'Sins' is an unbelievable first AAR by Alhazen...unbelievably good. I've also watched this one closely and for one thing, I'm amazed and a little chagrined at both the quality and consistency (time wise) of his updates. If you turn your back for a moment he's there adding another post or two to his epic and once again you're left trying to catch up.
The characters are well rounded, and Alhazen abandons the 'good/evil' line of most fiction in favor of believable characters in a believable eleventh century atmosphere. You can tell the story's an AAR because events cause the tale to take some odd turns, but seeming without effort he weaves them into the greater story and you can tell, somewhere deep beneath and only half-guessed at, is a wonderful plot .... and just as well no one, not even Alhazen I suspect, is certain where it will end.
WELL done Alhazen.