Full AAR list (with AwAARds!) is at my
Inkwell. A few of my current highlights:
I have a mildly interactive CK3 AAR as the 1066 Karlings
here (updates Wednesdays and Sundays).
I have another megacampaign AAR (this one as Epirus). It features culture as well as politics! Part 1 is
here (updates Sundays)
I have a Stellaris AAR
here, featuring Space Byzantines, Space Finns, Space Vikings, Ragnarok, and the Worm (updates Fridays)
I have a poetic AAR about the end of an empire
here (updates bidaily)
I review AARs over at my
Review Corner now (reviews every Monday)
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Tempus et mort vincent omnia - Time and death conquer all