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Advisory Board Recommendation: The Grand Fleet-008.2300 [VC-Archives, Doc.#239,818,301,239]
The Grand Fleet Proposal [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Doc.#239,818,018,209]

In spite of our decisive victory, the Executive Advisory Board feels the war with the Jusstkan League was clear evidence of the need for greater militarization of the corporation's infrastructure. Our standing navy was not enough to fight off the Jusstkan's, and it was only by once again mobilizing the civilian economy and bankrupting the corporation that we were able to fight them off. We must develop a greater preexisting bureaucracy and logistical support system, please look over this proposal for the Stellar Logistics (SL) Division which, should you choose to implement it, would be responsible for developing and maintaining a robust infrastructure with which to support our armada. If you do decide to go ahead with the formation of the SL Division, we recommend waiting until much of the recent colonization effort is finished or well underway, as this new proposal will be quite costly.

May Tomorrow's Sun Shine Today
The Executive Advisory Board

State of the Galaxy Report-67.2300 [VC-Archives, Doc.#240,190,831,489]
Mehtwaa-xxx.2300 [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Unsorted]

CEO Khebb, our assessment of the current galactic climate, in a word, dangerous. 100 years since we left Estwaa and the corporation has been at war twice; both times with fanatical zealots, once they wanted us dead for our ideology, the next time, because of our physiology. As it stands, one power sharing borders with Vultec can be considered unremittingly hostile, the League of Karuss; a century of effort has proved that diplomacy with them is futile, likely the only reason they have not tried to scrub us from the galactic stage is that they do not believe they stand a chance of succeeding - if we sought to expand through aggression, they would be a natural choice.
Our only other neighbor is the formerly sovereign Jusstkan league, who has recently capitulated to the Rak'Nak'Thax Emperor and become a vassal of that imperialist hegemon. Our relations with Kulegaf the First are less than sterling, but it is unlikely he will attack us unless we display weakness. In such an event, we would be hard-pressed to find help without. The Formicid Hive, widely regarded as the Galaxy's foremost superpower, has maintained a loose alliance of mutual defense with the Rak'Nak'Thax. The small states which comprise the Eastern interior element of the Western Galactic Arm have no particular love for us; our relations with the Sporolid Colonies are best among them, but they are a spiritualist and pacifist collective who regard us with no small amount of suspicion; efforts to form a mutually beneficial relationship with them have fallen down in recent years, even as the Colonies are picked apart by the League of Karuss.
Three more superpowers occupy the Southernmost reaches of our galaxy, the Rutharian Star Coalition, the Chimm Coalition, and the Elaaminid Confederacy. Like us, they operate under the auspices of a corporate government, but that is where any similarities stop. Deeply spiritual people, all of them, they consider our emphasis on scientific progress and economic prosperity to be materialistic and misguided - their diplomatic stances on the Vultec Corporation range from distrustful to openly antagonistic.
It is clear that we are on our own, we must live or die by our own merits; fight our own battles, and fend for ourselves. On the enclosed document we have taken the liberty of charting out borders representing your own planned colonial expansions, as well as certain notable diplomatic considerations, such as the Formicid/Rak'Nak'Thax power bloc and the ongoing Chimm/Elaaminid conlfict.

Internal Communique (2), Declassified, Encrypted
[VC-Archives, Doc.#244,690,219,840]
Addressed: High Governess Cognat
Addressing: CEO Khebb
Date: 291.2301
Subject: Subterranean Natives [re]
Subterranean Natives on Dirmius [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Doc.#244,109,421,089]

After hearing the counsel of the Advisory Board, I have reached a decision regarding the natives living below the colony on Dirmius Prime. If they live as deep as we believe, then we do not compete with them for resources or land, and there is no reason for conflict with them. I am sending a team of scientists along with a representative from the Ambassador's Office to establish communication with the tunnel-dwellers. One of the VCM invasion forces will also be garrisoned in the colony, in case peace is not the their wish.

Tomorrow's Sun, Today
CEO Khebb

Internal Communique (4) [VC-Archives, Doc.#247,912,978,140]
Addressed: CEO Khebb
Addressing: High Governess Cognat
Date: 111.2302
Subject: Subterranean Natives [re]
Dialogue With the Tunnelers [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Doc.#247,409,823,498]

With the assistance of the team from the VCS-Biology department we have established a dialogue with the Tunnelers, they have expressed a fervent interest not only in peaceful coexistence, but also in trade between themselves and the colony. For a time, I will remain on Dirmius to advise the colony chief on his interactions with them. The Tunneler expeditionary force has returned to their civilization, where they will speak to their own lords about establishing trade - if they are still amicable when we next hear from them, I will offer the diplomat from the Ambassador's Office as a permanent political attache to their government, and see about establishing a subterranean embassy with remote communication capabilities.

May Tomorrow's Sun Shine Today
High Governess Cognat

VC-NEWS Broadcast-302.2310
[VC-Archives, Doc.#261,108,932,146]

In a controversial move, the newly appointed High Governor of the Outer Systems, Campramar, has decided to accede to the requests of the Tunnelers, the subterranean aliens of the planet Dirmius. CEO Khebb has expressed her approval of High Governor Campramar's dedication to the continued maintenance of positive relations with the underground civilization which were established by his predecessor - this goes against the recommendation of the Executive Advisory Board, whose military element strongly cautioned against sharing Estwani military technology with the comparatively primitive Tunnelers.

This is news anchor Jaffab, may tomorrow's sun shine today.

Advisory Board Recommendation: The Fellnoll Colony Objection-73.2312 [VC-Archives, Doc.#262,898,123,209]
Fellnoll Complaint [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Doc.#262,334,089,148]

On the matter of the Fellnoll request to cease colonization of the Sinistra system the Advisory Board can only recommend that CEO Khebb respond with an official declination. The Fellnoll Confederacy has always looked down on the Vultec Corporation and, in any case, the Fellnoll are a peaceful and disarmed race; we suspect there is little risk for the corporation in proceeding with the Easternmost colonizations if they are to be the only ones offering strong objection.

May Tomorrow's Sun Shine Today
The Executive Advisory Board

Internal Communique, Declassified, Encrypted [VC-Archives, Doc.#269,312,712,130]
Addressed: Governor Tetran
Addressing: The Executive Advisory Board
Date: 272.2315
Subject: Promotion
CEO Tetran [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Doc.#268,891,230,894]

After debate and consideration of the late CEO Khebb's two posthumous votes, the Executive Advisory Board has decided to offer you the position of 4th CEO to the Vultec Corporation. If you choose to accept, an interview is scheduled for 2 weeks from now at the capital on Estwaana, during which you will be briefed on ongoing matters of government and the duties of your office. Please reply within the day so that - in the event that you refuse the appointment - deliberations can begin anew as soon as possible.

May Tomorrow's Sun Shine Today
The Executive Advisory Board
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Congratulation, michaelpetska, you are the next WritAAR of the Week.

Oh! I'm not100% sure what this entails, but it's sounds like I'm being honored with something, thank you!

Three Minutes of Reading Later...

Thank you very much for the award, I suppose I better keep writing, then.
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Advisory Board Recommendation: Cynur Interference-248.2316 [VC-Archives, Doc.#273,279,010,798]
Cynur Colony At Shuckon [VC-Archives, Unsorted]

The Cynur Sovereignty, the largest of the minor nations that span our Eastern Border, has expanded its borders over the Shuckon system by placing a colony on one of the moons of Shuckon I. This desert world, while unappealing to Estwani colonists, will serve to bisect our Easternmost colonial holdings from the rest of Vultec space. Eventually, something will have to be done about this - a positive resolution for us would mean the complete abandonment of the colony, Lirchi's Nest, but the Cynur are unlikely to be willing to accede to such a demand in diplomatic forums. The exercise of force will most likely be necessary, plans should be drawn up, but at present, the corporate coffers are still somewhat drained from recent border colonizations, so swift action is not advisable. Eventually, a frontier outpost will be necessary to dissuade similar actions in the future, and to draw the Sinistra Sector into the greater Colonial Sector.

May Tomorrow's Sun Shine Today
The Executive Advisory Board

Internal Communique [VC-Archives, Doc.#279,798,0134,964]
Addressed: CEO Tetran
Addressing: Stellar Logistics Chief Listhim
Date: 226.2318
Subject: Kazon Secundus Military Support Infrastructure Report
Kazon Secundus Development [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Doc.#279,681,280,239]

With the completion of the planetary administration complex, work is ready to begin on the extensive SL Division logistics infrastructure planned for Kazon Secundus. Room is being left in the plans for the later development of local support and civilian infrastructure, such as an entertainment forum in district 10. Planetary Governor Veltassa projects completion of first-tier construction in approximately twenty years, with a short period of agricultural development after, followed by continued development of logistics infrastructure.

Tomorrow's Sun, Today
SL Chief Listhim

VC-NEWS Broadcast-145.2319
[VC-Archives, Doc.#283,419,723,981]
The Glorious Alliance-xxx.2319 [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Unsorted]

Following the peaceful vassalization of the Sporolid Colonies a Thirty-day ago by the Union of Djomar Systems, the Cynur Sovereignty and Fellnoll Confederacy have entered into a formal alliance they are calling the "Glorious Alliance". The agglomeration of the Eastern States into factions is a cause for some concern amongst the higher-up elements of the corporate government. The VCM Maintains the Fellnoll/Cynur alliance will lead to conflict in the region, with the two powers likely plotting to assimilate their Northern and Southern neighbors. VCM officials and the Executive Advisory Board were unwilling to speculate on whether or not Vultec would intervene on the behalf of our long-time trade partners, the Union of Djomar, in such an eventuality.

This is news anchor Faahst, bringing you the news.

Internal Communique [VC-Archives, Doc.#298,109,839,143]
Addressed: Executive Advisor Taaswaay
Addressing: VCS-Biology Chief Rhaas
Date: 85.2324
Subject: Terraformation Demonstration
The Terraformation of Kazon Secundus [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Unsorted]

I have incredible news, the Terraforming tests on uninhabited worlds in the Colonial Sector were a success, inhospitable, dry, hot worlds were transformed into ones more befitting habitation by Estwaani using my technology. There's only one hurdle left - I need to test for the final transformation into an Estwaa-like world - Kazon Secundus in the Core Sector is a perfect site for such an experiment. Over 90% water by surface area, it retains enough moisture of the proper base chemical compositions for the transformation, I simply need clearance from CEO Tetran. You're on the Advisory Board, you have to get my project an official recommendation; I've enclosed a detailed write-up along with a cost analysis - it's not cheap, to the tune of 1,500 credits; but this technology represents the dawn of a new era for the corporate clan - this is tomorrow's sun.

You clansmate,

Advisory Board Recommendation: Formicid/Elaaminid War-165.2329 [VC-Archives, Doc.#303,717,013,207]
Formicid Declaration of War Against the Elaaminid Confederacy-xxx.2329 [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Unsorted]

The Advisory Board shares the popular Estwani opinion that the conflicts of alien nations are no concern of the Vultec Corporation, we recommend no interference of any sort in the Formicid/Elaaminid conflict. However, the Advisory Board notes that the war is likely to destabilize what has been for decades a more-or-less peaceful galactic environment. This warrants further analysis, the galactic political ramifications of all outcomes (especially, a complete victory for either party) should be examined. In any case, the continued development of the Corporate Armada is absolutely necessary.

Internal Communique [VC-Archives, Doc.#308,348,389,041]
Addressed: VCS-Biology Chief Rhaas
Addresssing: VCS Biologist Jaardun
Date: 130.2333
Subject: Genetics Breakthrough
Genetic Selection [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Unsorted]

My team's work in genetic mapping and tampering has met with great results - we've proved beyond any shadow of doubt or skepticism the efficacy of fetal genetic prompting. Using DNA mapping to analyze targets, we can now determine the full range of possible genetic expressions for a given Estwani infant during fetal development. By injecting a cocktail of specialized enzymes into the fetus, we can force the expression of beneficial traits, and repress the expression of harmful or disadvantageous ones. The best part is, these enzymes are easily synthesized in the lab, and once the knowledge of their manufacture is properly disseminated and implemented, any Vultec medical clinic can provide these services at affordable rates. I'm enclosing some details, but you really should come by the lab for a personal look at our work.

Tomorrow's Sun, Today

P.S. Tyrmynn is organizing a sort of get-together this weekend at the Entertainment Forum for the team, to celebrate, you're more than welcome to come, let me know if you're interested.

Excerpt From CEO Tetran's "Brave New Era" Address-12.2335 [VC-Archives, Doc.#313,123,789,123]
Kazon Secundus (Post-Terraformation)-xxx.2235 [Complementary Document, VC-Archives, Unsorted]

The success of Chief Biologist Rhaas on Kazon Secundus represents a victory for the Estwani that is unparalleled in the history of the Vultec Corporation. [...] This new capability represents the dawning of a brave new era amongst the stars, and a fundamental upheaval of the way we as a species look upon them. No longer are the Estwani subject to the whims of billion-year geological processes and ecological development, for we now have the power to reshape worlds to better suit the livelihood of our employees. [...] In this brave new era, we look to worlds which we once passed by, and even to those which we grudgingly deigned were necessary to our efforts, despite the discomfort they afforded those employees who bravely broke land upon them, so that they might be made better suited to Estwani habitation.