Well, that plague was a disaster. What disorder is afflicting Rome, the Ptolemies, and Aorsia?
Where did the plague originate from? Does anyone even know?
How did Persia emerge from Aorsia's remnants?
Will Erigyios I try to negotiate with Hipparchos's allies, or is it just going to be Taurica against all of Anatolia?
The epidemic reached the Empire with soldiers from the Middle East campaign; how the disease reached the Middle East no one knows.
Taurica lost some influence, but it could have been much worse. Erigyios I's reforms should also ensure that no one will be more loyal to generals than to the monarch. That should make civil wars harder.
The Crisis of the Third Century is over in Taurica, but the rest of the world might still suffer from it. I'm amused that Gallic and Palmyrene Empires formed in this universe, despite the massive divergence from our history.
Who rules Palmyra?
Palmyra is ruled by Thadday I Rabai'i, of the Arabic Quedarte culture.
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