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Mar 23, 2003
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Westerners who know about them at all likely know of the Hashshashin as the Assassins, for it is thought that that is where the word derives, as assassination was indeed one of their tools.

Instead of being destroyed by Hulagu, the Hashshashin remained in their mountain stronghold of Alamut in Elbruz province, prcticing Mutazelism and maintaining their independence through a combination of impregnability and by making themselves 'useful' to the Il-Khanates whenever they wanted a mutually-despised Abbasid removed.

This one-province minor will begin with fortress level 4 and land level 2. And while they are not likely to be a major power, they will be a thorn in the side of the Il-Khanate OR the Abbasids OR Iran. And should they break free and begin conquest, they will do as happened in Persia and begin to enforce shiism (or, here, Mutazelism, which is very very close to it).

For flavour, we thought of having some assassinationn events which trigger off the existence of the Hashshashin state and which could effect countries as far afield as Byzantium and maybe even Hungary.
MattyG said:
Westerners who know about them at all likely know of the Hashshashin as the Assassins, for it is thought that that is where the word derives, as assassination was indeed one of their tools.

Instead of being destroyed by Hulagu, the Hashshashin remained in their mountain stronghold of Alamut in Elbruz province, prcticing Mutazelism and maintaining their independence through a combination of impregnability and by making themselves 'useful' to the Il-Khanates whenever they wanted a mutually-despised Abbasid removed.

This one-province minor will begin with fortress level 4 and land level 2. And while they are not likely to be a major power, they will be a thorn in the side of the Il-Khanate OR the Abbasids OR Iran. And should they break free and begin conquest, they will do as happened in Persia and begin to enforce shiism (or, here, Mutazelism, which is very very close to it).

For flavour, we thought of having some assassinationn events which trigger off the existence of the Hashshashin state and which could effect countries as far afield as Byzantium and maybe even Hungary.

happens i been reading a lot about this "assasin cult" as some call it; this is a GREAT idea what i am reading here :)
I'd advise giving the hashashim a higher land tech and/or cause an increase in rr in the province if a neighbouring nation conquers it to ensure it stays independent (it should also be programmed to not accept vassalage or annexation if that's possible, this should change if they grow a bit)
Don_Quigleone said:
I'd advise giving the hashashim a higher land tech and/or cause an increase in rr in the province if a neighbouring nation conquers it to ensure it stays independent (it should also be programmed to not accept vassalage or annexation if that's possible, this should change if they grow a bit)

would not that "force" the player to have no option ?
Don_Quigleone said:
I'd advise giving the hashashim a higher land tech and/or cause an increase in rr in the province if a neighbouring nation conquers it to ensure it stays independent

It begins on Land tech 2, great monds think alike.

The fact that it is the only shiite country for 2000 km and 70 years means it ought to avoid DA for a while. :rolleyes:

(it should also be programmed to not accept vassalage or annexation if that's possible

I wish it was, I really do.
The Hashshashin also begin with a level 4 fortress, so no ai-county is going to capture them for the first 50 years.

But I think, that they will not be in the revolt.txt file. Once they are gone, I think, they ought to stay gone.
MattyG said:
Hard coded.

Is it hard-coded to the country tag, or the scenario? Who has the country tag for the knights in Interregnum, the KoJ? I mean, in particular, we have the papal states but no Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order blahblahblah, so we could still just have two countries that refuse to be vassalized or married into, right?
siafu said:
Is it hard-coded to the country tag, or the scenario? Who has the country tag for the knights in Interregnum, the KoJ? I mean, in particular, we have the papal states but no Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order blahblahblah, so we could still just have two countries that refuse to be vassalized or married into, right?

Well, yes. But we still have the Papacy, so that leaves us with one other tag which has this hard-coded ability.

Much like we have one tag which will give a country an automatic CB on the New World countrys (SPA).

What plans do you have for it?
MattyG said:
The Hashshashin also begin with a level 4 fortress, so no ai-county is going to capture them for the first 50 years.

But I think, that they will not be in the revolt.txt file. Once they are gone, I think, they ought to stay gone.

that would be right; save the revoltee tag files for new countries in the new world ;)

also as i mentioned before, al andalus CAN NOT be released once diplo annexed...there are a few more things as such; also would be possible to release a GRAND germany if meet the requierments of gathering certain provinces or numbers therof?
MattyG said:
What plans do you have for it?

I have no plans, but this just means that it is possible for us to have one nation that refuses royal marriages (and by extension vassalization and diploannexation), like Don Q. was asking.
siafu said:
I have no plans, but this just means that it is possible for us to have one nation that refuses royal marriages (and by extension vassalization and diploannexation), like Don Q. was asking.

I actually think that the Hashshashin might be the very best recipients of this tag.
This was my idea! *dances around*
Here is the sequence of random events I have developed to represent the availability of Hashshashin assassins.

One such event exists for each nation that can feel the brunt of their blades. Below is the event that can punish Byzantium - and which can occur FOR about 25 of its potential eastern enemies.

Note that it require the Hashshashin to exist!

event = {
	id = 607500
	random = yes
	trigger = {
		exists = KNI #Hashshashin
		relation = { country = KNI value = -100 }
		OR = {
			AND = {
				neighbour = BYZ
				NOT = { relation = { country = BYZ value = 50 } }
				relation = { country = BYZ value = -50 }
			AND = {
				exists = BYZ
				NOT = { relation = { country = BYZ value = -50 } }
		OR = {
			ai = no
			AND = {
				ai = yes
				NOT = { badboy = 10 }
		OR = {			
			AND = {
				core = { province = 489 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 489 data = CAL } #recipient is Caliphate
			AND = {
				core = { province = 1532 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 1532 data = u20 } #recipient is Il-Khanate
			AND = {
				core = { province = 472 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 472 data = ARM } #recipient is Armenia
			AND = {
				core = { province = 458 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 458 data = ABB } #recipient is Blue Horde
			AND = {
				core = { province = 500 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 500 data = ADE } #recipient is Yemen
			AND = {
				core = { province = 754 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 754 data = ALE } #recipient is Adal
			AND = {
				core = { province = 1527 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 1527 data = AFG } #recipient is Afghanistan
			AND = {
				core = { province = 737 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 737 data = ALD } #recipient is Aldgiers
			AND = {
				core = { province = 736 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 736 data = ALM } #recipient is Almujadid
			AND = {
				core = { province = 496 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 496 data = ARA } #recipient is Hedjaz
			AND = {
				core = { province = 457 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 457 data = AST } #recipient is Astrakhan
			AND = {
				core = { province = 439 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 439 data = CRD } #recipient is Al-Andalus
			AND = {
				core = { province = 746 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 746 data = EGY } #recipient is Misr
			AND = {
				core = { province = 746 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 746 data = FAT } #recipient is Misr 2?
			AND = {
				core = { province = 470 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 470 data = GEO } #recipient is Misr
			AND = {
				core = { province = 531 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 531 data = HAM } #recipient is Hamedan
			AND = {
				core = { province = 493 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 493 data = JER } #recipient is KoJ
			AND = {
				core = { province = 1535 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 1535 data = KZK } #recipient is Kazak Horde
			AND = {
				core = { province = 480 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 480 data = KRE } #recipient is Crete
			AND = {
				core = { province = 746 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 746 data = MAM } #recipient is Misr 3
			AND = {
				core = { province = 733 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 733 data = MOR } #recipient is Misr
			AND = {
				core = { province = 529 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 529 data = PER } #recipient is Iran
			AND = {
				core = { province = 521 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 521 data = QAR } #recipient is Qarluk
			AND = {
				core = { province = 457 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 457 data = STE } #recipient is Golden Horde
			AND = {
				core = { province = 457 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 457 data = TOX } #recipient is White Horde
			AND = {
				core = { province = 540 data = -1 }
				owned = { province = 540 data = u14 } #recipient is Golden Horde
	name = "Hashshashin Assassin Available"
	desc = "The services of one of the finest Hashshashin killers has been made available to us to help disrupt our Byzantine enemies. Their services are not cheap, of course, and to assassinate these targets may result in our wide condemnation."

	action_a = {
		name = "Do this thing (triggers a negative event for Byzantium)"
		command = { type = cash value = -25 }
		command = { type = badboy value = 1 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 607501 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 607502 }
	action_b = {
		name = "It is too great of a risk"
		command = { type = naval value = 1 }

Action_a would trigger both the bad event for Byzantium and the cash/relation event for the hashsashin themselves.

event = {
	id = 607501
	random = no
	country = BYZ
	name = "A Spate of Assassinations!"
	desc = "Appearing to be the work of the dreaded Hashshashin, a number of key nobles and administrators have been killed in mysterious circumstances. The Assassins have not been caught but we nonetheless suspect certain of our ancient foes."

	action_a = {
		name = "Curses"
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = MIL which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = relation which = -1 value = -25 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = -3 value = 12 }
	action_b = {
		name = "Curses"
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = MIL which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = relation which = -1 value = -25 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = -3 value = 12 }
	action_c = {
		name = "Curses"
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = MIL which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = relation which = -1 value = -25 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = -3 value = 12 }
	action_d = {
		name = "Curses"
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = MIL which = -1 value = 12 }
		command = { type = relation which = -1 value = -25 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = -3 value = 12 }

event = {
	id = 607502
	random = no
	country = KNI
	name = "Our Assassins Successful Once Again"
	desc = "The fame of our well-trained killers continues to spread far and wide. The successful assassination of several important Byzantine figures has helped to advance our political agenda, and has raised a considerable sum of money."

	action_a = {
		name = "Excellent"
		command = { type = relation which = BYZ value = -15 }
		command = { type = cash value = 15 }

Finally, there is the version only for the Hashshashin, with the trigger obviously different from the non-Hashshashin version above. Note also that the trigger conditions are different for many of the countries involved. For their Abbasid enemies, for example, they only need exist for the Hashshashin to get the event.

event = {
	id = 607503
	random = yes
	country = KNI
	trigger = {
		OR = {
			war = { country = KNI country = BYZ }
			neighbour = BYZ
	name = "Byzantine Opponents Vulnerable"
	desc = "With our conflict with the Byzantium ongoing, we have be able to establish the right contacs to remove key opponents there."

	action_a = {
		name = "Do this thing (triggers a negative event for the Caliphate)"
		command = { type = cash value = -15 }
		command = { type = badboy value = 1 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 607531 }
	action_b = {
		name = "It is too great of a risk"
		command = { type = naval value = 1 }