A Background to the Royal House of Graham of King's Landing
The house was founded during the War of the Five Kings, under Samwell Graham, who, during the Battle of the Red Fork, helped to stop a northman from breaking through to Tywin Lannister during the battle. For this service, he was raised to the lordship of Myatt, in the high lordship of Silverhill. Through several generations, his children built their stronghold of Myatt into one of the greatest military camps in Westeros, to rival and surpass the Tarlys of Horn Hill.Eventually, their lieges, the line of House Serett ceased to sit the seat of Silverhall, and they were replaced, through marriage, by the children of House Graham, who were also heirs of Myatt. Their reign did not come without challenge, however. After being released from the prison of the last Lannister to sit as lord paramount of the Westerlands, Darlessa Lannister, for a snub during a feast, Flement the Young, the first Graham lord of Myatt and Silverhill and the great-great grandson of Samwell Graham, was ambushed by Westerling men, who took him for a traitor, murdered his men, and wounded in the process. After returning to Myatt, Flement the Young raised the banners of Graham, and his allies, House Peckledon of the Gold Road, marched on The Crag, slaughtered the armies of the westerlings, and behaded Manfryd the Unworthy, the last adult male Westerling. What followed was an infamous campaign of assassins, who killed every male heir, and to demonstrate further how the Grahams are not a family to trifle with, every female heir but Kyra Westerling, a half-blind 57 year old woman who lived out the rest of her days in sorrow in the court of Silverhall, mourning her family and dying, the last of her line.
Willard Graham the Gentle, the great great grandson of Flement the Young and son of Landyll Half Hand lived to see the greatest wildling invasion Westeros had ever seen, under King Crowkiller, who conquered the North and nearly conquered the Riverlands before he died in his bed at a very young age, leading the smallfolk to talk of Sorcery, or the wrath of the Stranger befalling Crowkiller. The maesters would speak of heart conditions, or assassination. All that is known is that his child son bent the knee, giving the Iron Throne some of the first rule it ever had over Wildling Land, as the lords of the Frozen Shore bent the knee as well. It was the great grandson of Willard the Gentle, Landyll II who suddenly and drastically climbed the ladder of power. He sensed weakness in the new house that ruled the Westerlands, the house of the Great Pyramid, and the Lannisters of King's Landing, who had ruled for 300 years ever since Tommen Baratheon declared himself of House Lannister. Landyll II had inherited the High Lordship of Sarsfield as well as Silverhall, and besides having over half the westerlands under his control, he had more men than the house of the Great Pyramid, and launched his war to sieze the Westerlands. After he siezed this seat, he married into an alliance with the Riverlands, and then rose in rebellion against the Iron Throne. Many minor lords joined him as well, and the war culminated in the Battle of Acorn Hall, where over 40,000 men fought a bloody battle, and a grinding Melee which resulted in a Graham Victory. Afterwards,with his 20,000 men, Landyll marched on King's Landing, siezed it, and with the royal family hostage, forced the surrender of the last Lannister king, Jacelyn Lannister, who then reverted to his holding of the Kingship of Myr, part of the vast Essossi empire that the Lannisters had conquered abroad, which stretched from Lys to the eastern fringes of Volantis, and then from Yunkai to New Ghis in Slaver's Bay. Landyll appointed his brother, Ormond Graham, to the Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, and gave Myatt to his Son, the Heir to the Iron Throne.
Graham Sigils and Icons
The basic sigil pattern that all Graham Banners follow are three golden escallops in a downward triangular pattern, all with the same Motto: Never Forget.
The Grahams of King's Landing, the royal house, have their escallops crowned, with a sword in their midst, on a black field, the crowns and sword recent additions to the original banner. However, the Grahams of the Westerlands have their escallops on a red field, keeping with Lannister colors.
Shortly after coming to power, Landyll resumed a project Jacelyn had begun, the recolonization of Summerhall. During this, Landyll found a Valyrian Steel Sword, which he reforged into a longsword with a crossguard that was about 6 inches long, while the sword itself was 31 inches long. The hilt was golden with a black leather grip-guard, and the blade had Black and Gold ripples. To commemorate his war-filled rise to power, Landyll had this sword named "Kingmaker."
The house was founded during the War of the Five Kings, under Samwell Graham, who, during the Battle of the Red Fork, helped to stop a northman from breaking through to Tywin Lannister during the battle. For this service, he was raised to the lordship of Myatt, in the high lordship of Silverhill. Through several generations, his children built their stronghold of Myatt into one of the greatest military camps in Westeros, to rival and surpass the Tarlys of Horn Hill.Eventually, their lieges, the line of House Serett ceased to sit the seat of Silverhall, and they were replaced, through marriage, by the children of House Graham, who were also heirs of Myatt. Their reign did not come without challenge, however. After being released from the prison of the last Lannister to sit as lord paramount of the Westerlands, Darlessa Lannister, for a snub during a feast, Flement the Young, the first Graham lord of Myatt and Silverhill and the great-great grandson of Samwell Graham, was ambushed by Westerling men, who took him for a traitor, murdered his men, and wounded in the process. After returning to Myatt, Flement the Young raised the banners of Graham, and his allies, House Peckledon of the Gold Road, marched on The Crag, slaughtered the armies of the westerlings, and behaded Manfryd the Unworthy, the last adult male Westerling. What followed was an infamous campaign of assassins, who killed every male heir, and to demonstrate further how the Grahams are not a family to trifle with, every female heir but Kyra Westerling, a half-blind 57 year old woman who lived out the rest of her days in sorrow in the court of Silverhall, mourning her family and dying, the last of her line.
Willard Graham the Gentle, the great great grandson of Flement the Young and son of Landyll Half Hand lived to see the greatest wildling invasion Westeros had ever seen, under King Crowkiller, who conquered the North and nearly conquered the Riverlands before he died in his bed at a very young age, leading the smallfolk to talk of Sorcery, or the wrath of the Stranger befalling Crowkiller. The maesters would speak of heart conditions, or assassination. All that is known is that his child son bent the knee, giving the Iron Throne some of the first rule it ever had over Wildling Land, as the lords of the Frozen Shore bent the knee as well. It was the great grandson of Willard the Gentle, Landyll II who suddenly and drastically climbed the ladder of power. He sensed weakness in the new house that ruled the Westerlands, the house of the Great Pyramid, and the Lannisters of King's Landing, who had ruled for 300 years ever since Tommen Baratheon declared himself of House Lannister. Landyll II had inherited the High Lordship of Sarsfield as well as Silverhall, and besides having over half the westerlands under his control, he had more men than the house of the Great Pyramid, and launched his war to sieze the Westerlands. After he siezed this seat, he married into an alliance with the Riverlands, and then rose in rebellion against the Iron Throne. Many minor lords joined him as well, and the war culminated in the Battle of Acorn Hall, where over 40,000 men fought a bloody battle, and a grinding Melee which resulted in a Graham Victory. Afterwards,with his 20,000 men, Landyll marched on King's Landing, siezed it, and with the royal family hostage, forced the surrender of the last Lannister king, Jacelyn Lannister, who then reverted to his holding of the Kingship of Myr, part of the vast Essossi empire that the Lannisters had conquered abroad, which stretched from Lys to the eastern fringes of Volantis, and then from Yunkai to New Ghis in Slaver's Bay. Landyll appointed his brother, Ormond Graham, to the Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, and gave Myatt to his Son, the Heir to the Iron Throne.
Graham Sigils and Icons
The basic sigil pattern that all Graham Banners follow are three golden escallops in a downward triangular pattern, all with the same Motto: Never Forget.
The Grahams of King's Landing, the royal house, have their escallops crowned, with a sword in their midst, on a black field, the crowns and sword recent additions to the original banner. However, the Grahams of the Westerlands have their escallops on a red field, keeping with Lannister colors.
Shortly after coming to power, Landyll resumed a project Jacelyn had begun, the recolonization of Summerhall. During this, Landyll found a Valyrian Steel Sword, which he reforged into a longsword with a crossguard that was about 6 inches long, while the sword itself was 31 inches long. The hilt was golden with a black leather grip-guard, and the blade had Black and Gold ripples. To commemorate his war-filled rise to power, Landyll had this sword named "Kingmaker."
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