Allied with a Jailed Cannibal. Good thing this was only an alliance based on my 3rd son's marriage and not the primary heir. So I thought I'd do a Deep Dive to sort out "why" this person may be motivated to become a Cannibal. Perhaps this also lends to some insight on human psychology, if that is possible to find somewhere in the deeper recesses of CK2's AI.
- So he started out in life club-footed, and perhaps thought he could eat his way out of the problem. Ironically, he is a Light Foot Leader.
- Name is "Richfrid" but that seems a typo in light of the circumstances, that should be "Richfried" instead, don't you think?
- And the Dynasty name is "Richfriding" of all things. So was he the Robin Hood of Cannibals? Butcher the Rich to Feed the Poor?
- Then there is the trio of being Lunatic, Drunkard, and Stressed out. What would a crazy stressed out person use as Comfort Food? And what wine goes with that leg of Lambert?
- But then there's the dichotomy of Cynicism and Devil Worship. So I'm not sure if he was cynical of the devil also. Or maybe he was the caterer for the local Devil Worshipping cult, lots of possibilities down that rabbit hole.
- Inspiring Leader, damaged Enemy Morale in combat. Maybe when he sacrificed to the gods, he proceeded to throw them on the grill while the fight continued on.
- And he is Diligent about this habit. He probably had more stored victims than Dahmer in his wood shed.
- Paranoid does fit in nicely also, because anyone suspicious toward his habit gets packaged with the Winter Squash.
- But here is the one Trait that threw me off, but in itself, must be the most gruesome Trait of all for a long-term Cannibal, the fact that this guy is - Content. That right there is scary. The Contented Cannibal.