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The problem with that is Tywin is Tywin - he is demonstratively literally the worst ally to have. He actually actively plans to supplant the Boltons immediately upon eliminating Robb Stark, and the Lannisters are now actively planning to throw the Freys to the Riverlords. Actually, it is even worse for the Boltons - the Northerners could have literally flayed all of the Boltons before word even reaches Kingslanding that there was trouble. Maybe this is just me, but it just seems incredibly short sighted. And furthermore, Roose Bolton should be aware of the deep seated cultural reverence for the Starks. The idea that the Boltons could replace the beloved Starks is...odd, considering the reactions of the Northerns post Red Wedding - even the "only Northmen for the last 1000 years Manderlys" literally shout their defiance "We swore that we would be their men. Stark men!" Maybe it is purely plot convenience, but it appears like a monumental blindspot for someone like Roose Bolton to have.

While I agree with everything you said about Tywin, the Northerners couldn't just kill the Boltons like that, because the RW tore the North apart. Even with Tywin dead, plenty of Northern lords were held in Frey/Bolton captivity, and their levies either slaughtered or scattered. Roose still had almost all of his men, alongside Frey men, who had also remained mostly untouched by the war. Even with Tywin not doing anything ( and even if, unknowingly to Roose, plotting to put a Sansa/Tyrion child in WF); if he were alive, Stannis dead, and Dragonstone and Storms End were in the Crown's hands, the idea of openly rebelling against Roose would have been unthinkable.

However, with Tywin and Joffrey dead, a child on the throne (and his legitimacy being called into question), and Stannis alive and well with a large army in the North, the Northern Lords are in a much more opportunistic situation. If it weren't for these factors, the North would be a much more stable, albeit ruined and spiteful, part of the realm.

Also, with winter arriving, I doubt anyone not as desperate as Stannis would even think to besiege the Dreadfort, let alone Winterfell.
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Stannis is desperate though. His only plan seemed to be his siege of King's Landing with his massive army. It would have succeeded very quickly if Edmure didn't royally screw up and stall Tywin enough for him to learn about the siege and mobilize his army and the Reach's doomstack so he could do a last minute epic save of the city. Stannis' decision to go north with only a handful of men in the hopes that Northern lords would support him, while marching on Winterfell with such few Northern supporters when winter was really beginning to hit shows his desperate nature he's resorting to. In the show, when we saw him preparing for a northern venture by getting an Iron Bank loan to hire some people shows that he wasn't as book-him desperate, but his ultimate decision to sacrifice dear Shireen brings him in par with his book character's desperation.
Stannis is desperate though. His only plan seemed to be his siege of King's Landing with his massive army. It would have succeeded very quickly if Edmure didn't royally screw up and stall Tywin enough for him to learn about the siege and mobilize his army and the Reach's doomstack so he could do a last minute epic save of the city. Stannis' decision to go north with only a handful of men in the hopes that Northern lords would support him, while marching on Winterfell with such few Northern supporters when winter was really beginning to hit shows his desperate nature he's resorting to. In the show, when we saw him preparing for a northern venture by getting an Iron Bank loan to hire some people shows that he wasn't as book-him desperate, but his ultimate decision to sacrifice dear Shireen brings him in par with his book character's desperation.

That's nice, but completely irrelevant to Roose Boltons plan for the post RW north. It's also not like they (northern lords) would risk losing he North to the Ironborn.

It would have been in Boltons favour, had these not happened, and these were quite unexpected events to predict, from Rooses POV.
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To be fair, Roose was the only one who had a thought of what their plan was. Robb hastily assembled a ragtag army and marched south to free Ned, somehow. When he was executed and the lords named Robb king, he just moved back and forth beating armies as they come, then in the book, decided to abandon all that and liberate the North after a small incursion into the Westerlands. Meanwhile in the show he decides to attack Casterly Rock with only a few thousand men (Hence his serious reliance on the Freys cooperating).

Now we have Dany, who decides to remove a several thousand year old slave culture and expect the nobles and wealthy to go along with in, and when they don't, she locks herself into the pyramid of Meereen while an army assembles outside.

Tywin, I'm not sure how Tywin would have gotten away with his invasion if Robert had lived. He really lucked out when Joffery was named king and gave Tywin freedom to do whatever he wanted to in the Riverlands.

The Martells are a strange one, mainly due to their master plan theory to put Dany and Aegon on the throne together, but Dany really screws with that every time she moves her lips (Not going to Pentos when she had to chance after her fiasco in Qarth, not leaving Meereen when she had the chance).

Roose, on the other hand, really had an afterthought of what to do after they were named Warden of the North. His plan to marry Ramsey to fake Arya and "legitimize" future offspring of the Boltons is smart because once Ramsey makes a son or two with "Arya" there isn't much use for her and she can quietly disappear. The other people were just making stuff up as they went along, where Roose was thinking long-term, like using "Theon" to give "Arya" away to Rasmey, planting Bolton-loyal men into Stannis' army, then having them change sides when his Frey allies attacked them.

To be fair, Robb didn't have much of a choice regarding his situation. He had to go to KL to either swear fealty or to fight, and it was the Great-Jon Umber and the other Northern bannermen and the River lords who propped Robb up as King of the North. He also didn't just beat armies as they come, he had to choose his moves carefully as he was up against more experienced, infamous rivals (Tywin and Clegane) with larger armies. It's hard to have concrete, long term plans when the strategic situation is this fluid, and so he has to fight opportunistically.

Tywin was Roberts father by law (plus the crown owed him a ridiculous amount of money) and Ned was Roberts best friend. I could see Robert trying to settle things down, but I don't see Ned or Tywin backing down considering the circumstances. This is why Cersie sped up killing off Robert, because it would have been near impossible to predict who's side he'd take.
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My money (pun not intended) would be Eddard - Robert demonstrably didn't like Cersei or the other Lannisters that he was surrounded by, disliked Joffrey (although who could), and adored Eddard as a brother. He also doesn't tend to think strategically or politically. And besides which, whilst Eddard broke the law by ordering Catelyn to seize Tyrion (at least this is what he proclaims to Robert, so same difference as reality), Tywin not only broke the law, he also militarily invaded another realm of the Seven Kingdoms (which is the most inaccurate name ever), burning, murdering, plundering, and generally being the over reacting psychopathic asshole that Tywin was. No wonder no one wanted to marry into his family post Robert's Rebellion. Really, I can't see Robert siding with anyone else, especially when Eddard gives him the perfect excuse of proclaiming the bastardy of Cersei's children - at that point, Tywin is cornered between the North, River lords, royalists, and probably everyone else save Balon Greyjoy coming for him, with Cersei and Jaime's children either dead or send into orders. But no, plot convenience meant that Robert had to die in a really rather unlikely fashion.
Stark and Targaryen are favourites of mine. Most hated would be Bolton, Frey and Lannister.
Stark and Targaryen are also my favourites. And I also hate Bolton, Frey and Lannister.
Stark, Baratheon and Mallister are my three favourites. Bolton, Lannister and Frey are my three least favourites.

Baratheon: Had a fantastic campaign starting as stannis where i conquered the Seven Kingdoms, wiped out House Lannister, House Bolton and most of the freys, and then ruled for several more generations of Baratheon kings, and even fought off two invasions by the Aztecs as i forgot to disable the dlc. Really really fun and easily my favourite campaign with the mod (also a big fan of them in the books and show so that helps) I always try and support them in some fashion when playing as someone else and dont like when they get wiped out.

Stark: Had a good Stark loyalist playthrough as a custom house ruling last hearth, went on for a few hundred years and helped them from being deposed once or twice. Also big fan from the books and show.

Mallisters, they have a special place for me due to their actions in a custom house campaign ruling the stormlands from the Aegons conquest start date. Married one of them and got an alliance, then when the Targaryens all died and i was an independent king some generations later they started a war to place me in charge of the riverlands due to my blood ties with them and they won, making me a king of two realms. So good on ye Mallisters.

Bolton, Lannister, Frey, pretty obvious guess as to why i hate them with a passion. Also killing Lannisters as Stannis Baratheon has become a past time for me.
Baratheons are my favourite. Boltons are cool as well. Game wise, Targaryens are always interesting.... and hot. Also, Mallisters have always been so loyal to me in my every game, that I can't help but like them.

The most hated house?

Various houses of the Vale, who always usurp the Vale. Hate to see the traditional overlords get usurped.

Stannis is desperate though. His only plan seemed to be his siege of King's Landing with his massive army. It would have succeeded very quickly if Edmure didn't royally screw up and stall Tywin enough for him to learn about the siege and mobilize his army and the Reach's doomstack so he could do a last minute epic save of the city. Stannis' decision to go north with only a handful of men in the hopes that Northern lords would support him, while marching on Winterfell with such few Northern supporters when winter was really beginning to hit shows his desperate nature he's resorting to. In the show, when we saw him preparing for a northern venture by getting an Iron Bank loan to hire some people shows that he wasn't as book-him desperate, but his ultimate decision to sacrifice dear Shireen brings him in par with his book character's desperation.

This isn't entirely true. While he is in a precarious position right now, he has the backing of the Iron Bank, which has a reputation for dethroning those who refuse to pay their debts. So if he survives his current situation and emerges victorious in the North, he could easily roll down south with a full warchest and many mercenaries, and easily deal with the Lannisters, who have no strong leader to lead them anymore.
While Stannis can easily do that, he can still get curp stomped by the coming winter. Remember that during his march from Deepwood Motte to Winterfell, he became bogged down by snow in only a few days, and within a few more days after that, he began losing precious horses left, right , and centre. By the time he reached The Twins (After liberating the North), he can easily have no horses in his army, leaving him vulnerable to the next army he faces.
I like using the customiser to play as House Goldfire. From Houses that actually exist I like the Arryns.
Favourites: Stark, Tyrell, Serry, Blackwood
Liked: Karstark, Umber, Corbray, Mooton, Yronwood, Harlaw, Velaryon
Disliked: Bolton, Florent, Dornish and Ironborn in general
Hated: Clegane, Frey, Bracken
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House Greyjoy, who doesn't love cuthulu(cant spell it properly on mobile) worshipping vikings?
I love playing as Mallister and colonizing Oldstones, finding the crown, and then overthrowing the Tullys (because like has been mentioned they are SO BORING).
Like someone else said I love Starks as far as great houses go. Heck I am just a First Men and Old Gods fan actually, since I also enjoy going Royce and Blackwood (always have my Mallister runs marry into Blackwood a lot).
I hate Baelish (I have been assassinated by him 6 times in different playthroughs), the Brackens (they take out their feud on me if I marry into the Blackwoods and I am a bit peeved), and while I don't HATE them I am extremely frustrated with how even in completely pre-Jon Arryn bookmarks they seem to manage to get themselves wiped out.
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I love playing as Mallister and colonizing Oldstones, finding the crown, and then overthrowing the Tullys (because like has been mentioned they are SO BORING).
Like someone else said I love Starks as far as great houses go. Heck I am just a First Men and Old Gods fan actually, since I also enjoy going Royce and Blackwood (always have my Mallister runs marry into Blackwood a lot).
I hate Baelish (I have been assassinated by him 6 times in different playthroughs), the Brackens (they take out their feud on me if I marry into the Blackwoods and I am a bit peeved), and while I don't HATE them I am extremely frustrated with how even in completely pre-Jon Arryn bookmarks they seem to manage to get themselves wiped out.

Baelish is indeed a massive douche in-game. I would have mentioned him if we were talking about hated individuals