I can tell how popular this mod is *rolls eyes* :^)
Anyway, both the above changes are going into effect, plus a bunch of new stuff. There will ACTUALLY BE GAMEPLAY after 1645! GASP! Yeah, lots of crazy crap between 1645 and 1705 is going up, and I think it will be good fun.
It looks like I will be changing how culture nations get their leaders. All culture nations now have leaders PAINSTAKINGLY torn from their constituent leader files. I will just go back through and write over dozens of hours of work with a leader generator, giving cuture nations better leaders than everyone else. Any qualms?
Bigger still is my desire to cut out the proposed regional nations. I personally have never actually formed one, even though I programmed like 4 possibles in. Has anyone been able to form one? Anyone had the desire to form one? I want to add some new culture and religious stuff after 1645 that won't jive with the regional nations, so instead of throwing them in when I don't want them, I think I'll take them out. Can anyone give me a reason to keep them?
Yeah, so lots of new stuff coming up. This new patch, hopefully out in a week or so, will be EVEN BIGGER! than the last one, which was the biggest release since my first one. NSIS is now over a year old, and is really shaping up into a complete mod. Please, though, guys, I need some feedback. I can't do all the testing myself, and I'm sure there are bugs out there. If you see something while playing, please report it!! I can't fix what I don't know is broken! That said, thanks a lot for playing and enjoying this mod!