Tuna-Fish said:Well, since i dont have to take peace until I want, all I need to do is split my army into killer teams that can take out your siege teams and eliminate your military power with minimal casualties and then take all the time I want in sieging those areas back and sieging your areas.
And, if you spent most of your time on siege tech and my forces are superior in some of the key techs (Early: longspear, chain1, light xbow, pike, warhammer, make your pick), my killer group can easily be a lot smaller than your siege group. For example, aforementioned Chain 1 doubles defence and thus survivability of the 4 most importnant melee troops.
I really like this thread and it has been very informative, I don't want to give the impression that I don't ever fight. I just find it funny when in MP someone attacks me with their hard researched for lvl3 plate and I just dont fight them and take amll their provinces.
I think your strategy might work ok if MP wasn't in real time...i can be amzingly hard to pin someone down when they have there armies flittering around like caffinated hummingbirds,and besides the window between which you have chain 1 through research and I don't have it through diffusion is only about 20 years...I am not usually going on massive war mongering until much much later