So in normal CK2 forum, there is this thread. As the title says, what are your favourite and most hated dynasties in all of Westeros?
I personally love playing as Crabb dynasty because of their goofy coat of arms and being rather hard - they are only counts in most starts, their lords are at old age in most bookmarks and they have that nice border with Dragonstone which makes playing them hell in the two earliest start dates.
I also hate house Whitehill with passion. I always try to eradicate them no matter where I'm playing. Those that played Game of Thrones by Telltale probably know the reason.
Edit: I also dislike Tullys because they always appear so utterly boring. I almost always forget they even are a Great House.
And of Great Houses, I like Martells the most. Go Doran go!
I personally love playing as Crabb dynasty because of their goofy coat of arms and being rather hard - they are only counts in most starts, their lords are at old age in most bookmarks and they have that nice border with Dragonstone which makes playing them hell in the two earliest start dates.
I also hate house Whitehill with passion. I always try to eradicate them no matter where I'm playing. Those that played Game of Thrones by Telltale probably know the reason.
Edit: I also dislike Tullys because they always appear so utterly boring. I almost always forget they even are a Great House.
And of Great Houses, I like Martells the most. Go Doran go!
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