing to try out before we can even
start to talk about quitting. Just keep the pressure, we’ll be fine.”
Elioka closed the channel, not waiting for an answer, and limped towards the control panel and the other huntress. “What’s the status here?”
“Safety removed, ma’am. We can open the other doors.”
“Good, let’s see how many are left. Can you access any communication channel of the base from here?”
“I can try...”
“Get to it, as maximized a scope as you can manage, I want to send a message to every loyalist in range.”
Elioka tried to straighten herself up and moved away from the control panel, waiting for the huntress to hack the panel and rehearsing her speech in her mind, and checking of the other survivors of her squad.
“I’ve managed to get us some clout, Commander.” Finally said the huntress. “Don’t know if it’ll be enough to reach every omni-tool in the base...”
“Whatever, we take what we can get, just...” Elioka interrupted herself when the door to the conduit opened, and looked at the other huntresses coming out of it. Luckily, most of them seemed still in conditions to fight.
The floor quaked again, shaken by the bombardment; Elioka closed her eyes and widened her legs to keep her balance; she also instinctively tried to help herself by focusing on a small dark energy field around her feet, but it only resulted in a fit of pain crossing through her brain.
F**king Goddess... Fine, no more biotics for today.
“Yeah... yeah, I’m fine. Start broadcasting.”
Hopefully nobody starts shooting us in the middle of this. That’d be pretty f**king embarrassing, to be sure...
She waited for the huntress to give her the signal and looked towards her omni-tool.
“This is Commander T’lakai, you might remember me from that time I was kicking your a**es out of Mothership Larelei. This is going to be my first and final warning, so, you know, actually listen or something... Your sorry excuse of a fleet has turned sideways and left a trail of hyper-s**t on its way out of the system, your AA defenses are in the process of being totally overwhelmed, and I’ve just spaced your last Justicar straight into the sun. ...This Unforgotten s**t is
done. You are
done. I could’ve have ordered to just carpet-bomb this crappy junkyard of yours and be done with it without even getting off my a**. I’m not saying you should be grateful or anything, but.. nah, kinda, actually, yes, I do. ...I don’t know what lies your leaders have been telling you all this time... I’m guessing the rumor about me being indoctrinated is still going strong? This coming from the people who actually
didn’t want to fight the Reapers, psh-whatever... Anyway, this is how it’s going to go down: those who surrender now get a free out-of-jail card and a lift straight back to Neoilium, where you’ll get to see how peachy and smoothly things are
really going on back at Mothership; those who
don’t surrender, you get a fifty-fifty chance of either winning a bullet to the face or a one way trip to one of our processing facilities. You choose. And for the Matrons still listening, which I’m guessing are Skirata and Meyra? Unless I’ve been totally wrong in assuming Ajunra was the unrepentant, spineless scum dumping you at the first sign of real trouble?.. Think of it this way: these Maidens are entrusting you to make the right choice. If you tell them to not listen to me, chances are, lots of them are going to have their life screwed. In the permanent sort of way. ...Why you even fighting anymore? You lost whatever high ground you claimed to have the moment your girls opened fire on defenseless civilians, back on Crimdor. ...We don’t need any of you to keep doing our thing up in Neoilium, I’m just giving you the chance to join in before it’s too late. You’ve got time until I boot my way to the main control room. Which is gonna happen momentarily either way.”
Elioka nodded to the huntress, making her stop broadcasting the message, and leaned forward, giving out a long breath. One of the huntresses came to her side, bringing the shotgun recovered from the conduit; Elioka took the weapon from her and straightened up, signaling the rest of the squad.
“Break’s over, b***hes. This space station is not gonna conquer itself.”
“Yes, ma’am!"
“F**king Goddess on a f**king s**t-stained stripper pole...” Elioka sighed, massaging her forehead while holding it with both hands, resting with her elbows on the holographic table at the center of the command room of the Unforgotten base. “...f**king humped by a pack of f**king vorcha.. riding matronf**king jackhammers.. over a toxic world.. going into a f**king black hole...”
The hiss of the doors opening echoed through her skull, followed by the booming sound of Myrayme’s steps as the Admiral walked towards her.
“Yeah, yeah, give me a sec...” Elioka leaned back on the chair, passing her hands over the face and looking at the ceiling.
“Are.. are you alright?” the Admiral cautiously walked to her side, examining her.
f**k do you
“Sorry, ma’am.”
“Painkillers timed out, I’ve got a f**king sword through my f**king
“Maybe you could take a break? I can handle the rest of the mission, I assure you.”
“No, no...” Elioka breathed in and, gathering her strength, she pushed herself away from the table and back on her feet. “...I’ll just have to lay down on biotics for the rest of the month, that’s all. First let’s wrap this up.”
She typed on the omni-interface on the table, calling up a few holograms of the Unforgotten base, of Neoilium and of the nearby solar systems.
“So, where are we standing..?”
“All sections of the base are secured and accounted for, Commander.”
After her speech, there had been a few cells of deserters trying to contact the Blood Moons fleet in order to surrender themselves; Elioka’s squad just had to fight through a few guard posts before the Matrons in charge of the base decided to order the remaining forces to stand down entirely as well, allowing the invading forces to secure the central command. With the main area secured, the few stubborn Unforgotten left were easily isolated and neutralized.
“I.. I wanted to...” Myrayme nibbled at her lip. “...I wanted to apologize for questioning your strategy, ma’am. The combined attack on the ground allowed us to take this base with minimal casualties on both sides.”
“We did lose a whole frigging corvette...” Elioka leaned again on her table, propping herself up on it with her hands. “...that’s kinda a lot.”
“Yes, but- but we did manage to evacuate nearly half of the crew in time. Saving every ship would have been difficult regardless of the strategy, Commander.”
“S**t, Ray,” snorted Elioka. “You’re a Blood Moon high officer, and we’ve fought together. You might as well call me Elio at this point. Not like we’re ever gonna get more intimate than this...”
“Yes.. Elio.” Myrayme lowered her eyes. “Sorry.”
Elioka took a few seconds to reorder her thoughts. The huntresses and commandos working around them in the room, analyzing archives and reordering materials, were trying to be as quiet as possible, but, in her current conditions, Elioka could feel every little noise as a grating screech into her brain.
Guess that’s that hangover s**t humans talked about is...
“Back to business. I want all the ex-Unforgotten brought to Neoilium, like, right
now. Have them handled by Lani, she knows how to squeeze all the PR goodies coming from me not killing off their a**es out of them.”
“That’s the first thing. Second thing: everything in here needs to go. Peem should have a salvage team at the ready, call them here, have them clean up everything-
f**king everything, are we clear?- and whatever cannot be or is not worth taking away, you blast it off the map.”
“I.. thought we could repurpose this base for our own needs, actually, Commander.”
“Nah, we’re not doing that. Too risky. The time and money we can spend fixing this piece of junk we could use for way better things.”
“Yes, that could be.”
Elioka stepped away from the table and sat back on her chair, closing her eyes.
“C- Elio,” called her Myrayme after a while. “What about the escaped ships? We’ve confirmed Matron Ajunra Raria is not here, so she must have been leading one of them.”
“Right, forgot about that.” Elioka gave herself a thud on the head with her fist. “Stupid brain stopping to f**king work before time... Anyway... what was their last confirmed position?”
Myrayme moved closer to the table, typing on the interface to move and resize one of the holographic maps.
“They were moving up again, probably through the far route we’ve seen them use before, getting up to Rimmock, then making a turn from above Jhurope.”
“So, to Crimdor again?”
“It’s a possibility.”
“Fine.” Elioka tiringly passed one hand over her head and sighed. “So.. we can cut by going directly through Elempar, right?”
“Then. We just go through it.”
“I’ll depart as soon as we’ve embarked all of our prisoners and civilians, Commander. We can drop them on the run, when we pass over Neoilium.”
“Then let’s get to it.”
“Yes, ma’am. But.. but, Elio, I think you should really go to rest now. That is, dropping off to Neoilium as well.”
Elioka rolled her eyes, but she was too tired even to respond, giving room for Myrayme to continue to make her case.
“Even if we engage Raria, it’s likely going to be only a space battle anyway. Three damaged ships with demoralized crews will be child’s play. You can just tell me what terms to give if they’re willing to surrender, I think, and I’ll be good.”
Elioka turned up her nose, giving the Admiral an annoyed look; then, she held up her hand with index and thumb stretched out, pointed at the Matron’s probable position on the map and mimicked a gunshot.
Myrayme uncomfortably cleared her throat and nodded. “I see. I just thought, after what you did today...”
Elioka slowly shook her head and finally managed to cobble together another few words.
“Not the Raria b***h. She’s got to go down no matter what.”