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CK3 Game Design
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Sep 23, 2019
  • Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition
  • War of the Roses
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife
  • Stellaris: Apocalypse
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Surviving Mars
  • Cities: Skylines Industries
  • Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
  • Stellaris: Galaxy Edition
  • Surviving Mars: First Colony Edition
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Tyranny: Archon Edition
  • Stellaris: Digital Anniversary Edition
  • BATTLETECH: Season pass
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit
  • BATTLETECH: Heavy Metal
  • Stellaris: Lithoids
  • Prison Architect
  • BATTLETECH - Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Stellaris: Federations
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
  • Stellaris: Humanoids Species Pack
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Revelations
  • Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back
  • Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia
  • Age of Wonders III
  • Stellaris: Distant Stars
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia
  • Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
  • BATTLETECH: Flashpoint
  • Cities: Skylines - Campus
  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance
  • The Showdown Effect
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall Season pass
Hello everybody and welcome back to another EUIV dev diary and it has been a while for me!

Shortly before EUIV moved over to sunny Barcelona, I devoted some of my time to reworking Australia as I felt the current map of the continent was a bit lacking and very annoying to own what with all these little unconnected islands amidst the wasteland. On top of that, the continent being an entirely uncolonized block of nothing before colonialism seems a little inaccurate, given how lively the continent actually was before the Europeans arrived.

So, first thing to note is that Australia is now entirely connected through colonisable provinces, with the great Pilbara now connecting the north and west of Australia.

Another important rework comes in the form of the new states Australia now enjoys. What I wanted out of this is I wanted Australia to be on par with the other colonial regions in the game in terms of province count and strategic importance.

When shaping the states and provinces, I wanted to hit a nice balance between pre and post colonial Australian borders, so state borders are largely determined by colonial Australian state boundaries, while provinces are more determined by the distribution of Aboriginal peoples. All provinces also have both their Aboriginal and colonial names depending on who owns the province.

The Australian Gold Rush can now be yours, with Australian provinces enjoying a high chance of gold and some provinces in the south having a chance for gems, and a few key provinces able to produce coal.

Next, I’ll highlight some of the playable nations down under. Up north we have the Larrakia Federation composed of all of the top-end nations you see here, with Larrakia and Tiwi enjoying a unique set of national ideas. The Larrakia federation was responsible for much of pre-colonial Australia’s wealth through trade with the Makassarians. This trade also brought with it some Islamic influences, though the Aboriginal people of Australia never fully converted.

LAR_ideas = {
start = {
global_trade_power = 0.1
trade_efficiency = 0.1

bonus = {
global_ship_trade_power = 0.2

trigger = {
tag = LAR
free = yes #will be added at load.

LAR_makassar_trade = {
merchants = 1
global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1
LAR_federation = {
diplomatic_upkeep = 2
LAR_dreaming = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
LAR_dowed = {
legitimacy = 1
republican_tradition = 0.2
global_unrest = -1
LAR_ceremonial_scarring = {
shock_damage = 0.1
LAR_hospitality = {
diplomatic_reputation = 2
LAR_kenbi_land_claim = {
core_creation = -0.15

TIW_ideas = {
start = {
female_advisor_chance = 0.75
shock_damage_received = -0.2

bonus = {
leader_land_shock = 1

trigger = {
tag = TIW
free = yes

TIW_yiminga = {
may_recruit_female_generals = yes
global_manpower_modifier = 0.2
TIW_dreaming_totem = {
tolerance_own = 2
TIW_kulama = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
TIW_purrukapali = {
naval_tradition_from_battle = 0.5
TIW_marriage = {
heir_chance = 0.5
global_unrest = -1
TIW_isolationism = {
land_morale = 0.1
TIW_one_people = {
culture_conversion_cost = -0.25

Moving along down south we have the Eora people, the original inhabitants of the Sydney area.
EOR_ideas = {
start = {
diplomatic_reputation = 1
light_ship_power = 0.15

bonus = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2

trigger = {
tag = EOR
free = yes

EOR_lifestyle = {
naval_morale = 0.15
EOR_bands = {
state_maintenance_modifier = -0.25
EOR_enduring = {
religious_unity = 0.25
tolerance_heathen = 1
EOR_protect = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
global_sailors_modifier = 0.1
EOR_sacred = {
own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
EOR_pemulwuy = {
land_morale = 0.15
EOR_berewaldal = {
merchants = 1
global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1

The Kaurna people, first inhabitants of Adelaide.
KAU_ideas = {
start = {
female_advisor_chance = 0.75
global_tax_modifier = 0.3

bonus = {
development_cost = -0.1

trigger = {
tag = KAU
free = yes

KAU_totemic_matriarchy = {
may_recruit_female_generals = yes
tolerance_own = 2
KAU_pangkarra = {
governing_capacity_modifier = 0.1
KAU_coastal_pangkarra = {
global_ship_trade_power = 0.2
KAU_redgum_shelters = {
build_cost = -0.15
KAU_communal_ownership = {
global_unrest = -2
KAU_old_tjilbruke = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
reform_progress_growth = 0.15
KAU_south_australia_act = {
core_creation = -0.2

Palawa, first people of Tasmania.
PLW_ideas = {
start = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
land_morale = 0.1

bonus = {
monarch_military_power = 1

trigger = {
tag = PLW
free = yes #will be added at load.

PLW_oyster = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
PLW_dual_identity = {
legitimacy = 1
num_accepted_cultures = 1
PLW_darwin = {
shock_damage = 0.2
PLW_parlevar = {
ae_impact = -0.15
PLW_writers = {
technology_cost = -0.1
PLW_survivors = {
fire_damage = 0.1
PLW_enduring = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.25

Kamilaroi, one of the most populated collective of Australian nations.
GMI_ideas = {
start = {
land_morale = 0.1
shock_damage = 0.1

bonus = {
land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.33

trigger = {
tag = GMI
free = yes #will be added at load.

GMI_sacred_caves = {
core_creation = -0.15
GMI_land_of_languages = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2
GMI_fertile_soils = {
development_cost = -0.1
GMI_dhulu = {
diplomats = 1
envoy_travel_time = -0.25
GMI_matrilineal_lineage = {
legitimacy = 1
republican_tradition = 0.2
female_advisor_chance = 0.5
GMI_familial_law = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
GMI_red_kangaroo = {
global_unrest = -2

I would have loved to have made ideas for all nations in Australia, but alas time was not on my side there so if you do not have unique ideas, you will get the shared Aboriginal Ideas.
generic_aboriginal_ideas = {
start = {
tolerance_own = 1
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1

bonus = {
shock_damage = 0.1

trigger = {
culture_group = aboriginal_australian
free = yes

aborig_art = {
prestige = 1
aborig_fire_stick_farming = {
development_cost = -0.1
aborig_walkabout = {
movement_speed = 0.1
aborig_outback = {
land_attrition = -0.1
aborig_sacred = {
global_tax_modifier = 0.1
aborig_dreamtime = {
religious_unity = 0.2
aborig_music = {
improve_relation_modifier = 0.2

But Aboriginal culture is not a single monolithic entity, so it has been divided into its own group. If we were being entirely accurate about this, almost all provinces in Australia would be their own culture, so some generalization has been done for gameplay purposes.

On top of all these new nations, the Aboriginal Australians also have access to the new Alcheringa religion! Most commonly known to colonizers as “Dreamtime”, Alcheringa refers to the vast distinct religions found among the Australian population. Though each people usually have their own distinct faith, most Australian faiths have a concept of “Dreamtime” or “The Dreaming”, a time of myth and legend that simultaneously occurred in the distant past and continues to occur around us every day.

Every Aboriginal people has their own pantheon of gods and “Dreaming Stories”. Alcheringa uses a system similar to the Fetishist cult system, with new stories becoming unlocked via missions.

These missions vary in what you must do, from defeating enemies in battle, to building an oceangoing vessel for the first time, to turning the Makassar trade on its head and dominating trade in the Moluccas.

The Aboriginals also enjoy all new unit models.
image (21).png

That’s all for this week, hope you all enjoy my last hurrah of EUIV content.
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Will there be a unified Aboriginal Australia tag?
Nope. I did try to find anything resembling a unified Australian identity before the arrival of the Europeans, but no such thing exists. Having an Aboriginal Australia tag would be a bit like making a "Europe" tag. The concept of continental unification is a very modern one, even the Australian colonies operated as separate entities for the longest time.
Finally! Hungary was getting lonely being the only nation with dynamic province names in Australia.

I also love how you can cross the continent without having to ship your troops everywhere. And is that a strait crossing I see between Mainland Australia and Tasmania?
Yes, the strait was added after my time on the project was passed so I'll have to refer the Tinto team as to what the motivation for its existence is but I suspect it's just so both colonizers and Australians can easily access any rebels or wars that show up on the island.
What tech group are they in?
They are in the new Aboriginal tech group.
In the Kaurna ideas, there is "global_tax_modifier = 0.3". This quite an unseen high number, even if it is supposed to balance out the useless female advisor chance.
I am positively surprised by the amount of content prepared for Australia. I would've never thought it would get a religion, let alone one with actual mechanics (even if a bit re-used). There is also a the number of national ideas (including a group idea) and models.
You underestimate my enthusiasm haha. This was all done out of my own time shortly after the release of Emperor, and calling the plethora of Aboriginal faiths "Animist" felt like a gross misrepresentation of how faith functioned in Aboriginal societies. I felt that if I was to represent them at all, I should do it as best as I am able.
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FINALLY!!!!!! Australia gets some content! Too bad Wurundjeri won't be getting unique ideas (From Melbourne, just in case you are wondering, so Wominjeka!)
Yes, I would have liked to have given unique ideas for all of the Aboriginal nations, having a generified "Generic Aboriginal Ideas" felt like a gross over-generalization, but was a bit of a necessary evil to save me some time.
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Hey Meka66 - I think you sound a bit sad? you don't have to. Thank you for all your great work for EU4! Hope to have you around this game in the future, besides the studio tinto! The DD Changes are looking great- the unit modell is very nice as well. I had the fear that australia would be to crowded and unrealistic but I think it looks like a good balance with the representation of the aborginals.
Take the uncolonized provinces for europeans longer for walking through? I guess it wasn't easy to cross them in that times.

What Tech group are the nations? The polonysian tech 2?

Are there also unique events for the aboriginies? Or the other nations when they get in contact with the aboriginies? I really think that would be needed.

Best wishes.
Haha, I hope I didn't sound too sad! I admit I did feel a bit wistful writing this since I had actually made this content quite a long time ago now and EU4 development is a bit of a distant memory to me at this point. Glad you've enjoyed the content I've brought to the table!

As mentioned before, Aboriginal Australians have their own tech group. There are mutual missions between the Australians and the Indonesians to get in contact with each other, rewarding them with some cash, claims, and the Aborigines gain access to new Dreaming Stories if they can turn the tide and become the dominant partner in the Makassar trade.
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Awesome, really looking forward to see this in game. Would you share a bit more info about the Aboriginal tech group? What are the starting penalties, features (if any), etc? Thanks!
Well, the visible land of the tech group can be seen in the screenshots and they have their own unit tree. The units progress through Australian history, from the various hunting and warfare tools of the pre-colonial era through to the war tactics of the brutal and bloody struggle against the invading British.
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What government do they use?
I've left that up to the good team at Tinto, but I believe they are using many of the new mechanics for the Americas.
Are these using the "stateless society" government reform we saw in a earlier Dev Diary?
No. While some Australian nations were very decentralised, I wanted fighting back the Europeans to be a viable player fantasy and Stateless Society seemed way too punishing, and not accurate for all nations on the continent.
That's basically Oceania Expanded but worse.

Question, why the hell do this aboriginal have ideas as strong as top tier nations? Can you balance something?
Well, as the author of Oceania Expanded I am disappointed you feel my second go at Australia doesn't measure up to the first.

The ideas are nice and punchy because you really have to struggle uphill to get them. You spend so much time struggling, I felt it would be a nice reward to give them some damn good fighting power once you've got there.
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Reminder that racism is not tolerated on this forum. At all. I've already had to delete several extremely racist posts. Don't be like those posters. Do better.
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Project time was not devoted to this, it was made out of my personal desire to see more content for Australia. "Why do this when you could have done that?" is not a question I can really answer. If the team does or does not devote time/resources to other areas of the world then I feel my position as a HoI4 content designer gives me very little control over that.

However, if you do have questions about the content that I made, I can answer that.
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@Meka66 I love what you've done with Australia, fantastic to see it getting the attention it deserves!

I was just wondering if you could shed some light on the absence on a crossing between the Northern and Southern territories, it is a shame not to have the presence of Uluru or representation for the Pitjantjatjara and Warlpiri peoples. Big fan of what you did here though, and always was a big fan of Oceania Expanded!
Ahhh I wish I could have done that too, but alas my original designs for Australia were rejected for having way too many provinces so I had to make cuts somewhere haha. While central Australia was very important for the Aboriginals, it was not important for the colonizers and we wanted to strike a nice balance with the two perspectives players will approach it from so focusing mainly on the Australian coastline felt much more fitting for EU4.
Means Leviathan release for very soon?
It does not mean that, it just means I personally will not be contributing any more to EUIV in the foreseeable future. This was something I made a while before EU4 made the move over to Barcelona.
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I don't want for it to sound wrong, but at this point, almost every redesign was given the description "project time was not devoted to this": Australia, Oceania, North America, some of South East Asia.

What was the project time devoted to? Are there major features as of yet not revealed?
You're misunderstanding, parts are not project time. For instance the thing that was not project time in North America was the contributions made by a beta program participant and some parts by me. But after that you still have bugs that needs to be fixed, improvements to be made, etc. What Mekka is saying is the things he did he did because he could. That doesn't mean no other work from other Content Designers/Programmers etc was not necessary.

As an example is the missions, events etc for North America was implemented by Tinto's new Content Designers and are very much things that were budgeted for after the inclusion of my contributions. After that I also kept sitting on the things I've added and fixed issues and changed things after play testing. For instance Federations have gotten more stuff added to them since I initially showed them after feedback. You can now for instance form a client-state style country through Federations uniting the tribes that comprise of it. This work for instance which wasn't part of my initial hobby/freetime work was budgeted in the time of the project.
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I disagree here. I think it has to do with business.
I mean you can create your own conspiracy theories if you want to. But occams razor tells us that you know.. Devs like certain areas of the game, they wanna improve them.... so they do...

Like Johan has tag-lined several times. "We make the games we wanna play"
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Can I ask about the religion. Is there some mission or decision to decide to promote Islam and convert to it (since the influence is already there)? And is it a Pagan faith with the "spend 4 stab to convert to any religion you own a province of" faith?
There is a mission which enables you to enact the Islamic-influenced Dreaming Stories, but full conversion would have to be done with the usual methods.
Since there is mention of Makassan trade, any hope that eastern Indonesian tags and the tags of Top End will be able to see each-other?
The Makassar nations can see the Top-End, but the Australians can't see them. I felt this was the best way to represent the relationship they had with each other.
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it might be worth blobbing the Wurundjeri tag to Kulin, the alliance of Wurundjeri and four other peoples inhabiting the area which the current Wurundjeri tag occupies? That being said from what I recall from my time in Melbourne Wurundjeri might be a more recognised term so there's that angle.
Oh aye, I am aware of the Kulin Alliance and they do exist in the history files, but they don't exist in 1444 as that is quite a while before the alliance came to exist.

Glad you like the content and I hope I've done Australia some justice!
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If Aboriginal AI outperforms a fully realized British Empire, I will cackle maniacally as my -20% shock damage has manage to fell an Empire.
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So you disagree that ideas should have a relation to the actual achievments of a country?
Mainly I just think national ideas aren't a measurement of how "good" a country is. I could give Palawa every military buff in the game and they'd still crumble to the British Empire when the time comes because national ideas alone don't determine the outcome of an EU4 campaign.

We can't win with national ideas. If we make them strong, people complain because they're better than X national ideas, but if we make them weak people complain because then there's no point to play them. The design I take to it, which is not everyone's, is I tend to give nations in a difficult starting positions strong ideas to reward the player for pulling themselves out of a tough situation.

When I designed Saluzzo ideas, I didn't find anything to support the idea that Saluzzo were intrinsically better than any of the other Italian city states, but in-game Saluzzo has to fight hard to establish itself so rewarding that seems fitting.

Not everyone takes that approach and it's fine, but I don't agree that me giving Palawa some army bonuses is really going to change the fact that any world superpower targeting Australia is going to be able to overpower them.
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For each new comment about national ideas, I will replace a Prussian military bonus with +10% Transport Combat Ability. I may lack the authority to do it, but by golly I'll try. I got very twitchy fingers.
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Alright, you asked for it. I am very pleased to reveal the new Prussian National Ideas:

I will return to actually answering some questions later, and clarifying some things about how the Aboriginal religion works.
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For each new comment about national ideas, I will replace a Prussian military bonus with +10% Transport Combat Ability. I may lack the authority to do it, but by golly I'll try. I got very twitchy fingers.
No Transport CA is too OP, you'll just make the Prussian military might unstoppable!
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