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Lt. General
66 Badges
Jan 13, 2013
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
  • Victoria 2: Heart of Darkness
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • 500k Club
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization
  • Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Victoria 2
  • Europa Universalis 4: Emperor
  • Stellaris
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Field Marshal
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Imperator: Rome Sign Up
  • Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition
  • Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Imperator: Rome
  • Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance
  • Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
Here I am going to list a whole bunch of historical names for various provinces across the globe, from Europe to Oceania, from Asia to South America.

I will incorporate some suggestions from my threads on the Caribbean and Oceania, as they didn't get as much attention as I'd hoped. I would greatly apriciate if you comment this thread with corrections, further suggestions, or just a simple "+1" as it would increase the chances of the devs seeing it.

Below each category in a spoiler, I will also post some constructed suggestions based on a translation of the name given to it by the colonizer (e.g. Puerto Rico = Richport; to give flavor, assuming the name would be the same should it be discovered first by another nation. This is however just a little extra flavor and shouldn't take away from the historical suggestions here, which is why I put them in spoilers)

Since I know EUIV struggles with having more than one province with the same name, I have tried to get optional suggestions for these places (i.e. Santiago which is an obvious choice for Picunumapu can also be Valparaiso. On the game's map the city is actually shown to be Valparaiso though)

I will also separate this thread into two posts, to avoid one, very long post. I sure hope a dev sees this and uses at least some names!

Enjoy dynamic names bonanza!

Province name listed first, then names with the language in parentheses. Names for different languages will be separated by a semicolon, so that if it says "Valparaiso, Santiago" the first name will be the province name and the second the largest city. If there is no comma, then both are the same. Many of these names are also based on the location of the city on the map (if several notable cities are in the same province).

When I write Scandinavian I mean Norwegian, Danish and Swedish. Due to the recent changes to culture, I am sad I have to point this out.

  • #1. Stockholm: Estocolmo (Spanish), Stoccolma (Italian); Sztokholm (Polish); Tukholma (Finnish); Štokholm (Slovak)
  • #2. Ostergotland: Itä-Götlanti (Finnish)
  • #3. Småland: Smalandia (Italian); Smalandia (Polish); Smoolanti (Finnish)
  • #5. Varmland: Värmlanti (Finnish)
  • #6. Skåne: Scania (English, Italian); Escania (Spanish); Skania (Polish); Skoone (Finnish)
  • #7. Vastergotland: Länsi-Götlanti (Finnish)
  • #8. Dalaskogen: Dalécarlie (French); Dalecarlia (Spanish); Taalainmaa (Finnish)
  • #9. Halsingland: Helsinglanti (Finnish)
  • #10. Jemtland (Danish); Jämtlanti (Finnish)
  • #11. Vasterbotten: Länsipohja (Finnish)
  • #12. Sjælland: Zélande, Copenhague (French); Selandia, Copenhague (Spanish); Selandia, Copenaghen (Italian) Seeland, Kopenhagen (Dutch and German); Sjælland, Kjøbenhavn (Danish, Norwegian); Zealand, Copenhagen (British); Själland, Köpenhamn (Swedish); Zelandia, Kopenhaga (Polish); Själlanti (Finnish)
  • #14. Fyn: Fionie, Odensée (French); Fiona (Italian); Fionia (Polish)
  • #15. Jylland: Jutland central (French); Jutlandia central (Spanish, Portuguese); Mitteljütland (German); Jutland centrale (Italian); Jutlandia Środkowa (Polish)
  • #16. Båhuslen (Danish); Bohuslääni (Finnish)
  • #17. Akershus: Akershus, Christiania (Danish)
  • #18. Lappland: Lapponia (Italian); Laponia (Spanish, Portuguese, Polish); Laponie (French); Lappi (Finnish)
  • #19. Osterbotten: Pohjanmaa (Finnish)
  • #20. Trondheim: Drontheim (German); Tråante (Sami); Tröndelag (Finnish)
  • #23. Bergenshus: Bergena (Latvian); Bergenas (Lithuanian)
  • #25. Gotland: Gulland (Danish and Norwegian, the name used in the game's timespan!); Gotlandia (Italian, Polish); Gotlândia (Portuguese); Gothland (English); Gotlanti (Finnish)
  • #26. Halland: Hallanti (Finnish)
  • #27. Åbo: Turku (Finnish)
  • #28. Nyland: Uusimaa (Finnish)
  • #29. Tavastland: Häme (Finnish)
  • #30. Viborg: Viipuri (Finnish)
  • #31. Savolaks: Savonia (Italian, Spanish); Savonie (French); Savo (Finnish); Sawonia (Polish); Savo (Finnish)
  • #32. Kexholm: Käkisalmi (Finnish)
  • #34. Ingermannland: Ingria (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish); Ingeri or Ingerimaa (Estonian); Ingrie (French); Inkeri (Finnish)
  • #35. Ösel: Osilia (Latin, Italian); Øsel (Danish, Norwegian); Samsala (Latvian); Saarenmaa (Finnish); Oesel (French); Ozylia (Polish)
  • #36. Reval: Estonija, Revel (Croatian); Rewal (Polish); Harjunmaa (Finnish)
  • #37. Livland: Livonia (Italian, Spanish, English); Livônia (Portuguese); Livonie (French); Livonija (Estonian); Livonija (Russian, Croatian); Liivinmaa (Finnish); Liwonia (Polish)
  • #38. Riga: Riika (Finnish)
  • #39. Goldingen: Kurland, Goldingen (German, Scandinavian); Koerland (Dutch); Kurzeme, Kuldīga (Latvia); Kurzeme, Kuldīga (Estonian); Courlande (French); Curlandia (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese); Curlannia (Sicilian); Courland (English); Kurlandia (Polish); Kuurinmaa (Finnish) - here a suggestion to rename the province to Kurland/equivalents, and make Goldingen the main city.
  • #42. Warmia: Varmia (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish); Ermeland (French); Ermland (Scandinavian)
  • #43. Danzig: Dantzig or Dantzick (French); Danzica (Italian); Dantzig or Danswijk (Dutch); Danzigue (Portuguese); Gdanjsk (Croatian)
  • #44. Hamburg: Hamborg (Danish); Hambourg (French); Hamburgo (Spanish); Amburgo (Italian); Amborg (Occitan); Hamburk (Czech); Hamburga (Latvian); Hampuri (Finnish)
  • #45. Lübeck: Lubeck (French); Lubeca (Spanish); Lubeka (Polish); Lyypekki (Finnish); Lubecca (Italian)
  • #49. Neumark: Nuova Marca (Italian); Myślibórz or Dolna Warta or Nowa Marchia (Polish); Brandenburgo Oriental or Nueva Marca (Spanish); Nouvelle Marche (French)
  • #50. Berlin: Berlino (Italian); Berliini (Finnish); Berlim (Portuguese); Berlijn (Dutch); Berliini (Finnish); Verolino (Greek)
  • #52. Magdeburg: Magdebourg (French); Magdeburgo (Spanish, Italian)
  • #53. Lüneburg: Lunebourg (French); Luneburgo (Italian)
  • #55. Oldenburg: Oldenbourg (French); Oldenburgo (Spanish)
  • #56. Osnabrück: Osnabruck (French); Osenbrugge (Danish); Osnabrugge (Dutch); Osnabrük (Estonian); Osnabruque (Portuguese); Osnaburg (English); Osnabryuk (Russian, Bulgarian); Osnabrügge (Westphalian)
  • #57. Braunschweig: Brunswick (French, Spanish); Brunsvique (Portuguese); Brunswijk (Dutch); Brunszwik (Polish)
  • #59. Wittenberg: Wittemberg (French); Vittimberga (Italian); Wittenberga (Polish)
  • #61. Dresden: Dresda (Italian); Drážďany (Czech); Dresde (Spanish, French); Drēzdene (Latvian); Drezno (Polish)
  • #62. Leipzig: Leipsick (French); Lipsia (Italian); Lipsk (Polish)
  • #63. Thüringen: Thuringe (French); Turingia (Spanish, Italian); Turyngia (Polish)
  • #65. München: Munich (French); Múnich (Spanish); Monaco (Italian); Monachium (Polish)
  • #66. Bamberg: Bamberga (Italian)
  • #67. Nürnberg: Nuremberg (French, English); Núremberg (Spanish); Norimberga (Italian); Norymberga (Polish)
  • #69. Oberschwaben: Alta Svevia (Italian); Haute-Souabe, Ravensbourg (French); Alta Suebia (Spanish, Portuguese); Górna Szwabia (Polish)
  • #70. Württemberg: Wurtemberg (French, Spanish); Stoccarda (Italian, main city name); Wirtembergia (Polish)
  • #72. Breisgau: Brisgovia (Italian, Spanish); Brisgau (French); Bryzgowia (Polish)
  • #73. Tirol: Tyrol (French, Polish); Tirolo (Italian)
  • #75. Elsass: Alsazia (Italian); Alsace (French); Alsacia (Spanish); Alzacja (Polish)
  • #76. Salzburg: Salzbourg (French); Salzburgo (Spanish); Salisburgo (Italian)
  • #77. Pfalz: Palatinat (French); Palatinado (Spanish); Palatinato (Italian); Palatynat (Polish)
  • #78. Mainz: Mayence (French); Maguncia (Spanish); Magonza (Italian); Moguncja (Polish)
  • #79. Würzburg: Wurtzbourg (French); Wurzburgo (Spanish)
  • #80. Trier: Trèves (French); Tréveris (Spanish); Treviri (Italian); Trewir (Polish)
  • #81. Hessen: Hesse (French); Hesja (Polish)
  • #82. Westfalen: Vestfalia (Italian); Westfalia (Polish)
  • #85. Köln: Cologne (French); Colonia (Spanish, Italian); Kolonia (Polish)
  • #86. Münster: Munster (French)
  • #87. Calais. Kale (Latvian, Serbian)
  • #89. Picardy: Picardía (Spanish); Piccardia (Italian); Pikardija (Croatian); Pikardia (Polish)
  • #90. Flanders: Flandria (Polish); Fiandre (Italian); Flandrija (Croatian)
  • #91. Hainaut: Annonia (Italian)
  • #92. Brabant: Brabante (Italian); Brabancja (Polish)
  • #93. Liege: Liegi (Italian)
  • #94. Luxemburg: Lussemburgo (Italian); Luksemburg (Croatian); Luksemburg (Polish)
  • #96. Zeeland: Zelandia (Italian, Polish); Zeland (Croatian)
  • #97. Holland: Olanda (Italian); Holandija (Croatian); Holandia (Polish); Holanda, Amsterdam (Spanish)
  • #98. Utrecht: Utreque (Spanish)
  • #100. Friesland: Frisia (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese); Frise (French); Fryzja (Polish); Frieslande (German)
  • #101. Genoa: Genova (Italian, Croatian); Gênes (French); Zena (Ligurian); Genua (German, English, Polish); Janov (Slovak)
  • #102. Nice: Niza (Spanish); Nizza (Italian); Nicea (Polish); Nica (Croatian); Nikaia (Greek); Nisse (Ligurian)
  • #103. Piedmont: Piemonte (Italian); Pijemont (Croatian); Piemont (Polish)
  • #104. Milan: Milano (Italian, Croatian); Mediolan (Polish); Milan (Venetian); Miláno (SLovak)
  • #109. Mantua: Mantova (Italian, Slovak)
  • #110. Trent: Trento (Italian); Trident (Croatian); Trydent (Polish); Trènt (Venetian); Trent (English); Trient (German)
  • #111. Friuli: Furlanija (Croatian)
  • #112. Venezia: Venedig (Scandinavian); Mleci (Croatian); Venedik (Turkish); Wenecja (Polish); Benátky (Czech, Slovak)
  • #116. Firenze: Firenca (Croatian); Florencja (Polish); Firense (Venetian)
  • #118. Rome: Rim (Croatian, Czech, Slovak); Roma (Italian, Hungarian); Erroma (Basque); Rom (German, Scandianvian); Rome (Dutch, English, French); Romma (Ligurian); Ruma (Maltese); Rzym (Polish)
  • #121: Napoli: Napulj (Croatian); Neapol (Polish); Napule (Neapolitan); Napuli (Sicilian)
  • #122: Apulia: Apulija (Croatian)
  • #123: Calabria: Kalabrija (Croatian); Kalabria (Polish); Calabbria (Neapolitan, Sicilian); Kalabrien (German, Swedish)
  • #124. Messina: Missina (Sicilian)
  • #125. Palermo: Palermu (Sicilian); Palerme (French); Palerm (Piedmontese); Balarm (Mahgreb, Mashriq)
  • #128. Kärnten: Carinthie (French); Carintia (Spanish); Karyntia (Polish); Carinzia (Italian); Koruška (Croatian)
  • #129. Krain: Carniole, Clagenfurth (French); Craina (Italian); Kranjska (Croatian); Kraina (Polish)
  • #130. Istria: Istra (Croatian); Isztria (Hungarian); Istrie (French)
  • #131. Zagreb: Zagrzeb (Polish); Zagabria (Italian)
  • #132. Steiermark: Styrie (French); Estiria (Spanish); Stiria (Italian); Štajerska (Croatian); Styria (Polish)
  • #133. Linz: Lintz (French)
  • #134. Wien: Vienne (French); Viena (Spanish); Vienna (British, Italian); Wiedeń (Polish); Beč (Croatian)
  • #135. Sopron: Odenburgo (Italian); Šopron (Croatian)
  • #136. Dalmatia: Dalmazia (Italian except Venetian); Dalmacija (Croatian); Dalmatie (French); Dàlmassia (Venetian); Dalmácia (Hungarian); Dalmaçya (Turkish); Dalmatie (Dutch); Dalmatien (German); Dalmacja (Polish)
  • #137. Ragusa: Dubrovnik (Croatian); Raguse (French); Raguza (Polish)
  • #138. Zeta: Montenegro (Italian); Mali i Zi (Albanian); Karadağ (Turkish); Schwarzenberg (German); Crna Gora (Croatian); Czarnogóra (Polish)
  • #139. Hum: Chulmia, Trebigne (Italian)
  • #140. Bosnia: Bosní (Polish); Bosznia (Hungarian); Bosnië (Dutch); Bosna (Czech); Nieder-Bosnien (German)
  • #143. Albania: Albanie (French)
  • #144. Epirus: Epiro (Spanish, Italian); Épire (French); Epir (Croatian, Polish)
  • #145. Morea: Moreja (Croatian)
  • #146. Athens: Athènes (French); Atenas (Spanish, Portuguese); Atene (Italian); Atina (Croatian); Ateny (Polish, Czech, Slovak); Afiny (Russian); An Aithin (Irish); An Àithne (Scottish Gaelic); Ateena (Estonian, Finnish); Aten (Norwegian, Swedish); Atena (Croatian, Romanian); Atėnai (Lithuanian); Atēnas (Latvian); Atene (Italian, Slovene, Japanese, Korean); Atenes (Catalan); Ateni (Maltese); Atenk (Armenian); Athen (Danish, German, Welsh); Athén (Hungarian); Athene (Dutch); Athína (Greek); Atīnā (Arabic); Atina (Bulgarian, Serbian)
  • #147. Thessaly: Tessaglia (Italian); Tesalija (Croatian); Tesalia (Polish)
  • #148. Thessaloniki: Solun (Croatian)
  • #150. Tarnovo: Trnovo (Croatian)
  • #152. Varasd: Varazdin (South Slavic); Varasdino (Italian); Varaždin (Croatian)
  • #153. Pest: Budim (Serbian); Pešť, Budín (Czech, Slovak); Peşta, Budin (Turkish); Pest, Ofen (German); Pest, Ezzelburgo (Italian) Pešta (Croatian)
  • #154. Ersekujvar: Uyvar (Turkish); Nitra (Italian); Nowe Zamki (Polish); Spiš (Croatian)
  • #156. Temes: Temišvar (Croatian)
  • #157. Bihar: Veliki Varadin (Croatian)
  • #159. Silistre: Silistrie (French); Silistra (Polish); Drastar (Croatian)
  • #160. Oltenia: Oltenija (Croatian)
  • #161. Tirgoviste: Trgovište (Croatian)
  • #163. Crete: Candia (Spanish); Creta (Italian); Kreta (German, Scandinavian, Dutch, Polish, Croatian)
  • #164. Naxos: Cyclades, Naxos (British, French); Kykladen (German); Cycladen (Dutch); Ciclades (Spanish and Portuguese); Cicladi, Nasso (Italian); Cyklady, Naxos (Polish); Cikladi, Naxos (Croatian)
  • #165. Bern: Berna (Spanish, Italian); Berno (Polish)
  • #168. Normandy: Normandía (Spanish); Normandia (Italian, Polish); Normandija (Croatian)
  • #169. Armor: Armorica (Italian); Armoryka (Polish)
  • #170. Finistere: Finisterra (Italian)
  • #173. Bayonne: Baiona (Portuguese)
  • #174. Gascogne: Guascogna (Italian); Gaskonia (Polish); Gasconha (Portuguese)
  • #175. Toulouse: Tolosa (Italian, Occitan); Tholosen (German); Ciutat Mondina (old Spanish name); Tuluza (Polish)
  • #178. Anjou: Angiò (Italian); Andegawenia (Polish)
  • #182. Vermandois, San Quintino (Italian)
  • #183. Paris: Paryż (Polish); Parigi (Italian); Pariz (Croatian)
  • #184. Orleanais: Orleanese (Italian); Orleania, Orlean (Polish)
  • #186. Champagne: Champaña (Spanish); Sciampagna (Italian); Szampania (Polish)
  • #189. Lorraine: Lothringen (German); Lorraine (French); Lorena (Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian); Lotharingen or Lorreinen (Dutch); Lotaringia (Italian); Lotaryngia (Polish)
  • #192. Bourgogne: Burgund (German); Borgoña (Spanish); Borgogna (Italian); Burgundia (Polish)
  • #193. Franche-Comté: Franca contea; Franco Condado (Spanish); Wolne Hrabstwo (Polish)
  • #195. Limousin: Lemosín (Spanish); Limosino (Italian)
  • #197. Roussillon: Rosellón (Spanish); Rossiglione (Italian); Rossilhão (Portuguese)
  • #199. Auvergne: Auvernia (Spanish); Alvernia (Italian); Owernia (Polish)
  • #200. Languedoc: Lenguadoc (Spanish); Linguadoca (Italian); Langwedocja (Polish)
  • #201. Provence: Provenza (Spanish, Italian); Prowansja (Polish)
  • #202. Avignon: Aviñón (Spanish); Awinion (Polish); Avignone (Italian)
  • #204. Dauphiné: Delfinato (Italian); Delfinado (Spanish, Portuguese); Dauphiny (English); Delfinat (Polish)
  • #205. Savoie: Savoia (Italian); Savoyen (German, Danish, Norwegian); Savojen (Swedish); Saboya (Spanish); Saboia (Portuguese); Sabaudia (Polish)
  • #206. Galicia: Galice, La Corogne (French); Galicien (German, Swedish, Danish); Galicja (Polish); Galizia (Italian)
  • #207. Asturias: Asturies (French); Asturie (Italian); Asturia (Polish)
  • #208. Leon: Leão (Portuguese)
  • #209. Viscaya: Biscaglia (Italian); Biskaia (Basque); Bizkaia (German); Biscaye (French); Biscaia (Portuguese)
  • #211. Pirineio: Pirenei (Italian); Pireneje (Polish); Pirinéus (Portuguese)
  • #212. Girona: Gérone (French); Gerunda (Portuguese)
  • #213. Barcelona: Barcelone (French); Barcellona (Italian); Bartzelona (Basque);
  • #214. Zaragoza: Saragosse (French); Saragozza (Italian); Saragossa (Polish); Saragoça (Portuguese)
  • #215. Castilla la Vieja: Vecchia Castiglia (Italian); Gaztela Zaharra (Basque); Old Castile (English); Stara Kastylia (Polish); Castela a Velha, Valedolide (Portuguese)
  • #217. Madrid: Madrí (Portuguese)
  • #218. Badajoz: Badalhouce (Portuguese)
  • #219. Toledo: Tolède (French)
  • #220. Valencia: Valence (French); Walencja (Polish)
  • #221. Murcia: Murcie (French); Murcja (Polish)
  • #223. Granada: Grenade (French)
  • #224. Andalucia: Séville (French); Sewilla (Polish); Sevilha
  • #225. Córdoba: Cordoue (French); Kordoba (Polish); Córdova
  • #226. Gibraltar: Cebelitarık (Turkish)
  • #227. Lisboa: Lisbonne (French); Lissabon (German, Scandinavian); Lizbona (Polish)
  • #232. Braganca: Bragance (French)
  • #233. Cornwall: Cornouailles (French); Cornualles (Spanish); Kornwalia (Polish)
  • #235. Kent: Douvres (French); Duvres (Spanish)
  • #236. London: Londres (French, Spanish); Londyn (Polish)
  • #247. Cumbria: Cumbrie (French); Kumbria (Polish)
  • #254. Poznan: Posnanie (French); Posen (Scandinavian)
  • #257. Warszava: Varsovie (French); Varsovia (Spanish, Portuguese); Warschau (Scandinavian); Varšuva (Lithuanian)
  • #259. Sandomierz: Sandomir (French)
  • #281. Kaminec: Podillia (Ruthenian); Podolye (Russian); Podolia (Romanian); Podole (Lithuanian); Podolya (Turkish); Podolie (French, Dutch (with ë)); Podolien (German, Swedish, Danish); Podolia (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, English); Podolí (Czech, Slovak)
  • #261. Halicz: Galič (Croatian); Halici (Romanian); Galich (Russian); Halytsch (German); Galitzia (Spanish); Halytsj (Norwegian)
  • #262. Krakow: Krakov (Croatian)
  • #265. Moravia: Moravie, Brinn (French); Morava (Czech); Morawy (Polish); Moravska (Croatian)
  • #266. Prague: Praha (Czech); Prague (British, French); Prag (Scandinavian, Croatian); Praga (Spanish, Polish)
  • #267. Plzen: Pilsen (French, Spanish); Pilzno (Polish); Plzen (Croatian)
  • #268. Moldova: Moldavie (French, Czech); Mołdawia (Polish); Moldavija (Croatian); Moldau (German); Moldva (Hungarian); Boğdan Prensliği (Turkish); Moldaviya (Russian)
  • #271. Samogitia: Samogitija (Croatian); Zmudz (Polish); Zmud (Czech); Szamogitia (Hungarian);
  • #272. Vilnius: Litva (Croatian); Wilna (German); Vilnia (Russian, Latvian)
  • #273. Lettgallen: Latgalie (French); Letgalia (Spanish); Latgalia (Polish); Latgalija (Croatian)
  • #274. Pskov: Pskow (German)
  • #279. Volhynia: Volinj (Croatian); Wolyn (Polish); Volyne (Lithuanian); Volyn (Czech); Volhinia (Hungarian); Wolhynien (German); Volynien (Swedish); Volinia (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese); Volyn (Russian)
  • #280. Kiev: Kijev (Croatian); Kiew (German)
  • #282. Yedisan: Jedisan (Croatian)
  • #283. Zaporozhia: Zaporoška (Croatian)
  • #284. Crimea: Krim (Croatian, Scandinavian); Krym (Czech)
  • #286. Azov: Azov (Croatian)
  • #289. Chernigov: Černjihiv (Croatian)
  • #291. Kharkov: Harkiv (Croatian)
  • #292. Mogilev: Mogiljov (Croatian)
  • #295. Moskva: Moscú (Spanish); Moscou (French); Moskwa (Polish)
  • #297: Bryansk: Brjansk (Croatian)
  • #299. Voronezh: Voronjež (Croatian)
  • #301. Ryazan: Rjazan (Croatian)
  • #315. Finnmark: Finnmárku (Sami); Ruija (Finnish)
  • #320. Rhodes: Rodas (Spanish); Rhodos (German, Scandinavian); Rodi (Italian); Rodos (Polish); Rod (Croatian)
  • #321. Cyprus: Chipre (Spanish, Portuguese); Kypros (Greek, Norwegian); Zypern (German); Chypre (French); Cipro (Italian); Cypern (Danish, Swedish); Cypr (Polish); Cipar (Croatian)
  • #333. Baleares: Illes Balears (Catalan); Islas Baleares (Spanish); Baleari (Venetian); Iles Baleares (French); Isole Baleari (Italian); Balearen (German, Dutch); Balearerne (Danish); Balearerna (Swedish); Isole Balear (Piedmontese)
  • #368. Madeira: Madère (French)
  • #369. Orkney: Orcades (French); Islas Orcadas (Spanish); Orkady (Polish)
  • #1247. Corsica: Córcega (Spanish); Korsyka (Polish); Corsega (Ligurian, Occitan, Catalan); Korsika (Scandinavian, German); Korzika (Hungarian)
  • #1742. Limburg: an der Lahn Limbourg (French)
  • #1743. Cambray: Cambray (Spanish)
  • #1744. Antwerpen: Anvers (French); Amberes (Spanish); Antwerpia (Polish); Antorf (German); Amversa (Greek); Antuiarp (Irish); Antuerpia (Portuguese); Anviesse (Walloon)
  • #1745. Cantabria: Cantabrie (French); Kantabrien (German, Swedish, Danish); Kantabria (Polish)
  • #1748. La Mancha: Xaém (Portuguese)
  • #1749. Cádiz: Cadix (French); Kadyks (Polish); Cadis (Portuguese, Catalan); Cadice (Italian); Kadis (Russian); Kadiz (Albanian, Basque, Maltese, Serbian); al-Qādis (Arabic)
  • #1750. Alicante: al-Laqant (Arabic); Alacant (Catalan), Alikante (Latvian, Russian, Serbian)
  • #1757. Oberpfalz: Haut-Palatinat (French); Alto Palatinado (Spanish); Górny Palatynat (Polish)
  • #1758. Hannover: Hanovre (French); Hanower (Polish)
  • #1760. Koblenz: Coblence (French); Coblenza (Spanish); Koblencja
  • #1765. Nis: Sophie or Sophia (French); Sofija (Croatian)
  • #1767. Veroce: Slavonie (French); Slawonia (Polish)
  • #1772. Pozsony: Bratysława (Polish); Presburgo: Italian; Presbourg (French); Pressburg (English until 1919); Prešpurk (Czech); Prešporok (Slovak, old name)
  • #1773. Achea: Achaïe (French); Achaja (Polish)
  • #1777. Kola: Peise(n) (Norwegian, if Finnmark is Pechenga for Russian); Guoládat (Sami)
  • #1828. Donji Kraji: Ober-Bosnien (German); Olfeld (Hungarian, this is the historical Hungarian name)
  • #1851. Ribatejo: Coïmbre (French); Qulumriya (Arabic)
  • #1857. Lauenburg: Lauenbourg (French)
  • #1859. Torun: Turonie (French)
  • #1863. Graz: Gratz (French)
  • #1868. Augsburg: Augsbourg (French); Augsburgo (Spanish, Portuguese); Ágosta (Hungarian); Augsburga (Latvian); Augšpurk or Aušpurk (Czech); Augzburg (Serbian); Augusta (Italian); Avgústa (Greek)
  • #1869. Zürich: Zúrich (Spanish); Zürih (Turkish); Zurych (Polish)
  • #1872. Ulm: Ulma (Spanish)
  • #1873. Chur: Grisons (French, Catalan); Gryzonia (Polish); Grigioni (Italian); Grauwbunderland (Dutch); Grisões (Portuguese); Grisones (Spanish except Catalan)
  • #1874. Bremen: Breme (French); Brema (Spanish, Polish, Italian); Bréma (Hungarian); Brėmenas (Lithuanian)
  • #1876. Frankfurt: Francfort-sur-le-Main (French); Fráncfort (Spanish); Frankfurt nad Menem (Polish)
  • #1878. Aachen: Aquisgrán (Spanish); Akwizgran (Polish); Ahen (Turkish, Bulgarian, Serbian); Akyísgranon (Greek); Aquisgrà (Catalan); Aquisgrana (Italian, Portuguese); Åxhe (Walloon); Cáchy (Czech)
  • #1930. Åland: Ahvenanmaa (Finnish); Ahvenamaa (Estonian)
  • #1938. Wizna: Wisna (German)
  • #1960. Ostrow: Insel (German)
  • #1978. Shetland: Shetlanti (Finnish)
  • #1979. Faroes: Færøerne (Danish); Færøyene (Norwegian); Wyspy Owcze (Polish); Färsaaret (Finnish)
  • #1984. Nordjylland: Jutland-du-Nord (French); Nordjütland (German); Jutlandia Septentrional (Spanish); Jutlandia Północna (Polish)
  • #2726. Vidin: Widin (German)
  • #2753. Narbonne: Narbona (Spanish, Polish)
  • #2957. Regensburg: Ratisbonne (French); Ratisbona (Spanish); Ratyzbona (Polish)
  • #2961. Lwow: Leopol (French); Leopolis (Spanish); Lwów (Polish)
  • #2968. Budejovice: Budweis (French); Budziejowice (Polish)
  • #2975. Kleve: Clèves (French)
  • #2982. Syracuse: Siracusa (Italian except Sicilian); Sarausa (Sicilian); Syrakus (Scandianvian, German); Syrakuzy (Czech)
  • #2983. Salerno: Salierno (Neapolitan); Salernu (Sicilian)
  • #2986. Cagliari: Càller (Catalan, Aragonese); Casteddu (Sardinian); Kaljari (Albanian, Maltese, Serbian)
  • #2987. Arezzo: Arezzu (Sicilian)
  • #2988. Tarragona: Tarragone (French)
  • #2992. Albenga. Arbenga (Ligurian)
  • #2994. Greifswald: Gripswalde (French); Gryfia (Polish)
  • #3003. Euboea: Eubée or Negrepont (French); Eubea (Spanish, Polish)
  • #4124. Karelia: Karjala (Finnish, Estonian); Karelen (Scandinavian); Kareliya (Russian); Carelia (Spanish, Italian, Romanian); Carelié (French); Carélia (Portuguese); Karelya (Turkish); Karelien (German); Karelija (Latvian, Lithuanian)
  • #4125. Szolnok: Sollnock (German)
  • #4126 - Bacs: Batsch (German)
  • #4127. Turda: Thorenburg (German)
  • #4128. Kiralyföld: Königsboden (German)
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Upvote 0
Here are some missing german ones:

272 - Vilnius: Wilna
274 - Pskow: Pleskau
1828 - Donji Kraji: Ober-Bosnien ---> also 140 - Bosna german version Bosnien would became Nieder-Bosnien
1938 - Wizna: Wisna
1960 - Ostrow: Insel
1984 - Nordjylland: Nordjütland
2726 - Vidin: Widin
4125 - Szolnok: Sollnock
4126 - Bacs: Batsch
4127 - Turda: Thorenburg
4128 - Kiralyföld: Königsboden

Thanks for the work and have a nice day :)
  • 1
For English, Puerto Rico (492) should probably be 'St. John's', with the city being 'Richport.' Its a weird quirk in some Spanish islands that the names of the principle port and the island itself got switched. So, the capital city of San Juan was Puerto Rico, but since that was the main destination there, the name became applied to the whole island, so they used the name of the island, San Juan, to refer to the city.

Which, when you think about it, the original way makes more sense. Many other islands are named explicitly after saints, and naming an entire island a 'port' is rather unintuitive.
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Slovak dynamic province names for Nitra:

1 = "Štokholm"
101 = "Janov"
104 = "Miláno"
109 = "Mantova"
112 = "Benátky"
118 = "Rím"
121 = "Neapol"
128 = "Korutánsko"
129 = "Kransko"
131 = "Záhreb"
1318 = "Spiš"
133 = "Línec"
134 = "Vieden"
135 = "Šopron"
136 = "Dalmácia"
137 = "Dubrovník"
140 = "Bosna"
141 = "Srbsko"
143 = "Albánsko"
146 = "Atény"
151 = "Konštantínopol"
152 = "Varaždin"
153 = "Pešt"
154 = "Nitra"
155 = "Békeš"
156 = "Témešvár"
158 = "Marušsko"
162 = "Zemplín"
163 = "Kréta"
1763 = "Dolné Lužice"
1767 = "Slavonsko"
1770 = "Kremža"
1771 = "Krušné hory"
1772 = "Prešporok"
1826 = "Licko"
183 = "Paríž"
1864 = "Šomod"
1951 = "Hunad"
1952 = "Marmaroš"
1953 = "Debrecín"
1953 = "Sabolč"
236 = "Londýn"
257 = "Varšava"
262 = "Krakov"
263 = "Ratibor"
264 = "Vratislav"
265 = "Morava"
266 = "Praha"
267 = "Plzen"
268 = "Moldavsko"
272 = "Litva"
280 = "Kyjev"
295 = "Moskva"
2960 = "Nový Sonč"
2966 = "Hlohov"
2967 = "Chebsko"
2968 = "Budejovice"
2970 = "Hradecko"
361 = "Káhira"
4125 = "Solnok"
4127 = "Turdsko"
60 = "Horné Lužice"
85 = "Kolín"
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may I add some Italian names (for the Latin group)?

so far, in comparison to Spanish, french and German, Italian has a pittance of names (not even for its own provinces XD), whilst I think it deserves some love.
vtw, since most of these exonyms come from latin, there has to be some french/spanish version of most of them.

Just added all of these, will add the rest later today. Doing this to have them all in one post, as I think that would be most helpful for the devs, so they dont have to make several runs over suggestions. I also check over the suggestions and try to validate/supplement.
  • 1
Colonial Nation names count too? I have some of those.

Anyway, here's some names. First Welsh for when you kick the Saxons out.

244 = Rheged
247 = Cymbria
246 = Bryneich
245 = Efrog
1861 = Penwynion
240 = Mers
239 = Caerlowy
4130 = Gwlad Yr Haf
233 = Cernyw
234 = Caerwynt
235 = Caint
236 = Llundain
237 = Rydychen
238 = Caergolun
1860 = Dwrain Lloegr
373 = Dulyn
249 = Ayr
251 = Cai
248 = Caeredin
252 = Eppdaint
250 = Gwidd
253 = Ynysoedd Heledd
369 = Ynysoedd Orc

A few Portuguese ones

208 = Leão
224 = Sevilha
225 = Córdova
1748 = Xaém
218 = Badalhouce
215 = Valedolide
217 = Madrí
214 = Saragoça
1749 = Cadís
211 = Pirinéus
197 = Rossilhão
212 = Gerunda
209 = Biscaia
344 = Marraquexe
1110 = Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gué
334 = Tânger
345 = Safim
2468 = Tédula
2466 = Drá
173 = Baiona
174 = Gasconha

01 Tukholma ( Stockholm )
02 Itä-Götlanti ( Östergötland )
03 Smoolanti ( Småland )
05 Värmlanti ( Värmland )
06 Skoone ( Skåne )
07 Länsi-Götlanti ( Västergötland )
08 Taalainmaa ( Dalaskogen )
09 Helsinglanti ( Hälsingland )
10 Jämtlanti ( Jämtland )
11 Länsipohja ( Västerbotten )
12 Själlanti ( Sjaelland )
15 Keski-Jyllanti ( Midtjylland )
16 Bohuslääni ( Bohuslän )
18 Lappi ( Lapland )
19 Pohjanmaa ( Österbotten )
20 Tröndelag ( Tröndelag )
25 Gotlanti ( Gotland )
26 Hallanti ( Halland )
27 Turku ( Åbo )
28 Uusimaa ( Nyland )
29 Häme ( Tavastland )
30 Viipuri ( Viborg )
31 Savo ( Savolax )
32 Käkisalmi ( Kexholm )
34 Inkeri ( Ingermanland )
35 Saarenmaa ( Ösel )
36 Harjunmaa ( Reval )
37 Liivinmaa ( Livland )
38 Riika ( Riga )
39 Kurinmaa ( Goldingen )
44 Hampuri ( Hamburg )
45 Lyypekki ( Lübeck )
50 Berliini ( Berlin )
4124 Karjala ( Karelia )
1930 Ahvenanmaa ( Åland )
1979 Shetlanti ( Shetland )
1979 Färsaaret ( Färöarna )

I listed some more:

01 Tukholma ( Stockholm )
02 Itä-Götlanti ( Östergötland )
03 Smoolanti ( Småland )
05 Värmlanti ( Värmland )
06 Skoone ( Skåne )
07 Länsi-Götlanti ( Västergötland )
08 Taalainmaa ( Dalaskogen )
09 Helsinglanti ( Hälsingland )
10 Jämtlanti ( Jämtland )
11 Länsipohja ( Västerbotten )
12 Själlanti ( Sjaelland )
15 Keski-Jyllanti ( Midtjylland )
16 Bohuslääni ( Bohuslän )
18 Lappi ( Lapland )
19 Pohjanmaa ( Österbotten )
20 Tröndelag ( Tröndelag )
25 Gotlanti ( Gotland )
26 Hallanti ( Halland )
27 Turku ( Åbo )
28 Uusimaa ( Nyland )
29 Häme ( Tavastland )
30 Viipuri ( Viborg )
31 Savo ( Savolax )
32 Korela ( Kexholm )
34 Inkeri ( Ingermanland )
35 Saarenmaa ( Ösel )
36 Harjunmaa ( Reval )
37 Liivinmaa ( Livland )
38 Riika ( Riga )
39 Kuurinmaa ( Goldingen )
44 Hampuri ( Hamburg )
45 Lyypekki ( Lübeck )
50 Berliini ( Berlin )
73 Tiroli ( Tirol )
75 Alsace ( Elsass )
102 Nizza ( Nice )
104 Milano ( Milan )
110 Trento ( Trent )
112 Venetsia ( Venezia )
118 Rooma ( Roma )
142 Korfu ( Corfu )
144 Epeiros ( Epirus )
146 Ateena ( Athens )
147 Thessalia ( Thessaly )
148 Makedonia ( Macedonia )
151 Konstantinopoli ( Constantinople )
163 Kreeta ( Crete )
168 Normandia ( Normandie )
183 Pariisi ( Paris )
189 Lorraine ( Lothringen )
209 Biskaja ( Vizcaya )
227 Lissabon ( Lisboa )
236 Lontoo ( London )
257 Varsova ( Warszawa )
262 Krakova ( Krakow )
265 Määri ( Moravia )
266 Praha ( Prague )
269 Podlasia ( Podlasie )
273 Latgallia ( Latgalia )
274 Pihkova ( Pskov )
280 Kiova ( Kiev )
284 Krim ( Crimea )
291 Harkova ( Kharkov )
295 Moskova ( Moskva )
305 Perma ( Perm )
309 Aunus ( Olonets )
311 Holm ( Kholm )
313 Sorokka ( Soroka )
315 Ruija ( Finnmark )
320 Rodos ( Rhodes )
321 Kypros ( Cyprus )
333 Baleaarit ( The Baleares )
361 Kairo ( Cairo )
365 Siinai ( Sinai )
366 Kanariansaaret ( The Canarias )
367 Azorit ( The Azores )
382 Damaskos ( Damascus )
385 Mekka ( Mecca )
400 Masqat ( Muscat )
410 Bagdad ( Baghdad )
419 Jerevan ( Yerevan )
464 Astrahan ( Astrakhan )
667 Kanton ( Canton )
1020 Kioto ( Kyoto )
1099 Sokotra ( Socotra )
1126 Norsunluurannikko ( Ivory Coast )
1139 Kultarannikko ( Gold Coast )
1195 Mosambik ( Mozambique )
1231 Assuan ( Aswan )
1247 Korsika ( Corsica )
1248 Malediivit ( Maldives )
1769 Gorizia ( Görz )
1772 Bratislava ( Poszony )
1773 Akhaia ( Achaea )
1776 Kemi ( Kem )
1777 Kuola ( Kola )
1816 Peking ( Beijing )
1834 Tartto ( Dorpat )
1871 Valais ( Wallis )
1930 Ahvenanmaa ( Åland )
1935 Jelgava ( Mitau )
1936 Kaunas ( Kovno )
1951 Hunedoara ( Hunyad )
1955 Holmogory ( Kholmogory )
1961 Laatokka ( Ladoga )
1978 Shetlanti ( Shetland )
1979 Färsaaret ( Färöarna )
2313 Antiokia ( Antioch )
2749 Tihvinä ( Tikhvin )
2752 Sogne ( Sogn )
2961 Lviv ( Lwow )
2982 Syrakusa ( Syracuse )
4114 Jokimukka ( Jokkmokk )
4124 Karjala ( Karelia )

EDIT: added 142, 144, 147, 151, 168, 189, 209, 320, 1772
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Let me pitch in with some Polish names. I used the original post as a template.

#112. Venezia: Wenecja
#116. Firenze: Florencja
Faroes: Wyspy Owcze
Cyprus: Cypr
#192. Bourgogne: Burgundia
#193. Franche-Comté: Wolne Hrabstwo
Ragusa: Raguza
Dalmatia: Dalmacja
#128. Kärnten: Karyntia
#129. Krain: Kraina
#138. Zeta: Czarnogóra
#215. Castilla la Vieja: Stara Kastylia
#36. Reval: Rewal
#134. Wien: Wiedeń
#132. Steiermark: Styria
#136. Dalmatia: Dalmacja
Tirol: Tyrol
Silistre: Silistra
Slavonia: Slawonia
Budejovice: Budziejowice
Moravia: Morawy
Prague: Praga
Plzen: Pilzno
#14. Fyn: Fionia
#12. Sjælland: Zelandia, Kopenhaga
Nordjylland: Jutlandia Północna
#15. Midtjylland: Jutlandia Środkowa
#146. Athens: Ateny
#147. Thessaly: Tesalia
Aechea: Achaja
#164. Naxos: Cyklady
Bremen: Brema
Lettgallen: Łatgalia
#154. Ersekujvar: Nowe Zamki
#43. Danzig: Gdańsk (if you don't have a polish keyboard Gdansk is just allright, but Gdanjsk looks very weird ;))
Lisboa: Lizbona
Moldova: Mołdawia
Bratislava: Bratysława
Cádiz: Kadyks
Córdoba: Kordoba
Murcia: Murcja
Sevilla: Sewilla
118. Rome: Rzym
121: Napoli: Neapol
123: Calabria: Kalabria
#214. Zaragoza: Saragossa
Valencia: Walencja
#207. Asturias: Asturia
Cantabria: Kantabria
#206. Galicia: Galicja (there's a typo in yours ;))
#1. Stockholm: Sztokholm
#3. Småland: Smalandia
#25. Gotland: Gotlandia
#31. Savolax: Sawonia
#6. Skåne: Skania
#18. Lappland: Laponia
#31. Ingermannland: Ingria
#35. Ösel: Ozylia
Lviv: Lwów
#37. Livland: Liwonia
#39. Goldingen: Kurlandia, Goldynga
London: Londyn
Cornwall: Kornwalia
Cumbria: Kumbria
Orkney: Orkady
Euboea: Eubea
Aachen: Akwizgran
Braunschweig: Brunszwik
Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurt nad Menem, Frankfurt
Greifswald: Gryfia (old slavic name, perhaps obsolete)
Hannover: Hanower
#82. Westfalen: Westfalia
#61. Dresden: Drezno
Koblenz: Koblencja
#85. Köln: Kolonia
Konstanz: Konstancja
#62. Leipzig: Lipsk
#45. Lübeck: Lubeka
#78. Mainz: Moguncja
#65. München: Monachium
#49. Neumark: complicated, i'm not sure
#67. Nürnberg: Norymberga
#69. Oberschwaben: Górna Szwabia
Regensburg: Ratyzbona
#80. Trier: Trewir
#59. Wittenberg: Wittenberga
Hessen: Hesja
Mecklenburg: Meklemburgia
Oberpfalz: Górny Palatynat
Pfalz: Palatynat
#63. Thüringen: Turyngia
#70. Württemberg: Wirtembergia
#72. Breisgau: Bryzgowia
#75. Elsass: Alzacja
Antwerp: Antwerpia
#90. Flanders: Flandria
#92. Brabant: Brabancja
#94. Luxemburg: Luksemburg
#96. Zeeland: Zelandia (same as the Danish island I'm afraid, though the latter can be called Kopenhaga)
#97. Holland: Holandia
#100. Friesland: Fryzja
Moscow: Moskwa
Rhodes: Rodos
#163. Crete: Kreta
#144. Epirus: Epir
Amsterdam: not a province in eu4 ;)
#131. Zagreb: Zagrzeb
#202. Avignon: Awinion
Narbonne: Narbona
#102. Nice: Nicea
#103. Piedmont: Piemont
#104. Milan: Mediolan
#109. Mantua: Mantova (Italian)
#110. Trent: Trydent
#211. Pirineio: Pireneje
#204. Dauphiné: Delfinat
#199. Auvergne: Owernia
#186. Champagne: Szampania
#183. Paris: Paryż
#184. Orleanais: Orleania (and Orleans is "Orlean")
Corsica: Korsyka
#200. Languedoc: Langwedocja
Lorraine: Lotaryngia
#168. Normandy: Normandia
#89. Picardy: Pikardia
#169. Armor: Armoryka
#174. Gascogne: Gaskonia
#175. Toulouse: Tuluza
#178. Anjou: Andegawenia
#201. Provence: Prowansja
#205. Savoie: Sabaudia
#165. Bern: Berno
Zürich: Zurych
Graübunden: Gryzonia
#189. Lorraine: Lotaryngia (it's reapeated, look 13 lines above)
Poszony: Bratysława (also repeated)
#101. Genoa: Genua
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Just added all of these, will add the rest later today. Doing this to have them all in one post, as I think that would be most helpful for the devs, so they dont have to make several runs over suggestions. I also check over the suggestions and try to validate/supplement.

yes of course you should check over people's suggestions since there might be some mistakes, albeit maybe looking for sources in English for italian names could be a little more troublesome than looking for them directly in italian. should you need them, I will provide you with some source :D
anyway, here's more:

220 València =Valenza
224 Sevilla =Siviglia
225 Córdoba = Cordova
226 Gibraltar = Gibilterra
227 Lisboa = Lisbona
229 Alentejo = Oltretago
232 Bragança = Braganza
233 Cornwall = Cornovaglia
236 London = Londra
248 Lothian =Edimburgo
253 Western Isles =Isole occidentali
254 Poznan =Posnania
257 Warszawa =Varsavia
260 Lublin =Lublino
262 Krakow =Cracovia
264 Breslau = Breslavia
266 Prague =Praga
269 Podlasie = Podlachia
271 Samogitia =Samogizia
273 Latgalia =Letgallia
275 Polotsk =Polack
279 Volhynia =Volinia
282 Yedisan =Maurocastro (a genoese colony close to Odessa)
286 Azov = Tana (the actual genoese name of the local colony)
288 Lower Don = Basso Don
295 Moskva =Mosca
312 Beloozero =Lago bianco
316 Kocaeli= Bitinia/ Nicomedia (bitinia is the name of the province, it comes from latin but it is quite established in italian historiography. Nicomedia is izmit, the capital)
317 Hüdavendigar = Brussa (from the capital's name)
318 Sugla =Gallipoli
320 Rhodes =Rodi
321 Cyprus = Cipro
323 Konya = Iconio
325 Kastamonu = Paflagonia/Amastri (this is the latin name of the region. again, since all the names of turkish regions in italian come from the roman names of the provinces, and they are still somewhat common, I don't see why italy should use endonyms over native more ancient names. byz does the same. otherwise you could use the name Amastri which comes from a local genoese colony)
326 Ankara = Angora
327 Adana =Cilicia
328 Sinop = Ponto/Sinope (again, ponto is the province, sinope the city. I think province names are better but I list them both)
329 Sivas = Sebastea (again ancient name, albeit the catholic bishopric of the city mantained this name in western languages)
330 Trebizond =Trebisonda
331 Erzurum = Teodosiopoli(same as sivas, seat of a catholic titular bishopric of this name)
333 The Baleares = Baleari
334 Tangiers =Tangeri
337 Oran = Orano
338 Mitidja =Medea
339 Kabylia = Cabilia
340 Constantine = Costantina
341 Tunis =Tunisi 355 Sirt =Sirte
356 Benghazi =Bengasi
357 Darnah =Derna
358 Alexandria =Alessandria
359 Faiyum = Crocodipoli (this is a very old name, but I found out it was actually used in italian)
361 Cairo = Il Cairo
366 The Canarias = Canarie
367 The Azores =Azzorre
378 Tarabulus = Tripoli del libano/ Libano (the official name is just tripoli, but I added "of lebanon" to distinguish it from its libic counterpart. otherwise could just be lebanon)
379 Jerusalem =Gerusalemme
382 Damascus =Damasco 400 Muscat =Mascate
405 Tadmor= Palmira
407 Ar Raqqa = Callinico (again, from latin, used for the catholic titular bishopric)
408 Basra = Bassora
409 Hillah = Babilonia (not sure if this should be added, but it was a very famous city and the modern one is very close to it)
410 Baghdad =Baldacca/ Baldacco (I have found both. petrarca (famous 14th century italian poet) used baldacco, wikipedia shows baldacca)
418 Diyarbakir = Amida(another name from latin, catholic bishopric official name in italian)
422 Imereti =Imerezia
423 Kartli = Cartalia
442 Bukhara = Bucara
454 Samarkand = Samarcanda
483 Turks Islands = Isole turche(rough translation, but devs already added a turkish version in a similar fashion...)
487 Jamaica =Giamaica
492 Puerto Rico =Portoricco (another translation. since it is in the new world, it makes sense IMHO)
493 St. Thomas = San. Tommaso(just translated the name)
496 Guadelupe =Guadalupa
498 Martinique =Martinica
499 St. Lucia = Santa lucia
500 St. Vincent = San vincenzo
574 The Andamans = Andamane
1821 Nanjing =Nanchino
1234 Qasr Ibrim = Nobazia (from the latin nobatia, also name of a local christian kingdom)
1230 Massawa = Massaua
1742 Limburg = Limburgo
1744 Antwerpen =Anversa
1749 Cadiz = Cadice
1757 Oberpfalz = Alto palatinato
1760 Koblenz =Coblenza
1761 Pfalz =Palatinato
1766 Kosovo =Cossovo
1768 Lienz = Luenza
1769 Görz = Gorizia
1770 Ostmarch = Marca orientale
1772 Pozsony =Presburgo
1773 Achaea =Achea
1816 Beijing =Pechino
1826 Lika =Fiume (from the capital city)/ Quarnaro (the name of the costal area) /Liburnia (the ancient roman name still somewhat used from which Lika comes)
1827 Raska =Rascia
1854 Nablus =Napoli flavia (a crusader name, originally used by the Italian-norman dukes, there's also a catholic bishopric named Napoli di palestina)
1855 Sidon =Sidone
1856 Abkhazia = Abcasia

let me know what you think about using historical names related to catholic bishopric (which all have an official name in both latin and italian, since the holy see is bilingual) and please, keep in mind that latin and italian do overlap a lot so it's not an overly far-fetched archaicism to use certain very common latin names in italian, the more so it's hard to determine when the latin name feel out of use in italian because they are mostly the same.

btw, there was a mistake in my last post, Krain is not Craina but Carniola. sorry about that, it slipped through.
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Let me pitch in with some Polish names. I used the original post as a template.
Thanks a lot for the feedback! The errors you pointed out are fixed, and yours added. The Gdanjsk was for Croatian actually, so I wrote wrong. Thanks for using the OP as template, makes adding them in much easier for me as I can just go down the list.[/QUOTE]
Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Accidentally I had fun doing this, so I'll check back and add some more when your list gets longer. About Neumark: I checked, and polish dynamic name for it is "Lubusz" in the game. It must be a leftover from a few patches ago, when Sternberg was a part of Neumark, cause Lubusz is south of Sternberg (Torzym btw) and current province of Neumark is to the north. @Trin Tragula ?
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An awesome thread! Can you please tell me if all the European provinces are listed? If so, I should be able to go through them for Hungarian names.
#1742. Limburg: an der Lahn Limbourg (French); Lubecca (Italian)

#189. Lorraine: Lothringen (German); Lorraine (French); Lorena (Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian); Lotharingen or Lorreinen (Dutch); Lotaringia (Italian); Lotaryngia (Polish)

Lubecca is lubeck, not limbourg. limbourg in italian is limburgo. as for lotaringia, it is an ok name but it is very old fashioned (it refers to the 9th century king lotario) . maybe just lorena would be better.
Lubecca is lubeck, not limbourg. limbourg in italian is limburgo. as for lotaringia, it is an ok name but it is very old fashioned (it refers to the 9th century king lotario) . maybe just lorena would be better.
Thanks for noticing. I'll fix.

An awesome thread! Can you please tell me if all the European provinces are listed? If so, I should be able to go through them for Hungarian names.
Only provinces I suggested, and that have been suggested, are on it unfortunately. You can still suggest if you want!
Hungarian dynamic names:


#12 Sjaelland: Koppenhága
#15 Midtjylland: Közép-Jylland
#18 Lappland: Lappföld
#33 St. Petersburg: Szentpétervár
#36 Reval: Tallin
#61 Dresden: Drezda
#62 Leipzig: Lipcse
#63 Thüringen: Türingia
#75 Elsass: Elzász
#82 Westfalen: Vesztfália
#89 Picardie: Pikárdia
#90 Vlaanderen: Flandria
#100 Friesland: Frízföld
#101 Genoa: Genova
#102 Nice: Nizza
#103 Piedmont: Piemont
#104 Milan: Milánó
#109 Mantua: Mantova
#110 Trent: Dél-Tirol
#112 Venezia: Velence
#118 Roma: Róma
#121 Napoli: Nápoly
#126 Malta: Málta
#128 Kärnten: Karintia
#129 Krain: Krajna
#130 Istria: Isztria
#131 Zagreb: Zágráb
#132 Steiermark: Stájerország
#134 Wien: Bécs
#136 Dalmatia: Dalmácia
#137 Ragusa: Raguza
#138 Zeta: Montenegró
#140 Bosnia: Bosznia
#141 Serbia: Szerbia
#142 Corfu: Korfu
#143 Albania: Albánia
#144 Epirus: Epirusz
#146 Athens: Athén
#147 Thessaly: Thesszália
#148 Macedonia: Macedónia
#149 Edirne: Drinápoly
#150 Tarnovo: Nikápoly
#151 Constantinople: Konstantinápoly
#159 Silistria: Szilisztria
#160 Oltenia: Olténia
#163 Crete: Kréta
#183 Paris: Párizs
#189 Lothringen: Lotaringia
#193 Franche-Comté: (Burgund) Szabad grófság („Burgund” is not necessary which is why it is in brackets)
#205 Savoie: Savoya
#226 Gibraltar: Gibraltár
#227 Lisbon: Lisszabon
#253 Western Isles: Nyugati-szigetek
#257 Warszawa: Varsó
#259 Sandomierz: Szentkereszt
#261 Halicz: Halics/Gácsország
#262 Krakow: Krakkó
#263 Ratibor: Racibórz
#264 Breslau: Boroszló
#265 Moravia: Morvaország
#266: Pargue: Prága
#267 Plzen: Pilzen
#268 Moldavia: Moldva
#272 Vilna: Vilnius
#274 Pskov: Pszkov
#275 Polotsk: Polock
#276 Minsk: Minszk
#277 Brest: Breszt
#278 Pinsk: Pinszk
#279 Volhynia: Volhínia
#280 Kiev: Kijev
#281 Podolia: Podólia
#283 Zaporozhia: Zaporizzsja
#284 Crimea: Krím
#288 Lower Don: Don-kanyar
#292 Mogilev: Mahijov
#293 Smolensk: Szmolenszk
#295 Moskva: Moszkva
#297 Bryansk: Brianszk
#298 Voronezh: Voronyezs
#303 Saratov: Szaratov
#306 Nizhny Novgorod: Nyizsníj Novgorod
#308 Yaroszlavl: Jaroszlavl
#309 Olonets: Olonyec
#316 Kocaeli: Nikomédia
#320 Rhodes: Rodosz
#321 Cyprus: Ciprus
#323 The Baleares: Baleár-szigetek
#366 The Canarias: Kanári-szigetek
#367 The Azores: Azori-szigetek
#464: Astrakhan: Asztrahán
#771 Vitebsk: Vicebszk
#1077 Solikamsk: Szolikamszk
#1082 Kazan: Kazán
#1247 Corsica: Korzika
#1752 Rzhev: Rzsev
#1753 Kostroma: Kosztroma
#1756 Bessarabia: Besszarábia
#1765 Sofia: Szófia
#1766 Kosovo: Koszovó
#1804 Greenland: Grönland
#1874 Bremen: Bréma
#1931 East Frisia: Kelet-frízföld
#1960 Ostrov: Osztrov
#1984 Nordjylland: Észak-Jylland
#2750 Plovdiv: Filipápoly
#2959 Tarnow: Tarnó
#2960 Nowy Sacz: Újszadenc
#2962 Rowne: Rovnó
#3000 Nis: Nissza
#3001 Skopje: Szkopje
#4124 Karelia: Karélia

Some ROTW provinces:

#341 Tunis: Tunisz
#361 Cairo: Kairó
#377 Aleppo: Aleppó
#379 Jerusalem: Jeruzsálem
#382 Damascus: Damaszkusz
#410 Baghdad: Bagdad
#1816 Beijing: Peking
#1821 Nanjing: Nanking
#2315 Suez: Szuez

And finally some nitpicking for the existing provinces :p

#155 Bekes: Békés
#162 Zemplen: Zemplén
#1318 Spiš: Szepes
#1767 Slavonia: Szlavónia
#1952 Maramaros: Máramaros
#1954 Torontal: Torontál
#4126 Bacs: Bács
#4127 Turda: Torda
#4128 Kiralyföld: Királyföld
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Slovak dynamic province names for Nitra:

1 = "Štokholm"
101 = "Janov"
104 = "Miláno"
109 = "Mantova"
112 = "Benátky"
118 = "Rím"
121 = "Neapol"
128 = "Korutánsko"
129 = "Kransko"
131 = "Záhreb"
1318 = "Spiš"
133 = "Línec"
134 = "Vieden"
135 = "Šopron"
136 = "Dalmácia"
137 = "Dubrovník"
140 = "Bosna"
141 = "Srbsko"
143 = "Albánsko"
146 = "Atény"
151 = "Konštantínopol"
152 = "Varaždin"
153 = "Pešt"
154 = "Nitra"
155 = "Békeš"
156 = "Témešvár"
158 = "Marušsko"
162 = "Zemplín"
163 = "Kréta"
1763 = "Dolné Lužice"
1767 = "Slavonsko"
1770 = "Kremža"
1771 = "Krušné hory"
1772 = "Prešporok"
1826 = "Licko"
183 = "Paríž"
1864 = "Šomod"
1951 = "Hunad"
1952 = "Marmaroš"
1953 = "Debrecín"
1953 = "Sabolč"
236 = "Londýn"
257 = "Varšava"
262 = "Krakov"
263 = "Ratibor"
264 = "Vratislav"
265 = "Morava"
266 = "Praha"
267 = "Plzen"
268 = "Moldavsko"
272 = "Litva"
280 = "Kyjev"
295 = "Moskva"
2960 = "Nový Sonč"
2966 = "Hlohov"
2967 = "Chebsko"
2968 = "Budejovice"
2970 = "Hradecko"
361 = "Káhira"
4125 = "Solnok"
4127 = "Turdsko"
60 = "Horné Lužice"
85 = "Kolín"

How many of these are also the name for Czech? I know the languages are closely related
I have a question for @Trin Tragula . Are you plannig to add more special characters to the game and update font files? For instance there is currently problem with character "š". It is showing properly on map but it is not showing as Province name in province name screen. Also is adding some more characters as "ž" , "č" , "ý" , "á" , "é" "ň" or "ě" , "ř" , german "ö" or polish characters? Or keep it clean without any special characters?
I have a question for @Trin Tragula . Are you plannig to add more special characters to the game and update font files? For instance there is currently problem with character "š". It is showing properly on map but it is not showing as Province name in province name screen. Also is adding some more characters as "ž" , "č" , "ý" , "á" , "é" "ň" or "ě" , "ř" , german "ö" or polish characters? Or keep it clean without any special characters?
Should he answer I would also like to know why certain characters only work when the game produces them, for example "'ø". If you try to type ø og ö, it becomes o, but several names that are autogenerated (armies) or on the map use the keys.