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Second Lieutenant
115 Badges
May 28, 2011
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I've noticed that the vanilla GoT mod doesn't have cultural conversion events and I wanted to add it with a touch of GoT flavor. Again this is a work in progress for now but here's the ideas for features:

+ ~300 years for cultural conversion events to kick in
+ ~400 years for branches of Dornish cultures to change to a different branch of Dornish
+ ~500 years for High Valyrian culture

+ increased chance for local culture to convert the landed lord with an exception event for the Targaryan's
+ people of the different culture groups will become upset (revolt risk will increase in provinces still remaining part of the opposite culture group) much like the conversion of religions event
+ landed lords of the converted culture group will get a casus belli on territories that remain part of their culture group
+ vassals of the converted culture group will have the option of converting as well, if they refuse to convert they get a negative opinion modifier
+ possibly having a decision that would allow a character to decide to intensify cultural conversion

+ ~150 years for cultural conversion event to kick in if a province is part the de-jure kingdom with a different primary culture group ex: the de-jure lands of Andalos

Please let me know how you guys feel about this and if you have any suggestions comments.

DISCLAIMER: I'm half-way through reading Feast for Crows so please no Dance of Dragons spoilers :p

UPDATE: I've done some coding and have some of the basic principles down. Please let me know if you encounter any bugs/issues. The stuff in green has been implemented with some caveats and the stuff in yellow are partially implemented while things in red are planned but not yet implemented. I also made it impossible for a province to convert to impossible cultures. Without further adou here are the files:

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I would also add it that it is almost impossible to convert Northern provinces to other (especially southern) cultures. I would also add that related cultures (eg Northmen and Former Southrons) have little to no convertion chance.
+ people of the different culture groups will become upset (revolt risk will increase in provinces still remaining part of the opposite culture group) much like the conversion of religions event
I wouldn't really add that change. It basically gives you realm unrest after something you have little to no effect on happens.
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I wouldn't let provinces convert to High Valyrian as that will cause you lots of high valyrian courtiers to be spawned then instantly be culled, also logic wise it makes no sense as the culture of a province represents its dominant culture and there are not enough high valyrians to populate an entire province
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What about when you colonize a place? Would your culture/religion be the dominant one for the county?
UPDATE: So I've written two events, one to bring in settlers and one to change the culture over time. I'm currently working on the modifiers for these events based on culture, opinion modifiers, increased revolt risk, and casus belli. Took me a while to figure out what was going on my my localisation files but I have it working now. Thanks for the support guys!

I would also add it that it is almost impossible to convert Northern provinces to other (especially southern) cultures. I would also add that related cultures (eg Northmen and Former Southrons) have little to no convertion chance.

I'll add a modifier that will make it harder to convert but nothing too extreme.

I wouldn't really add that change. It basically gives you realm unrest after something you have little to no effect on happens.

I think it's reasonable. I won't make the revolt risk stackable and it will only apply to members of the same culture group.

I wouldn't let provinces convert to High Valyrian as that will cause you lots of high valyrian courtiers to be spawned then instantly be culled, also logic wise it makes no sense as the culture of a province represents its dominant culture and there are not enough high valyrians to populate an entire province

Perhaps I'll include an option to prevent High Valyrian settlement but culturally being High Valyrian doesn't mean that they're ethnically High Valyrian. In other words people in the province adopt the beliefs and practices of High Valyrian.

What about when you colonize a place? Would your culture/religion be the dominant one for the county?

Yes it would. That's actually one of the main reasons I pursued this mod. I found it odd that your people wouldn't be the primary culture in a province you've been colonizing. Though the latest version of AGOT I've had trouble initializing colonization.
  • 4
Wonderful ^^
Waiting for it a lot. Here a consideration - how would it work with ai? Modifiers probably need testing by observing the game for some 50 years on fastest speed.
Wonderful ^^
Waiting for it a lot. Here a consideration - how would it work with ai? Modifiers probably need testing by observing the game for some 50 years on fastest speed.

Definitely a major consideration. I figure that the AI's MTTH (Mean Time to Happen) will be the same and modifiers would depend on stewardship skill (just as in vanilla ck2), religion (similar to EUIV), ruler culture, de jure kingdoms, culture groups, and the decision to intensify cultural assimilation (Which will increase revolt risk but also drastically lower the time to assimilate across the board).

The AI will rarely take the decision to intensify cultural assimilation and I'm thinking of maybe adding a decision to "preserve local cultures" that would drastically lower assimilation across the board but would actually lower the "different culture" group and "foreigner" penalty to a net of 2% and -5 respectively. I also definitely plan to include an option for a ruler and the targaryan's in particular to switch back to their original culture if they are assimilated by the province culture. In the case of the Targaryans it would be an option for all Targaryan rulers and courtiers but would only be available to the children and grandchildren of a ruler who was assimilated.
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you could Since the High Valyrians are essentially in only two places when you colonize a place as any valyrian subculture group you could just have it be a plain ond valyrian. essentially "watered down" High valyrians. the people used to settle an area have valyrian blood just not "high valyrian" nobles.
you could Since the High Valyrians are essentially in only two places when you colonize a place as any valyrian subculture group you could just have it be a plain ond valyrian. essentially "watered down" High valyrians. the people used to settle an area have valyrian blood just not "high valyrian" nobles.

Hmm, that may be more difficult because I'd have to actually create a plain Valyrian sub-culture group. I guess the best way to describe it is like Europe: Catalan, Castillian, and Portuguese are all part of the Iberian culture group. Yet there's no specific culture called "Iberian" you could make one but that goes into modding another area of the game that may make it more incompatible. My man goal for now is to make the submod very compatible so there's little chance of it breaking in the foreseeable future.
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Hmm, that may be more difficult because I'd have to actually create a plain Valyrian sub-culture group. I guess the best way to describe it is like Europe: Catalan, Castillian, and Portuguese are all part of the Iberian culture group. Yet there's no specific culture called "Iberian" you could make one but that goes into modding another area of the game that may make it more incompatible. My man goal for now is to make the submod very compatible so there's little chance of it breaking in the foreseeable future.

There actually is a culture that is just plain old "Valyrian" they have all the Valyrian traits as well. Two Lords in Volantis are Valyrian. Qhaedar and another house sorry i cant think of the name at the moment.