I had some spare time and decided to add in as many provinces as I could (I'll explain what I mean by this shortly) that were missing from the mod due to it being outdated and all. This includes all of the Indian provinces, some provinces in Iraq, Persia and Thrace, and a couple of sea tiles and rivers that were missing/not present.
Now then, I would like to apologise in advance if any provinces on the map appear to have incorrect unit/building placements as for some unknown reason I could not get the nudge button to appear despite enabling it in settings.txt.
As for my explanation for my first sentence, what I mean by this is that some rivers/lakes have not been added due to the original mod developer not including them on the relevant map files and I would rather leave them out than attempt to draw random lines to where I think they would be on the map. I do not think that the exclusion of these lakes and rivers will dramatically alter gameplay but I could be wrong (file of missing provinces will be attached).
Anyway, the files are at the bottom and will include the provinces file, an extra copy of the .txt file of what provinces are missing, and a backup folder of the unedited map inside the zip archive just unzip it to the Gaea mod folder.