For the sake of an in game reference this is the “blocker” this bill intends to fix as it represents the resettlement (mainly from Astoria)
Bold areas added to make this more clear and moved to top at the request of magnum
BE IT ENACTED by the authority of the Cirosian Republic, with the guidance and consent of the Senate assembled, in the name of the people and the preservation of the Republic, that the following provisions be established for the security, prosperity, and unity of our nation and its citizens: -
Radiation Exclusion Zone: The heavily irradiated area surrounding the ruins of Ashar, resulting from the Asharian Disaster.
Sprawling Slums: The informal settlements that have developed on the periphery of the Radiation Exclusion Zone and the State as a whole.
Resettlement: The process of relocating residents from slums and over population areas of Astoria into safe, government-provided housing within the constructed New City of Aster.
Reconstruction: The rebuilding of infrastructure, housing, and public services that were once in Ashar within Aster to ensure long-term habitation.
Cirosian Dollars (CD): The currency of the Cirosian Republic, equivalent to Energy Credits (EC).
This Act aims to address the ongoing crisis in the Radiation Exclusion Zone surrounding the ruins of Ashar by resettling the displaced citizens living in slums, clearing radiation from the zone, and initiating the reconstruction of a new city. The project will span six years and will include the relocation of residents, environmental cleanup, and the construction of new housing and infrastructure around the New Periphery Zone, Which will be called “Aster”.
As part of the reconstruction efforts, a monumental structure shall be erected at the heart of the new city Aster. This monument will take the form of a colossal statue of a Cirosian warrior, standing triumphantly atop a massive, intricately carved pedestal. The warrior will hold aloft a blazing torch, symbolizing the Light that guides our people through adversity and towards a brighter future.
The base of the statue will be encircled by bronze reliefs depicting the historic struggles of the Cirosian people. An eternal flame will burn at the foot of the statue, serving as a beacon of Cirosian nationalism, visible from every corner of the city. A grand plaza will be constructed in front of the monument, where citizens can gather to celebrate national holidays, honor our heroes, and renew their pledge to the ideals of Cirosian greatness.
This act, and all provisions contained within, will serve as a template for future large-scale reconstruction and resettlement projects. Any similar projects requiring government oversight, decontamination, and rebuilding efforts shall follow the framework established by this act to ensure consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Radiation Hazard: The area surrounding Ashar (city) has been heavily irradiated due to the Asharian Disaster, creating an uninhabitable zone that has forced residents into unsafe slums both within Ashar (state) and Astoria
Health Risks: Living conditions in the slums around the exclusion zone pose severe health risks due to proximity to radiation, lack of proper sanitation, and inadequate housing.
Economic Impact: The failure to address these issues not only threatens the well-being of the citizens but also hampers the economic potential of the region, as the exclusion zone remains undeveloped.
Government Responsibility: It is the duty of the Cirosian Republic to protect its citizens and restore Aster (state) as a thriving part of the Republic, contributing to both social welfare and economic growth.
Should the act pass The Cirosian Senate hereby authorizes a total of 1 Billion Cirosian Dollars to be allocated for the resettlement and reconstruction of the Aster Ruins. This funding will cover:
Project Cost: The total cost of the Resettlement and Reconstruction of Aster project is estimated at 1 Billion Cirosian Dollars (1000 Energy Credits).
Annual Allocation: The Government shall allocate 150 Million Cirosian Dollars (150 Energy Credits) per year over a period of six years to fund this project.
Fiscal Allocation: The first allocation of 150 Million Cirosian Dollars shall be included in the fiscal budget of the upcoming year, with subsequent annual allocations continuing for the next five years.
Use of Funds: The funds shall be used for:
Clearing Radiation: Allocating resources for radiation decontamination and environmental cleanup of the exclusion zone.
Reconstruction: Rebuilding Aster’s infrastructure, including housing, schools, healthcare facilities, and transportation networks.
Resettlement: Relocating residents from the slums into new housing developments within the reconstructed city.
Completion Timeline: Upon the completion of fundraising, the clearing of radiation, reconstruction of the city, and resettlement of displaced citizens is projected to take 11 years both for the collection of funds and completion of the project.
Upon the successful completion of the resettlement and Construction of Aster, a Phase Two initiative will be planned to address the remaining areas of the Radiation Exclusion Zone and further expand the efforts to reclaim the region. This phase will involve continued decontamination and reclamation of land that remains unsafe for habitation beyond the initial reconstruction zone.
Phase Two will include:
Further expansion of housing and infrastructure to accommodate additional displaced citizens from neighboring areas still affected by radiation.
Additional environmental restoration efforts to ensure that all remaining hazardous areas are made safe for future development and use.
The establishment of new public services, educational facilities, and industrial zones to support the growth of the region.
Upon the completion of these things Ashar will then be inhabited by remaining refugees that choose not to join their fellow refugees in Aster
This Phase Two initiative will be enacted when the Republic has the means to do so, with a future bill introduced to allocate the necessary resources. It is the intent of this act to continue the progress made by the Aster Resettlement and Reconstruction project and ensure that the region is fully restored to a state of prosperity.