At that particular point in time, Jericho was aboard the Trinity, having her big reunion with Mira during Chapter 39. She didn't learn about the 15 new Battlemasters until after Blake fell from the Nagasaki ATC tower. Putting Blake in charge of the Niagara was a joint idea between Mira Mihaka, Laura Harper/Asaru, and John Bradford. They came up with it once the UNE had made contact with the Triple Alliance fleet (just before the Battle at Barnard's Star in Chapter 38) They know that in all previous Cycles, Blake stayed on Earth during the final battle and ultimately spent the War in Heaven in a direct confrontation with Akira. The general plan this time around is to keep him in space.Wait, is Jericho deliberately splitting up the Stormbreakers!?
Oh, yes. Akira's plan is very badly screwed up right now. Not only did Blake fall from the tower, but if/when he wakes up, he's going to lay the blame for the entire incident on Akira... who was last seen bleeding, blacked out, and incapacitated in the tower. If XCOM doesn't arrest Akira, the Partogans will kill her; and if the Partogans don't kill Akira... Chihiro will do it. Time-traveling daughter or not, seriously harming Chihiro's husband is a capitol offense in her eyes.Well, Sophia jumped last chapter, right? And pulled Blake with her? Does that screw up Akira’s plan?
How did nobody recognize Akira? She’s a galactic war criminal - and her ship got picked up by Partogans.
The crew of the Irirangi Ranginui completely dropped the ball and failed to spot Akira, but special blame goes to Toa Hahona for failing to recognize Akira during a direct conversation, although her Psionic Manipulation might have tipped the odds against him. Akira also owes her escape to good luck. A single Psionic Blackout would have given her away instantly. The risk of being caught in a Blackout is why Akira's disguises have become simple and somewhat transparent these days.
Of course, it's difficult for anyone to keep an eye out for Akira now that her signature spacecraft has come under new ownership (and acquired 29 identical sisterships)