If you have made a Sub Mod please drop me a PM and we will be happy to include it in this list
-Spoiler Remover: If you want to avoid certain A Dance with Dragons spoilers in pre-AFFC scenarios install this sub-mod
-R+L=J: SPOILER ALERT. If you don't know what the title of this submod means, you don't want to download it. - Made By Knuckey
-Total interface conversion: A Total Conversion for the Interface - Made By Kerfank - Found on our citadel forum
-Titular Kingdoms: This modification adds titular kingdom titles to every duchy in the AGOT mod for CK2. Made by Starkweather and Talias - Found on our citadel forum
-Visit A Brothal: decisons for allowing anyone who is not Incapable and above the age of 14 to visit a brothel, Made by Dreakonic - Found on our citadel forum
-No crown Authority: A simple submod that fully removes crown authority and everything that relates to it made by Talias - Found on our citadel forum
-A Clash of Kings: a submod with some improvements in Clash of Kings scenario, Made by kuczaja - Found on our citadel forum
-Age Customizer: a mini-mod that allow you to edit a character's age in the ruler designer, Made by Skefrep
-Armours and Weapons: Use decisions to buy or sell armours and weapons, Made by Shyro - Found on our citadel forum
-World and Violence: focuses on making the world of Westeros more gritty. Made by Spottedpate - Found on our citadel forum
-SuperTechmarine's Building Overhaul: This submod (inspired by Lux Invicta) aims to make building a much more essential part of gameplay. Buildings are organized into an organization akin to a spiderweb. Gone are the simple building trees of vanilla! Made by SuperTechmarine - Found on our citadel forum
-Baelish Mockingbird: a small mod which simply changes Baelish's sigil to the Mockingbird. Made by blackninja9939 - Found on our citadel forum
-Westeros Only : a mod which removes all characters and titles from Essos. Made by knuckey
-AGOT improved performance : Made by Lexo
-Spoiler Remover: If you want to avoid certain A Dance with Dragons spoilers in pre-AFFC scenarios install this sub-mod
-R+L=J: SPOILER ALERT. If you don't know what the title of this submod means, you don't want to download it. - Made By Knuckey
-Total interface conversion: A Total Conversion for the Interface - Made By Kerfank - Found on our citadel forum
-Titular Kingdoms: This modification adds titular kingdom titles to every duchy in the AGOT mod for CK2. Made by Starkweather and Talias - Found on our citadel forum
-Visit A Brothal: decisons for allowing anyone who is not Incapable and above the age of 14 to visit a brothel, Made by Dreakonic - Found on our citadel forum
-No crown Authority: A simple submod that fully removes crown authority and everything that relates to it made by Talias - Found on our citadel forum
-A Clash of Kings: a submod with some improvements in Clash of Kings scenario, Made by kuczaja - Found on our citadel forum
-Age Customizer: a mini-mod that allow you to edit a character's age in the ruler designer, Made by Skefrep
-Armours and Weapons: Use decisions to buy or sell armours and weapons, Made by Shyro - Found on our citadel forum
-World and Violence: focuses on making the world of Westeros more gritty. Made by Spottedpate - Found on our citadel forum
-SuperTechmarine's Building Overhaul: This submod (inspired by Lux Invicta) aims to make building a much more essential part of gameplay. Buildings are organized into an organization akin to a spiderweb. Gone are the simple building trees of vanilla! Made by SuperTechmarine - Found on our citadel forum
-Baelish Mockingbird: a small mod which simply changes Baelish's sigil to the Mockingbird. Made by blackninja9939 - Found on our citadel forum
-Westeros Only : a mod which removes all characters and titles from Essos. Made by knuckey
-AGOT improved performance : Made by Lexo
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