The Dragons Realm
Chapter 57: The Bells
11th Moon 119 AC- 120 AC
With the victory at the battle of Deepstone, the Westerosi and their allies of the ‘’Free Sisters’’ had control of the Narrow Sea and the ability to transport troops across the waters, with the almost 13,000 man Lyseni army trapped outside the walls of the Bleeding Tower in Tyrosh, at least until they could assemble another warfleet, which would take time.
Further adding to their advantage was the fact that the Braavosi sent several chests of silver and gold to the ‘’Free Sisters’’ to aid them in their struggle against the slaver states, and the Tyroshi-Myrish Union were able to hire two mercenary companies, the Maidens Men and the Iron Shields, amounting to nearly four thousand men. This newly raised army however was swiftly deployed to the east along with two thousand men of the Free Sisters to resist the incursions of the Volantene city states, meaning the war effort against the Lyseni would still primarily fall to the Westerosi.
With control of the seas established the first forces from Westeros would cross the narrow sea. After conferring with his counselors and generals, King Aurion agreed that the best course of action was to send two separate forces to fight the Lyseni.
The first, comprised of men from Dragonstone, Claw Isle and Driftmark, amounting to nearly 2900 men would be led by Norman Tyrell, marshal of the realm, and accompanied by the Kingsguard Vaeron Targaryen who had proved a capable commander in the Stepstones. This force would land to the north in the Tyroshi disputed lands, with the goal of capturing the city of Kylos and its inner fortress.
The second and smaller force would be made up of around 1700 men, primarily raised from the Stepstones but the pious Lord Lomas Sunglass would pledge 200 men to the army as well. This force would be commanded by the Kings Seafyre brothers, Valerion and Aelor and would strike to the south with the goal of capturing the rich city of Silkhead, which would surely result in much plunder.
To further bolster their forces, Norman Tyrell would promise 1300 of some of his finest knights and men-at-arms from Highgarden, though it would take time for them to arrive.
King Aurion for his part wished dearly to join his old friend and brothers on the campaign, it had been his order that this conflict had started and he should fight alongside his men and share the risk….not to mention his dragon Vhagar would be of great use after all.
However, the campaign against the Lyseni would likely last for years, two to three was the estimate his generals had given him, and he understood, albeit reluctantly, that was far too long to leave the realm unattended, he was most needed in the realm, especially since two significant losses in the court of Kings Landing had made it so that he felt uneasy leaving the capitol for any significant amount of time.
The first and most significant of these losses was the Hand of the King, Anders Swygert, who passed away just weeks after the final stretch of cobbled road had reached the Wall to the North, the crowning achievement on the Kingsroad the man had given so much effort to seeing completed.
The amiable one-legged man had been making his way down the steep stairs of the Tower of the Hand, in quite a haste as he wished to attend a service in Kings Landings sept to pray for the brave warriors who were fighting across the sea when he lost his balance and cane, and suffered a serious fall, fracturing his hip.
Despite the best efforts of the Maesters, the shock was too great for the aged Hand who had tirelessly served his King and the realm for nearly 15 years, and he passed away shortly after.
The small council suffered another significant loss when Willem Lannister succumbed to a long bout of cancerous illness. In his stead, King Aurion appointed his younger brother Prince Matarys as the realms new Master of Coin, who despite being only 23 years of age had several years experience in various roles and a good understanding of the capitol, and the realms finances, though he would become known to leave much of the positions heavy lifting to his subordinates.
With so much change to the small council and the loss of the experienced Lord Swygerts leadership, Aurion knew it would be foolish to join the campaign personally, and quickly set about the tedious task of selecting a new hand.
Eventually he settled on Alan Oldflowers, Lord of Somerset and a Reachman. The man had served as Master of Coin for the Tarlys of Horn Hill for many years and to great effect as the flow of coin increased two fold in the region.
The Lord of Somerset had been so successful in increasing the wealth of the Tarlys and the coffers of his own house that he had even managed to come into some land in Dorne.
House Blackmont, a house that had once tried to murder King Aegon the Conqueror had slowly grown more and more disgraced and impoverished through the decades, with a series of scandals leading to many of the most promising members of the house being sent to the Wall.
Eventually the once powerful House Blackmont became functionally extinct and the Lordship fell to Princess Helia Martell of Sunspear, a just yet rather greedy monarch who auctioned off her new lands to the highest bidder….Lord Alan Oldflowers.
King Aurion recognized that the man was a shrewd businessman and a Lord on the rise, and stories of his famous charity were well known, it was said no guest left Somerset empty handed, an initiative the King appreciated.
Aurion resolved to deliver the honor in person and travel to Somerset, leaving Alicent to rule in his stead while he made the trip to the Reach, before that however, the King decided to make a detour north to the Riverlands.
4th Moon, 120 AC
Ruins of Oldstones, The Riverlands
It was a hot and sweltering day in the Riverlands, the air hot and heavy as the King and his small retinue ordered their horses through the thick brush, the buzzing of mosquitoes from small pools among the weeds the chirping of crickets and the croaks of frogs from the thick brush adding to the sounds of the afternoon.
His younger brother Matarys rode behind him, red as a beet and sweating profusely, still stubbornly adorned in those fine clothes he loved so much, today it was a doublet of fine red silk and a black sash embroidered with silver patterned dragons, with a necklace of rubies to go along with it.
Aurion had expected his brother to have dressed more appropriately, given the fact he had been fostered in the often humid climate of the Riverlands in Riverrun as a child, but it made sense when one considered the fact that the young Prince had never much liked to leave the comforts behind the walls, and when Aurion had asked if he might be more comfortable in lighter clothing, Matarys had responded that as Master-of-Coin he had a certain reputation to uphold.
Aurion knew his younger brother was not at all pleased to leave the comforts of the capitol to ‘’trudge through the Riverlands’’ as he stated on more than one occasion, grumbling that it would have been perfectly fine to send one of his deputies in his stead, but given the scale of the Kings plans in the area, he thought it necessary his brother and Master-of-Coin get a first hand look at the area and the challenges it posed as opposed to looking at scribblings in a ledger, a commander could not rely on the accounts of scouts alone.
They were two hours riding off of the Kingsroad, leaving the comforts of the neat and paved cobbled roads his Late Hand had seen built to the less impressive muddy tracks and roads leading through the Riverlands.
Though sparsely populated…. they had seen only a few individual thatch houses along the river side and woods since they had left the Kingsroad,, Aurion had the sense this was an ancient and once powerful area, evidenced by the many crumbling stone monuments, markers and barrows that they passed along….remnants from the First Men, who had ruled the Kingdom of Rivers and Hills many centuries before the Targaryens had come to Westeros..
In the distance through the trees and weeds, Aurion could see a large hill rising above the tree cover, the small retinue continued on, crossing a small and shallow ford of the Blue Fork. Aurion couldnt help but give a small subtle smile when he heard Matarys let forth a sharp stream of curses as he was forced to ride through a thicket of leaves.
‘’It's best to walk from here y’Grace.’’ One of the guides they had acquired in Martlet Bay said in the thick local accent, and Aurion nodded, giving the signal for all in his party to dismount and follow the guides through the thicket and trees.
At first glance, the King had not seen any hint of ruins on the hill, but as they marched closer to the formidable hill, he could indeed see traces of gray stone among the overgrown bushes and weeds, the ruins of the Castle of Oldstones, which the Kings of House Mudd had ruled for centuries.
‘’Much o’ the stone has been taken by nearby villages to build their barns and holdfasts, but there is still some left.’’ Their head guide, a short man with a brown spaded goatee said knowledgeably.
It was a long way to the top, the winding rough trail wound around the hill two times before they began to summit at the top, his brother Matarys was huffing and puffing, his formidable paunch straining against his doublet, and even Aurion, an athletic man, was feeling winded.
It was a beautiful view atop the hill, the castle of Oldstones had clearly once been a formidable fortress, but now all that remained was overgrown with weeds and lichen, trees and roots were cutting through the crumbling stone, below them, the river of the Blue Fork could be seen, its fast moving waters shining like diamonds.
They made their way through the crumbling courtyard, most of the buildings had been stripped of their stone walls save for their foundations, he smiled as he saw his young squire and cousin Raymont Tyrell run off to look at a small sepulcher, obscured by waist high grass which showed the faded likeness of a man holding a warhammer in his hands….the man's name was King Tristifer the Fourth their guide claimed, of the House Mudd.
They continued through the inner castle, wild roses and other flowers of bright colors had taken root among the stones, and a large and twisting Weirwood was still visible in the Godswood, underneath it a black pool, thick with mossy weeds and leaves.
As they reached the other end of the ruins, and as Aurion continued to take in the sight, for a moment he grew sentimental, it seemed almost a shame to disturb this peaceful and ancient place, where the Kings of the First Men had once ruled, and continued to rule centuries after their fall, watching over their ruins and home, the crumbling stone a monument to their legacy.
He quickly shook the thought from his mind however, this place was perfect for his plans and leaving things be was the enemy of progress.
King Aurion had six sons…. As his first born, Maelyx would be his heir and inherit his crown and Kingdom, but as a charitable man, he wished to secure the futures of his other five sons, to leave them something after he was gone. He knew full well the difficulties in providing for multiple brothers, and did not wish to leave that burden to Maelyx.
He knew it was unlikely he would be able to find land and title for all five of his younger sons, the youngest would likely have to be satisfied with inheritances of gold and other incomes, but the ruins of Oldstones presented an interesting opportunity.
The castle, though currently in ruins, could surely (at considerable cost) be repaired and restored to its former formidable state, it held a fine defensive position atop the hill, and commanded a good view of the surrounding areas, in time some of the forests could be cleared and a village could be established by the Blue Fork.
Aurion had the opportunity to install one of his sons, likely his second son Jaenar he thought, as a powerful man among the Riverlords, securing his future and a goodly inheritance for a second son. In addition it would give the House of the Dragon an outpost at the crossroads of the Riverlands, Vale, and the North.
‘’Its perfect.’’ Aurion mused, taking in the sights of the ruins once more before turning to his brother Matarys who stood beside him.
‘’How much would this project cost….can it be done?’’ the King asked his finely dressed younger brother.
His brother Matarys was silent for several minutes and Aurion made no move to interrupt, despite his brother's slothful nature, he knew he had a sharp mind for finances and was a patient thinker, never wishing to rush into an answer without having considered it in its entirety.
Finally his brother cleared his throat ‘’It can be done…..but it will be expensive…..the castle will need to be rebuilt in full, the current foundation is near useless…new towers…..fortifications….a new great hall, barracks…..the list goes on and on.’’
Matarys caught his breath and continued ‘’The Kingsroad will need to be extended to the ruins and the underbrush and foliage cleared so carts of stone can be brought here….a village must be erected for the workers as well.’’
‘’Can the treasury bear such an expense?’’ Aurion asked, hopeful.
Matarys nodded ‘’It can…there will no doubt be unexpected expenses throughout the project however….perhaps the smallfolk of the Riverlands should be made to take their share of the burden of paying for this.’’
The King shook his head, dismissing the idea before continuing ‘’I am sure we can handle any such expenses…..As far as how long this might take?’’
Matarys shrugged lazily ‘’It is hard to say….years, perhaps even a decade or more, as a mentioned the castle must be rebuilt in full, and you have stated you want it to be one of the biggest in the Riverlands….the fact that this region is close enough to the North to suffer from winter snows must also be taken into account….it can be done faster if the workers are not spared the lash.’’
‘’I find fair pay and rewards is a far better and more efficient form of motivation….offer the builders double pay from what they might normally receive…that should give us no shortage of labor.’’ the King commanded firmly.
Matarys nodded and went off to take a look at more of the castle, grumbling something about unneeded expenses.
The King and his party encamped at Oldstones that night, and as the King sat around the small cookfire his guides had prepared for them, he looked up at the stars and took in the peaceful sights and sounds of the surroundings for they would be the last to pay homage to the Kings of Hills and Rivers among the ancient ruins.
5th Moon 120 AC-121 AC
And so it was that the long process of restoring Oldstones was begun, and soon after a small village, Pitford would be erected to house the workers who began to clear the weeds and brush and construct roads leading to the site.
While King Aurion was focused on the realm, there were developments across the Narrow Sea, as his brothers and friend Norman Tyrell continued to campaign against the Lyseni.
To the south, in Silkhead, his Seafyre brothers Valerion and Aelor had made good progress, landing with little resistance, save for a few bands each of a dozen or so Lyseni who raided their supply lines and harassed their scouts….though within a week or two most of these men would be hanging from gallows on the orders of Aelor and Valerion.
After months of a rather uneventful siege, the city of Silkhead opened its gates and surrendered, and much of the city was plundered, with huge stores of silk being looted. Silkhead, as the name suggests, was a major port in the silk trade, and the Westerosi captured hundreds of pounds of silk products from Qarth, the Jade Islands, and even the fine quality silk produced by Naathi slaves, and soon the nobility of Westeros would be able to indulge in the fruits of their conquest, as goods that normally would be available in limited supply flooded into the wardrobes of the wealthy lords and ladies of the Seven Kingdoms.
The inner fortress of Silkhead resisted for another week or two, but in time they also surrendered, with the garrison being spared as they had offered little violent resistance in the months of siege….which was fortunate for them considering the temperaments of the Seafyre brothers.
In the north however, Norman Tyrell and Vaeron Targaryen were having a much harder time of it as the Siege of Kylos was proving to be more difficult than expected, for the old Tyroshi nobility were much more warlike and hotheaded than their Lyseni overlords.
The siege had begun poorly almost from the start, as in the opening days, the Tyroshi had led nearly one hundred slaves to the walls of the city and executed them in full sight of the horrified Westerosi.
Norman Tyrell, knowing that they lacked the men to assault the walls, suggested that perhaps Prince Vaeron might mount his dragon Tridax and give the slavers a taste of dragonfire, softening them up for an attack and perhaps force their surrender.
Prince Vaeron excused himself from the idea however, claiming that if he were to attack Kylos with dragon flame, it would not only be the slavers on the walls who burned, but also the innocent, slaves, and women and children.
The Tyroshi were not content to simply starve as the defenders in Silkhead were, and they launched several sorties from the city, including two major attacks aimed at the camp of the besiegers.
These fights were bloody, and the Westerosi would lose no less than four hundred men killed and wounded, and suffer many burnt trebuchets and siege engines, though Norman Tyrell would personally see both attacks repelled, riding his white stallion at the front and forcing the Tyroshi to flee back to the city.
Despite these losses however, the Westerosi eventually managed to force the surrender of the city of Kylos as the watchmen on the outer wall surrendered, however the inner fortress of the Tyroshi nobility would continue to resist.
The forces of Norman Tyrell and Vaeron Targaryen would not attempt to take the inner fortress however, breaking their siege camp after taking on provisions and loot in the city proper and taking to the seas. Their forces would travel south and link up with those of Valerion and Aelor in Silkhead, for there were rumors forming that the lords of the Lyseni disputed lands were raising an army to oppose them.
They would not face this new army alone however, as around the same time, they would be receiving reinforcements, the 1300 men of Highgarden Norman Tyrell had promised had finally arrived in the capitol and were embarking to join the campaign, but by far the greatest assistance was not coming in the form of the men who sailed on the water, but those that flew above it.
Viserys Goldfyre, Commander of the City Watch went before the King and requested that he be allowed to attempt to tame one of the dragons from the dragonpit and join the war across the sea, his brother Matagar Goldfyre was more than experienced enough to take up his command of the Goldcloaks in his absence.
Aurion assented, and his kinsmen claimed the golden dragon Kastax, a beast of just over thirty feet that had once been the dragon of the late Princess Lianna.
He would not be going alone however as the Prince Balaeron, now a young man of 21 would be accompanying him on the dragon Saphyre, a smaller yet magnificently colored dragon of only fifteen feet. The young Prince had wished to join the campaign from the onset but Aurion had requested Maelyx to convince him to stay, his dragon had been too small to do much good at the beginning of the war, and he still felt his youngest brother was not yet ready for war, having such an unpredictable nature.
His brother had repeatedly asked for permission in recent weeks, and Aurion felt he could not deny him any further and consented that he should join the war effort.
These forces of Vaeron, Norman Tyrell and Viserys Goldyfyre and Balaeron arrived in Silkhead around the same time, reinforcing the Seafyre brothers, waiting for the inevitable counterattack from the Lyseni which was sure to come….
10th Moon, 121 AC
City of Silkhead, Lyseni Disputed Lands
Prince Balaeron Targaryen strolled through the streets of Silkhead enjoying the sunny day and the cool breeze coming in from the Orange Sea, moving through the crowds of the occupied city.
His brother Vaeron had, not unkindly but sternly told him that even with most of the resistance in the city pacified it was still dangerous to galavant around the city without an escort….they were not popular among the merchant class, who had lost a fortune of their silk goods due to Westerosi plundering, but Balaeron had no intentions of spending his days lounging in the inner castle like most of his brothers, the adventure he had been seeking was finally at hand and he would not waste it.
He had been wanting to join his brothers across the Narrow Sea for months, but his kingly older brother had at first refused, stating his dragon Saphyre was not big enough to make much of a difference and he was still too young to go to war.
The youngest of King Jaerions sons had offered no complaint as was his nature and instead dedicated himself to diligently studying the campaigns of famous Westerosi and Essosi generals, Aegon the Conquerer, the Unsullied of Qohor, it made no difference to Balaeron, who meant to be fully prepared when the time did come for him to do his part.
His patience had been fully tested however when his brother Aurion had left for Oldstones, with Matarys in tow. Balaeron had been miserable, Valerion, Aelor and Vaeron were across the sea fighting the slavers and Aurion and Matarys were away handling matters of the realm, and yet he alone of his brothers was left in the Red Keep….he had never felt so useless.
Prince Maelyx, his closest companion noticed his unhappiness and promised to speak to his father about letting him join the campaign, and happiness once again returned to Prince Balaeron as spent his days hunting in the Kingswood awaiting his brothers return, and eventual assent for him to join the war against the Lyseni.
Balaeron continued his way through the crowds, in truth he did not know why his brother Vaeron was so worried, he looked much like many of the other Lyseni with his silver hair and plain clothing, though his deep lilac eyes and the castle forged longsword at his side somewhat betrayed him of someone of importance.
He had explored much of the inner city in the previous days and today he resolved to travel to the harbourside district and see what there was to see.
It did not take him long to spot by far the most impressive building on the harbor, a medium sized complex of white marble which looked to be a temple of sorts. Balaeron had come across many smaller temples in the inner city, each specifically dedicated to one of the strange deities the Lyseni worshiped, but this one seemed to be the largest and perhaps the main temple of the city of Silkhead.
He left the harbor and made his way through the marble courtyard, not failing to notice that the gold and brass inlay was missing in some parts, no doubt the result of plundering by the Westerosi troops.
There was no door to the inner temple, but rather a covering of white and gold silk, which Balaeron pushed his way through.
There were several acolytes dressed in robes of white, both men and women who attended the shrines within the temple, there were over a dozen of them, each with a marble statue, some of which Balaeron recognized from the smaller specialized temple, there was a pale infant holding a sword, a six breasted cat deity, and a naked woman, whose statue was coated in gold rather than marble, alongside them were other peculiar deities, a faceless one, and a statue depicting a figure with both the parts of a man and a woman.
Balaeron strolled through the temple, stopping at a marble statue of an aged woman knelt as if in prayer, tears falling down her face, which Balaeron assumed came from some cleverly designed cistern or fountain underneath the pedestal.
Of far more interest to him however was the necklace of pearl and lapis lazuli beads which hung about her neck, it would make for a handsome souvenir Balaeron thought to himself as he carefully pulled the necklace over the statue's head.
He felt the eyes of the temple acolytes upon him, including one who began to say something angrily and step forward, but the eldest of them, an aged bald man with a long beard of silver gold platinum placed a hand on his subordinates shoulder, for the man knew a Targaryen when he saw one, who else but one of the foreign occupiers would be so bold to bear steel at his side in the sanctity of the temple.
Balaeron shrugged, placing the necklace on his own neck, if the artifact was anything of importance all they had needed to do was say as much and he would have returned it.
He continued to stroll through the temple. He recognized the pale infant deity with the sword as Baakalon, and the cat deity as Pantera from his visits to their small temples in the city, but the golden naked woman was unfamiliar to him, though he recognized it as being present as the main sigil on Lyseni flags.
He approached the elder man, clearly the authority figure of the temple and inquired about it politely, to which the man responded that the woman was the Lyseni goddess of Love.
Balaerons face brightened at that, he remembered from his studies with the Grandmaester that many temples of love, such as those of the Summer Islanders involved more tangible acts of worship than mere praying, and such practices were not frowned upon, but in fact encouraged.
Without bothering to ask for clarification, he looked back towards the statue to the naked woman with an interest he previously hadn't before, his eyes settling on a young clean shaven Lyseni man with long golden hair who was lighting incense near the statue…….
Balaeron strode towards the acolyte and unabashedly and boldly inquired in well practiced Valyrian as to what the Lyseni customs were in honoring the goddess of love, and whether or not they were at all similar to the customs of the Summer Islanders in their temples of love….
The young man did not understand the question at first, but after Balaeron repeated the question with an additional question as to whether a ‘’donation’’ was needed first or whether the very act of worship was pleasing to the goddess, the acolyte finally understood.
With a red face, the young Lyseni stammered that there was clearly a misunderstanding as he was but a simple acolyte, responsible for lighting the candles and this was in fact not a temple in the style of the Summer Islanders….though perhaps he might try at temple of Yndros of the Twighlight, the deity with both the parts of a man and a woman.
Disappointed, but not deterred, Balaeron took another step forward and with a well practiced motion took the young man's hand, the acolyte shifted slightly but did not attempt to pull back his hand.
‘’Mēre daor gīmigon pōnta dislike iā dish mijegon emare sylutan ziry ēlī’’ Balaeron said quietly in Valyrian with a small smile
One cannot know they dislike a dish without having tried it first.
The acolyte looked hesitant but still made no move to pull back his hand, before he could respond however, he heard the angry pacing of boots entering the temple.
‘’BALAERON….you are needed….now.’’ His brother Aelor hissed in a tone which brooked no argument, a look of disgust on his face.
Balaeron meekly let go of the man's hand, all the boldness leaving his body and followed his brother, struggling to meet his swift strides.
‘’You disgrace yourself and your house with your perversions…..’’ Aelor said angrily.
As was so often the case when his elder brother or anyone else for that matter chastised him, Balaeron made no move to defend himself against the abuse, instead retreating inside of himself.
‘’A Lyseni army has been spotted on the horizon…….they will be here within hours.’’ Aelor said as they walked through the harbor side towards Aelors escort and waiting horses.
‘’How did you know where I was…..did you have me followed?’’ Balaeron asked meekly as he mounted his horse.
His brother did not respond, his blue eyes trained ahead at the inner fortress which the Targaryens had made their headquarters. Marching through the city was a company of fisherfolk from the Stepstones, armed with spears, glaives and javelins, making their way out of the city.
They rode through the castle gates, which were adorned with the banners of Houses Targaryen, Tyrell and Seafyre, and halberd wielding guardsmen from the ramparts nodded respectfully at them.
Dismounting, Balaeron saw the castle was alive with activity, a squadron of heavy knights from Highgarden were mounting up while their squires began to attach their heavy plate armor and see to their lances, while men at arms formed up and prepared to march to the city outskirts.
Walking beside his brother Aelor, he found his brothers Vaeron and Valerion sitting in a small garden courtyard, Norman Tyrell peering over a map, all of them armed and armored. Viserys Goldfyre stood next to him, clearly just having returned from a scouting mission atop his dragon Kastax, explaining the situation to Lord Tyrell, the overall commander.
Aelor gave Balaeron a shove, pushing him forward towards the table ‘’We don't have all day….you've cost us enough time as it is.’’
‘’Ah there you are…..just in time, we feared we might have to begin without you two….the time to make our final preparations for the battle is upon us, our forces are mustering outside the city, now all that remains is to establish the order of battle.’’ The portly yet distinguished Lord of Highgarden said, gesturing Balaeron and Aelor to take their seats.
‘’Repeat your findings Goldfyre……I had to go and fetch my brother.’’ Aelor said, giving Balaeron one last glare.
Viserys Goldfyre nodded ‘’A Lyseni army is marching on the city….three to four hours away….they will have the numbers on us, likely three thousand more men than our 5400, but we have more men-at-arms and calvary, the majority of their forces are peasants levied from their territories within the disputed lands, they are stiffened with the Gallant Men however, a mercenary company based in Volantis.’’
‘’More calvary, more heavy foot….and most importantly more dragons….their advantage in numbers will mean little and less when it comes to battle, are they mad?’’ Vaeron asked in disbelief, running his hand through his thick silver beard.
‘’Desperation can drive any commander into foolishness….and it may be that they think we only have one dragon, they have only seen Kastax scouting them….Tridax and Saphyre have not taken to the sky ever since we arrived in the city.’’ Valerion replied calmly.
‘’Our advantage in dragons notwithstanding, I did spot many crewed scorpions on the ground….capable of bringing down any of our dragons, I will do what I can on Kastax, but the fact remains that our largest dragon is just thirty feet in length, and Tridax just over twenty… well placed scorpion bolt…..’’ Viserys Goldfyre cautioned.
‘’Smaller means harder to hit….warrior willing’’ Norman Tyrell said, grasping his amulet to the warrior before gesturing them to huddle around the map.
‘’As for the order of battle,...all three flanks are to be of even sizes……I shall take command of the center…..Prince Aelor, you shall take the right flank, and Prince Vaeron shall cover you upon Tridax……Prince Valerion, you shall hold the left flank…..Viserys reports that they have overloaded some four thousand men on that flank to your two thousand….but they are almost entirely made up of a peasant horde, with Viserys and Kastax aiding you their advantage in numbers will prove worthless.’’ Norman Tyrell said before at last turning to Balaeron, almost as an afterthought.
‘’As for you young Balaeron, I have been told that you have studied the art of war and tactics most diligently, you shall lead our reserve, I am giving you fifty knights and two hundred freeriders, along a personal guard of one hundred men at arms…..if they try for any of our flanks, send the calvary and envelop them, if any line falters, send the infantry forward….have your dragon flying behind you as well, it may be that it is too small to do any good in combat, but the sight of a third dragon may very well dishearten them all the same.’’ Norman Tyrell commanded.
Balaeron hesitated for a moment, he was a very humble young man, but the one thing he felt some measure of pride for was his dragon. It was true Saphyre, though magnificently colored like the most beautiful of seas was small, there was perhaps no quicker dragon in the Targaryens possession, an opinion stated by more than one dragonkeeper in the dragonpit…and Saphyre was certainly faster than its rather dull and unremarkable green sibling Tridax, his brother Vaerons dragon who was only seven to eight feet larger, though Tridax did have more combat experience in the Stepstones, that was with their late uncle Aemorys however and Balaeron was sure he flew Saphyre far more often than Vaeron did Tridax.
Norman Tyrell sensed his hesitation ‘’Do you have something to say lad?’’
Balaeron hesitated again for a moment before speaking ‘’I will of course do as I am commanded….but I feel as if Saphyre is not as useless in combat as you suggested….she may be small yes, but the dragon keepers have stated there is perhaps no quicker dragon in the pits.’’
His brother Vaeron looked thoughtful ‘’ My younger brother may be right, and it is as you said smaller dragons make smaller targets…..and Viserys has said many of their scorpions are concentrated on the right, perhaps it would be wise for Balaeron to take my place on the right….I do have experience commanding the reserve after all.’’
Aelor broke the silence with a chuckle, earning a glare from Vaeron and a questioning look from Norman Tyrell.
Aelor raised his hands in the air ‘’I agree….perhaps Balaeron would be a better fit covering my flank…..and I know he is an experienced rider, he has known that dragon since he was an infant…while my brother Vaerons Kingsguard duties keep him from experiencing the joys of flight as often as he would like I am sure.’’
Norman Tyrell nodded ‘’Then the order of battle is settled then….may the Warrior be with all of you.’’
Balaeron gave Aelor a rather surprised look, he had not been expecting his brother's support, he had always believed Aelor thought him useless.
Aelor took him by the shoulders, dusting them off and leaned in to whisper ‘’Scorpions fly fast brother….lets hope your Saphyre flies faster.’’ With a final pat on the back, his brother Aelor turned and mounted up without a second look.
Without any more small talk, the commanders mounted up and rode to the outskirts of the city where they would do battle against their Lyseni foes.
Three Hours Later
Outskirts of Silkhead, Lyseni Disputed Lands
Balaeron did another circle above the battlefield, taking in his surroundings.
His brothers Aelor and Valerion had not been idle while awaiting reinforcements, they had ordered some trenches dug and placed wooden spikes to make the Lyseni advance more difficult.
His attention was not particularly focused on the fortifications, but rather what they were designed to hinder…..the Lyseni army.
It was an impressive sight, true enough it did appear the Lyseni had a significant advantage in numbers, though Balaeron hoped that Kastax and Saphyre would make it an unimportant one.
He heard a ponderous yet powerful whizzing noise, and turning Saphyre to the side to see that the scorpion crews behind the Lyseni army had spotted him and were firing a bolt, more to test the range he thought then to actually attempt to hit him, and sure enough the bolt did not travel far enough to pose any real threat to him.
The bolt did have an effect on Saphyre, his magnificent blue dragon. When he had initially taken her up to the skies, Saphyre had behaved as if it were just another joy ride that they so often took above the skies of Kings Landing, playfully circling about, but the scorpion bolt put an end to all that and a sense of alertness passed over the dragon, more instinctual than anything else as the small dragon had never seen any sort of combat.
‘’gīda saphyre. īlē āzma syt’’
Calm Saphyre…you were born for this Balaeron said, placing a hand on its scaled head as they circled around. Balaeron leaned forward, he had never much liked riding with a saddle and was simply content to grasp onto the dragon's smooth scaled neck, much to the terror of the dragonriders who were always fearing he would fall on one of his flights, but the Prince was not one to whom fear came easily.
He gave a look to the positions of his own forces who, despite their lesser numbers still looked formidable in their own right, the Tyrell banner raised high in the center, the red dragon of House Seafyre on the flanks, and the Targaryen banner placed in the rear. Looking far to the left he saw a flash of golden yellow in the skies….Viserys Goldfyre and his dragon Kastax….
Balaeron heard the sounding of horns below from the Lyseni, one could almost feel their unease from the skies, but their commanders had ordered the attack to commence anyway…..the battle had begun.
They did not all attack at once however, but flank by flank, almost as if testing the Westerosi defenses.
The Lyseni began the first push on the left towards his brother Valerions position, with the Lyseni sending forward almost four thousand lightly armed peasant levies and infantry to cross the field.
His brother Valerion had dug several stretches of small trenches where a man might stand protected to above his waist, inside he had placed pikemen and crossbowmen inside to make the Lyseni advance across the open field difficult.
It had its desired effect and the Lyseni peasants were having a hard time pushing past these doughty defenders, and so they employed the most logical tactic one could in that situation, sending forth a company of mercenary crossbowmen to pelt them from a distance.
The crossbowmen advanced, hesitantly as they too had seen the flash of gold in the distant skies as they had advanced, but they formed a line and prepared to fire upon the trenches, the Lyseni infantry halted and formed in a horde while they waited for the way forward to be cleared.
They were right to be hesitant…..
Suddenly, Balaeron saw the flash of dull gold swoop down from the skies and bathe the crossbowmen in bright gold flame, the thirty foot dragon taking to the skies as the crossbowmen began to widely fire into the air, the dragon emerging from the clouds again to strike at the massed light infantry, taking out another rank of them, though Balaeron sensed that his kinsman Viserys Goldfyre was holding back Kastax’s full power and only doing what was necessary to cause a retreat, being a kind man who did not wish to burn hundreds of peasants alive.
The sortie had the desired effect as the Lyseni on the left began to flee, though some skirmishing with the entrenched defenders continued.
Balaeron heard more horns, this time from the Lyseni center as he saw several hundred mercenary light cavalry forming up, being led by a company of Lyseni nobles, armored in plate and silk and heavily armored.
With another blast of the trumpets, the Lyseni calvary charged forward where Norman Tyrell had ordered his men-at-arms to form a shield wall and attempt to absorb their attack.
Before he could see the result of this charge he heard the trumpets on the Lyseni right who were sending most of their proper infantry charging across the plains to attack his brother Aelors flank of waiting infantry….
He ordered Saphyre forward, and the small dragon obeyed, hurtling through the sky like a blue comet, he heard more of the ugly sounds signaling that more scorpion bolts had been fired, yet luckily Saphyre seemed to know how to instinctively avoid these, though there were some close calls as the massive metal bolts punched through the air, and Balaeron nearly fell from the dragon as Saphyre turned sharply to avoid a bolt.
Regaining his grip however, he let out a shout of pure adrenaline, he had never felt so alive.
Below him his brother Aelors infantry had begun to skirmish with the Lyseni troops, Balaeron ordered Saphyre into a dive and set several Lyseni aflame in blue orange fire. With the damage done, he quickly ordered Saphyre back up into the skies, out of the range of crossbow bolts and javelins which a dragon of Sapyres size was still vulnerable too.
He launched several more strafing passes over the Lyseni infantry, the air was filled with projectives, but Saphyre was too quick for the Lyseni archers and skirmishers, seemingly being able to strafe the grounds and return high to the sky in mere seconds, though Balaeron felt a crossbow bolt pierce his riding cloak, tearing it from his body.
After another strafe of fire from the small dragon and facing stiff resistance from Aelor’s men, the Lyseni had suffered enough and began to retreat.
Balaeron saw things were going equally as well in the center, as Norman Tyrells infantry had repulsed the Lyseni cavalry charge after a fierce melee, and his brother Vaeron had sent the knights of the reserve to see them off….the Lyseni army was in full retreat.
The sound of a Scorpion whizzing through the air, just feet away from Saphyres head reminded Balaeron that this was still an active battlefield, and he turned far towards the Lyseni back rank where he saw the mounted scorpions and their crews attaching oxen to the carts they were mounted on and begin to flee.
The Prince thought little enough of himself but it was a different case with his dragon Saphyre, a sudden flash of anger ran through him, who were these men who thought themselves worthy to attempt to strike down such a noble and beautiful creature from the skies and simply run off.
With a surge of determination, the young Targaryen prince ordered Saphyre forward, flying over the terrified and retreating Lyseni, but he ignored them….they were not his target.
The scorpion crews saw him coming, many of them were a good distance away, but some crews had lagged behind in retreating, another bolt came hissing through the air which Saphyre avoided easily enough.
He had selected his target by now, a crew of about a dozen men who were frantically trying to fix a stuck wheel, their armed escort watching nervously as the small blue dragon came ever closer, readying crossbows and spears.
Two of the wiser men fled, but the others held their ground.
A sudden bout of insane boldness came over the Prince, his body coursing with adrenaline, not a single hint of fear but rather excitement driving him on…he would deal with these men himself.
He ordered Saphyre to dive as the Scorpion crew readied another bolt, its overseer pulling back the mechanism with a loud clicking noise, the bolt aimed dead ahead at Saphyre who was so low to the ground she was almost skimming the dirt.
Up….Away’’ Balaeron screamed, throwing himself from the dragon and landing in a rough roll on the ground, as Saphyre obeyed immediately, flying upwards with the speed of a Geyser, the scorpion bolt whizzing just missing the dragon by inches.
The crew looked in terror after they had missed, but Saphyre, obeying her master's command, albeit with obvious hesitation flew away.
With the dragon out of sight, the ten man crew, all armed looked with shock at the one man that stood across the smoking field from them, getting to his feet slowly and drawing his longsword….looking at the fool who had either fallen from his dragon or inexplicably hurled himself from it.
The leader of the crew shouted something about surrender to the unfortunate man who had clearly fallen from his dragon….thinking of the gold he would be given for capturing a dragon rider…truly there was victory in the jaws of defeat.
Balaeron Targaryen ignored the man's demands and with a sudden shout charged at the crew, one man against ten.
The Lyseni were so shocked at this display of bravery, bordering on pure unbelievable madness that two of them were dead before they could draw their swords.
One of the scorpion crew swung at the madman with a hatchet, but Balaeron slashed him across the neck with his longsword, rushing into the crowd like a boar.
The Lyseni, who had just seconds earlier been filled with elation that the dragon had fled and they had captured a valuable prisoner were now filled with crippling terror as this fearless demon struck widly at them with longsword and dagger, many Lyseni tripping over themselves to get out of the center of the conflict.
A man was beheaded, another took a dagger through the throat, all the while their foe was shouting a war cry of utter madness hacking men down until all of the scorpion crew were dead or fled.
It was here that the pursuing Westerosi found the Prince Balaeron, looking in sheer amazement at the scene as the youngest son of King Jaerion casually searched the pockets of the many dead men for any valuables, asking if the battle was over.
The Lyseni counterattack on Silkhead would be a disaster, with 2400 Lyseni being killed, captured, or wounded to only 250 Westerosi, most of whom had been in the center repelling the Lyseni cavalry charge. Tales would spread through both sides of Prince Balaerons bravery, with some stories claiming the Targaryen Prince had charged and routed a force of one hundred men, though this is clearly an exaggeration, the fact remains that Balaeron, since then called Balaeron the Bold would gain quite a reputation for himself following the battle.
With their rear secured and the Lyseni forces on the mainland scattered, the way to Lys…and an end to the war….was clear.