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I noticed that but thought I was doing something wrong. If this is intentional, I fail to see why and what the use would be. Numerous are the occasions when I traded between armies to have army X walk away because I failed to see I no longer had army Y selected.
I'd like to add that this is worsened because you have no easy way of seeing who you got selected because the screen shows the place your mouse of hovering. Well, the cursor, but you catch my drift.
This brings up an area of improvement for King Arthur 2. Information and selected objects in the game world could be better implemented. I am always re-selecting my armies twice to ensure I have the right army selected. Too many times I move an army to only realize it's not the one I intended. This is a minor annoyance but I have adapted by clicking several times on an army before any movement. This seems to happen after two army interactions. I really don't think it's a bug, just an interface design decision. King Arthur's user interface could benefit from a more CLEAR way of showing what is selected. I don't like the mouse hovering information concept in an User interface. There always seems to be a lag issue with this and I notice this happens in any software that uses the hovering. A click and clear selection is a better choice.
Thanks for reporting the issue, we never met this, so could you please send a savegame to support@kingarthurthewargame.com with the description of the problem? A savegame has three files: .inf, .jpg., .sav, all has the same name of course. Thank you very much!

Haha, nice joke!

Wait!!! You are not joking, right? You want us to send you a savegame to see a feature in your own game? Why you just don't start any of your own game copies?
I have the same problem with the interface switching armies on me. I just chalked it up to being a "feature" and made sure to be extra careful to select the correct one for movement afterwards.

Wait!!! You are not joking, right? You want us to send you a savegame to see a feature in your own game? Why you just don't start any of your own game copies?

Yeah, what's up with that? (maybe they're not allowed to play their own game at work ;))
Haha :) You guys are funny!

It means that we already tried, but we didn't meet the same problem. As Linda told you: "we never met this". Three of us have tried it with different saves, no luck. It works for us as intended.

So it's either not buggy for everyone (in that case your savegame would be very useful) or we misunderstood something in your description.

What I did is: selected one of my armies (Sir Balan) and went to another army of mine (Sir Kay), gave artifacts to Sir Kay and some troops and then closed the army/artifact "trading" window. And without selecting any army again, Sir Balan's army was selected by default and when I clicked away somewhere on the Campaign map, he (Sir Balan) and his army just moved there - everything as intended, no bugs.

So please send us savegame (and let us know which campaign it is - Original / Saxon / Welsh) or correct me if I was not doing the same thing as you did when you experienced the bug.
