69 AC (6th-12th Moon)
The final months of the year 69 AC saw the continuation of the conflict between the Starks and the Tullys, as Eddard Stark, Warden of the North marched with some 15,000 men to meet a Tully host of some 12,000 men upon the plains of Whitford, and drive them out of the North so that he might counterattack south and siege the Twins, a plan made much more feasible as the dragon Moondancer was still heavily wounded by poisoned arrows loosed by the Crannogmen and unable to fly.
The battle of Whitford was not, as many claim, a single battle but rather a series of engagements over several days leading up to the final decisive clash on the boggy marshland just north of the burned fortifications at Moat Cailin, and in fact by the time of the final battle, the engagement had long since moved from the confines of the region of Whitford.
The Northmen had the better of the fighting on the first few days, winning several minor engagements and forcing the Tullys to retreat south towards Moat Caillin, however as the ground began more marshy and soft, further retreat with an army of pursuing Northmen began untenable, forcing the Tullys to make their stand, leading to one of the bloodiest days of fighting the realm had seen since the Lion's Rebellion in King Vaemonds reign, rivaled only perhaps by the conflicts in the Dornish Marches between the Tyrells and Baratheons.
As in the previous days, the ferocity of the Northmen began to win them an edge in the fighting, and the battle seemed to be going well, but victory would come at a cost.
Eddard Stark had survived the flames of the dragon Moondancer months earlier mere miles from the spot he fought on that fateful day, but he would not survive the Battle of Whitford.
The Warden of the North was leading a charge of his heavy infantry on foot against a shield wall led by Lord Adam Bracken when he met his fate. The two sides came together in a clash of shields and spears upon the boggy and uneven ground north of Moat Caillin.
In the midst of the fighting, the man who had designs of becoming King in the North and winning his peoples independence would see his dreams fade away as well as his lifeblood as a sword wielded by a man-at-arms of House Paege would pierce his gorget and his throat in the fierce melee just moments before the Tullys sounded the call for a general retreat if the tales can be believed.
The Warden of the North would not be the only man to fall that day….well over four thousand northmen and riverlanders would lay dead and heavily wounded as a result of the several days of engagements, with most falling on the marshlands near Moat Caillin.
The consequences of the battle would be significant. Following the death of Lord Eddard, the North would fall to his daughter Mariah, an infant who, just a few months old, would be named Wardeness of the North. The northern lords may have been willing to follow the lead of Lord Eddard but they would not follow an infant, and just days after the battle, a peace with the Riverlands would be brokered, with the North paying a tribute of gold and silver to end the war.
The consequences of this battle were seen not just in the North but far to the south as well, with the Princess Alyssane losing by far her most powerful ally, a massive blow to her hopes to depose her older sister. Information on the actions of both Alyssane and Vaekar become much scarcer following this event, with records suggesting they, along with Laena were content to lay low for a time following the death of Eddard Stark and the debacle at Blackbridge, an uneasy peace ensuing between the siblings for a time.
A calm would fall over the realm in the wake of this battle, and little else of note happened in the final months of 69 AC except a raven from Sunspear arriving in Kings Landing informing the royal family that the Princess Larrisa was expecting her first child with the young Blaise Martell just months into her marriage.
70 AC
The first event of note in the year 70 AC did not occur in Westeros, but rather in far flung Mantarys, thousands of miles away from the epicenter of our story, but nonetheless important.
As the records show, prior to the year 70 AC the city of Mantarys was rapidly growing in influence and power, in large part due to the fact that the city had two dragons under its control, Meraxes, the largest dragon in the world had bonded with the sovereign of Mantarys Lady Rebagyr, while the white and gold dragon Aelesar had bonded with a Valyrian woman of impressive height, who had sworn her loyalty and dragon to the lady Rebagyr.
These two dragons were a great boon for Mantarys, which saw the resumption of tribute and gifts from Slaver's Bay, Tolos, and Elyaria as it had been in the days of Lord Zobridar years prior, also thanks to the presence of Meraxes.
This great influence was not to last however, as Trianira, rider of the dragon Aelesar would be found in bed one morning, her body covered in stab wounds and the dragon egg from Aelesar she kept in her chambers missing. Following this untimely death, Aelesar would fly off once more and Lady Regabyr would soon follow of natural causes, with Meraxes also being lost.
Trianiras' killer or killers would never be found, but some have theorized that Queen Laena may have been involved, stating that it was entirely possible the Queen of Skulls' web of informants, hired knives and influence stretched all the way to Mantarys. Upon news of the dragon rider's death and Aelesars flight away from Mantarys, it is said that the Queen remarked that ‘’There shall be no second coming of Valyria.’’
Lending further credence to this theory are the records of the dragon keepers in King's Landing, which report the acquisition of a new egg just months after Trianiras murder, and unlike other hatchings, no record was made as to which of the Targaryen dragons had lain the egg. If this dragon egg was in fact stolen from Lady Trianira’s chambers in Mantarys and brought back to King's Landing, it must be said no small amount of tragedy would stem from this acquisition, and it would cause the Targaryen family much more grief than it would happiness.
70 AC would also see more word from Sunspear, as the Princess Larrisa would announce the birth of her first child, Rhodry Martell.
Just as the gods give, they also take away however, which House Martell would learn all too well. Just three months following the child's birth, Blaise Martell, Larrissas husband, would journey towards the Princes Pass to visit his uncle Lord Lyonel Fowler.
While traversing the mountain roads of Yronwood however, the young Prince's horse would stumble from the road and tumble down off of a cliff face, sending both the horse and the Prince into a cold mountain river.
The Prince's retainers would pull the young man from the water, but not before he had swallowed nearly half the river barely conscious when they fished him out and hastily rode towards the castle of Yronwood.
Despite the best efforts of the castle's Maester, the Prince would catch a cold, comatose except for the wheezing hacking coughs that racked his body, and he would die the following day, leaving Dorne in the hands of his infant son Rhodry, and leaving Larrisa a widow after just a year of marriage.
The Prince's untimely death left the realm in a most unusual state, though one quite advantageous from the crown. Four of the realms seven Kingdoms were held by children, Terrance Lannister was just 13 years old, Ellard Tyrell was just six years old, and Mariah Stark and Rhodry Martell were just babes, with Rhodry being the Queen's own grandson.
That is not to say the lords of the realm posed no threat to the crown, the loyalty of Highgarden and Dragonstone were of course nonexistent, and the ending months of the year brought whispers of a new threat to the court of King's Landing.
A large gathering of lords and captains had occurred in Pyke on the Iron Islands in 70 AC, and the mood there was clear….independence should be sought, with many lords and reavers pledging their ships and men to Lord Oswin Greyjoy in the event that he should raise his banners.
While in the end nothing would come of this, the threat of Ironborn rebellion would remain high for several years, and the Queen herself would be aware of it, allowing her generals and commanders to draw up preemptive battle plans in the event it came to war. While the Iron Islands as a whole would not in the end rise up against the Iron Throne, many Ironborn with ambitions of creating an independent state for their raiders would look to achieve this ambition through conquest and force of arms, eventually bringing them into conflict with the Iron Throne itself, though this is a tale for later in the chronicle.
71 AC
The beginning of the year 71 AC would see further instability far to the North, but this time involving the brothers of the Night's Watch and their bitter enemies the wildlings, the people that dwell north of the wall.
The lands beyond the wall had been united by a figure known to the histories as Ice Snake Srizbak, who was named King Beyond the Wall.
The King Beyond the Wall assembled a powerful host numbering almost six thousand men, with the intent of marching on the castle of Greenguard, located just west of Eastwatch by the Sea
The sworn brothers of the Nights Watch were waiting for them.
Lord Commander Donnel Flint had no intention of letting these ‘’savage whoresons’’ as he called them advance on the wall, and have it written that under his command he allowed the wall to be assaulted.
Taking a strong force of sworn brothers the Lord Commander sallied out from East Watch by the Sea, taking position on a forested hill which the wildlings call the first hill in the forests just west of Hardhome.
Lord Commander Flint and his men waited for the King Beyond the Wall and his ramshackle host to approach before descending upon them.
Nearly 1100 mounted rangers and 250 knights thundered down the hill towards the wildling host, led by the clawman ranger Ser Jarman Hardy, Ser Lucien Paege, ‘’The Bastard of Castle Black’’ and the Lord Commander himself, with their infantry not far behind.
It is a known fact that a wildling army cannot stand against a charge of heavy horse, and this was proven once again at the battle of the First Hill, where the wildlings, having just 200 mounted warriors, most of them lightly armed and armored were rather predictably routed, with the battle quickly becoming a slaughter.
By the battle's end, nearly 3500 wildlings lay dead, heavily wounded or captured, at the cost of just 200 sworn brothers.
Lord Commander Donnel Flint, a kind hearted man in truth, released the wildlings that had been captured rather than putting them to the sword, but with the harsh warning to the survivors that it didn't matter when they marched on the wall next, either in ten years or a hundred ‘’there will be some Flint or another waiting for you.’’
The Queen Laena had never had much interaction with the Night's Watch, and was quite frankly disinterested in their affairs, believing their constant requests for gold, supplies and weapons were foolish expenses, but her daughter was of another mind, never possessing the miserly nature of her mother.
The Princess Lianna praised the bravery of the Black Brothers in front of the court, and feasted several visiting Nights Watchmen beside her in places of honor, granting them as much coin and supplies that were within her power. Though the tale of the sworn brothers atop the first hill would spread throughout the realm for several months, in the end, like all the exploits of those forgotten protectors, it would soon be forgotten and the Nights Watch would once again drift to the periphery of the realms consciousness.
The year 71 AC would also see yet another departure as the Princess Daeoril, youngest daughter of the Queen Laena would set off to Storm's End to take her cousin Boros II of the House Baratheon to husband.
5th Moon, 8071
The Kings Gate, Kings Landing
The Queen sat in her palanquin as she was borne through the streets of the city, the first time she had left the comfort of the Red Keep in nearly two years, the last time had been to similarly see off her daughters Lianna, Jaehera and Larissa on their journey to Sunspear.
She had kept the curtains open so that she might watch her daughters, Lianna, Vaella, Jaehara and Daeoril all mounted and riding together along with their father Jaekar, chatting happily, the Queen had of course been invited to join them but she had not sat a horse since she had been a young woman and much preferred the comfort of a litter.
The sight of her daughters conversing happily both warmed her heart and caused a wave of sadness to fall over her…..another one of her daughters was leaving the Red Keep, and her youngest child at that.
It had been hard to see Larissa depart for Sunspear of course, but deep down Laena had never been all that close with her daughter, hard as it was for a mother to admit, she had practically been raised by her older sister Lianna, always following her around and accompanying her sister on various progresses and meetings around the realm, leaving little time for bonding between the two.
While she had never spent much time with Larissa, she had spent many long hours with Daeoril, her youngest girl. She had always been a quiet child, even as a babe on Dragonstone she had hardly cried. Her youngest daughter had never been far from her since then, always knitting or working on some stitching in the corner while Laena plotted and schemed, serving as a silent yet constant reminder to the Queen as to why she did the things she did…for her daughters.
The Palanquin came to a halt, and Laena surmised they must have arrived at the Kings Gate, where Daeoril was to depart for Storms End with half a hundred mounted dragon cloaks, personal servants and Ser Vahelion Celtigar of the Kingsguard. Lianna had wanted to accompany her younger sister as she had Larissa, but Laena had forbade it….soon Daeoril would be joined with Boros Baratheon in marriage, giving her a certain amount of protection, but Lianna would have no such safety, and if she entered Storms End then Laena would not put it past her sister Cymella to try something, and what's more Lianna was expecting another child.
Surprisingly her daughter had not offered much resistance when Laena pointed out that if she entered Storms End she would be putting both herself and her unborn child in danger, agreeing to stay in the capitol. Laena for one was quite glad that her daughter was at last beginning to understand that threats were everywhere, and not all would hold to the same ideals of justice and honesty such as herself.
The Queen pushed these thoughts out of her mind, her full attention needed to be devoted to her daughter,not only because of the fact it was impossible to know when she might see her again, but also to make certain things clear to her daughter about the situation she was entering and what was expected of her.
She exited the litter, feeling a heavy breeze, despite the crystal clear skies and the bright rays of sun, it was a rather chilly and windy day.
She watched as Jaekar embraced their daughter, kissing her on the cheek before pulling away, he had always been a good and doting father to their daughters, and that was something she would always appreciate about him, even if she did not love him and sometimes believed some of her daughters soft natures stemmed from his kindness.
Each of her daughters said farewell to Daeoril in turn, first Lianna who imparted some final wisdom about the notable Storm Lords she would need to know as the Lady of Storm's End, then tearful Jaehara, and finally Vaella who gifted her with a fine jeweled dagger, before they all withdrew to give the Queen and her daughter some privacy.
‘’Walk with me.’’ Laena commanded and she and her daughter made their way up the steps of the Kings Gate to the city ramparts, by the end of it her legs aching with exertion, but the effort was made worth it of the few of the surrounding Crownlands and the waters of Blackwater Bay.
They took in the sight in silence for a moment, Daeoril taking her mothers hand.
It was the Queen who spoke first ‘’You will find little in the ways of a warm welcome at Storm's End I fear….and your cousin Boros will be predisposed to disliking you from the very start, his bitch mother will have been poisoning him against you for years….but you must make him yours, and turn him away from his mother…always counsel loyalty to the throne.’’
Daeoril hesitated for a moment ‘’Mother I…..I do not know how…I barely know him, he has known his mother for his entire life.’’
‘’But you do my daughter….it is said the boy is lazy, as is my own sister….you have always been a hard worker…he will come to rely on you to handle important matters so long as he is left to feast and hunt…you will become indispensable to him..my sister will not have a strong hold on the court either, as I said she will likely have left the governance of Storms End to others in her regency, and she has taken an unlanded common hedge knight as her consort,breaking courtly procedure and spurning many of the Storm Lords in the process….it will not take long for the court to become yours….Lord Baratheon may sit the throne…but it will be you that truly rules the Stormlands.’’ Laena said before pausing.
‘’Besides…..you have learned from the very best.’’ Laena said, the smallest hint of a smile on her face.
Her daughter looked up, her small hatchling Flameweaver perched upon her shoulder also looking at the Queen with interest.
‘’Come now Daeoril….I know you were not mindlessly sitting and sowing for hours at a time with that needle of yours in my chambers….you were listening….perhaps the only one of my daughters to truly listen to my lessons…you understand the way the world works…and how to make it work for you.’’
Daeoril was silent at that, giving a small nod, confirming her mothers theory.
‘’When you arrive in Storms End….a cloak of yellow and black will be draped upon your shoulders and they will name you Baratheon…but remember in your heart daughter that you are a Targaryen…the blood of the dragon runs through your veins….never forget that.’’ Laena said, lightly running her hands through her daughter's beautiful curls, which were blowing in the wind.
The Queen and her youngest daughter stood together on the ramparts of the Kings Gate for a long time, taking in the view and eachothers company before at last the Princess departed to Storm's End.
71 AC (6th Moon-12th Moon) - 72 AC
In the months following the Princess Daeorils departure for the Stormlands little of note happened, with the uneasy truce between the Queen and her siblings still holding, and we have no further recorded attempts on the Prince Vaekars life during this time period, or any reports on the Prince himself for that matter. Following the attempt at Blackbridge, Dragonstone became extremely isolated, with the Prince closing the port to prevent any visitors and traders from entering the island and mounted near constant naval patrols of the water surrounding the island.
The end of the year did see one significant arrival, or rather return to the Red Keep with the Princess Larissa and her infant son Rhodry arriving by ship in King's Landing from Sunspear for a visit, ostensibly to support her older sister Lianna and be by her side at her pregnancy.
In truth it was the other way around, with the heavily pregnant Lianna supporting and comforting her younger sister. The death of her young husband Blaise had left her alone in a foreign court in Sunspear, far different than the court of Kings Landing, the food and accents were strange and the people were even stranger and Larissa was clearly shaken by the responsibilities of managing a foreign court as an outsider and being a first time mother to the Heir of Dorne, returning to the capitol far more timid than she had been before she left.
Larissa had been educated in diplomacy and courtly etiquette by her older sister, and while familiar with the basics, she was by no means an expert and quite frankly in over her head.
Lianna spent much of her sisters visit gently counseling and informing her sister about Dorne, its numerous cultures and the differences between the Sandy, Salty and Stone Dornish, its traditions, and the heraldry and histories of houses great and small.
In the end, Princess Lianna suggested her sister might feel more confident in Dorne, if she went to the dragonpit and bonded with a dragon, which would no doubt earn the respect of the Dornish people who saw her as a timid outsider as well as remind herself that she was the blood of the dragon.
It had taken some urging by both her mother and by Vaella, but the Princess had consented in the end and eventually had bonded with the newest arrival to the dragonpit, the pale green dragon Chalfyre over the time period of several weeks.
This claiming was significant as in addition to the loyalty of Dorne by Larissas son Rhodry and all the spears and shields that came along with it, the crown had gained another Dragonrider to its cause, further fortifying the Queen's position against her siblings.
In the early months of 72 AC, Princess Lianna would give birth to a healthy son whom would be given the name Aemorys.
Like his cousin Aenys, the Princelings appearance would be most unusual for a Targaryen, as, while having the typical purple eyes associated with the Targaryens, as he grew older his long hair would be brown in coloration. While this would be seen as somewhat odd, it was not a large scandal as it was commonly agreed the boy simply took after his Waynwood kin, Ronnel Baratheon's mother was a Waynwood after all and they were known for their brown hair.
The time period of the Princesses pregnancy in 72 AC also saw a most curious addition to the Dragonpit of King's Landing as the records of the Dragonkeepers record that Aelesar, the white and gold dragon that had once belonged to Prince Matarys had once again returned to the oversight of the Dragonkeepers, decades after it had fled the city following its riders death.
The last concrete mention of Aelesar comes from Mantaryan sources which claim the dragon fled from the city following the assasination of its rider Trianira, a killing some attribute to the Queen of Skulls. The acquisition, much like that of Chalfyre, is shrouded in mystery. While some theorize the wild dragon was captured by an expedition of dragon keepers to the east and brought back to King's Landing others have a far more sinister theory, that the dragon had taken a new rider, who was invited to the Red Keep and promptly murdered, a theory fitting with the nature of the Queen of Skulls and given credence to by future events. The Princess Lianna was known to have kept detailed court records of all visitors to the Red Keep, but she makes no mention of any foreign dragonriders arriving at the court in 72 AC, though the Princess, heavily pregnant at this point and occupied with her sister Larrisas visit had temporarily given up some of her responsibilities and it is possible any potential arrival simply escaped her notice. The Grandmaester Josmyn wrote in his private records of seeing a peculiar Valyrian mystic arriving to the court in 72 AC, though he would never be mentioned again in the Grandmaesters diaries.
While we may never truly know how the dragon Aelesar was reclaimed by the Targaryens, though future events lend credence to theories it was not honestly gained, one thing was for certain, the dragon Aelesar returned to the dragonpit in 72 AC and the Queen of Skulls gained yet another advantage over those who would defy her authority.
73-76 AC
The years between 73 AC and 76 AC saw the continuation of the relative peace and quiet throughout the realm, and uneasy as it was, the peace between the Queen and her siblings held.
That is not to say however that nothing of note occurred. In the year 73 AC, the first of the Ironborn conquests took place. When it became clear that despite the recent meeting of captains and lords in the Isles, the prospect of independence was not likely, a band of over two thousand Ironborn adventurers led by Qalen Sunderly would take to ship with the ambition of creating an independent realm where they might keep to the old ways.
Taking advantage of the instability amongst the Wildlings following their defeat at the First Hill, the Ironborn longships landed upon the Frozen Shore and carved out a realm for themselves within the Frostfang Mountains, creating a settlement in one of the mountain valleys, the wildlings attempted to resist of course but their weapons of bone and wood were no match for the steel and iron axes of the Ironborn. Qalen Sunderlys domain would stretch from the gorge in the south, bordering the Night's Watch castle of Westwatch-by-the-Bridge and the Skirling pass to the north.
Qalen Sunderly would not long survive his conquest however, soon after being murdered in his sleep by a wildling woman, and his kinsman Dunstan Sunderly would take leadership of the settlement.
Though the Ironborn faced constant guerrilla warfare from the wildlings that lived within the Frostfang mountains, the settlement would endure for seven years, raiding nearby wildling villages and trading walrus bone, timber, pelts and wildling thralls with their kinsmen back on the isles. The situation would grow untenable following Dunstans death of natural causes however as the Wildlings began to unify in the region so the Ironborn eventually withdrew back to the Iron Islands, hailed as heroes and no doubt inspiring the subsequent Ironborn conquest which would prove far more significant to this chronicle.
The Princess Lianna was also not idle during this quiet period, making many trips throughout the realm to try and improve her mothers standing and reputation. These trips would prove quite successful and the Queens improved reputation, along with a new wave of foul rumors that assailed the Prince Vaekar’s own reputation did much to improve Laenas position.
This improved reputation was to be sorely needed as soon after the Queen would make a rather savage and callous decision that has hardly endeared her to my order of the Citadel. In late 73 AC, the winter fever ran through Kings Landing, and Grandmaester Josmyn, who had served the realm faithfully for many years was afflicted by the pox whilst offering his healing services to the downtrodden of the city, including the whores in the street of silk when he came down with symptoms of the disease.
Upon his arrival back to the Red Keep, upon seeing his conditions from the ramparts, the Queen refused to allow him entry back into the castle, and despite much pleading to the Princess Lianna, the old man was turned away, and without his elixirs and herbal stores in his chambers he soon perished from the disease, which would also claim the life of the Kingsguard Ser Androw Hollard, who was similarly forced from the Red Keep.
It is believed that the moniker Queen of Skulls first came about shortly following this event, when at a meeting between the Archmaesters of my order in Oldtown, Archmaester Adison expressed his displeasure at having to choose another good and learned man to serve this ‘’Queen of Skulls’’, a term which stuck with the novices of the city and is used throughout the realm to this day.
74 AC was similarly largely uneventful. Early in the year the Manderlys of White Harbor faced a rebellion from the peasantry in nearby Blackpool, who were disgruntled by incursions of septons from the city into their land, which largely held to the old gods unlike their Manderly overlords.
Despite initially winning a surprising victory against a small and overeager force of Manderly levies, with the peasants impressively repulsing their knights and men-at-arms, eventually the rebellion would be put down and peace would return to White Harbor.
The later months of 74 AC would see the further growth of House Targaryen, as Jaehara Targaryen and Nakados Tendryis would welcome another child to the royal family, a girl who would be named Viserra, and would grow into an exceedingly quick and intelligent child.
It was also around this time period that two new houses, or rather branches of old proud houses came to being.
The first of these was House Stonewolf, the lords of the Stony Shore. Shortly after Aegons conquest, Torrhen Stark granted the Stony Shore to one of his younger sons, and for over seventy years his descendents had ruled the thinly populated lands around Sea Dragon Point and the Stony Shore, growing ever more distant from their kinsmen in Winterfell before at last the Starks of the Stony Shore created their own house.
The second such event was not so much the creation of a new house but rather the merging of two. The near destruction of House Yronwood during Aegon's conquest is well recorded, though contrary to popular belief the house did not perish completely.
In addition to the small amount of trueborn Yronwoods, who currently rule over a small tower house called Drywell in the Great Desert to the south of Dorne, House Yronwood was survived by a daughter of the last Lord of the Yronwoods. This woman would be married to a Drinkwater of Vultures Roost, one of House Yronwoods traditional vassals.
Their children would eventually become Lords of Yronwood, bearing the name Drinkwater and so it would continue for many decades, with these Drinkwater descendents still retaining the look of their Yronwood ancestors after all these years, inheriting their blonde hair and blue eyes, unlike the trueborn Yronwoods in all irony.
However as time went on, factions grew between the Drinkwaters of Yronwood and their Drinkwater Vassals of Vultures Roost, and a proud Lord of Yronwood, seeking to differentiate himself from his vassals and to highlight his Yronwood legacy, created the House of Yronwater.
The records of later years of this time period also give more insight into the life of Prince Vaekar, who in late 75 AC was expecting his first child and heir with his wife Selyse Scales on Dragonstone.
10th Moon, 75 AC
Castle of Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea
The screams from the bedchamber carried all the way to the top of the Stone Drum, where Prince Vaekar stood hunched over the painted table that his grandfather and grandmother Aegon and Visenya had planned the conquest of Westeros along with their sister Rhaenys.
The Prince had spent many an hour at this table often spending all day locked away in the chambers to the late hours of the night, pouring over the map, looking for any strategy…any advantage that could be gained over his sister.
Their prospects were dire, despite all his searching Vaekar could not find a way to replace the support they had been counting on from Eddard Stark, who had been killed in battle years prior, and with his death, so too did the promise of over thirty thousand northmen to their cause.
Vaekar had cursed himself for a fool many times since he got that raven from the North, he should not have counseled the Lord of Winterfell to continue his war against the Tullys but the prospect of gaining the Twins and the Freys to their cause had blinded him to the potential consequences of the wars continuation. Ill tidings had been received from Storms End as well, as Cymella had reported their niece Daeoril was slowly but steadily gaining control of the court and the respect of the Stormlander Lords, while she still felt confident her son Boros would follow her lead, she reported that the Storm Lords were far less certain to follow them into potential rebellion. The fact that his sister had somehow gained Aelesar and the Volantene dragon to her cause was a seemingly unassailable obstacle as well
He had considered almost every option….while lacking the support of most of the Reach, his sister Alyssanes seat of Highgarden was rich, and she could likely bring several thousand mercenaries to their cause with her coffers, but nothing would unite the realm faster against them than if they declared a rebellion with the backing of a horde of foreign mercenaries worshiping foreign gods, and in the end a few thousand more men would make a difference against his sisters dragons, especially now that Dorne was firmly under her sisters control by her grandson Rhodry, and her daughter Larissa who had recently became a dragon rider, though Vaekar felt confident in beating her dragon, which was described as being small, at the very least.
He had even considered returning to Essos and Mantarys to seek out Meraxes once more but that had been a brief prospect, he no longer possessed the reckless abandon and boldness he had as a young man and such a journey was fraught with danger….he would find no warm welcome in Mantarys either since Lord Zobridar had long since been deposed. In addition to this, even if he somehow managed to find Meraxes, he was doubtful he could bind it to his will, the old texts had never mentioned a rider with two dragons, and he was already bonded with his dragon Andalax, who was just over a dozen feet in length,in order to bond with Meraxes he would likely have to kill Andalax, for it was written a dragon could tell if an individual had already bonded with one of their kind.
Vaekar quickly put the thought from his mind, going to Mantarys was out of the question, his eyes returned to the painted table.
There has to be a way The Prince thought to himself, most men would have given up by now, but the Prince was a stubborn man and accepting defeat was not something he would allow himself to do.
If his wife were to sire a son, it would no doubt help his own position immensely, especially if he were to become hand, but he could not see how it would help his sisters and their immediate predicament.
He heard another scream from below and shook all the thoughts of his plight from his mind, his planning could wait for another day, he had hidden up here in this tower too long.
Pulling on his cloak and buckling on Blackfyre, the Prince made his way down the stairs with a contingent of guardsman behind him towards the sounds of his wife.
The smell of incense was heavy near the door, and the septons and their acolytes were right where he had left them, chanting their prayers outside the door, though they did little to drown out the screams coming from behind it.
The Prince nodded at them to continue their prayers and opened the door, one of the handmaidens at his wife's bedside opened her eyes wide when he walked in and made her way towards him.
‘’I'm not going anywhere.’’ Vaekar said stubbornly, he had attempted to follow tradition, retreating to his solar to wait out the birth, but it had gone on far too long for Selyse to endure alone.
He sat by her side, and took her hand.
‘’Vaekar….’’ She mumbled.
‘’Im here….Im here Selyse.’’ He replied, gripping her hand tighter.
‘’So..Something's wrong.’’ She panted.
‘’No….the father is with you, the babe is nearly here.’’ He promised her, though something about about the faces of the helping maids disconcerted him.
His worries were momentarily abated with a gasp of excitement from one of the maids who proclaimed she could see the head.
They carefully drew out the babe, and Vaekar immediately noticed something was wrong.
There's no crying He thought to himself.
He watched as one of the women held the child, looking at him with uncertainty, Selyse began to weep in realization, an utterly exhausted sadness written on her face. Vaekar wanted to go to her, but he knew there were no words he could say.
‘’My Lord…..’’ She began but Vaekar had already left the room without a word, wondering what he had done to earn such disfavor from the gods.
Those close to the Prince would say that this was truly the event and hardship that broke his spirit, and the records of the Prince Vaekar on Dragonstone grow quiet for many years.
75th AC-76 AC
The end of the year 75 AC saw two announcements made to the court as both the Princess Jaehara and Princess Lianna announced that they were expecting children.
This good news was to be dampened however with the death of Nakados Tendryis, the Red Keeps Pentoshi master-of-the-hunt, who would be found dead in his tent whilst hunting in the Kingswood with his huntsmen.
When questioned by the Princess Lianna, the huntsmen claimed that Nakados had not complained of any symptoms the previous day, but had looked quite sickly and under the weather, though he kept this discomfort to himself.
The Princess took her investigation a step further, having the new Grandmaester Greydon examine the body for any signs of foul play, but he reported that all signs pointed to it being a natural death, it had been a cold and damp expedition to the Kingswood and the man had likely simply caught a cold and passed away.
Nakados Tendryis’s death left the heavily pregnant Jaehara widowed at just 28 years of age, and soon after she would give birth to a girl named Aerea, whom for unknown reasons has always been known as Aerea Tendryis, being given the name of her father rather than her mother. Her tragic tale shall be related later within this chronicle.
Nakados Tendryis’s death had other consequences beyond just the widowing of the Princess Jaehara, as there were some within the Red Keep that began to whisper that Nakados had not just gone to his grave with his seed within the womb of Jaehara but also that of the Princess Lianna, who had gone to rather unusual lengths in investigating his death.
Rumors had surrounded the pair for years, but it was not widely circulated or spoken of. Princess Lianna was a paranoid and watchful woman, and if such an affair had occurred she had done her best to hide it, though some claimed the time the Princess spent hawking outside the city walls with Nakados Tendryis was rather odd.
Various hidden court records and private journals pose that Lord Ronnel Baratheon could no longer ignore the rumors surrounding his wife and the late Nakados and confronted Lianna.
It is said that the Princess denied nothing and tearfully confessed to the affair, though she swore on all seven gods that Aemorys, Jareion, and Jaenar, their firstborn child who had been born stillborn were all his, though she admitted it was a strong possibility the babe in her womb was not of his seed.
The rumor goes that Ronnel Baratheon raised his hand to strike her most fiercely, but remembered his vows made before the mother, and of the mothers mercy, and he lowered his fist, though he cursed her for a whore and a harlot and all other manner of foul insults, and stated that he would neither raise or have anything to do with her ill begotten bastard, though he would not reveal the secret in front of the court and destroy his son Jareions image, whom he was fairly certain at least was his seed. No amount of pleading to take the child as his own and raise it in sight of the court would sway him from his position, for Ronnel Baratheon was a stubborn man.
This would all be for naught however, as the babe would die in childbirth, and soon, all memory of the rumors of Nakados Tendryis and the Princess would slowly fade and those who continued to whisper would more oft than not find themselves without tongues.
There is however, another version of the tale.
11th Moon, 76 AC
The Red Keep, Kings Landing
‘’You must push my lady!’’ The Princess's maid Elana, who had been at Liannas side for all three of her prior births insisted.
Lianna needed no further instruction, this was her fourth time facing the birthing bed.
She obliged, shouting as she grabbed the sides of the bed.
There was pain of course, but it was not so bad as Jaerion had been….that birth had nearly killed her, and even worse still had been Jaenar….her firstborn who had never lived.
What kind of life will this child live Lianna thought in between ragged breaths, fatherless, despised…..the life of a bastard child awaited this babe.
She forced herself to abandon all thoughts of stillbirths and bastardry, this babe needed her.
‘’Nearly there Lianna…..nearly there.’’ Elana said.
With a final shout and push it was done and Elana drew him out.
‘’Its a boy Princess….a healthy boy.’’ Her maid exclaimed excitedly.
A boy Lianna thought to herself, as always the pain and exhaustion momentarily became a distant memory as she saw the kicking of those little feet and heard the cries as her son drew his first breaths.
She held out her arms and Elana carefully placed the crying child in her arms when she had finished.
Lianna held her son close to her, stroking his head and looking into his closed little eyes.
My son She thought to herself, holding him close, all thoughts of her current situation melting away as she held him.
Her peace was not to last for long however, as soon after her parents walked through the door, Elana bowed and left hurriedly with the rest of the midwives, leaving the three of them alone.
Her father came first, as he had at all her other births, moving a lock of her hair from her eyes and kissing her on the forehead before taking the babe in his arms, her mother stood silently by the door.
‘’Such a jolly little fellow.’’ He said with a chuckle, holding him in his arms.
‘’I had thought to name him Jaekar father….after you…if you would permit it.’’ Lianna said with a tired smile.
‘’Of course I will…..I should be honored, I think the lad looks ready for an adventure, to meet his aunts’’ Her father said, still holding the babe and opening the door, no doubt to take the babe around the Red Keep and introduce him to the royal family.
‘’Are you an utter fool.’’ Her mother said sharply, breaking her silence.
‘’Laena…I’’ He began.
‘’Shut the door Jaekar…and leave us.’’ She commanded.
‘’You cannot be seriou….’’ Her father began but thought better of it when he saw the glare in Laenas eyes and silently returned the babe to Lianna and gave her hand a quick squeeze before leaving the Queen and Lianna alone.
They remained in silence for quite a while, with Lianna gently rocking the babe, who had begun crying after the Queen's sharp chastisement of her husband.
‘’Lianna.’’ Her mother began.
‘’No.’’ Lianna said simply, refusing to face her mother, looking into her son's eyes.
Laena was undeterred ‘’So long as he remains in the capitol he will pose a threat to not only your own legitimacy but also that of Jaerion and Aemorys….your bastard cannot be here when you take the Throne.’’
‘’No…I said no.’’ Lianna said, trying to show no emotion and still refusing to face her mother, though her voice began to grow louder and more desperate at the end.
‘’People have eyes girl…..your husband has refused to raise the babe….the rumors that surround you are bad enough, but Ronnels treatment of the child will confirm it to all, he cannot remain here or whispers will haunt you and your sons till the end of your days…which will not be long in coming if he remains.’’ Lianna said sternly.
‘’HE is my son too.’’ Lianna said angrily, for the first time looking at her mother…the sudden raise in tone set the babe to crying again, and Lianna desperately returned her attention to him, trying to comfort and quiet him.
‘’He was your son…..until he died in childbirth….over time the rumors will subside…I shall see to that, but if he remains he will serve as a constant reminder of those rumors…they will never be silenced….that I promise you daughter….now quiet him’’ Lianna said.
‘’It wont work…..he was seen, the midwives delivered him….it won't work.’’ Lianna said, the exhaustion slowly setting in, and tears coming to her eyes unbidden.
‘’I will have them sent away…..none will hear the truth.’’ Her mother said simply.
‘’Kill them you mean…..you will kill them.’’ Lianna said, her vision now completely blurred with tears, her mind turned to Elana, the midwife who had been there by her side all four times she had faced the birthing bed, a woman she considered to be more of a friend and companion than a maid or servant.
Her mother said nothing at that.
‘’The child shall be cared for…..Nakados has Tendryis kinsmen in Freneros, a castle on the Braavosian Coastland, Jaqaro Tendryis is both High Justiciar to the Sealord of Braavos and a councilor and keyholder to the Iron Bank of Braavos, a powerful man.’’ Her mother began.
‘’No.’’ Lianna said, her voice barely above a whisper.
‘’Vaella has been in secret correspondence with the man, who has agreed to foster and raise the boy in Freneros, your sister tells me he is known be a kind and charitable man, the child will lack for nothing, and will receive an education befitting a member of the Tendryis family.’’ Her mother said.
‘’I won't….I can't.’’ Lianna said desperately, clutching her son closer to her, her tears falling on the babe.
‘’You can…..and you will….I will not always be here to protect you….I promise you this, if your bastard remains here, he will be killed most cruelly, him, your other sons, and you yourself, the realm can barely stomach what in their mind is our tainted blood…the lords of the realm will never follow those who they suspect to be bastards on top of that….if your bastard remains he will light the spark that destroys this family.’’ Her mother said.
‘’I I were a man none would car..’’ She began.
‘’But you are not a man….if the boy remains….your sons Jaerion and Aemorys will die….perhaps not today…but they will be killed before any of them sit the throne…on that you have my word…..send the boy away for the sake of your other sons, he will live comfortably…he cannot be used against them or their positions….what harm can he do…a bastard boy across the narrow sea’’ The Queen of Skulls silenced her.
The image of her sons Jaerion and Aemorys entered her mind, Jaerion, nearly 8 years old by now, always with a smile and a joke on his lips, and his love of sweetcakes, and his brother Aemorys, younger and more sullen but nevertheless such a polite little boy….a terrible thought of their heads on spikes passed through her mind.
She looked into her newborn son's eyes, he had stopped crying by now, and was looking at her, holding her hand with his chubby little fingers.
‘’Is this your suggestion or your command.’’ Lianna said, in an emotionless voice.
‘’Both.’’ Her mother answered in a steely tone.
‘’Know that this is the moment you have truly killed me.’’ Lianna said after a long silence, a fresh wave of tears falling down her face as she held the child close to her and kissed him.
Her mother said nothing to that and simply cleared her throat loudly. The sunlight from the windows had long since ceased to shine, and the dawnlight of the moon had replaced it. There was not a single sound from outside, and Lianna would later learn that the Red Keep had been completely cleared to allow the Royal Family appropriate privacy to mourn the stillborn child.
Her sister Vaella walked in, wearing a black hooded cloak, without a word she walked in.
‘’Vaella……please don't.’’ Lianna pleaded, one last time, she saw a hint of something that might have passed for pity on her sister's face, but her mother gave her a nod and that look was quickly replaced by one of little emotion.
Vaella said nothing and extended her arms.
‘’No…No.’’ Lianna said, attempting to hold Jaekar closer against her, but her mother had grabbed her shoulders, and Vaella took the squalling and crying baby from her arms , wrapping her cloak over him.
‘’NO….NO.’’ Lianna shrieked, as if a wounded animal, thrashing wildly as her mother held her down and Vaella left the room, the crying of the baby growing fainter and fainter.
Lianna continued to scream and shriek, but her mother was stronger than her, and soon a wave of exhaustion passed over her and sleep took her.
In the weeks following the death of her stillborn son, Lianna would spent almost all of them in bed, crying far more and far longer than she ever had for her first boy that had been born stillborn, and as the Princess slowly returned to health and to her duties, it was clear that a change had come over her, with some servants whispering that the Queen of Skulls had somehow finally won over her daughter.