The Rock and the Hard Place
For ten years the Themmlar resisted contamination. Assisted by there Cynur Overlords, they have been shattering sporian fleets and incinerating its armies on a scale unthinkable to this day. Within this war, the tonnage of spore vessels destroyed is estimated to equal or even exceed the total tonnage of all previous efforts combined. However, the Cynur did not made any attempt to incur on sporian space, considering it unsuited to be enslaved and more of an annoyance, then a genuine threat. As one who studies history should know, arrogance towards the Spore as never proven justified and with ample time the Themmlar defenses were whittled away to the point of total collapse.
But even so, the Cynur had provided those near the contamination zone a full decade to regroup and rebuild and though still not united, every Nation was eager to reclaim what had been lost and exact revenge against this mindless tide of death. Most of the Nations had come to the loose understanding, that Invasions would be carried out in the first months of 2370, marking the 150th "anniversary" of First Contact, as well as the 75th of the Great Effort. The Cynur economy hadn't even been touched by the spore, thus experts generally aggreed upon the war not ending before that date.
And it might very well not have, had it not been for a completly unforseeable event: In 2367.06.01 a subspace tear opened just 4 hyperjumps away from the Cynur home system, followed by a massive incursion of an as of now unidentified species of seemingly energy based intelligences, attacking everything and everyone they come into contact with - quite like the spore itself.
It is speculated in some circles, that these beings might indeed be connected to the spore in some way. Some suggest the Spore might be a bio weapon deployed by these creatures to soften up the defenses of their target galaxy, emerging as their creation starts to face formidable foes. Others speculate the spores collective conciousness, if such a thing really exists, might have sensed the arrival of such unbidden forces as early as 150 years ago and may have risen to defend the galaxy. If so, we might see a shift in its behaviour quite soon.
There's even a theory stating the spore may have been a failed attempt to prevent the supposed extradimensionals arrival by curbing the development of advanced technologies.
Though fun little thought experiments, I'm not inclined to believe any of these theories. It would not make sense for someone to deploy a weapon to "soften up" an opponent and only intervene after such weapon lost its momentum. Nor is there any evidence for a sporian "overmind" directing the individual cells to achieve abstract goals and lastly, producing something like the spore to prevent technological progress would be producing something new technology is required to deal with, thus stimulating tech progress. Though it is worth noting that in the last war UYN-Scouts have spotted several pre-industrial civilisations within the contamination zone, wich seem to go completely unmolested by the Spore and we do not yet know why.
If the spore attacks these Invaders, it will probably not diverge from its usual pattern and perceive them as yet another obstacle. If however the galaxy were to united against these energy-beings, the resulting alliance might very well purge the contamination zone as well. Seeing as for 147 years such has not happened, I'm inclined to hope our new acquitances are more talktative then the Spore, and may be swayed by diplomacy - maybe even into cleasing the Contamination Zone.
- Khul-Lem, Tezhnid Confederation Senator
The Galaxy in 2367