The comparison to Justinian isn't just on the talent around him but also the very specific timing of their rules. The First British Empire had just fallen and a reorentation towards domination and conquest of India was ongoing. This I consider to be the equivalent of the reconquest of North Africa and Italy. France and Persia are both the perennial enemy who they are able to keep at bay, and the Germans and various Caliphates do make for the interesting and upcoming fundamental threat. But yes, Justinian was unbelievably lucky to find a first grade wife in a whore. The one in our story who I'm willing to say is going to have that going on is Von Ouster by marrying a Radcliffe ironically enough.Perhaps. Justinian also had one of the best co-ruling marrige partners ever, and quite a lot of luck. If there's one thing the Radcliffe's are bad at, it's romance and marrige, with the exception of Atherleigh ironically enough...sort of.
He is a mix of Radcliffe's style of cabinet rule and finding competent people to do clever things, but is also bellicose and interventionist at just the right time where the UK would benefit from such things.
Perhaps the British Lincoln... "Team of Rivals" style?
The one in our story who I'm willing to say is going to have that going on is Von Ouster by marrying a Radcliffe ironically enough.
I do like the graphics and presentation style. Should I win the lottery I will hire him to do the visuals for future naval battles.
With Britiain willing to tell France to "sod off"
they could more easily reach a understanding with the Arabs about smaller scail claims in Lebanon and what was to become Northwestern Syria.
And with further British backing of Greece against Turkey
I could see Britain giving the green light to France and by extension Italy to transform their declared zones of interest into actual colonies,
Britain supports Turkish, Turkic and Islamic forces in the Caucasus against the Russians.
Turkey and Azerbaijan would have a very Russia-Belarus Union State type of bigger/smaller brother relationship where Azerbaijan is able to punch above its weight because of the Baku oil.
And, again the ugly issue, with the Ottomans controlling the whole of the Caucasus during WWI, the Armenians are getting a really tough deal, so that Armenian Republic in Cilicia under a French protectorate/mandate is really looking quite attractive by this point.
That's not all too different from IRL, just that the Arabs are better armed and organized. France did little in the theater up untill a minor expeditionary force untill very late and they still ended up with modern Syria, Lebanon and Alexandretta. Because the Brits and Arabs pulled the general Ottoman theatre even harder because they were more successfull, them keeping the French out more just has them seek their expansion outlet in the general area elsewhere, and Cilicia is next door where they just as much already had a presence IRL...Well, by the end of the war, the middle east will be controlled entirely by the british army, plus the Arab Revolt. A revolt which was well funded and organised because Atherleigh decided to empire build with his own resources.
Which is honestly why I think that lesser composite Arab state is still the best option. The Arabs are going to be doing plenty of infighting and unifying such a vast area up untill recently under foreign rule is going to be hard. The sharif's sons no doubt are also doing to do plenty of infighting, maybe one ends up as the King of Aleppo under French protection if he falls out hard enough. And in such a enviroment the Hashemites may still lose Hedjaz to the Saudi's. Signing away minor area's at the borders of the former Ottoman lands to allies and taking certain contentious or valuable area's for itself seems very fitting for Britain.The bigger issue from the british perspective is making sure the Arabs play nice in their new state, plus deciding which if any of the regions they've already carved put into client kingdoms and colonies/protectorates join this new unified arabia. There are strategic reasons why they'd want to personally rule at the mouth of the Persian gulf and red sea etc.
But they do also have to give France something, and balance local interests for long term stability and british advantage.
The long arm of Lord Byron...Probably will get around to Long 19th Centurying this, but in essence, Greece has been a pet project of certain elements of the british upper classes and parties for a long time. The Greeks are generally anglophiles for this reason, and they've done well thus far in balkan and ottoman wars.
Post war, France and Italy both will be trying to poach Greece from the UK by offering more and more stuff to them at Turkish expense, given they're rebuffed for the most part from the levant and arabia.
Depends on how the conferences go, and whether League of Nation starts, and the idea of enlightened self rule/progress and protectorate hits off without Wilson or similar there pressuring for that. If its a conference full of colonial powers, real politik will rule rather than much in the way of ideology.
This they probably will do. No matter what stage of civil war / revolution Russia is in. However, the optics of that look awful both for ally backstabbing and because of what the turks did there, so further on...
Yeah, the Middle East is quite fascinating as the Great Game is fully open and the British-Russian rapproachment for the Entente TTL is even more difficult because of the escalated Russo-Japanese War. France has long vested interests in Lebanon and Syria and Italy has also proven to be a power very much interested in Turkish lands. With Russia and Germany gone there is no need for Britain to prop up the Turkish corps against those powers and to build a longer lasting solution which will prove to be friendly to her interests. With France and Italy trying to poach Greece, it is within British interests to keep them happy and give them a piece of the loot in Anatolia, but they have to prop up the Turks against Russia, strange times. I also seem to recall that the Kurds, whilst ofcourse targeted by Turks, also partook in masacres agains the Assyrians, so they may end up on the wrong side of the "prize pool" as well, especially if the Assyrians gain the ear of the triumphant powers, which I don't consider unlikely. They were the backbone of the Iraqi army iirc, and France did the same in Syria with its minorities. It's why Assad, a Druze, rules Syria today. Also the fact they are Christians, that French general famously went to Salladin's grave and no doubt that Ottoman success is in part due to Islamic resentment against western powers and collaboration with the Caliph....this will get more support. If the turks get the caucuses, they have to lose part of Asia minor to the minorities they...damaged. So far as HOI4 is concerned, Armenia and Kurdistan are the same thing but its very possible to have one in Cicilia and even stretching into northern Iraq, depending on how succesful various groups lobbying for the cause are.
Given post war and conferences, Turkey and Greece and maybe some other balkan nations have a few wars to determine what actually ends up happening, all the above may end up the same, reduced or advanced depending on who wins those conflicts.
They were the backbone of the Iraqi army iirc
Also, afair, Armenia and Kurdistan are two seperate things in game, or you must mean the states, which overlap.
Starting with the big ones, getting Australia, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand joining probably needs a Victorian-era change. 1865 Colonial Laws Validity Act not happening, or in a different way, that sort of thing. Maybe a very different Boer War would also do it, no Jameson Raid (or a successful one) and a quicker win has enough jingoism and Imperial bits sloshing about that it might be forced through, particularly if the Rhodes faction is in the ascendant and not in disgrace.An interesting at the time map showing both the suggested imperial federation members and their scale in reference to each other.
Not sure whether any of these actually will come together TTL but would be interested to see people's thought of the chances of each listed here joining, both TTL and OTL.
Probably not big enough (or interested in) standing on it's own, happy to live under whatever the buzzword of the week is for 'place that internally self governs, while London does defence/foreign policy/economics.'Notable absences (can also discuss):
OTL wanted to join the UK, so is at the extreme end of Federation.Malta
Like many of the choke points on that list requires a strong (military and economically) UK that is happy to exercise that power. Never going to be in Federation as it's not really a viable independent entity.Suez
Falls between the two above, so a candidate for Federation.Cyprus
Would fall under one of the members of the Imperial Federation rather than being full members I think. I'm imagining several layers to this to cover all the permutations. Say Jamaica is in the British West Indies Federation, that group sits under Britain, which then is the Imp Fed member. All of which gets shuffled around regularly as the subsidiary federations form and dissolve.Various Atlantic and Pacific islands
Starting with the big ones, getting Australia, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand joining probably needs a Victorian-era change. 1865 Colonial Laws Validity Act not happening, or in a different way, that sort of thing. Maybe a very different Boer War would also do it, no Jameson Raid (or a successful one) and a quicker win has enough jingoism and Imperial bits sloshing about that it might be forced through, particularly if the Rhodes faction is in the ascendant and not in disgrace.
All the bits and pieces could easily join in some sort of Federation if there was political will in the UK. Indeed certain bits could end up part of the UK (ala France and the Overseas Departments) and many nearly did, but again it needs London to want it.
Hong Kong obviously is the tricky one with the lease, so depends on Anglo-Chinese relations.
Different in what way? Since South Africa started diverging really since the Dutch started taking interest in the Congo, so that's already the 1850'ies/1860'ies. There's going to be a Boer War with the most radical ones who aren't willing to leave for the Congo making a stand (Bittereinders as a name for them still fits) but this is going to require much less dominion manpower involvement, especially Ireland is highly populated and a integral part of the UK.Starting with the big ones, getting Australia, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand joining probably needs a Victorian-era change. 1865 Colonial Laws Validity Act not happening, or in a different way, that sort of thing. Maybe a very different Boer War would also do it, no Jameson Raid (or a successful one) and a quicker win has enough jingoism and Imperial bits sloshing about that it might be forced through, particularly if the Rhodes faction is in the ascendant and not in disgrace.
Something to consider for Cyrpus. As Greece is a British ally, population exchanges in the region have been confirmed and Greece is eying the island, they may demand that the Turkish population may be expelled from the island even if they don't recieve ownership of it in the immediate post war period. It would solidify the Greek claim to the island, and they would be very willing to host British military bases there, because it helps them secure ownership just as much.Malta and Gibralter probably counties of the UK, or very special oversea territories. Cyprus more its own thing.
If Rhodesia includes Transvaal, you may end up with Translimpopo and Cislimpopo as names of subunits of this enourmous Rhodesia.The Cape is smaller whilst rhodesia is larger, and the Boer war didn't happen or was very minor.
Because of the hostile relationship with the US, even if the UK doesn't build the Nicaragua Canal, the British Carribean is still more important, as it provides basises for the Royal Navy to cut off the short route between the US east and west coast.And the British carribbean is as OTL I suppose...not really thought about there much...might become more relevant if they do end up building a canal though.
Something to consider for Cyrpus. As Greece is a British ally, population exchanges in the region have been confirmed and Greece is eying the island, they may demand that the Turkish population may be expelled from the island even if they don't recieve ownership of it in the immediate post war period. It would solidify the Greek claim to the island, and they would be very willing to host British military bases there, because it helps them secure ownership just as much.
If Rhodesia includes Transvaal, you may end up with Translimpopo and Cislimpopo as names of subunits of this enourmous Rhodesia.
Because of the hostile relationship with the US, even if the UK doesn't build the Nicaragua Canal, the British Carribean is still more important, as it provides basises for the Royal Navy to cut off the short route between the US east and west coast.
Speaking of the Carribean, how's the island of Hispaniola doing exactly. Spain holds a claim to the eastern half ofcourse, yet the whole lot is under France as of 1914. Would be interesting to see some tidbits of its history popping up in chapters detailing US history for example.
I guess the biggest conceit that I feel has been glossed over in this AAR is how the Irish of all people just... become British? As if the Hunger doesn't happen? I dunno.
Mexico is also a source of oil, so that may also leave the UK with a lasting interest in propping up the country vs the AmericansThe Mexican alliance is also increasingly the stronger part of the triple alliance between UK, Spain and them. Sugar and tobacco are starting to decline in importance as the rest of the world industrialised (this is going to hit Hawaii hard too) but the islands are still strategic ports, full of where settlers and have nice weather year round. Lots of immigration and tourism has already occurred and will continue to into the 20th century.
Don't forget that France intervened in Spain in the 1820'ies (IIRC), so that's also a fine moment for territorial issue's to be smoothed over, either willingly or unwillingly.As to why its entirely owned by France, probably a Napoleon offshoot. He took it all, Britain siezed it during the war, post war France had to give it back, or didn't but had to pay Spain again for the privilege. The French and Spanish continental American empires are such a mess OTL and TTL during the napoleonic and post napoleonic period that anything that smoothed the process ttl would be seized upon.
Don't forget that France intervened in Spain in the 1820'ies (IIRC), so that's also a fine moment for territorial issue's to be smoothed over, either willingly or unwillingly.
Mexico is also a source of oil, so that may also leave the UK with a lasting interest in propping up the country vs the Americans