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You'll notice I got rid of the Colonial - African events to give you the chance to make them more 'open' for all players, like the New world for example, where conquering a province results in perhaps native dispersion, and Colonial rule...etc.

Shouldnt have tailored events, simply encourgement.

Regarding the dynasties of Morocco :

Im having a difficult time shaping the Moroccon and Cordoban dynasties together, however, I propose an idea.

When the Wattasids are overthrown, or that is, simply surrender, they flee to the Brazilian colonies to form a state of their own in Southern America. The Saadis can attempt to subjegate the nobles and retainers of 'Al-Muruj' and reconquer the land, or simply accept them. When the Saadis are overthrown, they can either flee and join with the Wattasids (if they let them go and fairly treated them) or get slaughtered.

Dunno, simply a suggestion.
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event = {
	id = xxxxM1
	random = no
	country = MOL
	trigger = {
		event = xxxxx2
                ai = no
		flag = timbuktucapital
                control   = { province = 1494 data = REB }
                control   = { province = 1496 data = REB }
                name = "Marroco take advantage of chaos"
                desc = "The Marrocan who always dreams of taking back the trading post of Timbuktu takes profit of chaos and call his mercenary to assiege the Malian Capital, the Mansa troops in south must defeat rebels before return to capital"
	date = { day = 1 month = march year = 1431 }
	offset = 100
	deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1500 } 
	action_a ={
		name = "Timbuktu must be ours... Prepare for war"
                command = { type = war  which = MAL }
                command = { type = badboy value = 2 }
                command = { type = sleepevent which = xxx3 }
	action_b ={
		name = "We must be like desert snake and push the rebel to take the capital for us"
               command = { type = revolt which = 1495 }               
               command = { type = revolt which = 1495 }     

event = {
	id = xxxxM1bis
	random = no
	country = MOL
	trigger = {
		event = xxxxx2
                ai = yes
		flag = timbuktucapital
                control   = { province = 1494 data = REB }
                control   = { province = 1496 data = REB }
                name = "Marroco take advantage of chaos"
                desc = "The Marrocan who always dreams of taking back the trading post of Timbuktu takes profit of chaos and call his mercenary to assiege the Malian Capital, the Mansa troops in south must defeat rebels before return to capital"
	date = { day = 1 month = march year = 1431 }
	offset = 100
	deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1500 } 
	action_a ={
		name = "Timbuktu must be ours... Prepare for war"
                command = { type = war  which = MAL }
                command = { type = badboy value = 2 }
                command = { type = sleepevent which = xxx3 }
                command = { type = INF   which = -2 value = 3000 }
                command = { type = cash value = 100 } # Support war effort 
	action_b ={
		name = "We must be like desert snake and push the rebel to take the capital for us"
               command = { type = revolt which = 1495 }               
               command = { type = revolt which = 1495 }               
In working on Crio's material for the Malian Civil War, it became increasing apparent that the cultures of the West African region are not well modelled.

Currently, each province has a culture type, as for the rest of the world, based on one contemporary or better-known culture of the region. The reality is far more fragmented than that. There are literally hundreds of cultures in the region, typically with unrelated languages, rather than mere dialects. The cultures are also quite decentralized, being tribal and placing greater stock in local authorities and traditions than in any European concept of a nation state.

I propose that instead of using specific cultures for the provinces there that we instead use one culture called West African. All of the four nations there (or more, it deserves some extras, I think) would have West African culture. Naturally, no other nation would get those culture, such as Morocco. However, to represent tribalism and its tendency to national disunity and internal conflict, Each of Mali, Benin, Ashanti and Jolof would receive a permanent revoltrisk of 2, as a nation, not basing it on individual provinces.

I personally feel this would be a more realitic model, rather than pretending that each of those provinces has a single, identifiable culture.

I'm not sure that that makes much sense from an intuitive standpoint. There are way too many cultures in the region to model doesn't naturally lead to, let's merge them all under one overarching name. If you want to keep the revoltrisk idea that is fine, but I don't think having only one culture gets at the fact that there were many. It just makes it less painful to hold all of it together.
I agree to a certain extent, there was a huge difference between Malian culture and of the southern Africans. Though I agree, some other set up is needed.
Ah, yes, but the 2 RR is the thing that makes it so much harder to 'hold together'. More revolts, og course, but reduced taxation and manpower, which are analagous to 'wrong culture'. Except that while wrong culture gives you -30 % manpower, RR2 gives you -10%. In this way it reduces the difference but acknowledges the lack of uniformity.
Garbon said:
However, unless you rigged some event system that fired everytime a province changed hands, I believe that the revoltrisk would disappear when a new owner took it, no?

Il like this idea but is it easily codable ? I would try to propose a intermediate solution... today :D
Garbon said:
However, unless you rigged some event system that fired everytime a province changed hands, I believe that the revoltrisk would disappear when a new owner took it, no?

Not at all.

What disappears when a province changes hands is province_revoltrisk.

It's great that the game has to levels of revolt enhancing triggers. It's a shame that province_revoltrisk has no time limitation. It is permanent unless reversed by a subsequent event (sometimes very complicated and means you can't use province_revoltrisk in a random event), but it is removed entirely when a province changes hands.

However, the proposal here is to use revoltrisk, which is the nationwide command that effects every province and lasts as long as the month-time-limit you set.

The maximum is 1000 months, so you have to have the event trigger every 83.333 years, so about five versions of the event for each of Ashanti, Benin, Jolof and Mali. Not much coding there, with 19 cut and paste versions.

One could, of course, set triggers for it, such that if you manage to get Centralization very high and are at Infra 5+ to represent a centralized country with lots of roads and a large bureaucracy, then you have unified the country more, and get instead a +1 RR instead.
For example, for Mali:

event = {
	id = xxxxxx
	random = no
	country = MAL
	trigger = {	}
	name = "Tribalism in West Africa"
	desc = "The EU2 game permits the assigning of only one culture per province. This is to represent the dominant cultural group, and represents a combination of language, race, law (customary and formal) and even less tangible aspects such as traditional enmities. This works more-or-less for much of the world, but does not represent African tribal culture well at all. Most of the provinces in West Arica would contain 15 or more cultural groups, often speaking radically different languages and having many different customs and associations. Accordingly, in Interregnum we have decided to represent tribal differences through revolt risk rather than the culture mechanism. It functions in a broadly similar way, but allows us to regulate it more with different levels of RR and to avoid naming one region as a certain culture."
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }

	action_a = {
		name = "OK"
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 960 value = 2 } # 80 years

event = {
	id = xxxxx2
	random = no
	country = MAL
	trigger = {	}
	name = "Tribalism in West Africa"
	desc = "Blah blah"
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1499 }

	action_a = {
		name = "OK"
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 960 value = 2 } # 80 years

event = {
	id = xxxxx3
	random = no
	country = MAL
	trigger = {
		infra = 4
		domestic = { type = centralization value = 7 }
	name = "Tribalism in West Africa"
	desc = "Blah blah
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1579 }

	action_a = {
		name = "OK"
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 960 value = 1 } # 80 years

event = {
	id = xxxxx4
	random = no
	country = MAL
	trigger = {
		NOT = { event = xxxxx3
	name = "Tribalism in West Africa"
	desc = "Blah blah"
	date = { day = 15 month = january year = 1579 }

	action_a = {
		name = "OK"
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 960 value = 2 } # 80 years

Changed Ashanti to West African, gave Ashanti (West Afircan) culture to all west african provinces and as the only culture for Benin, Ashanti and Mali. Created the events for each and added them to their event files.

Man I can work fast when I want to!

I can always take it all out really fast too.
However, if any of those nations get hit by a random event raising revoltrisk, they will get screwed as revolt risk stacks...and the stacked effect will last until the end up the furthest ending date. So although you've coded for +2 revoltrisk, if they get hit with a random or have scripted revoltrisks, you are looking at +3 and upwards for 83 years...possibly worse if an event increasing it for 3 months occurs in the last two months of one of those 83 year chunks.
Garbon said:
However, if any of those nations get hit by a random event raising revoltrisk, they will get screwed as revolt risk stacks...and the stacked effect will last until the end up the furthest ending date. So although you've coded for +2 revoltrisk, if they get hit with a random or have scripted revoltrisks, you are looking at +3 and upwards for 83 years...possibly worse if an event increasing it for 3 months occurs in the last two months of one of those 83 year chunks.

I don't believe that revoltrisk works that way.

Revolt risks do not aotumatically last as long as the longest one.

I code different lengths all the time and the readout confirms different lengths.

Check many of the events I write and they usually have descending RR, to simulate a lessening of tension over time.

Do you have a link to a forum where this is discussed?
I'd have to search to find you a link. I know however, that this definitely at least occurred in less recent versions. We had to change the way the Timurid revolts occurred as otherwise, if you had a few random events, you could have an uber-screwed Timurids...to the extent that they were constantly collapsing and thus no one could ever take them out.

edit: It just got changed in 1.09, so you should be all clear.

- Recoded the revoltrisk to not stack to the maximum date, but keep each revoltrisk for the separate duration.

Thanks for confirming my sense of reality!
Crio said:
Il like this idea but is it easily codable ? I would try to propose a intermediate solution... today :D

Ok... didn't need any seach i think if we have a consensus with west-african culture.
Crio said:
Ok... didn't need any seach i think if we have a consensus with west-african culture.

But the name "Mandé" fit better than Ashanti for it... as most of west-african descent of Mandé people

And thanks for your help and great addition on Mali Merchant Civil war...
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Crio said:
But the name "Mandé" fit better than Ashanti for it... as most of west-african descent of Mandé people

And thanks for your help and great addition on Mali Merchant Civil war...


Ah, the Ashanti thing is just the game-culture, not the name that appears when you play. West African is what people see and ashanti is just the 'culture tag' that I used.

I can change it from West African to Mande if you wish, easily.

I hoped you would like the things I did to expand on your ideas. If there were any changes you want to make I'd be happy of course, of course.

Also, Mali probably needs a few good events. Mostly of the stuff you have designed for them is conflict. Understandable for a huge empire at that level of infra and with the tribal culture structure. But maybe we could have a few nice events?