In fairness, an archer can't really kill a White Walker as easily as good old Valyrian Steel, so in the world of ASOIAF the nobles with weapons made of said steel will feel quite justified in placing the sword as the superior weapon. However, isn't there a noble family that favors the bow over the sword? I'm not really that knowledgeable when it comes to the lore, but if there is, it'd make sense if you could somehow decide if your family should favor the sword or the bow, as well as decide if they favor fighting on foot or horseback, but I'm not sure how to do that without the inclusion of retinues, a decision to raise a unit of event troops of a specific type, or have two sets of laws that allow you to build certain buildings that add soldiers of a specific type to the holding's levy (which I don't think would work that good if you changed the law type)
I THINK you're thinking of House Caswell of Bitterbridge, but I don't know that we've gotten any indication that their levies are archer-heavy as opposed to a preference amongst the lords Caswell for longbows. It would be interesting to perhaps see building chains where you can only focus on one type of levy building to the exclusion of others for specialization. I personally would like for most of the Buildings Submod to be integrated into the main mod.
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