So alright this is my first ever attempt at an AAR so please go easy on me and if you spot any mistake please give me a heads up so I can correct them and avoid the same in the future.
Also the style I've decided to use is narrative though I'm not completely sure if it is correct so please point it out later if it is or isn't. With all that out of the way let's dive into it.
The year is 1936 and tensions are rising in Europe, everything was uneasy after the rise of fascism in Italy back in 1925 and Germany back in 1933, although Germany was still technically under the Treaty of Versailles they have been making bold moves in direct violation to the treaty. In Germany, the re-armament made the allies uneasy because if they continued it on this scale they would have an army powerful enough to conquer France, the trigger for the allies to re arm themselves was the re occupation of the Rhineland in February. France started to re arm its armed forces but on a small and slow scaled which paled in comparison to Germany's but they firmly believed that the Maginot lane would protect their border with Germany and a swing around the low countries would end a complete German defeat in the hands of the combined French, British, Dutch and Belgian army. Britain on the other hand were still debating on the size of their re armament believing the French to be more that capable of handling Germany but ultimately decided to commit fully to re arming themselves after the Spanish Civil War broke in in March 1936. George VI and the Admiralty agreed to expand the size of the Royal Navy as it might also face the Reggio Marina in the Mediterranean, so an order on 3 Ark Royal - class carriers was placed which would be named : HMS Ark Royal, HMS Indomitable, HMS Ferocious and 4 King George V - class battleships named: HMS King George V, HMS Duke of York, HMS Edinburgh and HMS Halifax. Britain also modernized its army and air force with the army receiving brand new equipment in the years to come and the RAF receiving 4 new fighter wings by the end of 1936 which would gradually build up to 3 fighter groups by late 1938. Over the course of the following year tensions continued to build up until the eventual start of World War II in 1939.
Sorry if it's not that good or something and I'll try to find the time tomorrow to add visuals and design it a bit to make it more visually pleasing.
Also the style I've decided to use is narrative though I'm not completely sure if it is correct so please point it out later if it is or isn't. With all that out of the way let's dive into it.
The year is 1936 and tensions are rising in Europe, everything was uneasy after the rise of fascism in Italy back in 1925 and Germany back in 1933, although Germany was still technically under the Treaty of Versailles they have been making bold moves in direct violation to the treaty. In Germany, the re-armament made the allies uneasy because if they continued it on this scale they would have an army powerful enough to conquer France, the trigger for the allies to re arm themselves was the re occupation of the Rhineland in February. France started to re arm its armed forces but on a small and slow scaled which paled in comparison to Germany's but they firmly believed that the Maginot lane would protect their border with Germany and a swing around the low countries would end a complete German defeat in the hands of the combined French, British, Dutch and Belgian army. Britain on the other hand were still debating on the size of their re armament believing the French to be more that capable of handling Germany but ultimately decided to commit fully to re arming themselves after the Spanish Civil War broke in in March 1936. George VI and the Admiralty agreed to expand the size of the Royal Navy as it might also face the Reggio Marina in the Mediterranean, so an order on 3 Ark Royal - class carriers was placed which would be named : HMS Ark Royal, HMS Indomitable, HMS Ferocious and 4 King George V - class battleships named: HMS King George V, HMS Duke of York, HMS Edinburgh and HMS Halifax. Britain also modernized its army and air force with the army receiving brand new equipment in the years to come and the RAF receiving 4 new fighter wings by the end of 1936 which would gradually build up to 3 fighter groups by late 1938. Over the course of the following year tensions continued to build up until the eventual start of World War II in 1939.
Sorry if it's not that good or something and I'll try to find the time tomorrow to add visuals and design it a bit to make it more visually pleasing.