The trouble with this thread is that it doesn't mean much to say "I want mapmode X". The real question is, what should this mapmode do?
This is one place where I've always felt EUIII retrograde. In EuII, simply putting the mouse over a colonial province would bring up a TT which gave you all you need to know; you could quickly scan a swath of territory to decide where you want to colonize, with no clicking at all. And of course, the Diplo mode was vastly more informative. At a glance you could see where your relations might need improving.
And, once again, there are several mapmodes which, to my eyes, do nothing whatsoever, like shipbuilding.
Somewhat OT, but I think the same is true of the ledger, and the unit interface. EUII's was ledger vastly better implemented. It was easier to change screens (right click) and it sorted in many more valuable ways. (And let's not even think of province decisions). The unit organization system was vastly more flexible; you could work with all the units in a province, without reselecting.