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Elections Will Be Ending Saturday Morning!

Who Did You All Vote For?
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That's a lot of choices.
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Chapter 5: 2200 General Election Results!
Chapter 5:
2200 General Election Results!

Presidential Election Results
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The Presidential Election proved without any doubt to be highly contested with the race largely being fought behind the Left's majority consensus pick Alexander Ravensberg of the Social Democratic League and the Right's majority consensus being Elias Vargan of the Cirosian Nationalist Front.
The Election ultimately was razor thin as Alexander edged our Elias by 1.75% of the vote.

Vice Presidential Election Results
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The Vice Presidential Election was also a nail biter with Martin Anders of the Reform Party supported largely by the Left narrowly beating Samuel C Carnell of the CLP by a margin of 2.7%.

Minister of Defense Election Results

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The Minister of Defense race was definitive as Jackson Torren of the UCC gathered nearly a plurality of votes at 49.4% winning against his three other opponents.
Minister of Economic Development Election Results
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By far the most unpredictable race the Minister of Economics position was won by Francesca Konstantin of the ADP, considered an underdog her last minute campaign upended the race and saw her narrowly secure victory over a crowded field.

Minister of Scientific Research and Development Election Results

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The Minister of Science election was shocking as Samson St. Claire was defeated with the last votes being counted, Jean Allrad managed to secure victory by 0.2% of the Vote.


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That... is a very divided government. What kind of coalitions might it produce?

I look forward to seeing the new government's policies.
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Some coalitions have formed! To be seen :)
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Chapter 6: 2200 Senatorial Session & Coalitions
Chapter 6:
2200 Senatorial Session & Coalitions

Coalition Formations

Four major coalitions have formed within the Republic

The Anti-Corruption League composing of the Center and Left - 119 Seats

The United Center composed of the Center and Right - 119 Seats

The United Front composed of the Left - 80 Seats

The Cirosian Freedom Alliance - 68 Seats

Unaffiliated Parties - 114 Seats

The Senatorial Session of 2200 has ended, this Senatorial session was the first in the Republic's history with a divided Senate and overall the Senate was very productive passing seven of the ten bills that were proposed.

Bills Proposed

Workers Representation Act
Written by the United Front Coalitions


The Workers Representation Act proved to have immense difficulty passing through the Senate with Pro-Capitalism parties uniting in unison along with many parties in the Center or Left who were concerned about the massive changes the bill suggested.
Practical changes:
  • Change government interference in the economy to “Minor Oversight”.​
  • In rp mostly influence diplo and the general direction of the Republic; larger influence of workers etc.​

Section 1: Overview:
The current socioeconomic situation of the working class in the Republic is truly dire. During the decades under the rule of the Emergency Council and the UCL, the interests of the men of labour have been completely neglected. While fixing this problem cannot be achieved with a snap of fingers, there are several options proposed that could help the workers in strengthening their position on the political scene.

One of them is workers’ representation on corporate boards of directors, commonly known as “codetermination” (and how it will be called in the rest of this bill). Currently there are no laws that require companies to give any voice to their employees, which creates a significant power imbalance between owners and workers. Giving employee representatives a minimum amount of seats on boards would ensure that they have more influence over the productive process, while not taking away control of the enterprises completely from the owners.

Section 2; proposed legal changes:
Article 1:
Companies that have more than 100 employees have to give at least ⅓ of board
seats to elected worker representatives.

Article 2:
Companies that have more than 500 employees have to give at least half of board seats to elected worker representatives.

Article 3:
All companies are allowed to negotiate a higher proportion of board seats delegated to worker representatives with its employees, however they cannot negotiate a lower than legally required proportion, even if both sides both unilaterally agree to it.

Article 4:
Company elections for worker representatives have to be anonymous, direct, equal, universal and proportional. They have to be held regularly and cannot happen less frequently than once a year.

Article 5:
Company elections shall be overseen by a specially delegated government agency. Any attempt at interference with the electoral process or results by the companies can be a cause for their prosecution.

Article 6:
Companies cannot explicitly ban and/or restrict specific candidates or their campaigns. The same rules as in national elections apply to limitations on who is allowed to campaign and what can be promised by the candidates.

The Slums Act
Written by the United Front Coalition

The Slums Act saw bipartisan support across the isle within the Senate passing overwhelmingly the Slums of the Republic shall be cleaned up.
on the construction of public housing for the purpose of gradually eliminating the slums located in certain areas of The Capital.

Article 1
This Law sets out the following requirements for the following Public Officials:

Minister of Economic Development
They are ordered to start the construction of 2 Generator Districts and start the removing of the Eastern Astoria Slums as soon as it is possible.

They are ordered to adhere to the Public Housing Construction program as outlined in Annex 2

Article 2
Temporal Scope
  1. This Law shall have effect until the Objectives laid out under Article 1 have been completed or until the current senators’ mandate expires (the moment the next elected Senate’s inaugural session concludes.)​
Article 3
The Funding allocated to this Project in accordance with the following:
Raw Materials given for the purpose of Construction. (Minerals)
Construction of Generator Districts ( 600 Minerals)
Keep in mind that the Funds not available at the current point in time will be allocated as they become available.
In the event that the leaders of multiple Projects are waiting for further funds to become available, the order in which different Projects receive funding shall be decided by The Senate (primarily) or The President (secondarily.)
In the event that The Senate is unable to come to a decision and The President is unable to decide for more than 15 days or is unavailable entirely, Funding is to be allocated based on which Project was started first.
For further information consult Chapter 41 of the Law about the National Budget.

Article 4
Entry into force and application
This Law shall enter into force on the 14th day after its publication in the Cirosian Journal of Legal Sources.
It shall apply from 1 March 2200.

This Law shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Administrative Regions of the Cirosian Republic.

OOC & Summary of In Game actions that are proposed via this Law.

This is the Blocker that we are trying to remove via this proposal

We want to build 2 Technician Districts in order to facilitate the Removal of heavily debilitating blockers on our Planet.
This will Result in +4 Electrician Jobs and +4 Housing
We’ll need to wait for about 9.5 Months = 286 Days for us to be able to start constructing the first one. This will take 240 Days

Once we’re done to 0 Minerals we’ll need to wait 474 Days to have enough Minerals for the next one this means a wait time of 234 days where we can’t build anything else.

This adds together for a total of 760 days during which our pops will grow
We estimate that within the next 5 years at least 2 Pops will grow. (at least 1 pop/810 Days)

After the 810th day we’ll have an extra Energy Credit Income of at least +11,3 EC / Month, bringing our total income up to 35,3 EC / Month


124 EC + 810 days = 27 months x 24 EC + 6,53 Months (7 Months) * 35,3 EC = ~1000

We are also hoping to start the removal of this blocker at the first possible opportunity, exactly 33,5 Months-> 34 Months = 1020 days into the game, as that is when we’ll have 1000 Energy Credits for the first time

The Sirus Solar System Exploitation Bill
Written by the United Center Coalition

The Sirus Solar System Exploitation Bill passed overwhelmingly and has officially set the Republic's direction towards the stars.
Within our Solar System lies Asteroids with massive Mineral deposits that are easily accessible as well as the ability to harness Raw Energy from our Sun and nearby planets, our Republic needs these resources as such this bill proposes the following.

We will expand Sirus Outpost to a Fully established Station for intrasolar construction
Build a Shipyard on Sirus Outpost
We will research Offworld Construction as soon as possible (98 months) 8 Years
We will build a single Intrasolar Construction Vessel as soon as possible
We will establish Mining and Energy Extraction Outposts on every asteroid within our Solar System.

The Total Cost Will Be
200 Alloys for Station Upgrade
50 Alloys for Shipyard Construction
100 Alloys for Construction Ship
700 Minerals for 7 Mining Stations

Net Gain: +20 Minerals a month, 240 a year, 2,400 a decade. 13 Energy a month, 156 a Year, 1560 a decade. Notes: Construction of stations will only begin in 2208 allowing for other more pressing projects.Contracts will be awarded fairly to Private Corporations

Senate Seat Reform Act
Written By The Anti-Corruption League Coalition


The Senate Reform Act will officially remove the Reserved Seats of the Republic which amount to nearly ten percent of the Republic's total available seats.
This act will make the Senate fair by ensuring that no positions are appointed to the Senate and that all shall take their proper seat as earned by their party, ensuring the 500 seats are directly elected by the people.

This act will:
1. Replace Basic Law 3.4.2 with ‘500 seats will be given out this way’
2. Eliminate Basic Law 3.5.3 and all subsidiary sections of it and replace it with ‘should a directly elected position be unable to be sat because their party did not win enough seats, with the priority in sitting first the President, then the Vice President, then the Minister of Defense, Minister of Economic Development, Minister of Science Research and Development, then any future Ministries, they shall be given an overhang seat, adding a seat to the total count of the Senate for that election alone.
3. Replace Basic Law 3.5.4 with ‘should the electoral commission be unable to decide the final seats of the 500 standard seats, they should first appoint any seats which would be overhang and then appoint any spare seats after than to the parties in the order of priority sitting in Basic Law 3.5.3.’
4. This act will come into effect once confirmed by the required referendum.

Term Limits For The Executive
Written By The Anti-Corruption League Coalition


The Term Limits For The Executive Bill was highly contested and narrowly passed by one vote, curiously some factions within the Anti-Corruption League opposed the bill or abstained against the Bill causing major infighting within the Anti-Corruption League's Coalition.
This bill places term limits upon the executive branch of the Cirosian Goverment. The goal of this bill is to reduce corruption within the Cirosian government by frequently circulating authority, ensuring authority does not rest upon one person or group of people long.

The circulation of authority is a critical tool in ensuring the Republic does not return to the oligarchic reality of previous administrations.

Those Elected to the Presidency of the Cirosian Republic will be restricted to a maximum of two terms.

Those Elected to the Vice Presidency of the Cirosian Republic will be restricted to a maximum of two terms.

Those Elected to a ministerial position of the Cirosian Republic will be restricted to a maximum of two terms.

The Universal Healthcare Act
Written By The Anti-Corruption League
[Bill Failed]

The Universal Healthcare Act gained the support of the majority of the Far Left and Left however it failed to make inroads with the Center and Right and as such failed to gain the needed votes for passing.
The fact that some people in our great republic go without healthcare due to their status or wealth is a travesty. The people of our republic should never have to suffer without the best help they can receive without limit or gate age. The access to free quality healthcare should be a universal right given to all citizens. If we cannot even provide out citizen this how can we expect them to continue to believe in and support our republic through their hard work? To facilitate this the healthcare sector should be nationalised and placed under governmental control, to pay for this a light tax increase can be used if needed if the budget needs balanced to account for this. We all love this republic and its ideals, so let us live up to it together united as one people under our republic.

This bill proposes that we switch to a nationalized healthcare system so as to better service our people and hold up to the ideals of the republic. Giving them universal healthcare under governmental control.



The Life Pensions for Military Personnel Bill saw across the isle support within the Senate and passed with a Super-Majority.



Corruption Criminalization Act
Written By The Anti-Corruption League

The Corruption Criminalization Act saw itself having major Senatorial Opposition through Abstentions and Outright No votes however it was able to push secure the needed support just barely.

It has not even been a decade since the news that rocked our republic came out. The corruption scandal that shattered the people's belief in the senate and the parties within it and one that directly led to the coup attempt. Yet despite its reveal and the fallout of it, major changes have still not happened to make sure such an act cannot happen again. The people know this and cry out for accountability, for change and even we in the senate must know this is needed. Thus the need for this act.

This act will:

Make the punishment in court much higher than just a fine for corruption and bribery. The punishment has been light and this allows the belief that corruption and bribery is merely a numbers game rather than the outright crime it should be. expulsion from the senate must be the bare minimum with jail time scaling for severity so as to empower our security services.

Firmly make Bribery in any form be it offering, promising, giving, requesting, agreeing, receiving or accepting bribes either monetary or of influence. Also including governmental nepotism including cronyism, extortion, embezzlement, Instances of Parochial corruption including, Lobbying with intent to control governmental actions and influence peddling, illegal and punishable to the full extent of the law.

It cannot be overstated how badly the republic needs these changes to restore people's faith in the system. We cannot be seen as being like the previous government and we must set a different standard to the one set previously. If we do nothing, we risk the decay of the ideals that make this republic great. Let us be better than what came before, together.

Phase one for the Resettlement and Reconstruction of the Ruins of Aster
Written By The Cirosian Freedom Alliance


The Bill centered around cleaning up the Ruins of Aster as well as resettling citizens living in the Slums of Astoria to the cleaned up area in Aster failed to gain support largely due to the support that the Slum Act received which covered mainly of the same goals.


For the sake of an in game reference this is the “blocker” this bill intends to fix as it represents the resettlement (mainly from Astoria)

Bold areas added to make this more clear and moved to top at the request of magnum

BE IT ENACTED by the authority of the Cirosian Republic, with the guidance and consent of the Senate assembled, in the name of the people and the preservation of the Republic, that the following provisions be established for the security, prosperity, and unity of our nation and its citizens: -

Radiation Exclusion Zone: The heavily irradiated area surrounding the ruins of Ashar, resulting from the Asharian Disaster.

Sprawling Slums: The informal settlements that have developed on the periphery of the Radiation Exclusion Zone and the State as a whole.

Resettlement: The process of relocating residents from slums and over population areas of Astoria into safe, government-provided housing within the constructed New City of Aster.

Reconstruction: The rebuilding of infrastructure, housing, and public services that were once in Ashar within Aster to ensure long-term habitation.

Cirosian Dollars (CD): The currency of the Cirosian Republic, equivalent to Energy Credits (EC).

This Act aims to address the ongoing crisis in the Radiation Exclusion Zone surrounding the ruins of Ashar by resettling the displaced citizens living in slums, clearing radiation from the zone, and initiating the reconstruction of a new city. The project will span six years and will include the relocation of residents, environmental cleanup, and the construction of new housing and infrastructure around the New Periphery Zone, Which will be called “Aster”.

As part of the reconstruction efforts, a monumental structure shall be erected at the heart of the new city Aster. This monument will take the form of a colossal statue of a Cirosian warrior, standing triumphantly atop a massive, intricately carved pedestal. The warrior will hold aloft a blazing torch, symbolizing the Light that guides our people through adversity and towards a brighter future.

The base of the statue will be encircled by bronze reliefs depicting the historic struggles of the Cirosian people. An eternal flame will burn at the foot of the statue, serving as a beacon of Cirosian nationalism, visible from every corner of the city. A grand plaza will be constructed in front of the monument, where citizens can gather to celebrate national holidays, honor our heroes, and renew their pledge to the ideals of Cirosian greatness.

This act, and all provisions contained within, will serve as a template for future large-scale reconstruction and resettlement projects. Any similar projects requiring government oversight, decontamination, and rebuilding efforts shall follow the framework established by this act to ensure consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Radiation Hazard: The area surrounding Ashar (city) has been heavily irradiated due to the Asharian Disaster, creating an uninhabitable zone that has forced residents into unsafe slums both within Ashar (state) and Astoria
Health Risks: Living conditions in the slums around the exclusion zone pose severe health risks due to proximity to radiation, lack of proper sanitation, and inadequate housing.
Economic Impact: The failure to address these issues not only threatens the well-being of the citizens but also hampers the economic potential of the region, as the exclusion zone remains undeveloped.
Government Responsibility: It is the duty of the Cirosian Republic to protect its citizens and restore Aster (state) as a thriving part of the Republic, contributing to both social welfare and economic growth.

Should the act pass The Cirosian Senate hereby authorizes a total of 1 Billion Cirosian Dollars to be allocated for the resettlement and reconstruction of the Aster Ruins. This funding will cover:
Project Cost: The total cost of the Resettlement and Reconstruction of Aster project is estimated at 1 Billion Cirosian Dollars (1000 Energy Credits).

Annual Allocation: The Government shall allocate 150 Million Cirosian Dollars (150 Energy Credits) per year over a period of six years to fund this project.

Fiscal Allocation: The first allocation of 150 Million Cirosian Dollars shall be included in the fiscal budget of the upcoming year, with subsequent annual allocations continuing for the next five years.

Use of Funds: The funds shall be used for:
Clearing Radiation: Allocating resources for radiation decontamination and environmental cleanup of the exclusion zone.
Reconstruction: Rebuilding Aster’s infrastructure, including housing, schools, healthcare facilities, and transportation networks.
Resettlement: Relocating residents from the slums into new housing developments within the reconstructed city.
Completion Timeline: Upon the completion of fundraising, the clearing of radiation, reconstruction of the city, and resettlement of displaced citizens is projected to take 11 years both for the collection of funds and completion of the project.


Upon the successful completion of the resettlement and Construction of Aster, a Phase Two initiative will be planned to address the remaining areas of the Radiation Exclusion Zone and further expand the efforts to reclaim the region. This phase will involve continued decontamination and reclamation of land that remains unsafe for habitation beyond the initial reconstruction zone.
Phase Two will include:

Further expansion of housing and infrastructure to accommodate additional displaced citizens from neighboring areas still affected by radiation.
Additional environmental restoration efforts to ensure that all remaining hazardous areas are made safe for future development and use.
The establishment of new public services, educational facilities, and industrial zones to support the growth of the region.

Upon the completion of these things Ashar will then be inhabited by remaining refugees that choose not to join their fellow refugees in Aster
This Phase Two initiative will be enacted when the Republic has the means to do so, with a future bill introduced to allocate the necessary resources. It is the intent of this act to continue the progress made by the Aster Resettlement and Reconstruction project and ensure that the region is fully restored to a state of prosperity.

The Armed Forces Loyalty Act
Written By The United Center


The Armed Forces Loyalty Act saw major support across the isle however it also saw roughly a quarter of parties oppose the bill largely out of concern for its vagueness.

The Armed Forces swear their allegiance to the values of the Cirosian Republic however the recent Coup attempt by the U.L.C. saw the Armed Forces loyalty questioned and minor portions of the Armed Forces did join in the Coup, as such the Armed Forces Loyalty Act reaffirms the Armed Forces loyalty and dedication to the Cirosian Republic and the Ideals of the Cirosian Republic above all else.

* The Armed Forces Loyalty Act shall have all members of the Armed Forces swear an oath to protect the Cirosian Republic, to protect Democracy within the Cirosian Republic and to stand against Authoritarianism.

* The Armed Forces shall implement stringent internal reviews as to ensure the Armed Forces are devoid of corruption and is loyal to the Republic.

* An Independent Non-Military body shall also conduct internal reviews on the Armed Forces as to ensure they are devoid of corruption and Loyal to the Republic.

* Promotions within the Armed Forces are reaffirmed to be based on Merit and Capabilities not on relationships and nepotism


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Chapter 6.B:
The First Five Years

Research Begins

Red Lasers and Genome Mapping have begun the focus of the Republic's scientists per the Minister of Scientific Research and Development Jean Allard of the Transhumanist Party, meanwhile Offworld Construction has begun being focused on per the Silus Solar System Exploitation Bill by the United Center.
Sirus Station Completed

The old pre-collapse Sirus Outpost has been expanded into a fully fledged space station now inhabited by several hundred proud Cirosian Citizens largely military and science personnel as was required by the Sirus Solar System Exploitation Bill by the United Center
Work Is Made Towards Cleaning Up The Eastern Austorian Slums

Per the Slum Act by the United Front the first steps towards cleaning up Astoria's slums have begun with major housing projects starting across the Eastern Region of Astoria's slums.

Energy Production Increases At A Massive Rate

Per the Slum Act by the United Front two new Generator Districts have been ordered by the Republic with one already having finished construction.

Troubles With The Reactor

The old colony ship reactors are in dire need of replacement however they provide one third of the Republic's total energy production.
The Republic's Economy in 2205

The Republic Is Ready For A New Tradition

The Republic is Prepared To Launch An Agenda Centered Around Democracy

The Capital of the Cirosian Republic


Sirus Station

Research Progress

Economic Growth And GDP


The Republic's GDP grew by 13.1% over the course of Five Years and grew at an yearly rate of 2.62%
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First of all, love the charts :D They're nice to look at!

Second, did not know the old colony ship reactor could be damaged! That's unfortunate.
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Sad to see the Workers Representation Act fail. Was there any attempt by the United Front to find compromises with other coalitions and amend the bill? Also why did the SDL abstain?
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Sad to see the Workers Representation Act fail. Was there any attempt by the United Front to find compromises with other coalitions and amend the bill? Also why did the SDL abstain?
From a neutral point of view many parties marginally supported the act but saw that it went too far. so the more Center-Left parties abstained as to not show opposition to the bill but to show they did not support it's current state.
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Chapter 7: The Senatorial Session of 2205
Chapter 7:
The Senatorial Session of 2205

The 2205 Economic Plan
Proposed By The United Front [U.F.]

Click Here To View The Bill

The Space Commercialization, Industrialization, and Deterrence Act
Proposed By The Transhumanist Party [T.P.]

Click Here To View The Bill

Worker Empowerment and Economic Stability Act
Proposed By The Cirosian Freedom Alliance [C.F.A.]

Click Here To View The Bill

The New Age Infrastructure Act
Proposed By The Cirosian Freedom Alliance [C.F.A.]

Click Here To View The Bill

2205/05/13 The Scientific Advancement Act
Proposed By The Alliance for Development And Progress [A.D.P.]

Click Here To View The Bill

Law 2205/2 Of The Cirosian Senate
Proposed By The United Front [U.F.]

Click Here To View The Bill

Proposed By The United Front [U.F.]
Click Here To View The Bill

Promised Standard of Living Act of 2205
Proposed By The Anti-Corruption League [A.C.L.]

Click Here To View The Bill

Nuclear Safety Act of 2205
Written By The United Center Coalition [U.C.C.]

Click Here To View The Bill

Workers Protections Act
Written By The United Center Coalition [U.C.C.]

Click Here To View The Bill

Scientific Oversight Bill
Written By The Anti-Corruption League [A.C.L.]
Click Here To View The Bill


Death Penalty Abolition Act
Written By The Anti-Corruption League [A.C.L.]
Click Here To View The Bill


The Universal Healthcare Act of 2205
Written By The Anti-Corruption League [A.C.L.]
Click Here To View The Bill


Bill Summary
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Chapter 7.B The Cirosian Recession
Chapter 7.B
The Cirosian Recession


It hit the private sector rapidly as the Economic Struggles of Vargan Industries spread across the Republic's private sector like a wildfire, massively affecting the economy of the Republic.
New Research Labs Are Constructed

Work To Remove Astoria's Slums Concludes

Additional Generator Districts Are Completed

In Light of Hardships A Wandering Comet Brings Out Star Watchers

Emergency Consumer Goods Purchases To Offset Economic Depression

To offset the growing Consumer Goods Deficit the Government has made an emergency purchase of 150 Consumer Goods over the years 2208 to 2210 to maintain a positive surplus at a total cost of 480 Energy Credits.

Violence Breaks Out After The Cirosian Super Cup

The First Construction Ships Begin Construction

The Cirosian Republic Makes Its Mark

The Cirosian Republic's Expansion In 2205

The Cirosian Republic's Economy In 2205

Available Technologies:



Technologies Being Researched

The Planet of Ciros


An Agenda Is Waiting

Agenda Options


Current Automatic Trades


Tradition Progress


Cirosian Republic 2205-2210 Economic Growth
Will Be Released Shortly




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Looks like the republic is heading into troubled waters. How did the different people in power react to the economic crisis? Has the president taken executive measures (if that's even in their power)?
Looks like the republic is heading into troubled waters. How did the different people in power react to the economic crisis? Has the president taken executive measures (if that's even in their power)?
People in power reacted differently based on parties. But for Ministry of Science, it was a normal workweek. There are no executive measures (not presidential's power) outside of emergency consumer goods buyout to offset the economic depression.