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Sep 12, 2015
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So in normal CK2 forum, there is this thread. As the title says, what are your favourite and most hated dynasties in all of Westeros?

I personally love playing as Crabb dynasty because of their goofy coat of arms and being rather hard - they are only counts in most starts, their lords are at old age in most bookmarks and they have that nice border with Dragonstone which makes playing them hell in the two earliest start dates.

I also hate house Whitehill with passion. I always try to eradicate them no matter where I'm playing. Those that played Game of Thrones by Telltale probably know the reason.
Edit: I also dislike Tullys because they always appear so utterly boring. I almost always forget they even are a Great House.
And of Great Houses, I like Martells the most. Go Doran go!
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House Lannister for the lulz! It's fun to cart off your famous TV show characters to solidify alliances and get fat doomstacks to rebel-er... Fight against Tyranny! Ya! Tyranny!
House Velaryon. They are High Valyrians nobody talks about. And being count under Dragonstone can be extremely challenging, especially when Targaryens rule.
Another loved one is house Baelish...because there is only one member playable. It is most likely the only house, where all those plots, murders and horrible stuff ordinary CK2 player does make 100% sense RP-wise.

I honestly don´t hate anyone, although I really dislike how Lannisters in later starts always tend to end on the throne and everyone is absolutely OK with that.
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I am Stark through and through, and I have no problem with this.
I also enjoy the Hightower, House Mudd (after landing them with someone else), the occasional House Royce run (the First Men shall reclaim the Vale!), and instating Blackfyre on the Iron Throne. Although that last is insanely difficult recently.
I loath with a passionate hatred Houses Bolton, Whitehill, Frey, and Martell (the last due to them betraying me once as a Robb Stark to the Iron Throne run, where they betrayed a marriage alliance and ensured that Aegon Targaryen gained the Iron Throne).
I also dislike, but can tolerate their continued existence, the Lannisters and Greyjoys.
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I am Stark through and through, and I have no problem with this.
I also enjoy the Hightower, House Mudd (after landing them with someone else), the occasional House Royce run (the First Men shall reclaim the Vale!), and instating Blackfyre on the Iron Throne. Although that last is insanely difficult recently.
I loath with a passionate hatred Houses Bolton, Whitehill, Frey, and Martell (the last due to them betraying me once as a Robb Stark to the Iron Throne run, where they betrayed a marriage alliance and ensured that Aegon Targaryen gained the Iron Throne).
I also dislike, but can tolerate their continued existence, the Lannisters and Greyjoys.
I'm surprised that nobody mentioned hating the Boltons until the third answer. :p
Honestly, while I can't really imagine anyone liking them, I personally respect Roose as one of the best characters in the series. His son is an asshole, but man, Roose is a pure genius.
  • 6
I have a apathy against House Tyrell. Due to their excellent blobbing abilities, the fact they border most of the Kingdoms doesn't always make them overextend. The main branch of the Tyrells have a tendency to be terribly competent as well, with Willas being generally likable (which results in vassals sending more troops to the field), Garland and Loras are both combat monsters, Margaery is almost always married to nobility; and they tend to like each other. I rarely see a Tyrell attempting to claim Highgarden by force. In addition, they have two powerful dutchies under them (Hightower and the Arbor) under them that are probably better than your traditionally powerful special rival house. Except, no, their specifically powerful houses tend to both be loyal to them and their traditional rival house (Florents) have a really crappy position on the map and tend to be heretics anyway.

They're just this green blobby flower on the map that can field twice as many knights as you can that will smile at you and seduce your daughter. And while they're doing it, a fat guy in the background will probably mumble something about 'the good of the realm'.
  • 4
I'm surprised that nobody mentioned hating the Boltons until the third answer. :p
Honestly, while I can't really imagine anyone liking them, I personally respect Roose as one of the best characters in the series. His son is an asshole, but man, Roose is a pure genius.

I can accept that pulling off the Red Wedding was genius. Where I personally dislike Roose comes from the "Scar Factor" - he has no follow up plan it seems. He literally seems to not have a plan for ensuring that he and his House are not destroyed within a few years - even the Boltons cannot flay all the Northern Lords. As is observable from the situation by the end of the last published book, at best he has only the grudging loyalty of Barbery Dustin and the Rysewells. And even those two are iffy at best. It is much like the Freys actually - the Late Lord Frey has ensured that his House is hated, reviled, and never again trusted in the South, where guest right is not as absolute, let alone the North, where it is viewed as being as bad or worse as "direst of treasons".
shrug. Ultimately, I prefer my villains to think things through and have a plan for when they succeed.
  • 3
While I respect the houses of Lannister and Tyrell for keeping power in troubled times (Toothless Lion and being appointed over many strong claims to rule The Reach and survive), I'm a Baratheon loyalist any day of the week. Not only are the current Baratheons at the start of the series not usurpers, but have a claim due to Lyonel's marriage between his son (Steffon's father) and a Targaryen, mainly resulting from the Laughing Storm's short rebellion. I personally love their sigil and words and I got a Baratheon flag on my wall and a toque with Stannis' sigil on it. The houses I don't really admire are the Starks (Come at me bro :p) because most games I play also end up with one Stark or another becoming kinslayers for executing their son after they seduce their daughter-in-law.
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As I mentioned in the story thread, I utterly despise the Bucklers. They are just so very boring and yet they always do much better than they deserve in my games. Somehow the Baratheons always give them the Stormlands when they decide to give them away. And after that, the Bucklers have a clear path to the Iron Throne. Of all the houses in Westeros, with interesting names and themes and backgrounds and CoAs - the Bucklers, those utter nobodies who aren't even the most interesting house themed around shields, are the ones who every so often come out on top. I consider them a metaphor for the triumph of mediocrity over genius.
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Favorites have to be Houses Targ, Stark and Blackfyre. Yeah, yeah, everybody loves them, but they're just so much more fun to play than the others. I even have a soft spot for the Boltons, because it feels like playing the underdogs in some sick way.

I've started to absolutely loathe House Thorne and it's hard to explain why. They always hate my king, will join factions over anything, or will otherwise conspire to destroy me for absolutely no. Reason. Whatsoever. One time, Denly Thorne tried to spy on me, Eddard Stark, and frame me as being a traitor. What the heck is your problem dude? I've never even met you before.
Seriously, fuck you Denly Thorne.
It's not even because of Ser Alliser, I'm just fed up of seeing their mean, scowling faces next door to my capital...

The Tyrells are also starting to grate on me due to their habit of randomly stealing the throne out of nowhere.
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My favorites are the Frey, the Hightower, the Payne, the Thorne, the Harlaw and the Baelish. I also like the Karstark and the Tyrell, though I rarely play as them.

My most hated are the Stark, the Tully, the Martell, the Targaryens, the Tarly, the Florent and the Redwyne (I developed a unhealthy hatred for those three during my many Hightower playthroughs, where my first priority is ALWAYS to invade the Arbor and kill every single person that has Redwyne as family name, whether they are in the Arbor or on the Wall...)
Favorite: Hightower
Worst: Freys because they fill the marraige selection interface with their endless offspring
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house F-ing lannister !!! everytime i start the AFFC start they always manage to claim just about every title..then i gotta kill like 6 lannisters, and go through all this nonsense lol
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My favorite houses are Targaryen, Velaryon, Dayne, and Yronwood.

Absolutely can't stand the Baratheons or Freys....whenever I think of a Frey I feel like I just touched a piece of mouldy bread.
After executed the Starks, the Gardeners, most of the Targaryens (even if they were good friends of us and the aunt of my last character was the Queen) and some minor houses, i like the House Laurentyen (my own ;) )

But the canon houses I really like the Targaryens, but more the Rhaegar family like the little Griff. It's a very nice story and I think even if he is just a boy from Volantis or somewhere else out of Essos, he would be a good king. And if you are the king, you surely become King of Meereen because your aunt Daenerys marries you. ;)

Another nice house are the Forresters, even if the ending of the Telltale game was worse than sh*t. Having a crippled lord, some brother far away in Essos, a sister in Kings Landing and a blood feud with the Whitehills. Your liege Lord Bolton hates you and you are in a very bad position.

And of course the Boltons, because they are badass ;)
I have a dislike of the starks

mainly due to starks always declaring a war for the north every few generations

seriously its been 200 years since robb the young wolf

why you gotta try make that happen again starks
I have a dislike of the starks

mainly due to starks always declaring a war for the north every few generations

seriously its been 200 years since robb the young wolf

why you gotta try make that happen again starks

Because they held Winterfell for 8000 years, and the entire North for 6000?
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I can accept that pulling off the Red Wedding was genius. Where I personally dislike Roose comes from the "Scar Factor" - he has no follow up plan it seems. He literally seems to not have a plan for ensuring that he and his House are not destroyed within a few years - even the Boltons cannot flay all the Northern Lords. As is observable from the situation by the end of the last published book, at best he has only the grudging loyalty of Barbery Dustin and the Rysewells. And even those two are iffy at best. It is much like the Freys actually - the Late Lord Frey has ensured that his House is hated, reviled, and never again trusted in the South, where guest right is not as absolute, let alone the North, where it is viewed as being as bad or worse as "direst of treasons".
shrug. Ultimately, I prefer my villains to think things through and have a plan for when they succeed.

Their plan was the same as the Freys; help finish off Stannis, and rule with assurances from Tywin. That, of course, went out the window the moment Tyrion found out that Tywin Lannister didn't, in fact, sh*t gold.
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Their plan was the same as the Freys; help finish off Stannis, and rule with assurances from Tywin. That, of course, went out the window the moment Tyrion found out that Tywin Lannister didn't, in fact, sh*t gold.

The problem with that is Tywin is Tywin - he is demonstratively literally the worst ally to have. He actually actively plans to supplant the Boltons immediately upon eliminating Robb Stark, and the Lannisters are now actively planning to throw the Freys to the Riverlords. Actually, it is even worse for the Boltons - the Northerners could have literally flayed all of the Boltons before word even reaches Kingslanding that there was trouble. Maybe this is just me, but it just seems incredibly short sighted. And furthermore, Roose Bolton should be aware of the deep seated cultural reverence for the Starks. The idea that the Boltons could replace the beloved Starks is...odd, considering the reactions of the Northerns post Red Wedding - even the "only Northmen for the last 1000 years Manderlys" literally shout their defiance "We swore that we would be their men. Stark men!" Maybe it is purely plot convenience, but it appears like a monumental blindspot for someone like Roose Bolton to have.
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