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I enjoyed it alot, especially the rpg elements.

Timewise, it took me about 45 hours to finish the campaign including a restart after the first 5 hours. First time i played i had to restart because my economy wasn't setup correctly.

First DLC took me 9 hours to complete, still haven't picked up the second dlc though.
I also was thinking of getting this. Is the replayability very nice for this game? Such as other strategy games like Civ or EU i play over and over again year after year.
Would this be such a game too?

Think twice: go read the Steam forums and you will see that the game crashes a lot. I bought it from steam over the weekend, and like for many others it is totall unplayable, crashing on most battles. I have many games from Steam, and ecept for this game and Arsenal of Democracy, I have had no problems with any games. But this one is a real clunker, especially since it came out in 2009!

I bought the game in December and I love it. Love the quests and the story and that "just one more battle / turn" feeling before I exit.
I already have 69 hours in this game, and right now I'm in my second playthrough as a Rightful Christian (first time I was Rightful OldFaith) king. I'm not that Tyrant-type, but after finishing this playthrough I might try the merciless ways of conquering Britannia ;) or start The Saxons campaign, I don't know yet. But this game is great!

Some people seem to have crashes though, but I only crashed once in more than 3 months. I think the game is well worth to get.
Mixed feeling. I don't have any technical issues at the moment and the game plays great.
I picked this up during xmas sale. I think it has value.
I picked up the complete pack (apart from The Druids) in a Steam sale quite some time ago , but only began playing a few days ago. So far, I've played for roughly 2 hours and encountered no crashes or bugs whatsoever. At the moment, I'm still in the learning phase for the game, but I must say that I'm impressed! The subtle blend of RTS, RPG, adventure, turn based strategy and story driven gameplay works well together. The game never seems to grab you by the scruff of the neck and force you down a linear plot line. It, rather, places the choices before you and lets you take the path you see fit. The RPG and adventure elements, for me, seem to harken back to the days of "choose your own adventure" books. This may seem like a strange comparison, but you'll see what I mean if you play it.

In all, I'd say that from what I've seen so far, I'd highly reccommend this game. Especially if you enjoy the Total War series and fancy something with a mythical fantasy setting.
On my home computer with Win 7 it crashes all the time (usually on the start of battles), but it seems to run fine at my PC at work running XP Pro, (although I have not played many hours on XP, I went a lot further without a crash than on Win 7). Do any of you without crashes run this game on Win 7?

I like it a lot, though the lack of expansions offered on Impulse has been very upsetting. I like to play a complete game, and feel like I cannot get that into it until I get the Druids.

As far as a game, though, very "Total War" like, but in King Arthur Universe. Doesn't play quite as well as TW, but is a good game and the Arthurian Legend makes up for it in many ways.
Do any of you without crashes run this game on Win 7?

I run it via Steam on a 32-Bit Windows 7 machine without any crashes. I'm using 2Gb RAM and an ATI Radeon HD 4890 graphics card, too if that makes any difference.

To be honest, I've only been playing for 2 hours, so the crashes could be something I haven't got to yet. Once I've played for a while more, I'll let you know if I encounter any crashes.
Although it is not quite "infinite" like the pure sandbox games like civ or eu, the game has imho an excellent replay value. I think I have like 200+ hours of game time total (and still playing occasionnaly :p).

The campaign is long enough (several dozen hours if you take your time), and quite replayable : at the very least, you'll have 2 very different playthrough, one by playing christian, and one old faith (with a lot of different quests, storylines, units, spells ...), and you'll have at least 4+ fairly different playthroughs by playing around with all the different moralities (seelie vs unseelie vs tyrant christian vs rightful christian) and making different choices and following different quest outcomes.
Each expansion (the Druids and the Saxons) will add one playthough worth of gameplay easily.
I am playing without extension, must have clocked 20h+ of game, and had only one or two CTD, all during a battle (to be honest I only remember the last one).

The campaign is not too short and the game is awesome.
It is not completly balanced and you need to spend some time understanding the game to make the best choices, this is the only warning that comes to my mind.