I want to thank CatKnight for giving me the awAARd and I also want to thank all my faithfull readers who's interest gives me the only real motivation to write this thing. Really it is fun except when it is up to the acctual writing, then it is dead boring. I have hoped for this awAARd. Not only becouse of my personal ego but also because of Diplomacy in its whole. Acctually, that is why I started the AAR. I wanted to show people what Dippy really was and that it is a very good game, even with the Paradox Version (though the paradox version complicates it some). This awAARd will hopefully help me with that as it brings some more attention to my AAR and Dippy. More specificly my AAR then. I was palying Germany in a MP game, as CatKnight said. (I can tell you that in Dippy you play the entire game in one sit, so the game was done before I wrote the first word) However it is not really a MP AAR entierly as you might know them. It is only me who does the AAR, the others have nothing to do with it. The reason that it is a MP game really is that SP in Dippy just don't work. The AI is so crapppy that it won't pick up any fight at all. That might also be a reason that there have been no successfull attempt to do a Dippy AAR before. You ahve to play with worthy enemiesa and not knowing who will win from the beginning. Anyway, my game. As I said I was playing Germany, and at the moment I am acctually biggest, however am I not a certain winner. At the moment the readers do not know at all who might win. but of course I do. All in all, I hope you check it out, and again, not for my ego but for Dippy. If you don't know Dippy there is a link to a site paradox has put up with the rules and such.