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EU4 - Development Diary - 16th of February 2021

Hello everybody and welcome back to another EUIV dev diary and it has been a while for me!

Shortly before EUIV moved over to sunny Barcelona, I devoted some of my time to reworking Australia as I felt the current map of the continent was a bit lacking and very annoying to own what with all these little unconnected islands amidst the wasteland. On top of that, the continent being an entirely uncolonized block of nothing before colonialism seems a little inaccurate, given how lively the continent actually was before the Europeans arrived.

So, first thing to note is that Australia is now entirely connected through colonisable provinces, with the great Pilbara now connecting the north and west of Australia.

Another important rework comes in the form of the new states Australia now enjoys. What I wanted out of this is I wanted Australia to be on par with the other colonial regions in the game in terms of province count and strategic importance.

When shaping the states and provinces, I wanted to hit a nice balance between pre and post colonial Australian borders, so state borders are largely determined by colonial Australian state boundaries, while provinces are more determined by the distribution of Aboriginal peoples. All provinces also have both their Aboriginal and colonial names depending on who owns the province.

The Australian Gold Rush can now be yours, with Australian provinces enjoying a high chance of gold and some provinces in the south having a chance for gems, and a few key provinces able to produce coal.

Next, I’ll highlight some of the playable nations down under. Up north we have the Larrakia Federation composed of all of the top-end nations you see here, with Larrakia and Tiwi enjoying a unique set of national ideas. The Larrakia federation was responsible for much of pre-colonial Australia’s wealth through trade with the Makassarians. This trade also brought with it some Islamic influences, though the Aboriginal people of Australia never fully converted.

LAR_ideas = {
start = {
global_trade_power = 0.1
trade_efficiency = 0.1

bonus = {
global_ship_trade_power = 0.2

trigger = {
tag = LAR
free = yes #will be added at load.

LAR_makassar_trade = {
merchants = 1
global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1
LAR_federation = {
diplomatic_upkeep = 2
LAR_dreaming = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
LAR_dowed = {
legitimacy = 1
republican_tradition = 0.2
global_unrest = -1
LAR_ceremonial_scarring = {
shock_damage = 0.1
LAR_hospitality = {
diplomatic_reputation = 2
LAR_kenbi_land_claim = {
core_creation = -0.15

TIW_ideas = {
start = {
female_advisor_chance = 0.75
shock_damage_received = -0.2

bonus = {
leader_land_shock = 1

trigger = {
tag = TIW
free = yes

TIW_yiminga = {
may_recruit_female_generals = yes
global_manpower_modifier = 0.2
TIW_dreaming_totem = {
tolerance_own = 2
TIW_kulama = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
TIW_purrukapali = {
naval_tradition_from_battle = 0.5
TIW_marriage = {
heir_chance = 0.5
global_unrest = -1
TIW_isolationism = {
land_morale = 0.1
TIW_one_people = {
culture_conversion_cost = -0.25

Moving along down south we have the Eora people, the original inhabitants of the Sydney area.
EOR_ideas = {
start = {
diplomatic_reputation = 1
light_ship_power = 0.15

bonus = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2

trigger = {
tag = EOR
free = yes

EOR_lifestyle = {
naval_morale = 0.15
EOR_bands = {
state_maintenance_modifier = -0.25
EOR_enduring = {
religious_unity = 0.25
tolerance_heathen = 1
EOR_protect = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
global_sailors_modifier = 0.1
EOR_sacred = {
own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
EOR_pemulwuy = {
land_morale = 0.15
EOR_berewaldal = {
merchants = 1
global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1

The Kaurna people, first inhabitants of Adelaide.
KAU_ideas = {
start = {
female_advisor_chance = 0.75
global_tax_modifier = 0.3

bonus = {
development_cost = -0.1

trigger = {
tag = KAU
free = yes

KAU_totemic_matriarchy = {
may_recruit_female_generals = yes
tolerance_own = 2
KAU_pangkarra = {
governing_capacity_modifier = 0.1
KAU_coastal_pangkarra = {
global_ship_trade_power = 0.2
KAU_redgum_shelters = {
build_cost = -0.15
KAU_communal_ownership = {
global_unrest = -2
KAU_old_tjilbruke = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
reform_progress_growth = 0.15
KAU_south_australia_act = {
core_creation = -0.2

Palawa, first people of Tasmania.
PLW_ideas = {
start = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
land_morale = 0.1

bonus = {
monarch_military_power = 1

trigger = {
tag = PLW
free = yes #will be added at load.

PLW_oyster = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
PLW_dual_identity = {
legitimacy = 1
num_accepted_cultures = 1
PLW_darwin = {
shock_damage = 0.2
PLW_parlevar = {
ae_impact = -0.15
PLW_writers = {
technology_cost = -0.1
PLW_survivors = {
fire_damage = 0.1
PLW_enduring = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.25

Kamilaroi, one of the most populated collective of Australian nations.
GMI_ideas = {
start = {
land_morale = 0.1
shock_damage = 0.1

bonus = {
land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.33

trigger = {
tag = GMI
free = yes #will be added at load.

GMI_sacred_caves = {
core_creation = -0.15
GMI_land_of_languages = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2
GMI_fertile_soils = {
development_cost = -0.1
GMI_dhulu = {
diplomats = 1
envoy_travel_time = -0.25
GMI_matrilineal_lineage = {
legitimacy = 1
republican_tradition = 0.2
female_advisor_chance = 0.5
GMI_familial_law = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
GMI_red_kangaroo = {
global_unrest = -2

I would have loved to have made ideas for all nations in Australia, but alas time was not on my side there so if you do not have unique ideas, you will get the shared Aboriginal Ideas.
generic_aboriginal_ideas = {
start = {
tolerance_own = 1
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1

bonus = {
shock_damage = 0.1

trigger = {
culture_group = aboriginal_australian
free = yes

aborig_art = {
prestige = 1
aborig_fire_stick_farming = {
development_cost = -0.1
aborig_walkabout = {
movement_speed = 0.1
aborig_outback = {
land_attrition = -0.1
aborig_sacred = {
global_tax_modifier = 0.1
aborig_dreamtime = {
religious_unity = 0.2
aborig_music = {
improve_relation_modifier = 0.2

But Aboriginal culture is not a single monolithic entity, so it has been divided into its own group. If we were being entirely accurate about this, almost all provinces in Australia would be their own culture, so some generalization has been done for gameplay purposes.

On top of all these new nations, the Aboriginal Australians also have access to the new Alcheringa religion! Most commonly known to colonizers as “Dreamtime”, Alcheringa refers to the vast distinct religions found among the Australian population. Though each people usually have their own distinct faith, most Australian faiths have a concept of “Dreamtime” or “The Dreaming”, a time of myth and legend that simultaneously occurred in the distant past and continues to occur around us every day.

Every Aboriginal people has their own pantheon of gods and “Dreaming Stories”. Alcheringa uses a system similar to the Fetishist cult system, with new stories becoming unlocked via missions.

These missions vary in what you must do, from defeating enemies in battle, to building an oceangoing vessel for the first time, to turning the Makassar trade on its head and dominating trade in the Moluccas.

The Aboriginals also enjoy all new unit models.
image (21).png

That’s all for this week, hope you all enjoy my last hurrah of EUIV content.
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Nothing will absolutely stop you doing it, but it won't be much easier than before. You still have to explore those provinces, and if you do it with QFTNW idea you could colonise them anyway, so... what stopped you doing it before?
Previously you colonizing was a long process with questionable rewards for Australia. But now there are conveniently 5 tribes right next to each other on the northern tip, so as soon as you see one of them (exploration or for some other reason) you can dow, conquer all of them and let the colonial nation do the rest. No colony required except maybe to get close enough for a claim.
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Do not respond to inappropriate posts please, just hit the Report link on them.

Several posts quoting a deleted post removed.
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I must admit, I was initially skeptical about Australia getting content. After this, I'm totally sold on the idea.
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I just really wish that just once we'd get someone whose passion project is to fix existing problems within nations that deeply impact much of the map (or all of the AI in the case of building logic) as opposed to nations that (by history and design) interacted with next to no one and are a massive stretch to describe as unified in a manner that makes any sense at the scale EU4 works at.

Its not as if content designers are incapable of creating fixes (or at least balance tweaks) for some of the major issues with the game like debt. Given that we're already functionally just importing fan mod material into the game at this point, I don't see why we can't get some of those balance mods imported.

It'd just be nice for EU4 at its core to be better instead of distracting with shallow one-time content for once in the last 3 years.
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How? Genocide, by definition and etymology, involves killing people. Lots of people. Because of their genes (who they are, not what they have done). Changing their culture might just mean (re-)educating them or teaching them a different language. There's plenty in that to dislike and disagree with, but it's not genocide. Killing them or letting them die of the hardships you inflict is genocide.
I based my posts on the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" from the United Nations (I don't want to endorse the UN, I just agree with the definition in this document).
It contains the points:

"(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; "

This goes both beyond simple killing of people. "b)" would include brainwashing (re-education is just a euphemism for that) or terrorizing for example. "c)" would include measures that help in the annihilation but do not cause direct physical harm either.

The actual point, and the main problem, which redsimon isignoring, is that culture change is one option out of many to deal with wrong culture provinces. Whatever that option represent, that's what it is: one option. You can interact with those provinces without changing their culture at all.

With the gray provinces, mass killing or forced culture change are literally the only two ways to interact with the natives. You don't get any option other than to remove them from the map. If you want any sort of interaction with the province (ie, anything other than leaving it empty and ignoring it), you have to make the natives disappear.

These are not the same. Claiming they are is an outright false equivalency. (And spare me "this is historical". It's in no way, form or shape an accurate representation of Native-European relations, even from the European perspective, in the vast majority of the EU time period. It's at best a very, very simplified take on Native perception by Europeans in the Victoria time period)
I agree that you can deal with "wrong" cultured provinces (I wouldn't call them wrong though, just unwanted according to your goals) in other ways. But if you want the culture(s) in question to be gone, there's only one option.
I personally think that removing native culture is just the same as removing culture from other provinces. We will have to agree to disagree.

It's cultural genocide but not actual genocide. In paradox games it always is the thing you're removing cultures rather than making an ethnically homogenous land
See the definition of genocide I'm using above.

As a heads up, don't go into the Steam discussion board for this Dev Diary. Highly derogatory towards blakfellas and very indicative of how we're treated online. I suppose it's a microcosm of what happens in real life.
I think the Steam discussion was very fruitful. In fact, let me here present the best post I have seen in the Steam discussion so far, criticising the changes admirably accurately:

From "Wittiest Hippo":

"This representation of aboriginals is inappropriate for the historical context, but that's probably just because eu4 is now almost an 8 year old game.

If any land could appropriately described as "uncolonised" then it is Australia at base - a land full of people with a distinct cultural identity and religion, but with no static central authority that permanently controlled and administrated territory as expansive as anything close to the size of an EU4 province - you need only compare them to North American natives to see that this system is insufficient. After this change I have no idea how any province could possibly be left uncolonised barring provinces literally uninhabited at the game start, there is no justification now for the neglected groups in South America or Siberia.

The content designer is only 1 step shy of admitting this is just fanfiction on paradoxplaza, if you want to represent indigenous Australians as a playable faction then you need to be much more considered than this."

As the Fremen say: Bi-lal kaifa.
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I think the Steam discussion was very fruitful. In fact, let me here present the best post I have seen in the Steam discussion so far, criticising the changes admirably accurately:

From "Wittiest Hippo":

"This representation of aboriginals is inappropriate for the historical context, but that's probably just because eu4 is now almost an 8 year old game.

If any land could appropriately described as "uncolonised" then it is Australia at base - a land full of people with a distinct cultural identity and religion, but with no static central authority that permanently controlled and administrated territory as expansive as anything close to the size of an EU4 province - you need only compare them to North American natives to see that this system is insufficient. After this change I have no idea how any province could possibly be left uncolonised barring provinces literally uninhabited at the game start, there is no justification now for the neglected groups in South America or Siberia.

The content designer is only 1 step shy of admitting this is just fanfiction on paradoxplaza, if you want to represent indigenous Australians as a playable faction then you need to be much more considered than this."
The debate about what constitutes or not a tag is meaningless since that native councils were put in game and become more meaningless since that the 3 hill tribes in SEA with the "statless government reform" were also put in the game.
At this point almost any empty province (with a few exceptions) could become a tag or could be divided in multiple provinces with multiple tags, the reasons for transform uncolonized provinces in tags are currently guided by gameplay value and not by fixed and precise definitions about organized state and societal organization, if the content designer believes that more tags for a determined region makes the region more fun, he will add more tags, historical flavor concerns can be resolved creating new government types and redesigning province numbers and province sizes with base in historical and geographical research.

The complaints that these tribal governments have a easy time becoming normal monarchies or republics or have a easy time reaching technological parity or have a gameplay much similar to standard monarchies are all valid complaints and I completly agree that these things should be addressed some time in the future.
But the argument about historical fanfiction is just bad, the entire game is a huge historical fanfiction, world conquest, Byzantium surviving and restoring the Roman Empire, etc, are all historical fanfictions, native australians having the capacity to reach technological parity and centralize their government is not much different.
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the uncomfortable truth is that without "terra nullius" which so many decry, the representation of colonization in EU4 will be woefully insufficient. in addition, I don't know how you expect colonization to be represented in game without it actually carrying any sort of implications regarding how it was viewed by colonizers.

yes, they send colonies to provinces without central authority and set up shop there so to speak, planting their flag and taking control. what exactly is offensive about this on its face and what do people take issue with? if your biggest problem is that the province is shown as empty on the map, why is it such an issue? would you like it more if they colored in the uncolonized provinces and put a name on it but otherwise colonization worked the exact same way?

do you prefer to have everything conquered militarily? I don't seem to remember pilgrims to Massachusetts fighting on the beaches to start their settlements, but maybe I am the one misremembering here.
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The debate about what constitutes or not a tag is meaningless since that native councils were put in game and become more meaningless since that the 3 hill tribes in SEA with the "statless government reform" were also put in the game.
At this point almost any empty province (with a few exceptions) could become a tag or could be divided in multiple provinces with multiple tags, the reasons for transform uncolonized provinces in tags are currently guided by gameplay value and not by fixed and precise definitions about organized state and societal organization, if the content designer believes that more tags for a determined region makes the region more fun, he will add more tags, historical flavor concerns can be resolved creating new government types and redesigning province numbers and province sizes with base in historical and geographical research.

The complaints that these tribal governments have a easy time becoming normal monarchies or republics or have a easy time reaching technological parity or have a gameplay much similar to standard monarchies are all valid complaints and I completly agree that these things should be addressed some time in the future.
But the argument about historical fanfiction is just bad, the entire game is a huge historical fanfiction, world conquest, Byzantium surviving and restoring the Roman Empire, etc, are all historical fanfictions, native australians having the capacity to reach technological parity and centralize their government is not much different.
The 3 tribes in Laos really should have just been made wasteland, or very high attrition uncolonised provinces
Native councils was in cuz they're there in vic2 and had some sort of authority so could fight the Russians maybe
Meiou has all americas as tribes but its just not practical for lower end computers, which is often the thing of how historical fidelity doesn't lead to historical outcomes and just bloats the game. Hence why they didn't go full voltiares nightmare in 1.30
If the final crusades had been successful we might have seen a ressurect byz state, much as Serbia got ressurected after its initial conquest by Ottos after their defeat to Hungary
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do you prefer to have everything conquered militarily?
Something similar to the already on game Charter Company is that hard to implement for colonial native nations?

I don't seem to remember pilgrims to Massachusetts fighting on the beaches to start their settlements, but maybe I am the one misremembering here.
1- The eurasian diseases already had depopulated Eastern North America at that point. The 17th century natives are shadows of their 15th century nations, and most people play EU4 since 15th century.
2- Colombus, Cortés, Pizarro, Plymouth... All enjoyed pivotal help from the natives to success, the natives where there and many of them chose to help the foreigners, of course waiting something from them.
So yes, native states deserve actual diplomatic interaction because it was that way historically, could we remember the many colonies that died out because natives didnt help them. It was not as easy as put your flag on "no man´s land".

Did somebody remember the nomad frontier colonization from Divine Wind? I know many people disliked that mechanic but could be upgraded on some way to have both real native nations and still some form of the current EU4's colonization method.

Meiou has all americas as tribes but its just not practical for lower end computers, which is often the thing of how historical fidelity doesn't lead to historical outcomes and just bloats the game. Hence why they didn't go full voltiares nightmare in 1.30
At least since Dharma devs said that the number of starting nations is not the real performance problem, that come at middle game when many of the small nations all around the world are already devoured by some blob. What it was added on number of nations and even what is usually suggested to be added is far from be on the number of some extrem mods like MEIOU.
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Something similar to the already on game Charter Company is that hard to implement for colonial native nations?
Tribes are getting tribal lands this patch in NA and Aus it seems, who's explicit purpose seems to be Europeans can't colonise them, without it being a direct land border for Europeans to conquer off them. Although we'll have to see if AI stays as OPM largely
1- The eurasian diseases already had depopulated Eastern North America at that point. The 17th century natives are shadows of their 15th century nations, and most people play EU4 since 15th century.
2- Colombus, Cortés, Pizarro, Plymouth... All enjoyed pivotal help from the natives to success, the natives where there and many of them chose to help the foreigners, of course waiting something from them.
So yes, native states deserve actual diplomatic interaction because it was that way historically, could we remember the many colonies that died out because natives didnt help them. It was not as easy as put your flag on "no man´s land".
1. This is sadly the issue with eu4 devs, they now mainly only support 1444, so ardabil and Aceh have to be forced in
2. Natives helping colonists can be seen in native Co operation policy reducing uprising chance and so less likely for colony to fail if lthere aren't troops on the province
At least since Dharma devs said that the number of starting nations is not the real performance problem, that come at middle game when many of the small nations all around the world are already devoured by some blob. What it was added on number of nations and even what is usually suggested to be added is far from be on the number of some extrem mods like MEIOU.
The devs can say one thing but reality can be another
The game is called Europa Universalis. What did you expect?
Can we please drop this line, the devs are clearly moving towards a "world-universalis" development path for this game (see: all the patches aimed at providing a rich gameplay experience across the whole world)
I would expect EU5 to have a worldwide focus from the get-go, just like CK3 has aimed to make everything from Ghana to Mumbai equally playable.
In a game that covers the whole world and makes the whole world playable, eurocentricity is a bug, not a plus
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2. Natives helping colonists can be seen in native Co operation policy reducing uprising chance and so less likely for colony to fail if lthere aren't troops on the province
By the same standard we could wipe half the HRE states from the map and represent them with piddly modifiers for other provinces instead.

It would be gross misrepresentation, just as this notion that native cooperation represent the range of native alliances in the New World, but hey, it *could* be seen that way.
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By the same standard we could wipe half the HRE states from the map and represent them with piddly modifiers for other provinces instead.
I'm all for reducing Germany to the same provinces-per-human count as India.
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Something similar to the already on game Charter Company is that hard to implement for colonial native nations?

1- The eurasian diseases already had depopulated Eastern North America at that point. The 17th century natives are shadows of their 15th century nations, and most people play EU4 since 15th century.
2- Colombus, Cortés, Pizarro, Plymouth... All enjoyed pivotal help from the natives to success, the natives where there and many of them chose to help the foreigners, of course waiting something from them.
So yes, native states deserve actual diplomatic interaction because it was that way historically, could we remember the many colonies that died out because natives didnt help them. It was not as easy as put your flag on "no man´s land".

Did somebody remember the nomad frontier colonization from Divine Wind? I know many people disliked that mechanic but could be upgraded on some way to have both real native nations and still some form of the current EU4's colonization method.

At least since Dharma devs said that the number of starting nations is not the real performance problem, that come at middle game when many of the small nations all around the world are already devoured by some blob. What it was added on number of nations and even what is usually suggested to be added is far from be on the number of some extrem mods like MEIOU.
Not to mention that there was a war (multiple, actually) between the Plymouth colonists and the natives, King Philip's War & the Pequot War, which makes the point of a peaceful colonization of Plymouth a myth.
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Hello everybody and welcome back to another EUIV dev diary and it has been a while for me!

Shortly before EUIV moved over to sunny Barcelona, I devoted some of my time to reworking Australia as I felt the current map of the continent was a bit lacking and very annoying to own what with all these little unconnected islands amidst the wasteland. On top of that, the continent being an entirely uncolonized block of nothing before colonialism seems a little inaccurate, given how lively the continent actually was before the Europeans arrived.

So, first thing to note is that Australia is now entirely connected through colonisable provinces, with the great Pilbara now connecting the north and west of Australia.
View attachment 681458
Another important rework comes in the form of the new states Australia now enjoys. What I wanted out of this is I wanted Australia to be on par with the other colonial regions in the game in terms of province count and strategic importance.
View attachment 681459
When shaping the states and provinces, I wanted to hit a nice balance between pre and post colonial Australian borders, so state borders are largely determined by colonial Australian state boundaries, while provinces are more determined by the distribution of Aboriginal peoples. All provinces also have both their Aboriginal and colonial names depending on who owns the province.
View attachment 681455
The Australian Gold Rush can now be yours, with Australian provinces enjoying a high chance of gold and some provinces in the south having a chance for gems, and a few key provinces able to produce coal.
View attachment 681460
Next, I’ll highlight some of the playable nations down under. Up north we have the Larrakia Federation composed of all of the top-end nations you see here, with Larrakia and Tiwi enjoying a unique set of national ideas. The Larrakia federation was responsible for much of pre-colonial Australia’s wealth through trade with the Makassarians. This trade also brought with it some Islamic influences, though the Aboriginal people of Australia never fully converted.
View attachment 681641
LAR_ideas = {
start = {
global_trade_power = 0.1
trade_efficiency = 0.1

bonus = {
global_ship_trade_power = 0.2

trigger = {
tag = LAR
free = yes #will be added at load.

LAR_makassar_trade = {
merchants = 1
global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1
LAR_federation = {
diplomatic_upkeep = 2
LAR_dreaming = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
LAR_dowed = {
legitimacy = 1
republican_tradition = 0.2
global_unrest = -1
LAR_ceremonial_scarring = {
shock_damage = 0.1
LAR_hospitality = {
diplomatic_reputation = 2
LAR_kenbi_land_claim = {
core_creation = -0.15

TIW_ideas = {
start = {
female_advisor_chance = 0.75
shock_damage_received = -0.2

bonus = {
leader_land_shock = 1

trigger = {
tag = TIW
free = yes

TIW_yiminga = {
may_recruit_female_generals = yes
global_manpower_modifier = 0.2
TIW_dreaming_totem = {
tolerance_own = 2
TIW_kulama = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
TIW_purrukapali = {
naval_tradition_from_battle = 0.5
TIW_marriage = {
heir_chance = 0.5
global_unrest = -1
TIW_isolationism = {
land_morale = 0.1
TIW_one_people = {
culture_conversion_cost = -0.25

Moving along down south we have the Eora people, the original inhabitants of the Sydney area.
EOR_ideas = {
start = {
diplomatic_reputation = 1
light_ship_power = 0.15

bonus = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2

trigger = {
tag = EOR
free = yes

EOR_lifestyle = {
naval_morale = 0.15
EOR_bands = {
state_maintenance_modifier = -0.25
EOR_enduring = {
religious_unity = 0.25
tolerance_heathen = 1
EOR_protect = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
global_sailors_modifier = 0.1
EOR_sacred = {
own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
EOR_pemulwuy = {
land_morale = 0.15
EOR_berewaldal = {
merchants = 1
global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1

The Kaurna people, first inhabitants of Adelaide.
KAU_ideas = {
start = {
female_advisor_chance = 0.75
global_tax_modifier = 0.3

bonus = {
development_cost = -0.1

trigger = {
tag = KAU
free = yes

KAU_totemic_matriarchy = {
may_recruit_female_generals = yes
tolerance_own = 2
KAU_pangkarra = {
governing_capacity_modifier = 0.1
KAU_coastal_pangkarra = {
global_ship_trade_power = 0.2
KAU_redgum_shelters = {
build_cost = -0.15
KAU_communal_ownership = {
global_unrest = -2
KAU_old_tjilbruke = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
reform_progress_growth = 0.15
KAU_south_australia_act = {
core_creation = -0.2

Palawa, first people of Tasmania.
PLW_ideas = {
start = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
land_morale = 0.1

bonus = {
monarch_military_power = 1

trigger = {
tag = PLW
free = yes #will be added at load.

PLW_oyster = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
PLW_dual_identity = {
legitimacy = 1
num_accepted_cultures = 1
PLW_darwin = {
shock_damage = 0.2
PLW_parlevar = {
ae_impact = -0.15
PLW_writers = {
technology_cost = -0.1
PLW_survivors = {
fire_damage = 0.1
PLW_enduring = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.25

Kamilaroi, one of the most populated collective of Australian nations.
GMI_ideas = {
start = {
land_morale = 0.1
shock_damage = 0.1

bonus = {
land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.33

trigger = {
tag = GMI
free = yes #will be added at load.

GMI_sacred_caves = {
core_creation = -0.15
GMI_land_of_languages = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2
GMI_fertile_soils = {
development_cost = -0.1
GMI_dhulu = {
diplomats = 1
envoy_travel_time = -0.25
GMI_matrilineal_lineage = {
legitimacy = 1
republican_tradition = 0.2
female_advisor_chance = 0.5
GMI_familial_law = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
GMI_red_kangaroo = {
global_unrest = -2

I would have loved to have made ideas for all nations in Australia, but alas time was not on my side there so if you do not have unique ideas, you will get the shared Aboriginal Ideas.
generic_aboriginal_ideas = {
start = {
tolerance_own = 1
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1

bonus = {
shock_damage = 0.1

trigger = {
culture_group = aboriginal_australian
free = yes

aborig_art = {
prestige = 1
aborig_fire_stick_farming = {
development_cost = -0.1
aborig_walkabout = {
movement_speed = 0.1
aborig_outback = {
land_attrition = -0.1
aborig_sacred = {
global_tax_modifier = 0.1
aborig_dreamtime = {
religious_unity = 0.2
aborig_music = {
improve_relation_modifier = 0.2

But Aboriginal culture is not a single monolithic entity, so it has been divided into its own group. If we were being entirely accurate about this, almost all provinces in Australia would be their own culture, so some generalization has been done for gameplay purposes.
View attachment 681461
On top of all these new nations, the Aboriginal Australians also have access to the new Alcheringa religion! Most commonly known to colonizers as “Dreamtime”, Alcheringa refers to the vast distinct religions found among the Australian population. Though each people usually have their own distinct faith, most Australian faiths have a concept of “Dreamtime” or “The Dreaming”, a time of myth and legend that simultaneously occurred in the distant past and continues to occur around us every day.
View attachment 681463
Every Aboriginal people has their own pantheon of gods and “Dreaming Stories”. Alcheringa uses a system similar to the Fetishist cult system, with new stories becoming unlocked via missions.

These missions vary in what you must do, from defeating enemies in battle, to building an oceangoing vessel for the first time, to turning the Makassar trade on its head and dominating trade in the Moluccas.

The Aboriginals also enjoy all new unit models.
View attachment 681655

That’s all for this week, hope you all enjoy my last hurrah of EUIV content.

I hope your dedication is rewarded with a fine bonus.
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Did GC even alleged to be about South America?
I understand the concerns about Iberia being shafted in their own DLC and now any hopes of further content being pretty much over. But i don't think South America was even supposed to be in GC's scope, as far as I remember only central America got worked upon.

I wouldn't despair too much, I think it's pretty much granted that a South American WILL gets its own DLC sooner than later. And it will likely come along with a much requested facelift to Colonisation mechanics (even this DLC and it's changes to North American natives already laid some groundwork for a potential colonisation rework).
Johan has already confirmed that there's a rework to colonization mechanics in the upcoming DLC, though the change itself was still not revealed.
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I totaly think an aborigenal formable is needed. Game features recreation of Yuan, Rome for God's sake...why not continental unification by a tribal warlord.?
Give native Australians option to take empire gov-t rank and decent idea set.
And question - colonial flavor specificaly for Australia is a thing?
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