I'm making an "Age of Antiquity" mod at the moment, and I have just about everything set up in it. Its a completely fictional mod starting around ~220 BC but I've changed the years to AUC (I'm sure a lot of you know what that means) basically the mod starts from 554-1073 and I have Rome, Carthage and the Hellenistic kingdoms in it. I've even added individual barbarian tribes (ex. Haedui and the Arverni, Iceni, and some fictional ones because I couldn't find info on them) which span from spain to scandinavia. Like I said it is ficitonal and I'm currently working on events for the romans and others but one thing about the map annoys me and thats my CoTs.
For whatever reason they are GROSSLY imbalanced and I'm wondering if someone can help me by telling me what factors effect them because I have no idea whatsoever. Religion? Country size? Trade level? Anything and everything plz because the map itself is done but like I said these trade levels are completely wack (ex. the greek city state of Massilia pretty much encompasses the entire western map with its CoT; Carthage's CoT is small so is Rome's and the barbarian tribes to the north who i've included and made to have CoTs like the Veneti and the Boiemi have influences over only their own provinces). All countries are pagan until the reign of Constantine in the map which allies Byzantium and Rome and converts them to Catholic (like I said this is completely fictional but I think it will be a lot of fun). The known provinces I have based upon the size of the country and my imagined knowledge of their world.
Plz help me because this is one of the final steps I have in making this scenario. I need this trade centers balanced more! It's driving me bonkers :wacko:
For whatever reason they are GROSSLY imbalanced and I'm wondering if someone can help me by telling me what factors effect them because I have no idea whatsoever. Religion? Country size? Trade level? Anything and everything plz because the map itself is done but like I said these trade levels are completely wack (ex. the greek city state of Massilia pretty much encompasses the entire western map with its CoT; Carthage's CoT is small so is Rome's and the barbarian tribes to the north who i've included and made to have CoTs like the Veneti and the Boiemi have influences over only their own provinces). All countries are pagan until the reign of Constantine in the map which allies Byzantium and Rome and converts them to Catholic (like I said this is completely fictional but I think it will be a lot of fun). The known provinces I have based upon the size of the country and my imagined knowledge of their world.
Plz help me because this is one of the final steps I have in making this scenario. I need this trade centers balanced more! It's driving me bonkers :wacko: