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Lt. General
66 Badges
Jan 13, 2013
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
  • Victoria 2: Heart of Darkness
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • 500k Club
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization
  • Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Victoria 2
  • Europa Universalis 4: Emperor
  • Stellaris
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Field Marshal
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Imperator: Rome Sign Up
  • Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition
  • Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Imperator: Rome
  • Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance
  • Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
Here I am going to list a whole bunch of historical names for various provinces across the globe, from Europe to Oceania, from Asia to South America.

I will incorporate some suggestions from my threads on the Caribbean and Oceania, as they didn't get as much attention as I'd hoped. I would greatly apriciate if you comment this thread with corrections, further suggestions, or just a simple "+1" as it would increase the chances of the devs seeing it.

Below each category in a spoiler, I will also post some constructed suggestions based on a translation of the name given to it by the colonizer (e.g. Puerto Rico = Richport; to give flavor, assuming the name would be the same should it be discovered first by another nation. This is however just a little extra flavor and shouldn't take away from the historical suggestions here, which is why I put them in spoilers)

Since I know EUIV struggles with having more than one province with the same name, I have tried to get optional suggestions for these places (i.e. Santiago which is an obvious choice for Picunumapu can also be Valparaiso. On the game's map the city is actually shown to be Valparaiso though)

I will also separate this thread into two posts, to avoid one, very long post. I sure hope a dev sees this and uses at least some names!

Enjoy dynamic names bonanza!

Province name listed first, then names with the language in parentheses. Names for different languages will be separated by a semicolon, so that if it says "Valparaiso, Santiago" the first name will be the province name and the second the largest city. If there is no comma, then both are the same. Many of these names are also based on the location of the city on the map (if several notable cities are in the same province).

When I write Scandinavian I mean Norwegian, Danish and Swedish. Due to the recent changes to culture, I am sad I have to point this out.

  • #1. Stockholm: Estocolmo (Spanish), Stoccolma (Italian); Sztokholm (Polish); Tukholma (Finnish); Štokholm (Slovak)
  • #2. Ostergotland: Itä-Götlanti (Finnish)
  • #3. Småland: Smalandia (Italian); Smalandia (Polish); Smoolanti (Finnish)
  • #5. Varmland: Värmlanti (Finnish)
  • #6. Skåne: Scania (English, Italian); Escania (Spanish); Skania (Polish); Skoone (Finnish)
  • #7. Vastergotland: Länsi-Götlanti (Finnish)
  • #8. Dalaskogen: Dalécarlie (French); Dalecarlia (Spanish); Taalainmaa (Finnish)
  • #9. Halsingland: Helsinglanti (Finnish)
  • #10. Jemtland (Danish); Jämtlanti (Finnish)
  • #11. Vasterbotten: Länsipohja (Finnish)
  • #12. Sjælland: Zélande, Copenhague (French); Selandia, Copenhague (Spanish); Selandia, Copenaghen (Italian) Seeland, Kopenhagen (Dutch and German); Sjælland, Kjøbenhavn (Danish, Norwegian); Zealand, Copenhagen (British); Själland, Köpenhamn (Swedish); Zelandia, Kopenhaga (Polish); Själlanti (Finnish)
  • #14. Fyn: Fionie, Odensée (French); Fiona (Italian); Fionia (Polish)
  • #15. Jylland: Jutland central (French); Jutlandia central (Spanish, Portuguese); Mitteljütland (German); Jutland centrale (Italian); Jutlandia Środkowa (Polish)
  • #16. Båhuslen (Danish); Bohuslääni (Finnish)
  • #17. Akershus: Akershus, Christiania (Danish)
  • #18. Lappland: Lapponia (Italian); Laponia (Spanish, Portuguese, Polish); Laponie (French); Lappi (Finnish)
  • #19. Osterbotten: Pohjanmaa (Finnish)
  • #20. Trondheim: Drontheim (German); Tråante (Sami); Tröndelag (Finnish)
  • #23. Bergenshus: Bergena (Latvian); Bergenas (Lithuanian)
  • #25. Gotland: Gulland (Danish and Norwegian, the name used in the game's timespan!); Gotlandia (Italian, Polish); Gotlândia (Portuguese); Gothland (English); Gotlanti (Finnish)
  • #26. Halland: Hallanti (Finnish)
  • #27. Åbo: Turku (Finnish)
  • #28. Nyland: Uusimaa (Finnish)
  • #29. Tavastland: Häme (Finnish)
  • #30. Viborg: Viipuri (Finnish)
  • #31. Savolaks: Savonia (Italian, Spanish); Savonie (French); Savo (Finnish); Sawonia (Polish); Savo (Finnish)
  • #32. Kexholm: Käkisalmi (Finnish)
  • #34. Ingermannland: Ingria (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish); Ingeri or Ingerimaa (Estonian); Ingrie (French); Inkeri (Finnish)
  • #35. Ösel: Osilia (Latin, Italian); Øsel (Danish, Norwegian); Samsala (Latvian); Saarenmaa (Finnish); Oesel (French); Ozylia (Polish)
  • #36. Reval: Estonija, Revel (Croatian); Rewal (Polish); Harjunmaa (Finnish)
  • #37. Livland: Livonia (Italian, Spanish, English); Livônia (Portuguese); Livonie (French); Livonija (Estonian); Livonija (Russian, Croatian); Liivinmaa (Finnish); Liwonia (Polish)
  • #38. Riga: Riika (Finnish)
  • #39. Goldingen: Kurland, Goldingen (German, Scandinavian); Koerland (Dutch); Kurzeme, Kuldīga (Latvia); Kurzeme, Kuldīga (Estonian); Courlande (French); Curlandia (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese); Curlannia (Sicilian); Courland (English); Kurlandia (Polish); Kuurinmaa (Finnish) - here a suggestion to rename the province to Kurland/equivalents, and make Goldingen the main city.
  • #42. Warmia: Varmia (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish); Ermeland (French); Ermland (Scandinavian)
  • #43. Danzig: Dantzig or Dantzick (French); Danzica (Italian); Dantzig or Danswijk (Dutch); Danzigue (Portuguese); Gdanjsk (Croatian)
  • #44. Hamburg: Hamborg (Danish); Hambourg (French); Hamburgo (Spanish); Amburgo (Italian); Amborg (Occitan); Hamburk (Czech); Hamburga (Latvian); Hampuri (Finnish)
  • #45. Lübeck: Lubeck (French); Lubeca (Spanish); Lubeka (Polish); Lyypekki (Finnish); Lubecca (Italian)
  • #49. Neumark: Nuova Marca (Italian); Myślibórz or Dolna Warta or Nowa Marchia (Polish); Brandenburgo Oriental or Nueva Marca (Spanish); Nouvelle Marche (French)
  • #50. Berlin: Berlino (Italian); Berliini (Finnish); Berlim (Portuguese); Berlijn (Dutch); Berliini (Finnish); Verolino (Greek)
  • #52. Magdeburg: Magdebourg (French); Magdeburgo (Spanish, Italian)
  • #53. Lüneburg: Lunebourg (French); Luneburgo (Italian)
  • #55. Oldenburg: Oldenbourg (French); Oldenburgo (Spanish)
  • #56. Osnabrück: Osnabruck (French); Osenbrugge (Danish); Osnabrugge (Dutch); Osnabrük (Estonian); Osnabruque (Portuguese); Osnaburg (English); Osnabryuk (Russian, Bulgarian); Osnabrügge (Westphalian)
  • #57. Braunschweig: Brunswick (French, Spanish); Brunsvique (Portuguese); Brunswijk (Dutch); Brunszwik (Polish)
  • #59. Wittenberg: Wittemberg (French); Vittimberga (Italian); Wittenberga (Polish)
  • #61. Dresden: Dresda (Italian); Drážďany (Czech); Dresde (Spanish, French); Drēzdene (Latvian); Drezno (Polish)
  • #62. Leipzig: Leipsick (French); Lipsia (Italian); Lipsk (Polish)
  • #63. Thüringen: Thuringe (French); Turingia (Spanish, Italian); Turyngia (Polish)
  • #65. München: Munich (French); Múnich (Spanish); Monaco (Italian); Monachium (Polish)
  • #66. Bamberg: Bamberga (Italian)
  • #67. Nürnberg: Nuremberg (French, English); Núremberg (Spanish); Norimberga (Italian); Norymberga (Polish)
  • #69. Oberschwaben: Alta Svevia (Italian); Haute-Souabe, Ravensbourg (French); Alta Suebia (Spanish, Portuguese); Górna Szwabia (Polish)
  • #70. Württemberg: Wurtemberg (French, Spanish); Stoccarda (Italian, main city name); Wirtembergia (Polish)
  • #72. Breisgau: Brisgovia (Italian, Spanish); Brisgau (French); Bryzgowia (Polish)
  • #73. Tirol: Tyrol (French, Polish); Tirolo (Italian)
  • #75. Elsass: Alsazia (Italian); Alsace (French); Alsacia (Spanish); Alzacja (Polish)
  • #76. Salzburg: Salzbourg (French); Salzburgo (Spanish); Salisburgo (Italian)
  • #77. Pfalz: Palatinat (French); Palatinado (Spanish); Palatinato (Italian); Palatynat (Polish)
  • #78. Mainz: Mayence (French); Maguncia (Spanish); Magonza (Italian); Moguncja (Polish)
  • #79. Würzburg: Wurtzbourg (French); Wurzburgo (Spanish)
  • #80. Trier: Trèves (French); Tréveris (Spanish); Treviri (Italian); Trewir (Polish)
  • #81. Hessen: Hesse (French); Hesja (Polish)
  • #82. Westfalen: Vestfalia (Italian); Westfalia (Polish)
  • #85. Köln: Cologne (French); Colonia (Spanish, Italian); Kolonia (Polish)
  • #86. Münster: Munster (French)
  • #87. Calais. Kale (Latvian, Serbian)
  • #89. Picardy: Picardía (Spanish); Piccardia (Italian); Pikardija (Croatian); Pikardia (Polish)
  • #90. Flanders: Flandria (Polish); Fiandre (Italian); Flandrija (Croatian)
  • #91. Hainaut: Annonia (Italian)
  • #92. Brabant: Brabante (Italian); Brabancja (Polish)
  • #93. Liege: Liegi (Italian)
  • #94. Luxemburg: Lussemburgo (Italian); Luksemburg (Croatian); Luksemburg (Polish)
  • #96. Zeeland: Zelandia (Italian, Polish); Zeland (Croatian)
  • #97. Holland: Olanda (Italian); Holandija (Croatian); Holandia (Polish); Holanda, Amsterdam (Spanish)
  • #98. Utrecht: Utreque (Spanish)
  • #100. Friesland: Frisia (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese); Frise (French); Fryzja (Polish); Frieslande (German)
  • #101. Genoa: Genova (Italian, Croatian); Gênes (French); Zena (Ligurian); Genua (German, English, Polish); Janov (Slovak)
  • #102. Nice: Niza (Spanish); Nizza (Italian); Nicea (Polish); Nica (Croatian); Nikaia (Greek); Nisse (Ligurian)
  • #103. Piedmont: Piemonte (Italian); Pijemont (Croatian); Piemont (Polish)
  • #104. Milan: Milano (Italian, Croatian); Mediolan (Polish); Milan (Venetian); Miláno (SLovak)
  • #109. Mantua: Mantova (Italian, Slovak)
  • #110. Trent: Trento (Italian); Trident (Croatian); Trydent (Polish); Trènt (Venetian); Trent (English); Trient (German)
  • #111. Friuli: Furlanija (Croatian)
  • #112. Venezia: Venedig (Scandinavian); Mleci (Croatian); Venedik (Turkish); Wenecja (Polish); Benátky (Czech, Slovak)
  • #116. Firenze: Firenca (Croatian); Florencja (Polish); Firense (Venetian)
  • #118. Rome: Rim (Croatian, Czech, Slovak); Roma (Italian, Hungarian); Erroma (Basque); Rom (German, Scandianvian); Rome (Dutch, English, French); Romma (Ligurian); Ruma (Maltese); Rzym (Polish)
  • #121: Napoli: Napulj (Croatian); Neapol (Polish); Napule (Neapolitan); Napuli (Sicilian)
  • #122: Apulia: Apulija (Croatian)
  • #123: Calabria: Kalabrija (Croatian); Kalabria (Polish); Calabbria (Neapolitan, Sicilian); Kalabrien (German, Swedish)
  • #124. Messina: Missina (Sicilian)
  • #125. Palermo: Palermu (Sicilian); Palerme (French); Palerm (Piedmontese); Balarm (Mahgreb, Mashriq)
  • #128. Kärnten: Carinthie (French); Carintia (Spanish); Karyntia (Polish); Carinzia (Italian); Koruška (Croatian)
  • #129. Krain: Carniole, Clagenfurth (French); Craina (Italian); Kranjska (Croatian); Kraina (Polish)
  • #130. Istria: Istra (Croatian); Isztria (Hungarian); Istrie (French)
  • #131. Zagreb: Zagrzeb (Polish); Zagabria (Italian)
  • #132. Steiermark: Styrie (French); Estiria (Spanish); Stiria (Italian); Štajerska (Croatian); Styria (Polish)
  • #133. Linz: Lintz (French)
  • #134. Wien: Vienne (French); Viena (Spanish); Vienna (British, Italian); Wiedeń (Polish); Beč (Croatian)
  • #135. Sopron: Odenburgo (Italian); Šopron (Croatian)
  • #136. Dalmatia: Dalmazia (Italian except Venetian); Dalmacija (Croatian); Dalmatie (French); Dàlmassia (Venetian); Dalmácia (Hungarian); Dalmaçya (Turkish); Dalmatie (Dutch); Dalmatien (German); Dalmacja (Polish)
  • #137. Ragusa: Dubrovnik (Croatian); Raguse (French); Raguza (Polish)
  • #138. Zeta: Montenegro (Italian); Mali i Zi (Albanian); Karadağ (Turkish); Schwarzenberg (German); Crna Gora (Croatian); Czarnogóra (Polish)
  • #139. Hum: Chulmia, Trebigne (Italian)
  • #140. Bosnia: Bosní (Polish); Bosznia (Hungarian); Bosnië (Dutch); Bosna (Czech); Nieder-Bosnien (German)
  • #143. Albania: Albanie (French)
  • #144. Epirus: Epiro (Spanish, Italian); Épire (French); Epir (Croatian, Polish)
  • #145. Morea: Moreja (Croatian)
  • #146. Athens: Athènes (French); Atenas (Spanish, Portuguese); Atene (Italian); Atina (Croatian); Ateny (Polish, Czech, Slovak); Afiny (Russian); An Aithin (Irish); An Àithne (Scottish Gaelic); Ateena (Estonian, Finnish); Aten (Norwegian, Swedish); Atena (Croatian, Romanian); Atėnai (Lithuanian); Atēnas (Latvian); Atene (Italian, Slovene, Japanese, Korean); Atenes (Catalan); Ateni (Maltese); Atenk (Armenian); Athen (Danish, German, Welsh); Athén (Hungarian); Athene (Dutch); Athína (Greek); Atīnā (Arabic); Atina (Bulgarian, Serbian)
  • #147. Thessaly: Tessaglia (Italian); Tesalija (Croatian); Tesalia (Polish)
  • #148. Thessaloniki: Solun (Croatian)
  • #150. Tarnovo: Trnovo (Croatian)
  • #152. Varasd: Varazdin (South Slavic); Varasdino (Italian); Varaždin (Croatian)
  • #153. Pest: Budim (Serbian); Pešť, Budín (Czech, Slovak); Peşta, Budin (Turkish); Pest, Ofen (German); Pest, Ezzelburgo (Italian) Pešta (Croatian)
  • #154. Ersekujvar: Uyvar (Turkish); Nitra (Italian); Nowe Zamki (Polish); Spiš (Croatian)
  • #156. Temes: Temišvar (Croatian)
  • #157. Bihar: Veliki Varadin (Croatian)
  • #159. Silistre: Silistrie (French); Silistra (Polish); Drastar (Croatian)
  • #160. Oltenia: Oltenija (Croatian)
  • #161. Tirgoviste: Trgovište (Croatian)
  • #163. Crete: Candia (Spanish); Creta (Italian); Kreta (German, Scandinavian, Dutch, Polish, Croatian)
  • #164. Naxos: Cyclades, Naxos (British, French); Kykladen (German); Cycladen (Dutch); Ciclades (Spanish and Portuguese); Cicladi, Nasso (Italian); Cyklady, Naxos (Polish); Cikladi, Naxos (Croatian)
  • #165. Bern: Berna (Spanish, Italian); Berno (Polish)
  • #168. Normandy: Normandía (Spanish); Normandia (Italian, Polish); Normandija (Croatian)
  • #169. Armor: Armorica (Italian); Armoryka (Polish)
  • #170. Finistere: Finisterra (Italian)
  • #173. Bayonne: Baiona (Portuguese)
  • #174. Gascogne: Guascogna (Italian); Gaskonia (Polish); Gasconha (Portuguese)
  • #175. Toulouse: Tolosa (Italian, Occitan); Tholosen (German); Ciutat Mondina (old Spanish name); Tuluza (Polish)
  • #178. Anjou: Angiò (Italian); Andegawenia (Polish)
  • #182. Vermandois, San Quintino (Italian)
  • #183. Paris: Paryż (Polish); Parigi (Italian); Pariz (Croatian)
  • #184. Orleanais: Orleanese (Italian); Orleania, Orlean (Polish)
  • #186. Champagne: Champaña (Spanish); Sciampagna (Italian); Szampania (Polish)
  • #189. Lorraine: Lothringen (German); Lorraine (French); Lorena (Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian); Lotharingen or Lorreinen (Dutch); Lotaringia (Italian); Lotaryngia (Polish)
  • #192. Bourgogne: Burgund (German); Borgoña (Spanish); Borgogna (Italian); Burgundia (Polish)
  • #193. Franche-Comté: Franca contea; Franco Condado (Spanish); Wolne Hrabstwo (Polish)
  • #195. Limousin: Lemosín (Spanish); Limosino (Italian)
  • #197. Roussillon: Rosellón (Spanish); Rossiglione (Italian); Rossilhão (Portuguese)
  • #199. Auvergne: Auvernia (Spanish); Alvernia (Italian); Owernia (Polish)
  • #200. Languedoc: Lenguadoc (Spanish); Linguadoca (Italian); Langwedocja (Polish)
  • #201. Provence: Provenza (Spanish, Italian); Prowansja (Polish)
  • #202. Avignon: Aviñón (Spanish); Awinion (Polish); Avignone (Italian)
  • #204. Dauphiné: Delfinato (Italian); Delfinado (Spanish, Portuguese); Dauphiny (English); Delfinat (Polish)
  • #205. Savoie: Savoia (Italian); Savoyen (German, Danish, Norwegian); Savojen (Swedish); Saboya (Spanish); Saboia (Portuguese); Sabaudia (Polish)
  • #206. Galicia: Galice, La Corogne (French); Galicien (German, Swedish, Danish); Galicja (Polish); Galizia (Italian)
  • #207. Asturias: Asturies (French); Asturie (Italian); Asturia (Polish)
  • #208. Leon: Leão (Portuguese)
  • #209. Viscaya: Biscaglia (Italian); Biskaia (Basque); Bizkaia (German); Biscaye (French); Biscaia (Portuguese)
  • #211. Pirineio: Pirenei (Italian); Pireneje (Polish); Pirinéus (Portuguese)
  • #212. Girona: Gérone (French); Gerunda (Portuguese)
  • #213. Barcelona: Barcelone (French); Barcellona (Italian); Bartzelona (Basque);
  • #214. Zaragoza: Saragosse (French); Saragozza (Italian); Saragossa (Polish); Saragoça (Portuguese)
  • #215. Castilla la Vieja: Vecchia Castiglia (Italian); Gaztela Zaharra (Basque); Old Castile (English); Stara Kastylia (Polish); Castela a Velha, Valedolide (Portuguese)
  • #217. Madrid: Madrí (Portuguese)
  • #218. Badajoz: Badalhouce (Portuguese)
  • #219. Toledo: Tolède (French)
  • #220. Valencia: Valence (French); Walencja (Polish)
  • #221. Murcia: Murcie (French); Murcja (Polish)
  • #223. Granada: Grenade (French)
  • #224. Andalucia: Séville (French); Sewilla (Polish); Sevilha
  • #225. Córdoba: Cordoue (French); Kordoba (Polish); Córdova
  • #226. Gibraltar: Cebelitarık (Turkish)
  • #227. Lisboa: Lisbonne (French); Lissabon (German, Scandinavian); Lizbona (Polish)
  • #232. Braganca: Bragance (French)
  • #233. Cornwall: Cornouailles (French); Cornualles (Spanish); Kornwalia (Polish)
  • #235. Kent: Douvres (French); Duvres (Spanish)
  • #236. London: Londres (French, Spanish); Londyn (Polish)
  • #247. Cumbria: Cumbrie (French); Kumbria (Polish)
  • #254. Poznan: Posnanie (French); Posen (Scandinavian)
  • #257. Warszava: Varsovie (French); Varsovia (Spanish, Portuguese); Warschau (Scandinavian); Varšuva (Lithuanian)
  • #259. Sandomierz: Sandomir (French)
  • #281. Kaminec: Podillia (Ruthenian); Podolye (Russian); Podolia (Romanian); Podole (Lithuanian); Podolya (Turkish); Podolie (French, Dutch (with ë)); Podolien (German, Swedish, Danish); Podolia (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, English); Podolí (Czech, Slovak)
  • #261. Halicz: Galič (Croatian); Halici (Romanian); Galich (Russian); Halytsch (German); Galitzia (Spanish); Halytsj (Norwegian)
  • #262. Krakow: Krakov (Croatian)
  • #265. Moravia: Moravie, Brinn (French); Morava (Czech); Morawy (Polish); Moravska (Croatian)
  • #266. Prague: Praha (Czech); Prague (British, French); Prag (Scandinavian, Croatian); Praga (Spanish, Polish)
  • #267. Plzen: Pilsen (French, Spanish); Pilzno (Polish); Plzen (Croatian)
  • #268. Moldova: Moldavie (French, Czech); Mołdawia (Polish); Moldavija (Croatian); Moldau (German); Moldva (Hungarian); Boğdan Prensliği (Turkish); Moldaviya (Russian)
  • #271. Samogitia: Samogitija (Croatian); Zmudz (Polish); Zmud (Czech); Szamogitia (Hungarian);
  • #272. Vilnius: Litva (Croatian); Wilna (German); Vilnia (Russian, Latvian)
  • #273. Lettgallen: Latgalie (French); Letgalia (Spanish); Latgalia (Polish); Latgalija (Croatian)
  • #274. Pskov: Pskow (German)
  • #279. Volhynia: Volinj (Croatian); Wolyn (Polish); Volyne (Lithuanian); Volyn (Czech); Volhinia (Hungarian); Wolhynien (German); Volynien (Swedish); Volinia (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese); Volyn (Russian)
  • #280. Kiev: Kijev (Croatian); Kiew (German)
  • #282. Yedisan: Jedisan (Croatian)
  • #283. Zaporozhia: Zaporoška (Croatian)
  • #284. Crimea: Krim (Croatian, Scandinavian); Krym (Czech)
  • #286. Azov: Azov (Croatian)
  • #289. Chernigov: Černjihiv (Croatian)
  • #291. Kharkov: Harkiv (Croatian)
  • #292. Mogilev: Mogiljov (Croatian)
  • #295. Moskva: Moscú (Spanish); Moscou (French); Moskwa (Polish)
  • #297: Bryansk: Brjansk (Croatian)
  • #299. Voronezh: Voronjež (Croatian)
  • #301. Ryazan: Rjazan (Croatian)
  • #315. Finnmark: Finnmárku (Sami); Ruija (Finnish)
  • #320. Rhodes: Rodas (Spanish); Rhodos (German, Scandinavian); Rodi (Italian); Rodos (Polish); Rod (Croatian)
  • #321. Cyprus: Chipre (Spanish, Portuguese); Kypros (Greek, Norwegian); Zypern (German); Chypre (French); Cipro (Italian); Cypern (Danish, Swedish); Cypr (Polish); Cipar (Croatian)
  • #333. Baleares: Illes Balears (Catalan); Islas Baleares (Spanish); Baleari (Venetian); Iles Baleares (French); Isole Baleari (Italian); Balearen (German, Dutch); Balearerne (Danish); Balearerna (Swedish); Isole Balear (Piedmontese)
  • #368. Madeira: Madère (French)
  • #369. Orkney: Orcades (French); Islas Orcadas (Spanish); Orkady (Polish)
  • #1247. Corsica: Córcega (Spanish); Korsyka (Polish); Corsega (Ligurian, Occitan, Catalan); Korsika (Scandinavian, German); Korzika (Hungarian)
  • #1742. Limburg: an der Lahn Limbourg (French)
  • #1743. Cambray: Cambray (Spanish)
  • #1744. Antwerpen: Anvers (French); Amberes (Spanish); Antwerpia (Polish); Antorf (German); Amversa (Greek); Antuiarp (Irish); Antuerpia (Portuguese); Anviesse (Walloon)
  • #1745. Cantabria: Cantabrie (French); Kantabrien (German, Swedish, Danish); Kantabria (Polish)
  • #1748. La Mancha: Xaém (Portuguese)
  • #1749. Cádiz: Cadix (French); Kadyks (Polish); Cadis (Portuguese, Catalan); Cadice (Italian); Kadis (Russian); Kadiz (Albanian, Basque, Maltese, Serbian); al-Qādis (Arabic)
  • #1750. Alicante: al-Laqant (Arabic); Alacant (Catalan), Alikante (Latvian, Russian, Serbian)
  • #1757. Oberpfalz: Haut-Palatinat (French); Alto Palatinado (Spanish); Górny Palatynat (Polish)
  • #1758. Hannover: Hanovre (French); Hanower (Polish)
  • #1760. Koblenz: Coblence (French); Coblenza (Spanish); Koblencja
  • #1765. Nis: Sophie or Sophia (French); Sofija (Croatian)
  • #1767. Veroce: Slavonie (French); Slawonia (Polish)
  • #1772. Pozsony: Bratysława (Polish); Presburgo: Italian; Presbourg (French); Pressburg (English until 1919); Prešpurk (Czech); Prešporok (Slovak, old name)
  • #1773. Achea: Achaïe (French); Achaja (Polish)
  • #1777. Kola: Peise(n) (Norwegian, if Finnmark is Pechenga for Russian); Guoládat (Sami)
  • #1828. Donji Kraji: Ober-Bosnien (German); Olfeld (Hungarian, this is the historical Hungarian name)
  • #1851. Ribatejo: Coïmbre (French); Qulumriya (Arabic)
  • #1857. Lauenburg: Lauenbourg (French)
  • #1859. Torun: Turonie (French)
  • #1863. Graz: Gratz (French)
  • #1868. Augsburg: Augsbourg (French); Augsburgo (Spanish, Portuguese); Ágosta (Hungarian); Augsburga (Latvian); Augšpurk or Aušpurk (Czech); Augzburg (Serbian); Augusta (Italian); Avgústa (Greek)
  • #1869. Zürich: Zúrich (Spanish); Zürih (Turkish); Zurych (Polish)
  • #1872. Ulm: Ulma (Spanish)
  • #1873. Chur: Grisons (French, Catalan); Gryzonia (Polish); Grigioni (Italian); Grauwbunderland (Dutch); Grisões (Portuguese); Grisones (Spanish except Catalan)
  • #1874. Bremen: Breme (French); Brema (Spanish, Polish, Italian); Bréma (Hungarian); Brėmenas (Lithuanian)
  • #1876. Frankfurt: Francfort-sur-le-Main (French); Fráncfort (Spanish); Frankfurt nad Menem (Polish)
  • #1878. Aachen: Aquisgrán (Spanish); Akwizgran (Polish); Ahen (Turkish, Bulgarian, Serbian); Akyísgranon (Greek); Aquisgrà (Catalan); Aquisgrana (Italian, Portuguese); Åxhe (Walloon); Cáchy (Czech)
  • #1930. Åland: Ahvenanmaa (Finnish); Ahvenamaa (Estonian)
  • #1938. Wizna: Wisna (German)
  • #1960. Ostrow: Insel (German)
  • #1978. Shetland: Shetlanti (Finnish)
  • #1979. Faroes: Færøerne (Danish); Færøyene (Norwegian); Wyspy Owcze (Polish); Färsaaret (Finnish)
  • #1984. Nordjylland: Jutland-du-Nord (French); Nordjütland (German); Jutlandia Septentrional (Spanish); Jutlandia Północna (Polish)
  • #2726. Vidin: Widin (German)
  • #2753. Narbonne: Narbona (Spanish, Polish)
  • #2957. Regensburg: Ratisbonne (French); Ratisbona (Spanish); Ratyzbona (Polish)
  • #2961. Lwow: Leopol (French); Leopolis (Spanish); Lwów (Polish)
  • #2968. Budejovice: Budweis (French); Budziejowice (Polish)
  • #2975. Kleve: Clèves (French)
  • #2982. Syracuse: Siracusa (Italian except Sicilian); Sarausa (Sicilian); Syrakus (Scandianvian, German); Syrakuzy (Czech)
  • #2983. Salerno: Salierno (Neapolitan); Salernu (Sicilian)
  • #2986. Cagliari: Càller (Catalan, Aragonese); Casteddu (Sardinian); Kaljari (Albanian, Maltese, Serbian)
  • #2987. Arezzo: Arezzu (Sicilian)
  • #2988. Tarragona: Tarragone (French)
  • #2992. Albenga. Arbenga (Ligurian)
  • #2994. Greifswald: Gripswalde (French); Gryfia (Polish)
  • #3003. Euboea: Eubée or Negrepont (French); Eubea (Spanish, Polish)
  • #4124. Karelia: Karjala (Finnish, Estonian); Karelen (Scandinavian); Kareliya (Russian); Carelia (Spanish, Italian, Romanian); Carelié (French); Carélia (Portuguese); Karelya (Turkish); Karelien (German); Karelija (Latvian, Lithuanian)
  • #4125. Szolnok: Sollnock (German)
  • #4126 - Bacs: Batsch (German)
  • #4127. Turda: Thorenburg (German)
  • #4128. Kiralyföld: Königsboden (German)
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  • #1177. Cape: Hoerikwaggo (Khoikhoi name for Table Mountain); Cape Town or Cape (English); Kaapstadt (Dutch); Kapstadt (German); Kapstaden (Swedish); Kappstaden (Norwegian, Danish); Ciudad de Cabo (Spanish); Cidado do Cabo (Portugese); Le Cap (French)
  • 1110. Agadir: Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gué (Portuguese)
  • #1111. Arguin: Ras Nouadhibou (Indigenous name for the headland of Cape Blanc, which occupies most of the province on the map); Arguin (Spanish, French, British, German); Arguim (Portuguese)
  • #1139. Gold Coast: Côte de l'Or (French); Costa del Oro (Spanish); Costa do Ouro (Portuguese); Guldküste (German); Goudkust (Dutch); Gullkysten (Norwegian); Guldkusten (Swedish); Guldkysten (Danish)
  • #1119. Grain Coast: I would suggest renaming it Pepper Coast (English); Cote du Poivre (French); Costa del Pepe (Italian); Pfefferküste (German); Pepperkysten (Norwegian); Peberkysten (Danish); Peperkust (Dutch)
  • #1126. Ivory Coast: Cote d' Ivoire (French); Costa de Marfil (Spanish); Costa do Marfim (Portuguese); Costa d'Avorio (Italian); Elfenbeinsküste (German); Ivoorkust (Dutch); Elfenbenskysten (Danish, Norwegian); Elfenbenskusten (Swedish)
  • #2258. Cape Coast: Oguaa (Original & Indigenous); Cape Coast (British); Cabo Corso (historical Portuguese)
  • #1118. Sierra Leone: Serra Lyoa (historical Portuguese)
  • #363. Damietta: Damieth (Greek); Damiette (French)
  • #377. Aleppo: Beroea (Ancient Greek, perhaps as Byzantium revival); Alep (French); Alepo (Spanish)
  • #2239. Siine: Sine or Siin or Sin (Siine is not correct)
  • #2466. Draa: Drá (Portuguese)
  • #2468. Tadla: Tédula (Portuguese)
  • #1882. Bone: Bône (French)
  • #340. Constantine: Qacentina (Maghrebi); Constantine (French,)
  • #337. Wehran: Oran (French)
  • #361. Cairo: Le Caire (French)
  • #1138. Kumasi: Coumassie (French)
  • #358. Alexandria: Alejandría (Spanish); Alexandrie (French)
  • #354. Tripoli: Tripolis (Spanish)
  • #334. Tangiers: Tanja (Moroccoan); Tánger (Spanish); Tanger (French); Tânger (Portuguese)
  • #344. Marrakech: Marraquexe (Portuguese)
  • #345. Safi: Safim (Portuguese)
  • #366. The Canarias: Canarias (Spanish, Portuguese); Canaries (French)
  • #2944. Djerba: Los Gelves or Gelves (Spanish); Cerbe (Turkish)
  • #2465. Oujda: Uchda (Spanish)
  • #343. Fez: Fèz (Spanish)
  • #336. Tala Imsan: Tlemecén (Spanish)
  • #2469. Dukkala: Casa Branca (Portuguese); Casablanca (Spanish, French)
  • #347. Ifni: Cabo Juby, Ifni (Spanish, Portuguese); Kap Juby, Ifni (German)
  • #356. Benghazi: Bengasi (Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese)
  • #2473. Sousse: Susa (Spanish, Italian, Arabic/Maghrebi)
  • #353. Tatouine: Tatavin (Turkish); Tatwin (Arabic/Maghrebi)
  • #2453. Sfax: Safāqis (Arabic/Maghrebi)
  • #2326. Bardiyah: Bardia (German, Spanish, Italian, English, French)
  • #380. Karak: Kerak (German, Spanish, French)
  • #379. Jerusalem: Cherusalem (Aragonese); Jerusalén (Spanish); Jeruzalem (Dutch); Gerusalemme (Italian); Jerozolima (Polish)
  • #2316. Gharbeya: Garbia (Portuguese, English); Occidental (Spanish)
  • #147. Tirhala: Tesalia (Spanish, Polish); Thessalie (French); Tessália (Portuguese); Tessaglia (Italian)
Cape Coast: Kurzes Kap (German); Cote de Cape (French); Costa del Cabo (Spanish); Dutch: Kustkaap

North America

I suggest renaming "British Alaska" to "British Columbia" when formed by Britain, as most of it seems to fall within colonial Alaska, and "Spanish Alaska" to "Territorio de Nutca" an area claimed by Spain as showed in map below.
  • #972. Nootka: Vancouver Island (British); Isla de Quadra or Fort San Miguel or Santa Cruz de Nuca (Spanish)
  • #873. Chinook: Astoria, Fort Clatsop (British); Rio de San Roque or Puerto Trinidad (Spanish)
  • #973. Squamish: Keep Vancouver, but main city name: Ft. Langley
  • #975. Tsimshian: Fort McLoughlin (British)
  • #2609. Nisga'a: Fort Simpson (British); Isla de Revillagigedo (Spanish)
  • #2022. Haida: Queen Charlotte Islands (British); Isla Langara (Spanish); Washington's Isles (American)
  • #2484. Quilete: Fort Nunez Gaona or Puerto de Nuestra Señora (de los Ángeles) (Spanish); Cape Flattery (British, named by Cook)
  • #976. Tlingit: Puerto y Endtrada de Bucareli (Spanish); Koulischen (German)
  • #978. Kenai: Alexandrovsk (Russian)
  • #2612. Eyak: Puerto Santiago (Spanish)
  • #977. Yakutak: Puerto Mulgrave (Spanish)
  • #2613. Sitka: Puerto de los Remedios (Spanish); Novoarkhangelsk (Russian)
  • #2611. Kodiak: Pavlovskaya (Russian)
  • #979. Aleutian Islands: Unalaska (Russian)
  • #933. Catawba: New Acquisition (British)
  • #2632. Xicallanco: Villahermosa (Spanish)
  • #848. Tohancapa: Papantla (Spanish)
  • #841. Sayultecas: Terrenate or Cabo Corrientes (Spanish)
  • #2621. Tizapan: Guadalajara (Spanish)
  • #2615. Guamares: Aguascalientes or San Miguel de Allende (Spanish)
  • #845. Campeche: Ahk'ìin Pech (Mayan)
  • #863. Suma: Ciudad Juarez (Spanish)
  • #864. Concho: Chihuahua (Spanish)
  • #2619. Laguneros: Saltillo or Parras [de la Fuente] (Spanish)
  • #2648. Yopitzinco: Acapulco (Spanish)
  • #2614. Cotoname: Monterrey (Spanish)
  • #855. Totorames: San Blas (Spanish)
  • #837. Nicaragua, Granada (Spanish)
  • #2605. Secwempec: Prince George (English)
  • #2607. Okanagan: Fort Cumcloups (English)
  • #2604. Dakelh: Alexandria or Qusnellemouthe (English)
  • #2603. Sekani: Barkerville (English)
  • #2003. Ktunaxa: Big Bend (English)

The default names of these provinces should be changed to the indigenous suggestion, as it kills immersion to see Spanish names in pre-Columbian Caribbean (when playing as native)

  • #492. Puerto Rico: Borikén (indigenous Taino); Puerto Rico (Spanish); Porto Rico (French, Italian & Portuguese)
  • #487. Jamaica: Xaymaca (indigenous Arawak); Jamaica (British, Spanish, Portuguese); Jamaïque (French); Jamaika (German); Giamaica (Italian)
  • #495. Antigua: Wa'ladli (Indigenous); Antigua (Spanish); Antigua-et-Barbuda (French); Antigua und Barbuda (German)
  • #501. Barbados: Ichirouganaim (Indigenous); Barbade (French)
  • #497. Dominica: Wai‘tu kubuli (Indigenous); Dominique (French)
  • #494. St. Kitts: Liamuiga (Indigenous); Sant Jago or San Cristobal (Spanish); Saint Kitts (English)
  • #499. St. Lucia: Hewanarau (Indigenous); Sainte-Lucie (French); Saint Lucia (English); Santa Lucia (Spanish)
  • #493. St. Thomas: Ay ay (indigenous name for the largest island, St. Croix); Santo Tómas (Spanish); Sint-Thomas (Dutch); Sankt Thomas (Norwegian, Danish, Swedish (Scandinavian..))
  • #500. St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Youloumain (indigenous); San Vicente (Spanish); Saint-Vincente (French); São Vicente (Portuguese); Saint Vincent (English)
  • #502. Trinidad: Iere or Kairi (indigenous); Trinidad (Spanish); Trinité (French)
  • #498. Martinique: Madinina or Jouanacaëra (indigenous, second one according to Sydney Daney); Martinica (Spanish and Portuguese); Martinique (French)
  • #496. Guadeloupe: Karukera (indigenous Arawak name); Guadalupe (Spanish and Portuguese); Guadeloupe (French and English)
  • #484. Havana: Guanahatabey (Indigenous, based on the people who lived there, forced westward by the Taino and Arawak); La Habana (Spanish); La Havane (French); Havanna (German, Scandinavian)
All provinces on Hispaniola based on local Cacicazgos, i.e. Taino chiefdoms:
  • #488. Les Cayes: Jaragua; Port au Prince (French); Puerto Príncipe (Spanish)
  • #490. Barahonas: Higüey; Saint-Domingue (French)
  • #489. Tortuga: Marién
Puerto Rico: Richport (English); Reichenhafen (German); Trinidad: Trinity (English)

South America
  • #787. Picunmapu: Valparaíso or Santiago, Santiago (Spanish)
  • #2862. Coquimbo: La Serena (Spanish)
  • #784. Huillimapu: Concepcion
  • #2873. Chiloe: Chiloe or Valdivia, Valdivia
  • #783. Kawesqar: Sandy Point (British, by John Byron), Punta Arenas (Spanish literal translation; Fuerte Bulnes a name from 1848)
  • #743. Essequibo: Georgetown or Essequibo, Georgetown (British); Essequebo (Dutch); Esequibo (Spanish)
  • #745. Paramaibo: Fort Willoughby (British); Fort Zeelandia (Dutch)
  • #2937. Suriname: Surinen (Indiginous, flavor); Suriname (Dutch, English)
  • #744. Demerara: Dumaruni (Indigenous); Demerary (Dutch)
  • #2803. Orinco Delta: Orénoque (French)
  • #1095. Falklands: Islas Malvinas (Spanish); Îles Malouines (French)
  • #1988. Rapanui: Paasch-Eyland (Dutch); Isla de Pascua (Spanish); Easter Island (British); Île de Pâques (French); Osterinsel (German)
  • #828. Cartagena: Carthagène des Indes (French)
  • #2025. South Georgia: Isla San Pedro (Spanish); Géorgie du Sud (French);
    Südgeorgien (German)
I know most of Australia was colonized on the edge of, or just after, the game's timespan. Yet I base these on cities founded before 1821, or within a decade after. There are also other examples of names used in the game who date to just after 1821. Many of these suggestions are based on Cook's own map of the area.

Names include British, Dutch and French.

  • #1090. Eora: Blue Mountains or Sydney, Sydney (British)
  • #1085. Parederarme: Van Diemen's land (English, Dutch).
  • #2727. Minang: King George's Sound or Albany, Albany (British)
  • #1084. Wadjuk: Swan River, Perth (British)
  • #1094. Turbal: Red Cliff Point, Brisbane or Edenglassie (British)
  • #1092. Bundajung: Newcastle (British)
  • #2734. Yuin: Cape Howe or Twofold Bay or Port Jackson (British)
  • #1087. Wurundjeri: Melbourne (British)
  • #2735. Gunditjara: Portland Bay, Portland (British)
  • #2736. Nukunu: Port Lincoln (British)
  • #1086. Kaurna: Yorke's Peninsula, Adelaide (or just Adelaide); Peninsulé Cambaceres, Adélaïde (French, named so by Nicolas Baudin)
  • #1091. Kamilaroi: Low Level Country (British)
  • #2726. Malgana: Shark Bay (British; named by Dampier)
  • #2729. Yolngu: Arnhem Land (Dutch, and British)
  • #2728. Tiwi: Fort Dundas, Melville Island or Cobourg Peninsula (British)
  • #2731. Guugu Yimithirr: Trinity bay (British; by Cook)
  • #2732. Wulgurukaba: Halifax Bay (British; by Cook)
  • #2733. Baiali: Keppel Bay (British)
  • #1088. Wergaia: Mount Disappointment (British)
  • #1089. Wiradjuri: Bathurst Plains, Bathurst (British)
Map from 1830 in spoiler, note that most names on the map are from the game's timespan, and all names used are checked to be as such:

Most of these names for New Zealand are also based on Cook's own map, posted in spoiler below. All names for the British.

  • #1106. Whangerei: Bay of Islands, Kerikeri (fun fact: place of the first European birth/infant in New Zealand)
  • #1246. Waihopai: Bluff (also claimant to one of the oldest cities in New Zealand)
  • #2738. Waitaha: Snowy Mountains (named by Cook); other suggestions that fall a bit too far out of the game's timespan are Nelson (1841) or Christchurch (1848)
  • #1107. Taranaki: Cape Egmont
  • #2737. Ahuriri: Hawkes bay or Black Head
  • #1108. Tauranga: Cape East
  • #2739. Kirikirioa: Mercury Bay or River Thames or Woody Head
  • 1109. Timaru: Cascades Point or Open Bay (although the port on the province is on the opposite side. The nearest named place to this is Cape Saunders) or Cape Saunders (English)

  • #327. Adana: Antioche de Cilicie (French)
  • #326. Ankara: Angora (French, Spanish)
  • #464. Xacitarxan or Astrakhan: Ästerxan (Tatar); Aseuteurahan (Korean); Astracã (Portuguese); an Astracáin (Irish); Astrachan (Dutch, German); Astrachan (Polish, Greek); Astrahan (Croatian, Estonian, Finnish, Turkish, Serbian); Astraján or Astracán (Spanish); Asztrahány (Hungarian); Hâjitarkhân (Persian)
  • #149. Edirne: Andrinople or Hadrianople (French); Adrianopoli (Italian); Jerne (Serbian); Odrin (Bulgarian); Drinopol (Czech, Slovak)
  • #151. Constantinople: Constantinople (French); Constantinopla (Spanish); Konstantynopol (Polish); Konstantinopel (German, Scandinavian); Costantinopoli (Italian); Carihrad (Slovak); Cařihrad (Czech); Ţarigrad (Romanian); Tsargrad (Russian); Qustantiniyye‎ (Turkish); Carigrad (Croatian)
  • #2301. Kayseri: Césarée de Cappadoce (French)
  • #330. Trabzon: Trébizonde (French); Trebisonda (Spanish)
  • #2154. Kelang: San Salvador (Spanish)
  • #738. Sakam: Fort Zeelandia (Dutch)
  • #1103. Ile Bourbon: Dina Morgabin (Arab); Santa Apolonia (Portuguese)
  • #1102. Mauritius: Maurice (French); Dina Arobi (Arab); Cirne (Portuguese)
  • #1100. Mahe: Ilhas do Almirante or Sete irmãs (Portuguese); Islas Amirante (Spanish); Isle de Séchelles (French)
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I want to make some correction/addition, can I ?
"Kärnten: Carinithie (French)" > Carinthie (French)
"Albania: l'Albanie (French)" > Albanie (French)
"Athens: Athenes (French)" > Athènes (French)
"Antwerp" > Anvers (French)
"Moscow" > Moscou (French)
"Epirus: Epiré (French)" > Epire (French)
"Nice" > Nizza (Italian)
"Alsace" > Elsass (German)
"Corsica" > Corse (French)
"Lorraine" > Lothringen (German)
"Normandy" > Normandie (French)
"Picardy" > Picardie (French)
"Wallis" > Valais (French)
"Graubünden" > Grisons (French)

"Damietta" > Damiette (French)
"Aleppo" > Alep (French)
"Tangiers" > Tanger (French)

"Barbados" > Barbade (French)
"Dominica" > Dominique (French)
"St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint-Vincente (French)" > Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines (French)

"Edirne: Andrinople (French)" > Andrinople/Hadrianople (French)
"Istanbul: Istamboul (French)" > Constantinople/Istamboul (French)

And I think this is all I have.
  • 4
Added some further suggestions. I don't know if I should tag DDRJake or something in the hopes of getting it noticed. It seems like something that would be looked down upon!
Was already keeping an eye on it actually :)
It would however be immensely helpful if you could add province numbers to the list.
  • 7
Phew, I can see quite some love went into this. Thanks a bunch, I'll summon script-guru @Trin Tragula to take a peek.
Thanks a bunch!

Copenhagen --> Köpenhamn (Swedish)
Will add.

Was already keeping an eye on it actually :)
It would however be immensely helpful if you could add province numbers to the list.

Sure, I can add the province numbers but its quite the job.. Perhaps @ you when I'm done?
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may I add some Italian names (for the Latin group)?

so far, in comparison to Spanish, french and German, Italian has a pittance of names (not even for its own provinces XD), whilst I think it deserves some love.
vtw, since most of these exonyms come from latin, there has to be some french/spanish version of most of them.

the province number is on the left, as per devs' request :D

1 Stockholm = Stoccolma
3 Småland= Smalandia
6 Skåne = Scania
12 Sjælland = Selandia
14 Fyn=Fiona
15 Midtjylland = Jutland centrale
18 Lappland = Lapponia
25 Gotland = Gotlandia
31 Savolax = Savonia
34 Ingermanland= Ingria
35 Ösel =Osilia
37 Livland=Livonia
39 Goldingen = Curlandia
42 Warmia =Varmia
43 Danzig =Danzica
44 Hamburg=Amburgo
45 Lübeck = Lubecca
49 Neumark = Nuova Marca
50 Berlin =Berlino
52 Magdeburg= Magdeburgo
53 Lüneburg= Luneburgo
59 Wittenberg= Vittimberga
61 Dresden= Dresda
62 Leipzig =Lipsia
63 Thüringen = Turingia
65 München = Monaco
66 Bamberg= Bamberga
67 Nürnberg=Norimberga
69 Oberschwaben = Alta svevia
70 Württemberg = Stoccarda (the capital's name in Italian)
72 Breisgau =Brisgovia
73 Tirol = Tirolo
75 Elsass= Alsazia
76 Salzburg =Salisburgo
78 Mainz =Magonza
80 Trier =Treviri
82 Westfalen = Vestfalia
85 Köln= Colonia
89 Picardie =Piccardia
90 Vlaanderen =Fiandre
91 Hainaut =Annonia
92 Brabant =Brabante
93 Liège =Liegi
94 Luxemburg = Lussemburgo
96 Zeeland =Zelandia
97 Holland =Olanda
100 Friesland =Frisia
101 Genoa =Genova
102 Nice =Nizza
103 Piedmont = Piemonte
104 Milan =Milano
109 Mantua =Mantova
110 Trent=Trento
128 Kärnten =Carinzia
129 Krain =Craina
131 Zagreb =Zagabria
132 Steiermark =Stiria
134 Wien =Vienna
135 Sopron =Odenburgo
136 Dalmatia =Dalmazia
138 Zeta =Montenegro
139 Hum =Trebigne (from the main city's italian name)
144 Epirus=Epiro
146 Athens =Atene
147 Thessaly =Tessaglia
149 Edirne =Adrianopoli
151 Constantinople =Costantinopoli
152 Varasd =Varasdino
154 Érsekújvár =Nitra
163 Crete=Creta
164 Naxos =Nasso
165 Bern =Berna
168 Normandie =Normandia
169 Armor =Armorica
170 Finistère =Finisterra
174 Gascogne =Guascogna
178 Anjou =Angiò
182 Vermandois =San quintino (from the capital city)
183 Paris =Parigi
184 Orleanais =Orleanese
186 Champagne =Sciampagna
189 Lothringen =Lotaringia
192 Bourgogne =Borgogna
193 Franche-Comté =Franca contea
195 Limousin =Limosino
196 Toulouse =Tolosa
197 Roussillon =Rossiglione
199 Auvergne =Alvernia
200 Languedoc =Linguadoca
201 Provence =Provenza
202 Avignon= Avignone
204 Dauphiné =Delfinato
205 Savoie =Savoia
206 Galicia =Galizia
207 Asturias =Asturie
209 Vizcaya =Biscaglia
211 Pirineo =Pirenei
213 Barcelona =Barcellona
214 Zaragoza =Saragozza
215 Castilla La Vieja =Vecchia castiglia

I have more but I'll post them later. let me know what you think about them, might as well gather some latin name for the newly added roman empire.
  • 1
If we're doing a dynamic names thing, can I add a suggestion? Random New World names. Now the obvious problem is that random new world doesn't have historical names (or countries) which means you occasionally end up with places like English Elysium and Breton Red Neck, but most of the time you get Spanish qipqac and English Papoquop. Basically I'm suggesting that when colonizing a province finishes there is a chance to change the name to one which is randomly generated from one of several templates, for example
* New (Owned City, Province or completely controlled region name) [e.g. New London, New Cornwall, New Mercia] Provinces / regions with higher development more likely to be chosen
* Adjectival form of Ruler Name [e.g. Richardston]
* [Local Geographical Feature - based on terrain type] of [Random saint's name] (e.g. Mountains of Saint Patrick)
Similarly Colonial nations could have names generated in a similar manner using templates like:
* New [Original country] [e.g. New France]
* New [completely controlled region name] [e.g. New South Granada]
* Adjectival form of Ruler Name [e.g. Louisiana, Williamia, Georgia]

Naturally a name which was already in use shouldn't be used twice (even if they were in real life).

Dunno how feasible it is, but if it's doable then it should help fill the gap of historical names for Random New World provinces in a way which is more satisfying that the current situation?
  • 2
Maybe three is a charm...


36 = "Estonija"
37 = "Livonija"
43 = "Gdanjsk"
89 = "Pikardija"
90 = "Flandrija"
94 = "Luksemburg"
96 = "Zeland"
97 = "Holandija"
100 = "Frizija"
101 = "Genova"
102 = "Nica"
103 = "Pijemont"
104 = "Milano"
110 = "Trident"
111 = "Furlanija"
112 = "Mleci"
116 = "Firenca"
118 = "Rim"
121 = "Napulj"
122 = "Apulija"
123 = "Kalabrija"
128 = "Koruška"
129 = "Kranjska"
130 = "Istra"
132 = "Štajerska"
134 = "Beč"
135 = "Šopron"
136 = "Dalmacija"
137 = "Dubrovnik"
138 = "Crna Gora"
140 = "Bosna"
141 = "Srbija"
142 = "Krf"
143 = "Albanija"
144 = "Epir"
145 = "Moreja"
146 = "Atina"
147 = "Tesalija"
148 = "Solun"
149 = "Drinopolje"
150 = "Trnovo"
151 = "Carigrad"
152 = "Varaždin"
153 = "Pešta"
154 = "Spiš"
156 = "Temišvar"
157 = "Veliki Varadin"
159 = "Drastar"
160 = "Oltenija"
161 = "Trgovište"
162 = "Košice"
163 = "Kreta"
164 = "Cikladi"
168 = "Normandija"
183 = "Pariz"
189 = "Lorena
261 = "Galič"
262 = "Krakov"
264 = "Vratislavija"
265 = "Moravska"
266 = "Prag"
267 = "Plzen"
268 = "Moldavija"
271 = "Samogitija"
272 = "Litva"
273 = "Latgalija"
279 = "Volinj"
280 = "Kijev"
282 = "Jedisan"
283 = "Zaporoška"
284 = "Krim"
286 = "Azov"
289 = "Černjihiv"
291 = "Harkiv"
292 = "Mogiljov"
297 = "Brjansk"
299 = "Voronjež"
301 = "Rjazan"
302 = "Tambov"
303 = "Saratov"
320 = "Rod"
321 = "Cipar"
1954 = "Vojvodina"
1765 = "Sofija"
1767 = "Slavonija"
3000 = "Niš"
3001 = "Skoplje"
^ A few corrections

sorry but your names are not correct.

I don't know how fluent you are in italian, but the correct name of adrianople is adrianopoli, not adrinopoli.


chelmo is wrong. the region can be called chelmia or zaclumia in italian, but I chose the name trebigne over that because this name is still used and more widespread.


as for candia, it was just the name of the main town on the island. albeit the venetians did call it so the whole island, this habit was not widely spread in contemporary italian literature. I suggest then adding candia as a name for the venetian culture only, otherwise stick with creta.

anyway, feel free to suggest other alternative names should you know any.
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  • 1
I would suggest Constantinople be called Miklagard by the Scandinavian group.

If this thread is to be useful I'd like to avoid suggestions such as this. This is an early modern game and no Scandinavian state called Constantinople Miklagård in any part of this era (possibly with the exception of the newly added Iceland tag).
Archaic, pre-christian or mythological stuff gets suggested from time to time but that's not really appropriate or what we're after.
  • 4
01 Tukholma ( Stockholm )
02 Itä-Götlanti ( Östergötland )
03 Smoolanti ( Småland )
05 Värmlanti ( Värmland )
06 Skoone ( Skåne )
07 Länsi-Götlanti ( Västergötland )
08 Taalainmaa ( Dalaskogen )
09 Helsinglanti ( Hälsingland )
10 Jämtlanti ( Jämtland )
11 Länsipohja ( Västerbotten )
12 Själlanti ( Sjaelland )
15 Keski-Jyllanti ( Midtjylland )
16 Bohuslääni ( Bohuslän )
18 Lappi ( Lapland )
19 Pohjanmaa ( Österbotten )
20 Tröndelag ( Tröndelag )
25 Gotlanti ( Gotland )
26 Hallanti ( Halland )
27 Turku ( Åbo )
28 Uusimaa ( Nyland )
29 Häme ( Tavastland )
30 Viipuri ( Viborg )
31 Savo ( Savolax )
32 Käkisalmi ( Kexholm )
34 Inkeri ( Ingermanland )
35 Saarenmaa ( Ösel )
36 Harjunmaa ( Reval )
37 Liivinmaa ( Livland )
38 Riika ( Riga )
39 Kurinmaa ( Goldingen )
44 Hampuri ( Hamburg )
45 Lyypekki ( Lübeck )
50 Berliini ( Berlin )
4124 Karjala ( Karelia )
1930 Ahvenanmaa ( Åland )
1979 Shetlanti ( Shetland )
1979 Färsaaret ( Färöarna )
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