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Pray for patch. I'm really need this command (peace time preparations) for my mods.
Really? I'm have no idea. If you would deploy garrisons via cheat event for AI, AI will re-deploy garrisons in wrong province. So there is no stable solution for this question
Nothing then, I will use current system of activation of new divisions on the border by the event that is used for declaration of war.
Thanks anyway.
One question, I have a situation where two countries, divided by sea, are allied and fight common enemy.
Problem is that AI country that not border the enemy is evading combat and constantly pulling out the expeditionary forces back to their land.
How to make them fight on allied territory against the common enemy?
Just a simple and straight question: can two nations have the same ai file?
Well, in theory yes, just be careful when you use TAGs inside the ai file. But yes, two nations can load the same AI file AFAIK. IIRC DHFull has a generic minor.ai or something like that.
Hello there. I have been doing some AI work and would like to ask some questions:

1. What is the best way to make AIs ally with other nations? Is the Befriend setting enough or is there something extra necessary? Or is the neutrality setting more important? I want more AIs allying with each other spontaneously.

2. How can I use this? It seems to allow using flags on AI files. How? Where? Is there a detailed guide? Examples would be nice, too.

# Inter-Agent distribution variables

flags = {
      testflag = yes
      invade_albania = no
      assist_finland = no

3. In which part of the ai code is this supposed to go?

# if the ai should use offensive supply
use_offensive_supply = yes/no

# only use offensive supply if the fuel needed for it is less than this divided by unit strength. Default: 100
max_fuel_offensive = x
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Hello, ^^

I'm working on something and I wanted to ask about AI since I'm having huge issues while trying to properly learn how to create it. I have an ongoing Japanese Civil War in my scenario with the following tags: JAP, U64 (Communist Japan) and U07 (Provisional Government of Japan). All in all, U64 and U07 are brand "new" countries within the mod I'm using (NWO2). While testing the scenario I'm working on I noticed that both U64 and U07 have issues to replenish their losses despite having a good economy. I hopped into both to check up what was happening and I noticed the following things...

U64:: despite them being the weakest tag (lower count of divisions) U64 is pretty aggressive on its own, they attempt to attack JAP as much as they can though they eventually bleed themselves out and are unable to continue pushing.

U07:: this one is the weirdest of both, despite not having as generous an industry as the other tags it receives manpower and free divisions by event. However, this tag almost NEVER attacks, they can have 12 divisions in front of 3 enemy divisions and they won't ever attack. Instead, if given the chance (by not blocking the Inland Sea) they will retreat from Hiroshima to reinforce both Nagasaki and Kagoshima.

I think NWO2 uses the same mobilization sytem from Darkest Hour Full so I wanted to ask, why does JAP have some distinct mobilization options in the events? I've seen some mobilization events specify "country = { JAP } " and I was wondering the reason behind it. This is also another issue I have with U07, I threw in the tag along the others in the mobilization files and I actually believe the AI is intelligent enough to use it. HOWEVER, they dump all the manpower into creating new divisions instead of replenishing their strong force.

So, that's my AI rant haha. I hope someone manages to help me or at least point me into the right direction, thanks!!

(BTW, in the AI files the section saying "target = { } " is meant to place provinces into it so AI advances?)​
Hello, ^^

I'm working on something and I wanted to ask about AI since I'm having huge issues while trying to properly learn how to create it. I have an ongoing Japanese Civil War in my scenario with the following tags: JAP, U64 (Communist Japan) and U07 (Provisional Government of Japan). All in all, U64 and U07 are brand "new" countries within the mod I'm using (NWO2). While testing the scenario I'm working on I noticed that both U64 and U07 have issues to replenish their losses despite having a good economy. I hopped into both to check up what was happening and I noticed the following things...

U64:: despite them being the weakest tag (lower count of divisions) U64 is pretty aggressive on its own, they attempt to attack JAP as much as they can though they eventually bleed themselves out and are unable to continue pushing.

U07:: this one is the weirdest of both, despite not having as generous an industry as the other tags it receives manpower and free divisions by event. However, this tag almost NEVER attacks, they can have 12 divisions in front of 3 enemy divisions and they won't ever attack. Instead, if given the chance (by not blocking the Inland Sea) they will retreat from Hiroshima to reinforce both Nagasaki and Kagoshima.

I think NWO2 uses the same mobilization sytem from Darkest Hour Full so I wanted to ask, why does JAP have some distinct mobilization options in the events? I've seen some mobilization events specify "country = { JAP } " and I was wondering the reason behind it. This is also another issue I have with U07, I threw in the tag along the others in the mobilization files and I actually believe the AI is intelligent enough to use it. HOWEVER, they dump all the manpower into creating new divisions instead of replenishing their strong force.

So, that's my AI rant haha. I hope someone manages to help me or at least point me into the right direction, thanks!!

(BTW, in the AI files the section saying "target = { } " is meant to place provinces into it so AI advances?)​
IIRC JAP is an exception because of Korea (core for IC, but should not count for mobilization).

Regarding the AI, it's not my area of expertise. Did you check the file AI Files Modifiers in the Modding Documentation folder?
# Provinces with an assigned priority. These are strategic goals for the AI (it will try to take them in wars and demand them in peace treaties.)
target = {
    324 = 50 # 1 - 100
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IIRC JAP is an exception because of Korea (core for IC, but should not count for mobilization).
Ohh I see, I noticed the lines but I was wondering if there was something else to that, thanks! ^^

Regarding the AI, it's not my area of expertise. Did you check the file AI Files Modifiers in the Modding Documentation folder?
Thanks! I've been toying around with it, I was wondering something about some of the things about AI. For example, "reinforcement = 0.3" how much of the IC is that? Apologies if the question is dumb I just don't fully grasp it, does that mean that 30% of the available IC will be used to replenish losses? I guess so, right? I also wanted to know, would "ferocity = yes" stop the AI from offering peace deals as well? Noticed it's meant to reject peace, but what about the other way around?

Thanks for your help ^^
Ohh I see, I noticed the lines but I was wondering if there was something else to that, thanks! ^^

Thanks! I've been toying around with it, I was wondering something about some of the things about AI. For example, "reinforcement = 0.3" how much of the IC is that? Apologies if the question is dumb I just don't fully grasp it, does that mean that 30% of the available IC will be used to replenish losses? I guess so, right? I also wanted to know, would "ferocity = yes" stop the AI from offering peace deals as well? Noticed it's meant to reject peace, but what about the other way around?

Thanks for your help ^^
Regarding reinforcement, I guess you're right.

Regarding ferocity, I'm not sure but I'm afraid it is possible for them to offer deals, even if they reject those offered to them.
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Hi! Does anyone know if it's possible to have the AI consistently use Paratroopers? I know that Arsenal of Democracy fixed them somehow (By only taking static paratroopers into transports?), which I tried to emulate by giving them 0 movement speed, but it doesn't work.
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Regarding reinforcement, I guess you're right.

Regarding ferocity, I'm not sure but I'm afraid it is possible for them to offer deals, even if they reject those offered to them.
Any way to make an AI (the USA) avoid nuking certain countries? What about avoiding nuking certain provinces?

Currently the USA likes to nuke Saigon and Taiwan and it's a bit silly!
Been doing some AI work, and I'm curious how this works:

# only use offensive supply if the fuel needed for it is less than this divided by unit strength. Default: 100 max_fuel_offensive = x

Way I understood it, it only allows the AI to use offensive supply IF the fuel required is the x / unit strength. So let's say x = 1000. The unit is at 100 strength. 1000 x 100 = 10.
So the AI will only use offensive supply if the fuel cost is 10?
Is that number per unit (say, only if every unit in the division would spend less than 10 fuel to set offensive) or also per division (so it wouldn't spend if the cost for the entire division is bigger than 10)?
Been doing some AI work, and I'm curious how this works:

# only use offensive supply if the fuel needed for it is less than this divided by unit strength. Default: 100 max_fuel_offensive = x

Way I understood it, it only allows the AI to use offensive supply IF the fuel required is the x / unit strength. So let's say x = 1000. The unit is at 100 strength. 1000 x 100 = 10.
So the AI will only use offensive supply if the fuel cost is 10?
Is that number per unit (say, only if every unit in the division would spend less than 10 fuel to set offensive) or also per division (so it wouldn't spend if the cost for the entire division is bigger than 10)?
The modifier is used in just one file (sov_1945.ai, DH no mods, probably a Doomsday legacy):
max_fuel_offensive = 1 #Infantry units only
The description given for max_fuel_offensive modifier is incorrect and should be something like this:
only use offensive supply if the fuel needed for it is less than this multiplied by unit total strength (the sum of strengths of all divisions in the unit).

off_supply_fuel_cost_for_the_unit > max_fuel_offensive * total_unit_strength

For example an unit with one ARM division at 100% strength and 10 oil consumption would require 600 oil for offensive supply.
If max_fuel_offensive is not set in the AI file for the country, the default value of 100 will be used, so the check will be:

600 > 100 * 100 or 600 > 10_000 which is NOT true, so the unit will be considered for offensive supply by the front AI

If the max_fuel_offensive is set to 1 in the AI file for the country we will have:

600 > 1 * 100 or 600 > 100 which is true, so this unit will not be considered for offensive supply by the front AI
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Hello. My question is in regard to AI front behavior, specifically the values for Handicap and Passivity.

Say I wanted to change the values for France against Germany. Right now, we have:

enemy_handicap = {
GER = 120
passivity = {
GER = 10

According to the AI Files Modifiers text, this means:
# Countries we do not counter-attack for a certain number of days
enemy_handicap = {
# NOTE: These values are ignored for human-controlled enemies.
# CAUTION: Values apply for _every_new_ war with a set nation.
ENG = 100
FRA = 120

In other words, France will wait 120 days to "counter-attack" Germany, if she wishes to do so. How is the term counter-attack used here? Does that refer to the initial 120 days after the start of the war? Or after the most recent combat, France waits 120 days before waking up? If I change these values after the war has already started, will the AI behavior reflect that, or is it frozen, as the instructions say until "every new war" against Germany?

Lastly, does anyone here know what "passivity" does concretely?

Hey, I cant tell for sure, because I have not more knowledge then you can find in the modding documentation/wiki.

But I've used both line many time and can tell from observation:

It's not an 100% thing, you can influence how the AI fight its wars, but there will still be some exceptions. Handicap let the AI not attacking the enemy territory. SO you can let a stalement happen. Like France after the Invasion of Poland: They are at war with Germany, but do not attack into Baden-Wurtemberg even if they have superior numbers in Alsace.

But, as I told, this is not 100% for sure. I had many times they conquered like one province/just advanced suuuuper slowly. And they seem to still take back lost owned territory.

I guess it influences somehow the battleodds (various situation adds another value for the AI to checks if it should attack or not). So e.g. the AI need much more "value" to attack as long handicap is active. But please, remeber, this is an assumptions with no proof.

Passitivity seems (again, assumption based on observation, no real proof) to do more or less the same. With GER and CZE at war and the CZE ai with "passitivity = { GER = 100 }", they will more or less just ignore germany. They will still send troops according to it's province priorities/border priorities, but they will not Attack (mostly, always exceptions like at handicap).
Since passitivity has to be between 0 and 100, I guess its percentage. So, passitivity 100 = 100% passivity, 50 = 50% and so on.

Still tbh, I mostly use both of these values together. So maybe what I've observed is only handicap or just passitivity. Maybe one of these do not work at all. I can't tell. I just can tell for sure, that the AI always have a chance to attack, no matter what passitivity and handicap it has.
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Anyone knows how to make the Garrison AI calm the f*k down? I've been trying to get DH to work on the E3 map and for some reason I keep running into the problem that the Garrison AI just won't settle on a distribution of troops, in peacetime and sometimes even in wartime. It keeps endlessly shuffling them around, and around, and around, and never actually settles down. Half of italian divisions are constantly in redeployment queue, going from one place to another, only to be taken off in a few days to be sent to yet another location. I tried different settings and configurations, and I can't quite pinpoint the reason for this behavior. It seems to be an ailment that is most common for nations with oversea territories like Italy and UK, i've also seen Germany endlessly shuffle troops back and forth between mainland and East Prussia.
Why does the AI do this?
iirc there is a value in the AI file which defines how many % of troops should be on strategic redeployment. If this value is down to like 10%, it should fix the issue.

and, also just iirc, the AI has some speed up for strategic redeployment (maybe misc.txt?), which let the AI "shuffle" it's troops more often. If im right, deactivating this bonus would help somewhat since the troops are longer on redeployment and due the factor above, all other troops will stay where they are.
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iirc there is a value in the AI file which defines how many % of troops should be on strategic redeployment. If this value is down to like 10%, it should fix the issue.

and, also just iirc, the AI has some speed up for strategic redeployment (maybe misc.txt?), which let the AI "shuffle" it's troops more often. If im right, deactivating this bonus would help somewhat since the troops are longer on redeployment and due the factor above, all other troops will stay where they are.
Thanks for the suggestion.

I turned off the strat redeploy both in misc and in ai settings
# Force strategic redeployment if movement time is longer then X hours. Overrides default AI settings! -1 – Disable, Else time in hours
    -1 #-1
        max_redeploying = 0.0000
Restarted the game, confirmed that nothing is being redeployed any more. It still took a few months, but eventually, shockingly, it seems to have worked. The Garrison AI finally stopped shuffling troops around, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Was strat redeployment really the problem all along? If so, I can't quite understand why. I thought it was just a tool for getting divisions to their destination faster, not something that in itself tells the AI where to put its troops. Also, obviously i don't want to completely disable strat redeployment as it's a very useful tool, but now i'm afraid to enable it again. I'll test out various values, but is there a reason why you think that, say, 10% would be a safe value, but 40% isn't?


Btw, when the AI is endlessly shuffling troops, it's not just a minor nuisance, it has all kinds of consequences. From increased supply consumption, to ungarrisonned beaches, and completely broken invasion AI. The reason I even started looking deeper into this issue is that I noticed that the invasion AI was completely incapable of doing anything, i.e. Italy could not even invade Albania. Turns out the reason was that the troops were constantly getting shuffled and transported around so the invasion AI could not get either the troops or the transports needed to launch the invasion. When the troops are stationary, the invasion AI also works without problems.
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In order for the USSR to stop endless redeploying divisions in preparation for the war with Japan, I increased the time to 40 days (vanilla setting was 20), this helped calm them down.
It is necessary just to adjust this time (not proportions) in AI files for your case. Obviously, this time is too short in your current setting.


strat_redeploy_threshold = 40
max_redeploying = 0.25
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Thanks for the suggestion.

I turned off the strat redeploy both in misc and in ai settings
# Force strategic redeployment if movement time is longer then X hours. Overrides default AI settings! -1 – Disable, Else time in hours
    -1 #-1
        max_redeploying = 0.0000
Restarted the game, confirmed that nothing is being redeployed any more. It still took a few months, but eventually, shockingly, it seems to have worked. The Garrison AI finally stopped shuffling troops around, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Was strat redeployment really the problem all along? If so, I can't quite understand why. I thought it was just a tool for getting divisions to their destination faster, not something that in itself tells the AI where to put its troops. Also, obviously i don't want to completely disable strat redeployment as it's a very useful tool, but now i'm afraid to enable it again. I'll test out various values, but is there a reason why you think that, say, 10% would be a safe value, but 40% isn't?

Btw, when the AI is endlessly shuffling troops, it's not just a minor nuisance, it has all kinds of consequences. From increased supply consumption, to ungarrisonned beaches, and completely broken invasion AI. The reason I even started looking deeper into this issue is that I noticed that the invasion AI was completely incapable of doing anything, i.e. Italy could not even invade Albania. Turns out the reason was that the troops were constantly getting shuffled and transported around so the invasion AI could not get either the troops or the transports needed to launch the invasion. When the troops are stationary, the invasion AI also works without problems.

Great, nice that I could help ya.
Yeah, I personally think 0.1 or even 0.25 would be fine. It's the percentage, so 0.1 are 10% of all division. If a country has 10 Divisions, max one of them will get redeployed (at the same time).

The point with redeployment is, that it also can be very fine. especially in the USSR or other large, low infra countries (asia, africa). While troops need like 2 years to reach it's destination, with redeployment it only has months. So I suggest at least 0.1, because else, there would be just too many divs "trapped" in lasting movement commands in these specific regions, while there are no more troops to react dynamic on other fronts.

In order for the USSR to stop endless redeploying divisions in preparation for the war with Japan, I increased the time to 40 days, this helped calm them down.
It is necessary just to adjust this time (not proportions) in AI files for your case. Obviously, this time is too short in your current setting.


strat_redeploy_threshold = 40
max_redeploying = 0.25

ah exactly. Thats way better.

# Force strategic redeployment if movement time is longer then X hours. Overrides default AI settings! -1 – Disable, Else time in hours
    -1 #-1

change this back to the vanilla number (or higher if you like) and modify the strat_redeploy_threshold in the specific AI files. iirc I had rather nice output with like 60 to 80 days; for invasion heavy faction like the US and Japan I mostly go with 100+. The invasion AI is super inefficient and need so many divisions to just prepare its invasion. While redeploying divisions, these are not available for the potential invasion div pool (but to be honest, I'm still learning to code invasion AI myself and haven't mastered it).

also: the garrison AI has so much influence on the troop deployment. setting the right priorities (better more then less!) will do magic. I could guess especially on the E3 map, you need much much more province priorities in your garrison AI... but isk, I never worked with the E3; just guessing.