Hello everyone,
The Tours and Tournaments is a massive addition to the game.
While it should work pretty well, there are some issues you might encounter during the gameplay.
Please find the list below:
Technical Issues:
- Changing the "UI Scaling"-setting while participating in a Tournament causes visual issues.
- Workaround: If you encounter this issue, you can restart the game
- Changing "UI Scaling"-setting before planning a Grand Tournament breaks the Contest Selection screen
- Workaround: If you encounter this issue, you can restart the game
- FPS drops can occur when opening certain UI elements (i.e. stationing Man-at-arms or the Accolades UI)
- Some players might experience issues with the translations (i.e. missing strings or characters). We are working on fixing these issues with future updates.
Gameplay Bugs:
- Characters can sometimes turn back home during a travel without properly informing the player about the reasons why
- The game currently does not inform players if their character can not participate in a martial contest if the character does not meet the criteria (i.e. Jousting, Archery, etc.)
- If your spouse is set as the active regent, they will becomes unavailable in the Council Screen
- If players play with a custom character, the game will show that achievements are not available, even though they are
- The conclusion for a Tournament will falsely state that characters gained 0 XP for the Hastiluder Trait
- If your Regent becomes imprisoned, they are marked as "Former Spouse" in the Character Window
- Taking the decision "Restore Accolade" doesn't get you enough knights to fill your slots
- For the "Bow" Contest Aptitude, the Hastiluder trait currently does not visually affect its value
- Contest Aptitude show multiple mentions of the same effect instead of a summary
- The Tooltip for Grand Blot sometimes doesn't explain why it cannot be planned
- When arranging a betrothal, the game can sometimes give misleading information for why players can’t plan a Grand Wedding
- There is a chance that the “Safety” skill of Caravan Masters displays a negative value despite that not being possible
- In Multiplayer, Tournament Events can be hard to keep up with when playing at higher speeds
- The UI for planning Grand Tournaments currently does not make it clear that the player does not need to invite guests for it. Tournaments will always be open and nearby guests will join them.
- The "You can end Regency" action in the Current Situation menu shows up even if players can’t
- It can occur that the target for an Activity Intent (i.e. "Murder", "Befriend" or "Seduce") does not join the activity. In this case, the Intent will revert back to the default option.
- During the conclusion of a Grand Tournament you sometimes have the option to reward your Champion, even if they never qualified for the Contest
- For Feasts, the "Befriend" intent can sometimes say you've failed despite having succeeded
- The “Matrilineal” option in the “Arrange Marriage” window can not be clicked when playing a female character. Once both spouses have been selected, the option works properly again.
- Marshalls from western cultures will not wear any clothes for players who don’t own Tours & Tournaments
- Some clipping issues on new travel cloaks with existing outfits (especially for Middle-Eastern and North-African cultures)
- Certain new assets have clipping issues with pregnant characters
- During a Grand Tournament, the final animation of the contest outcome is sometimes different to the actual result
- Some props (e.g. bows and arrows) can sometimes not be properly aligned to the animation
- When playing multiplayer, it is recommended to play at speed 2 when participating in activities