I really like this game and thus far this is my only complaint (besides archers being sticky in combat sometimes like they won't fire and I have to cycle all the toggles to get them to stop advancing and just shoot).
It doesn't matter what you play, you always get more or less the same heroes / same units no matter what. I want some evil-ass Unseelie heroes or at least the black knights when I go Tyrant and vice versa.
Plus the units just feel too random, was rolling with a pretty good setup but keep trying random units as they come in (ie the single unit of Giants, Unseelie Warriors) - but I could get them no matter what I was if I just paid and/or picked the right choices.
I wish I could recruit something other than my basic units even if it's only one place on the map - I allied with the Smiling Prince and thought maybe if I went over to that village I could recruit Seelie but nope just the same old crap. Plus he attacked me a couple turns later? At least I am assuming that's who 'Prince of the Sidhe' is. I'm not even sure wtf allying with the Smiling Prince even does, to be honest.
Maybe I just need to play the Druid campaign? Even that, the starting heroes are underwhelming! I dunno, maybe I'm not far enough into the game - I keep restarting to see if I can go another direction but by the time I'm on Stronghold #2 I've always got the same heroes +-1 and the same units +-1-2 random odd units.
I dunno, maybe I'm not far enough along but I can't help feeling that no matter what direction I pick I end up with the same stuff.
I guess it's less units feel random than units feel uncontrolled in that I pretty much have zero say on what units I will end up using. I hope KA2 lets you pick your starting knight at least!
It doesn't matter what you play, you always get more or less the same heroes / same units no matter what. I want some evil-ass Unseelie heroes or at least the black knights when I go Tyrant and vice versa.
Plus the units just feel too random, was rolling with a pretty good setup but keep trying random units as they come in (ie the single unit of Giants, Unseelie Warriors) - but I could get them no matter what I was if I just paid and/or picked the right choices.
I wish I could recruit something other than my basic units even if it's only one place on the map - I allied with the Smiling Prince and thought maybe if I went over to that village I could recruit Seelie but nope just the same old crap. Plus he attacked me a couple turns later? At least I am assuming that's who 'Prince of the Sidhe' is. I'm not even sure wtf allying with the Smiling Prince even does, to be honest.
Maybe I just need to play the Druid campaign? Even that, the starting heroes are underwhelming! I dunno, maybe I'm not far enough into the game - I keep restarting to see if I can go another direction but by the time I'm on Stronghold #2 I've always got the same heroes +-1 and the same units +-1-2 random odd units.
I dunno, maybe I'm not far enough along but I can't help feeling that no matter what direction I pick I end up with the same stuff.
I guess it's less units feel random than units feel uncontrolled in that I pretty much have zero say on what units I will end up using. I hope KA2 lets you pick your starting knight at least!