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I vaguely remember that story line, but whether I can hold that area is to be determined. I think I will send a fleet there, but atm I am not sure where the Klingon ships are.

The plot of Star Trek IX: Insurrection.
“The stars thin-scattered made the heavens large”

A Star-Trek mod Stellaris AAR



A New Year and still the peace holds. The Klingons, other than their minor war with the Xyrillians, are back within their borders. We hear from our agents that there is armed conflict between two of the Great Houses: the House of Duras having attacked the House of Mogh. It could be that this internecine battle is distracting the High Council of the Empire from further expansion.

Our own borders are slowly expanding, but through exploration rather than war. Which is how the USS Brown, tracing a distress call, located a derelict spacecraft in the Evora system, close to Rigellian space. Captain Namboodiri has been told to leave it for now: we need to complete the survey and claim the system to make it harder for any invasion fleet to approach us without detection.


Captain Namboodiri must curb his enthusiasm for exploring anomalies like this drifting spacecraft


Commander Sleeth reports from Kreuger that the Central Processing Ore Grinder has been destroyed, and that system is safe for exploration ships. The only other news is that the Federation has begun improving our relationship with the Orion Trade Union. While this loose confederation of bandits appears weak, it does control a large territory, and there is no need for us to be belligerent: at least not for now.


It is now official: the Denobulan Unity is a member world of the Federation! The streets are full of drunken diplomats of all races singing patriotic songs and pledging undying friendship.


While obeying orders, Captain Namboodiri keeps pestering Star Fleet from Evora system. He now says there is evidence of massive fleet action at some time in the past near a moon of Evora Prime. Star Fleet Command is not interested: his priority is to complete the survey.


It has taken an awfully long time, but the Multitronic computer is now a reality. Coincidentally, on the same day the design work for a Centre of Anomaly Studies was completed. New investigations into a Tachyon indirect Deflector Array and a system of Regional Administration are underway.


Deliberately retro in appearance, the M-5 Multitronic computer is the most powerful possessed by the Federation


Captain Namboodiri has contacted Star Fleet yet again, but thankfully not seeking permission to investigate his drifting space craft. He wishes to report that he has found a sentient race on Evora Prime. Recently having formed a global administration from a network of nation states, they call themselves the Evon Regency, and have just discovered space travel.


The contractors have begun work on defence structures for the Gerber Starbase. It will be fitted with the best technology we have: a Torpedo Launcher Battery, an Energy Weapon Array, Armour Plate and a “Freya” class Defence Satellite. When completed, it will be able to hold its own against a considerable attack force, and given its position on the border with the Vulcan Commonwealth, a mere front for the Klingons, such an attack could come at any time. I hear that Star Fleet has its collective fingers crossed that the work can be completed in time. While on the subject of Klingon aggression, the Xyrillians have surrendered. They are now a protectorate of the Klingon Empire.


In a move that has our diplomats scratching their heads, the newly created Xyrillian Protectorate has asked to enter a Migration Treaty with the Federation. Is this some cunning plan to infiltrate us with spies? Who knows? Wiser heads than mine think the benefits outweigh the risks, so the treaty has been signed.


Alarming news from the colony on Alpha Centauri IV: a massive shift in the tectonic plates on the planet has shaken the inhabitants, and started panic which will take some time to settle down. We are told to wait further news.


Good news for Alpha Centauri IV. Virtually no damage to structures and no loss of life. That is a great relief. As a fledgling colony, any setback could take years to repair.

A request from the Rigellian Consortium for a Research Agreement is politely but firmly rejected. They are far behind us scientifically and we see no reason to give them the benefit of our investments.



A request from the previously unknown Delta Union to establish an embassy is been granted. What we know of them is second hand, but none of it would suggest they are in any way a threat to us. They seem to be some minor group of moral democrats, who mainly keep to themselves.


The surface of Tau Boötis IIa is, according to Captain Brianna Lucas of the science ship “Oberth”, covered in strange shapes that look as though they may be, or were, buildings. Interesting though this may be, she is told to concentrate on the task at hand: surveying the system.


Tau Boötis IIa: buildings or natural features?

A public performance of the playing of the Ressikian Flute boosts unity, but while the Abronath artefact has arrived on Earth, it seems as though it needs more parts before we can work out what it does.


Huge excitement over at Star Fleet Command as the designs for a new Advanced Cruiser are unveiled. This will allow the construction of not only new cruisers, but also a new Long Range Exploration Vessel. It is rumoured that such a vessel might become the Star Fleet Flagship. This advance also means another round of retirements: we will no longer build or maintain the Type 7 Shuttle craft, the NX Beta Fighter nor the NX Explorer. That’s progress though. We cannot cling to the past, not when the Klingons pose an existential threat.


Existing NX Beta fighters will remain in use for the foreseeable future

The research teams, having devoted a great deal of time to the military, are probably glad to change emphasis by studying Large Scale Mining Construction.


More alarming news, but this time not threatening one of our colonies. Our scanners have detected an asteroid on a direct path to the planet Ba’ku! The Council is in a dilemma. The First Contact protocol forbids us from alerting the inhabitants to our presence, but if we don’t do something, the entire planet will be destroyed, along with the entire Ba’kuan race! The lights are burning late in the Council building as advisors prepare contingency plans and the Council debates what action, if any, the Federations should take.

While everyone is distracted, Captain Namboodiri somehow gets permission to investigate the third anomaly found in the Evora system. This time it is some floating aerostat structures on the boundary of space over Evora II. It doesn’t take long for the investigators to determine they are remains of efforts of the long dead inhabitants to create space colonies above the planet. Great for our sociologists, not much use to anyone else.

At huge expense, an order has been placed with the Utopia shipyards for a new explorer, the first in the “Defiant” class. The NCC 1764 will take nearly five years to build, so we hope it is worth it.


With the cost and construction time of warships spiralling upwards, the completion of the Tachyon Infused Deflector Array could not come at a better time. This technology will allow our ships to be fitted with back up warp coils, always ready for a quick escape from battle. Hopefully this will allow our tactics of “Hit and Run” to be less dangerous: we have lost too many ships and crews to fast reacting Klingon fleets, not to mention ambushes.

The next project, Holographic Training Simulators, will address a growing problem, the lack of trained officer available for assignment. We still have several thousand in reserve, but replacements cannot keep up with demand.

The Council has, if not come to a decision about what to do with the “Ba’ku problem”, decided to do something. Commander T’Pring, with Star Fleet II, has left for the Briar Patch. It will take some time for her to get there, which will give the Council more time to ponder.


Unknown to me, or to most of the administration, work has been taking place on developing an Automated Threat Assessment Algorithm. I only found out by accident, when I heard that there was to be some sort of announcement in about a month.

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We are expanding the Obetellus Pocket, but there are not many unclaimed systems in the region


That announcement never came. While attending another “Tradition” ceremony, a message comes in from Navam Suraj. I must admit I have never heard of it: it is a system between Starmagg and Obetellus, its only claim to fame being a research station above the star, and a possibly inhabitable planet. Almost the whole Council left the ceremony, and in no time at all an order for Commander Sleeth and Star Fleet III to leave has been issued. From what I can discover, there is a rumour that research on the Threat Algorithm has been taking place, in secret, at the Navam Suraj station, where something called the Section 31 Operation Group is based. Some sort of issue has arisen that requires not only a warship, but also an experienced commander. No doubt I will find out more in the future. It is all very mysterious.

It is unfortunate that the ceremony is disrupted, as for once it is significant. The announcement of a Planetary Survey Corps is not the significant part, it is that this signals the culmination of our “Discovery” themed traditions. The Federation now has ascended to a state of Eternal Vigilance. Our starbases and defence platforms will be more effective against attackers, both defensively and offensively. Something to reassure those garrisons close the Klingon border, living constantly with the thought that an enemy fleet could materialise in front of them. A fleet that does not take prisoners.

I don’t think there is a connection with either event, but Treasury releases a long list of construction contracts on a dozen colonies. Once again, the focus is on population growth.


An uneasy calm exists throughout the administration, both military and civilian. Nobody is happy just sitting around and waiting, but it takes time for ships to travel the many light years necessary. In the meantime, unity should be less of a problem with the introduction of Regional Administration. I am not sure what has prompted a study into the effectiveness of a Colonial Bureau of Penology. Perhaps it was the best of a poor assortment of projects presented for approval.

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Federation Space at the end of 2065: the presence of nearby Klingon fleets is disturbing
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Hmm...another war is coming. Will start fleet be strong enough to protect, and can you free the vulcans?
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“The stars thin-scattered made the heavens large”

A Star-Trek mod Stellaris AAR



For some reason that nobody can determine, the order to Commander Sleeth and Star Fleet III was not issued. An urgent communication to Commander Tucker has SF V on the move to Navam Suraj: we must find out what is going on with this mysterious “Section 31”.


Now it is the turn of the Bolian League to break our Migration Treaty. All these races are friendly with the Federation – what is the cause of so many cancelled agreements?

It has become apparent that our exploration and construction ships are under enormous pressure. Though the more warlike elements of Star Fleet command are unhappy at alloys being spent on non-military ships, a new Science and a new Construction Ship are to be built.


The Council has decided on a new initiative. The Federation will start a series of “3 Year Missions”, where a Science ship with an experienced commander will be sent into deep space, with no orders other than to discover what is there. It is hoped that this will generate fresh knowledge to offset the cost and the risks. Only days after the official proclamation, it was announced that Captain Ellen Haygarth with the USS Gann will be the first to undertake the mission.


TSC Gann prepares for a long voyage

That news overshadowed the more routine construction of an Observation Post at Barzan II and permission being granted to Captain Skalaar (USS Sh’Kyr) to begin excavations at Barzan I, where the dying archaeologist left his notes on DNA and a set of strange number blocks).


The ambassadors of the Tiburian Alliance and the Benzarian Commonwealth have also decided to end their Migration Treaties with us. The growth of the Federation depends to a large extent on foreign migration, so this is serious setback. President Archer has at least met with Prime Minister Okegeti Nogard, leader of the Saurian League, and improved our relations with them.


The expected drop in migrants has not deterred those in charge of our colonisation program. It has been on hold for a while, the enormous cost of colony ships a block when the call is for more and more warships. But now authorisation has been granted for two ships to be built. The first is to colonise Omicron Theta Prime, where there are deposits of impure trillium, javonite caverns and a strange spatial anomaly that will allow the construction of a super collider. The second ship is bound for 82G Eridani Prime, which is in a strategic location perfect for the construction of a Naval Supply Depot.


A “Conestoga” Class colony ship under construction at the Utopia ship yard


A catastrophe! Our starbase at Tau Ceti has been completely destroyed! My sources in Star Fleet Command tell me that a garbled transmission was received, calling for help and something about a computer malfunction, then silence. Long range scanners and observations from nearby systems confirm that the base is now derelict. Erika Hernandez and SF IV have been despatched to find out the cause, but there are rumours this is connected to the Automated Threat Algorithm.


More concerning events: this time the rogue scientist on Capella. She has been giving advanced weaponry to one of the planet’s kingdoms, and it is proceeding to conquer its competitors. An emergency meeting of the Council came to a unanimous decision: she must be removed by force if necessary. Commander Saxton and a fleet of transports loaded with soldiers are on their way to sort out this problem for once and for all.


Commander Saxton’s space troopers will extract the troublesome scientist


Somehow our engineers have managed to get the Tau Ceti Star Base functioning again, but there are as yet no answers on what happened to cause its destruction and deaths of its garrison. It has prompted serious concerns here on Earth, many of which relate to the long delays in responding to crises due to the vast distances involved. The “Orinoco” has been ordered to build another Space Traffic Control Relay at Obetellus.


T'pol, still commanding the “Enterprise” is currently surveying the Osseq system, on the border of Saurian territory. She reports she found a body of indeterminate size near Osseq Va but despite strenuous efforts the location of the object could not be identified. She came to the conclusion that it was something hidden in subspace, and used a concentrated tachyon emission from the mass deflector drive to reveal it. It immediately began a self destruct routine, but prompt action from the Tactical Officer (who fired a laser bolt to halt the process) allowed us to examine it. Unfortunately all the data found was useless.


The Rigellian Consortium, squeezed in between the Orion Trade Union and the Son’a Command, asks for a Defence Pact, where if either is attacked the other will come to its aid. They have a pathetic defence capability, but the Council feels that the Federation could do well if it were to be involved with a conflict with either of the potential foes, and decides to sign.


Captain Namboodiri finally gets his wish and sends a team to examine the drifting space craft. It is nearly a fatal mistake. The ship is littered with the bodies of the crew who had obviously been killed in a bloodthirsty battle. But no evidence of any attack could be found. An analysis of tissue samples showed that the crew been driven insane by a brain parasite and had turned on each other. Only the Captain’s quick realisation of the danger saved the USS Brown’s crew from a similar fate.


Evidence of the madness caused by the brain parasite


A strong movement backing a “Mars Development Project” has arisen and now has the ear of the Council. It has been agreed that a committee will look into the prospects of a defence network on the planet, a network that could defend the whole of the Sol system.


An academic study of the threat detection algorithm has detected what appears to be a rogue subroutine. This “Control” program is acting independently of any input. While the experts argue about whether this is result of errors by the lead programmer or the program somehow “evolving”, nobody seems to be doing anything about it.


Captain Skalaar informs us that the “number blocks” his team has been analysing are in fact data of DNA strands from around the galaxy. The dead archaeologist had been working on a theory that a pre-cursor race spread around the galaxy before dying out, leaving only traces of DNA. This may explain why some many races in the known galaxy are humanoid. He has beamed back about the Sh’Kyr to continue studying the evidence.


A lot of backslapping and high-fiving from the programmers investigating the “Control” subroutine: they claim they have solved the problems and can now fix the algorithm to work as intended. I noticed however that a few analysts are not so sure: as one said to me “It just seemed too easy – as if we were meant to find this solution”.


The Holographic Training Simulator is now in operation, hopefully leading to an increase in both quantity and quality of new Star Fleet officers. The Academy is pleased enough. At first I didn’t believe the proposal for the next batch of research funding, but I am assured it is genuine. Apparently the emptiness of space is not empty: the entire galaxy is linked by some sort of subspace network created by a species of fungi. The theory is that we can use this “mycelium network” to travel vast distances in an instant. It is being called the Displacement Hub Spore Drive, which is the most practical sounding part of the whole project.


This is what subspace looks like according to the mycelium project scientists: a network of fungal connections


The threat to Ba’ku may be over soon: Starfleet III, led by Commander T’Pring is to begin the demolition of the asteroid heading for the planet.



Aldius, a system controlled by the Federation of Planets, has been claimed by the Klingons. It is true we only recently established a space station in orbit around the central star, but Space Law is clear on the issue of control of systems: the first to have an operating space station is the legitimate owner of the system. It looks very much as though the Klingons are trying to provoke a reaction. The Council has decided to ignore their message.


Star Fleet Command and the various Federation security organisations have been flooded with reports of attacks, all of them identifying the rogue “Control” program as the source. It has been turning our own defence systems against us! That all but squeezed out the news that Star Fleet is to get a new heavy cruiser.


Some serious money is being spent on defence: the latest is that a massive array of sub-light sentry pods is to be built on Mars. As long as “Control” doesn’t take over them that should keep this system safe.


Nobody seems to know for sure, but the rumour is that the recent loss of the Navam Suraj has something to do with Control. Star Fleet is being very reluctant to release details, and all I can gather is that some sort of “Stealth Escorts” are in control of the system, and that overall power is in the hands of a mad scientist.


At last some good news: Captain Ellen Haygarth is off on the inaugural “3 Year Expedition”. The idea has captured the popular imagination, with every holo-screen showing the USS Gann speeding up before warping to who knows where. But there is still an undercurrent of concern. The uncertainty and lack of information about “Control” has had an unsettling effect, pushing worries about the Klingons out of the public sphere.


The media, no doubt with some encouragement from the Council, made a big splash when Star Fleet II destroyed the asteroid that could have wiped out Ba’ku. The main story though is that Commander T’pring (with a new title: Saviour of Ba’ku”) is one her way with her fleet to sort out the rebels at Navam Suraj.

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Star Fleet II moves in to save Ba’ku

For those who want something that does not involve the military, there is the continuing saga of Barzan I. Captain Skalaar has gone back to the underground caves with his team, seeking more information on the DNA puzzle, and has struck a ruined doorway. It is too dangerous to use, and they are so deep that the transporter locks cannot be guaranteed. They are going to try to bypass the door.


The Council has adopted a new agenda: “Give and Take”. We are not sure what they mean, but perhaps some sort of hint to the political factions to play nice?


Star Fleet now has an expanded academy on Earth, and almost all Federation member planets are back in building mode. I note Alpha Centauri I is to get a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant, but most of the new projects are just adding new districts. Lack of manpower is still the main blocker to production.


Amid all the serious diplomatic and military notices, there was one that brought smiles to the office staff in the Council building. For all I know the Councillors may have found it amusing. The Xyrillians have guaranteed the Orion Trade Union! As if any potential attacker would be put off by their puny fleet!

T’Pring’s Star Fleet II, which is currently coming out of warp near Navam Suraj, is more like a war fleet. 3 Walker Class Multi-Mission ships, 2 Bonaventure Class Light Cruisers, an Intrepid Class Light Cruiser and 3 Emmette Class Frigates. That should clear out the rebel riff-raff.


The regular shapes spotted on Tau Boötis IIa are not buildings. T’Pol and her crew have determined they are merely mineral forms. What is interesting however is the tectonic shifts that created them do not appear natural. The working hypothesis is that some alien civilisation modified the planet’s structure in such a way that the shapes were created. Worth further investigation: a note has been passed to Construction that a Research Station would be good investment.

There are a lot of calls for scientific investment though. A study of Iconian Archaeology promises that further insights into that ancient culture. There is some enthusiasm, but not as much as for the next research project, something that offers more practical and immediate benefits: coming up with an Optimal Bridge Design.


Star Fleet Command is in shock. Commander T’Pring has been defeated by the rebels. Not just defeated: she reports that her ships could not even damage the stealth escorts defending Navam Suraj. (Analysis indicates that our weapons did some damage, but that the stealth escorts have some sort of enhanced repair mechanism). With shields almost gone and armour starting to take damage, she ordered an emergency jump. One frigate has been lost, its structure weakened by combat and unable to cope with the stress of a sudden warp.

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One of the nine Stealth Escorts in the Navam Suraj system

Despite the shock defeat, some semblance of order remains. All warships have been ordered to upgrade to the latest weapons and defence, and senior officers have been assigned to come up with a plan to avenge our dishonour.

News of this event has of course been kept quiet, so when the Tellar Prime Sector announced proudly that it would now have a Starfleet Academy Campus, it did so without knowing that the Federation had been thrown out of its own system. Would the Tellarians have been so ready to acknowledge us as Overlords had they known the truth?


For a change it is not Captain Namboodiri who is reporting an anomaly, it is Captain Jhamel of the USS Clarke. He is told to complete his survey before looking into this mysterious object his scanners have found deep inside the gas giant Berengaria VII.

Envoy Harumi Yamaguchi has left for a new job: handling first contact with the “Graze Herd Council”.


Obetellus, our forward defence base, has been upgraded again, and will add a Trade Depot as well as a Fixed Mount Tractor Beam to its resources. Star Fleet is still unsure if it could withstand a concerted Klingon attack, but it is only intended to hold the Klingons until a battle fleet can get there.


The Obetellus Star Base dwarfs two nearby mining stations


First Contact protocols have been breached on Axanar. A shuttle craft on a routine mission to rotate staff at the planet-based Observation Post was intercepted by some primitive atmospheric aircraft, and a lucky shot disabled it. It has crashed in a remote area, and the survivors need to be rescued without alerting the locals to our presence. USS Brown has been recalled from its current mission to sort out the problem.

The year ends with the Vulcans also accepting us as Overlords and constructing a campus. They have confidence in our surviving any Klingon attack, which is encouraging.


At the end of 2207, the Federations faces several threats and problems
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The Klingons keep moving around, but they seem to be having an internal war atm. My fleet is still very small: I have been building big powerful ships rather than a swarm of littlies.

Tis the Star Fleet way.

The Romulan Star Empire being so puny is wild.