Westerners who know about them at all likely know of the Hashshashin as the Assassins, for it is thought that that is where the word derives, as assassination was indeed one of their tools.
Instead of being destroyed by Hulagu, the Hashshashin remained in their mountain stronghold of Alamut in Elbruz province, prcticing Mutazelism and maintaining their independence through a combination of impregnability and by making themselves 'useful' to the Il-Khanates whenever they wanted a mutually-despised Abbasid removed.
This one-province minor will begin with fortress level 4 and land level 2. And while they are not likely to be a major power, they will be a thorn in the side of the Il-Khanate OR the Abbasids OR Iran. And should they break free and begin conquest, they will do as happened in Persia and begin to enforce shiism (or, here, Mutazelism, which is very very close to it).
For flavour, we thought of having some assassinationn events which trigger off the existence of the Hashshashin state and which could effect countries as far afield as Byzantium and maybe even Hungary.
Instead of being destroyed by Hulagu, the Hashshashin remained in their mountain stronghold of Alamut in Elbruz province, prcticing Mutazelism and maintaining their independence through a combination of impregnability and by making themselves 'useful' to the Il-Khanates whenever they wanted a mutually-despised Abbasid removed.
This one-province minor will begin with fortress level 4 and land level 2. And while they are not likely to be a major power, they will be a thorn in the side of the Il-Khanate OR the Abbasids OR Iran. And should they break free and begin conquest, they will do as happened in Persia and begin to enforce shiism (or, here, Mutazelism, which is very very close to it).
For flavour, we thought of having some assassinationn events which trigger off the existence of the Hashshashin state and which could effect countries as far afield as Byzantium and maybe even Hungary.