Here are some Sulu ideas as well
Sulu ideas
Great ideas, didn't even know the sulu existed until now! My rephrasing suggestions:
-10% Ship cost
+2 Tolerance towards the true faith
Children of Karim ul-Makhdum
A trading missionary of a semilegendary status as he who not only enlightened us with the holy practise of islam, but founded our holy community. Many yet claim to be his descendants, for we still continue his legacy.
+1 Missionary
An and Wen
We are quick to make friends, having spent some time as a tributary to the Chinese, we rather quickly became well appretiated and some of our royalty even became honored princes at their court. We know what can be gained by turning the other cheek.
+15% Faster relations improvement
+0.5 Prestige
Brunei guidance
The Brunei empire not only inducted us into their empire and introduced us to islam, they enhanced us with new knowledge of government and architecture.
-10 Development cost
Moro pirates
Feared from the Philippines to Malacca, the pirates of our islands bring us great plunder from across all corners of sea, from infidels and unfortunate men alike.
+25% Privateer efficiency
Empower the datus
Our tribal leaders have long enjoyed a degree of freedom that they have used to their advantage, amassing fortunes at sea. We should extend these right as their interest align with ours.
-10% Naval maintenance
Bisaya slaves
With the arrival of the white peoples the slave trade has sky-rocketed, and we have found that the Bisaya tribes from the phillipino islands are the perfect unfortunates for the role. In addition, by importing from afar we can keep our hands relatively clean too!
+10% Global trade power
Masters of the Sulu sea
By the 17th and 18th century our naval capabilities are at its height and we dominate the Sulu sea without mercy. Let it be known that there is no peace for those who deny the prophet!
+20% Light ship combat ability
+1 Naval tradition
Thanks to Norpheus with the revised version