OK, Here is a somewhat larger storyline:
In 1350, the Angeli dynasty of Eastern Rome had ended. Emperor Demetrios suddenly "dissapeard" and the young prince Hermerion where assasinated before he coud be crowned to Baselios.
After some disputes about the crown, Hiero Seogos, Overcommander of the army and navy took power. Hiero where Grandmaster of the Cult of Sol Invictus, and he decreeded that his cult should be alowed to tech thier religion and build tempels to thier god. However, the men of the church didn't want this to happen. The Patriarch and his allied princes began a civil war after succed taking over Constantinople.
But, even if they had many folowers, they had litteraly no chance. The revolters where mobs of peasants and workers whitout mutch equipment. They coud never do anything against the Byzantine army and navy. In 1353, the Rebels where defeated in their last stronghold of Dasmascus, but the revolt had already been supresed in reality two years earlier.
After this revolt, Hiero reformed the religion. He maded Sol Invictusism as a state religion, and laid what was left of the church under his direkt control. Sol Invictusism spread acccros the empire, practicaly in Athens, Tessaconicle and Bursa. Hiero renamed Contantinople to Byzantion to remove the name of the Cristian emperor Constantin from his Capitol.
Hiero died in 1405. His hier where Deeitheror Seogos, where continiuing the spread of Paganism accros the empire. However, in 1417, he where kidnapped by Cristians and burnt at the stake. A cristian, Manuel Epheros took power and forrbidded Paganism. This where unpopular, because a large part of the people had growned up under Hieros and Deeitherors rule and where Paganists still loyal to Sol Invictus.
In January 1920, Deeithors nephew Haeros and the other cultists staged a coup. The civil war had begun.