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A very worthy winner @stnylan - it's a wonderful AAR.
I wanted to thank once again DukeOfNorfolk for the honor and thank each of you for your encouragement.

I now also have the honor of passing the award onto the next recipient, which always feels like the toughest part of this because there are a multitude of deserving AAR's.

That being said, among them was one that caught my eye and held my interest: The writing is truly a pleasure, and the author has created a narrative of shadowy plots, mysterious figures and a hidden society existing within our own that leaves me in suspense and wanting to know more.

And so, it is my honor to give this week's showcase to stnylan and his AAR The Thorn of the Rose. I hope as the tale continues that we all figure out just what on earth is going on.
Superb nomination! Congrats @stnylan :)
Congratulations my friend!
An excellent choice, an entertaining read that draws you into it's ever deepening mystery. Congratulations @stnylan !
Congrats @stnylan! :D Definitely a worthy winner in my books -- the story really draws you in.
Congratulations and well deserved.
A very worthy winner @stnylan - it's a wonderful AAR.
Congratulations @stnylan

Thank you all - and especially @Chilango2 for nominating me. I must confess, like Barliman Butterbur one thing drove out another and I have completely forgotten to pass this one. Hopefully Gandalf will not turn me into a toad :)

With that it is time to pass this on. I give you @vyshan 's current tale The Azure Dragon Soars Again
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Well done, indeed.
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Congratulations @Jape
Congrats @Jape
A well deserved nomination. Your British AAR was really good and deserves all the praise it gets