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As Wormholes have to be spawned in pairs, it should not be possible.

And hte only event I know to spawn a Wormhole later is the one where you create a "Hyperspace bypass" by blowing up earth :)

There's another one where your scientist finds a mysterious lever and pulls it. The player is then directed to study a nearby solar system, which now has a wormhole.
There's another one where your scientist finds a mysterious lever and pulls it. The player is then directed to study a nearby solar system, which now has a wormhole.
I had the lever pulling part, but never the Wormhole part. Or maybe I did not realize the wormhole was new?
So where is it?

Oh, there it is...
I posted this in the beta branch thread but it's too strange not to post here as well.

I've got some mysterious Trade Value flowing through my empire. Normally, I'd be happy to have free TV, but I'm an ME, so I have no idea what is happening. The system named Phonok in the picture below is especially confounding, since the trade route inexplicably stops right there. It can't be coming from the guy to my right, since they do not control any systems past our borders. Everything north of the system Mavall (just below CORE EXTENSION 015), following the hyperlane network, once belonged to the FP empire to my north, so I thought the trade route was a remnant of their stuff, but there was never a starbase in Phonok. I have tried clearing out the piracy, but it just comes back.


Strangely enough, I am actually collecting 5.38 TV, which isn't even the amount the trade route is worth. It can't be because piracy is reducing it, but I just finished clearing all of it. I have checked all of my planets and none of them are producing TV, which MEs can't produce anyway.


If it ended there I could accept it as a remnant trade route of the FP I attacked, but it gets weirder. I now have a trade route running across my core territory, which was never once controlled by an organic empire.


I'm going to build a starbase in each of these systems in an attempt to forcibly update the piracy. Hopefully that will work.

EDIT 1: The starbases only work as long as they exist. Even waiting a month so everything updates and then disbanding the starbased just makes the piracy come back. This has annoyingly already spawned a nothing little pirate fleet that I had to swat.

EDIT 2: I've found it! Some organic empire on the other side of the wormhole REALLY wanted to get that TV to their capitol. Thanks to @metalosse for the tip. This is the most convoluted trade route I've seen thus far. I've closed my borders to them in response to this. I might take some of their territory for annoying me like this.


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The call is coming from inside the house.

I asked myself the same question when I read the name of this war my ally was in. Apparently my ally and a DS far to the south both became Awakened Empires and decided that the galaxy wasn't big enough for the both of them. I have no other explanation for this "The_War in Heaven."

False War In Heaven.jpg
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I've got some mysterious Trade Value flowing through my empire. Normally, I'd be happy to have free TV, but I'm an ME, so I have no idea what is happening. The system named Phonok in the picture below is especially confounding, since the trade route inexplicably stops right there. It can't be coming from the guy to my right, since they do not control any systems past our borders. Everything north of the system Mavall (just below CORE EXTENSION 015), following the hyperlane network, once belonged to the FP empire to my north, so I thought the trade route was a remnant of their stuff, but there was never a starbase in Phonok. I have tried clearing out the piracy, but it just comes back.

Piracy does not appear in Systems with a Starbase. As in: The game will not even generate "Current" or "Max" Piracy values. If they spawned there, they would be dead.
My best guess is that the Route passes from Red, over Striridon through the Zorf Wormhole, to whatever is on the other side.
EDIT 2: I've found it! Some organic empire on the other side of the wormhole REALLY wanted to get that TV to their capitol. Thanks to @metalosse for the tip. This is the most convoluted trade route I've seen thus far. I've closed my borders to them in response to this. I might take some of their territory for annoying me like this.

You could just shut the border check points to prevent this flow of trade route and make it some other country's problem. BTW, piracy is updated every day instead of every month unlike everything else in this game.
I colonized the junk rattlings planets, and 4 of the 5 Tomb worlds I colonized had the ancient particle accelerator(I eventually got the last one, but by invasion, so no particle accelerator).

I guess they were really into physics.




I colonized the junk rattlings planets, and 4 of the 5 Tomb worlds I colonized had the ancient particle accelerator(I eventually got the last one, but by invasion, so no particle accelerator).

I guess they were really into physics.
"Do you want to know how I got these Tombworlds?"
I can see that this Horde Successor State has been doing quite well for themselves. The local Watchful Regulators even decided the Pelx-Cradonian Successor Khanate was advancing so quickly that their technological progress needed to be slowed down.

I wonder how they manage to communicate with me without having ANY population. Do you think they learned telepathy from the Great Khan and are communicating to me from the Shroud?

No Pops.jpg

After a bit of console magic we can see all their lovely planets! Oh wait...

No Planets.jpg

Who exactly are these people?
Well, this isn't all that str-

Well, at least we're protected.
I guess that answers the Fermi Paradox.

Although it does beg the question of why the Marauders wouldn't raid a pre-FTL planet from time to time...
They'd get tons more from raiding an interstellar empire that has mastered fusion reaction than a bunch of feudal morons who think thunder is God talking.