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EU4 - Development Diary - 16th of February 2021

Hello everybody and welcome back to another EUIV dev diary and it has been a while for me!

Shortly before EUIV moved over to sunny Barcelona, I devoted some of my time to reworking Australia as I felt the current map of the continent was a bit lacking and very annoying to own what with all these little unconnected islands amidst the wasteland. On top of that, the continent being an entirely uncolonized block of nothing before colonialism seems a little inaccurate, given how lively the continent actually was before the Europeans arrived.

So, first thing to note is that Australia is now entirely connected through colonisable provinces, with the great Pilbara now connecting the north and west of Australia.

Another important rework comes in the form of the new states Australia now enjoys. What I wanted out of this is I wanted Australia to be on par with the other colonial regions in the game in terms of province count and strategic importance.

When shaping the states and provinces, I wanted to hit a nice balance between pre and post colonial Australian borders, so state borders are largely determined by colonial Australian state boundaries, while provinces are more determined by the distribution of Aboriginal peoples. All provinces also have both their Aboriginal and colonial names depending on who owns the province.

The Australian Gold Rush can now be yours, with Australian provinces enjoying a high chance of gold and some provinces in the south having a chance for gems, and a few key provinces able to produce coal.

Next, I’ll highlight some of the playable nations down under. Up north we have the Larrakia Federation composed of all of the top-end nations you see here, with Larrakia and Tiwi enjoying a unique set of national ideas. The Larrakia federation was responsible for much of pre-colonial Australia’s wealth through trade with the Makassarians. This trade also brought with it some Islamic influences, though the Aboriginal people of Australia never fully converted.

LAR_ideas = {
start = {
global_trade_power = 0.1
trade_efficiency = 0.1

bonus = {
global_ship_trade_power = 0.2

trigger = {
tag = LAR
free = yes #will be added at load.

LAR_makassar_trade = {
merchants = 1
global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1
LAR_federation = {
diplomatic_upkeep = 2
LAR_dreaming = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
LAR_dowed = {
legitimacy = 1
republican_tradition = 0.2
global_unrest = -1
LAR_ceremonial_scarring = {
shock_damage = 0.1
LAR_hospitality = {
diplomatic_reputation = 2
LAR_kenbi_land_claim = {
core_creation = -0.15

TIW_ideas = {
start = {
female_advisor_chance = 0.75
shock_damage_received = -0.2

bonus = {
leader_land_shock = 1

trigger = {
tag = TIW
free = yes

TIW_yiminga = {
may_recruit_female_generals = yes
global_manpower_modifier = 0.2
TIW_dreaming_totem = {
tolerance_own = 2
TIW_kulama = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
TIW_purrukapali = {
naval_tradition_from_battle = 0.5
TIW_marriage = {
heir_chance = 0.5
global_unrest = -1
TIW_isolationism = {
land_morale = 0.1
TIW_one_people = {
culture_conversion_cost = -0.25

Moving along down south we have the Eora people, the original inhabitants of the Sydney area.
EOR_ideas = {
start = {
diplomatic_reputation = 1
light_ship_power = 0.15

bonus = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2

trigger = {
tag = EOR
free = yes

EOR_lifestyle = {
naval_morale = 0.15
EOR_bands = {
state_maintenance_modifier = -0.25
EOR_enduring = {
religious_unity = 0.25
tolerance_heathen = 1
EOR_protect = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
global_sailors_modifier = 0.1
EOR_sacred = {
own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
EOR_pemulwuy = {
land_morale = 0.15
EOR_berewaldal = {
merchants = 1
global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1

The Kaurna people, first inhabitants of Adelaide.
KAU_ideas = {
start = {
female_advisor_chance = 0.75
global_tax_modifier = 0.3

bonus = {
development_cost = -0.1

trigger = {
tag = KAU
free = yes

KAU_totemic_matriarchy = {
may_recruit_female_generals = yes
tolerance_own = 2
KAU_pangkarra = {
governing_capacity_modifier = 0.1
KAU_coastal_pangkarra = {
global_ship_trade_power = 0.2
KAU_redgum_shelters = {
build_cost = -0.15
KAU_communal_ownership = {
global_unrest = -2
KAU_old_tjilbruke = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
reform_progress_growth = 0.15
KAU_south_australia_act = {
core_creation = -0.2

Palawa, first people of Tasmania.
PLW_ideas = {
start = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
land_morale = 0.1

bonus = {
monarch_military_power = 1

trigger = {
tag = PLW
free = yes #will be added at load.

PLW_oyster = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
PLW_dual_identity = {
legitimacy = 1
num_accepted_cultures = 1
PLW_darwin = {
shock_damage = 0.2
PLW_parlevar = {
ae_impact = -0.15
PLW_writers = {
technology_cost = -0.1
PLW_survivors = {
fire_damage = 0.1
PLW_enduring = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.25

Kamilaroi, one of the most populated collective of Australian nations.
GMI_ideas = {
start = {
land_morale = 0.1
shock_damage = 0.1

bonus = {
land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.33

trigger = {
tag = GMI
free = yes #will be added at load.

GMI_sacred_caves = {
core_creation = -0.15
GMI_land_of_languages = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2
GMI_fertile_soils = {
development_cost = -0.1
GMI_dhulu = {
diplomats = 1
envoy_travel_time = -0.25
GMI_matrilineal_lineage = {
legitimacy = 1
republican_tradition = 0.2
female_advisor_chance = 0.5
GMI_familial_law = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
GMI_red_kangaroo = {
global_unrest = -2

I would have loved to have made ideas for all nations in Australia, but alas time was not on my side there so if you do not have unique ideas, you will get the shared Aboriginal Ideas.
generic_aboriginal_ideas = {
start = {
tolerance_own = 1
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1

bonus = {
shock_damage = 0.1

trigger = {
culture_group = aboriginal_australian
free = yes

aborig_art = {
prestige = 1
aborig_fire_stick_farming = {
development_cost = -0.1
aborig_walkabout = {
movement_speed = 0.1
aborig_outback = {
land_attrition = -0.1
aborig_sacred = {
global_tax_modifier = 0.1
aborig_dreamtime = {
religious_unity = 0.2
aborig_music = {
improve_relation_modifier = 0.2

But Aboriginal culture is not a single monolithic entity, so it has been divided into its own group. If we were being entirely accurate about this, almost all provinces in Australia would be their own culture, so some generalization has been done for gameplay purposes.

On top of all these new nations, the Aboriginal Australians also have access to the new Alcheringa religion! Most commonly known to colonizers as “Dreamtime”, Alcheringa refers to the vast distinct religions found among the Australian population. Though each people usually have their own distinct faith, most Australian faiths have a concept of “Dreamtime” or “The Dreaming”, a time of myth and legend that simultaneously occurred in the distant past and continues to occur around us every day.

Every Aboriginal people has their own pantheon of gods and “Dreaming Stories”. Alcheringa uses a system similar to the Fetishist cult system, with new stories becoming unlocked via missions.

These missions vary in what you must do, from defeating enemies in battle, to building an oceangoing vessel for the first time, to turning the Makassar trade on its head and dominating trade in the Moluccas.

The Aboriginals also enjoy all new unit models.
image (21).png

That’s all for this week, hope you all enjoy my last hurrah of EUIV content.
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It’s been stated already, but for those who want to complain about NA and Australia getting content this update, I want to remind you that both of these regions received this updated content because
1) they were passion projects by devs who used their spare time to do these reworks; this was not necessarily done on company time, nor are either the primary focus of this update, which is Southeast Asia
2A) these passion projects were contributed by developers who are no longer working on EUIV
2B) these passion projects were started before the EU4 team moved from Sweden and relocated to Spain, and they have only been in Spain @ PDX Tinto for a very, very short time
3A) the current EU4 team now located at PDX Tinto has a lot of local developers now, meaning that a good chunk, of not the majority, of the dev team now speaks Spanish and/or possibly Portuguese
3B) All of this content for this update was started in Sweden, before the current team began working on the game, so all these Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking devs started their time working on EU4 with this already-existing project focused around SE Asia + passion projects contributed by former EU4 team members, which means that they haven’t had a chance to do anything else yet with other regions because they are not the primary focus of this upcoming expansion

There’s also the factor to consider that if the EU4 team knew that they would be relocating to Spain, where there are local developers who speak the same language(s) as the majority of the South American continent and therefore can open up an entire world of historical Spanish- and Portuguese-language documents and such, would they start a project focused around South America that wouldn’t be able to be given the focus it deserves while the team was still in Sweden at the time?

That doesn’t mean necessarily that a South America rework is the next thing to come (though it should be), but now that you have a good chunk-to-a-majority of the dev team speaking the same language(s) as many of the countries in South America, so there is infinitely more that can be done for South America when you have people who can natively understand the historical records. That means that with the Tinto team, it may actually get more of the attention that it deserves at this point then it would have otherwise, especially when compared with the reworks and attention that have been given to other regions lately. And I would much rather wait for a rework of an area by people who can provide more details than to get an update quicker but find it lacking - as many have already expressed when it comes to things like the Golden Century map changes.

So have patience! The content we’re getting this time around isn’t some sort of “screw you” to SA or even Africa. Their time will come, and the way and the where dev is going now actually makes it more likely that not only will be seeing a rework in those areas sooner rather than later, but they will be given more attention and detail than they may otherwise, so it may be a wait now but it is likely to have the net benefit of having a way better end result
Thank you for the write-up, but the thing is, as much as the entire situation with PDX Tinto points to a shift in policy regarding content to Iberia and South America, that is, from disregard to actual thoughtful and passionate created content, which is what we all hope for, there is still no indication that there's something coming, so the open wounds from Golden Century and the years of neglect continue.

I reckon it's sort of annoying to you and others in the thread that might not be attached to these regions, but guess who's getting content they relate to? Pretty much everyone except for us still...:( It's even more annoying to be feeling left out of all the fun.

I don't think the wave of complaints will (or should) stop until we get something. At least until the devs at least address the issue, that being either with a clear and direct message stating that Golden Century did not fulfill its promise (I don't think they ever did it directly) and/or saying they have, if not something planned, at least the intent to do something regarding the lack of content for South America in future updates, which they have never done whatsoever. So yeah, until that happens, I don't think people should stop complaining.

Iberians were central to shaping the world in the period depicted, and South America was fundamental to that. It feels almost insulting that the latter is left out the way it is with no plans to fix it at all. The game is getting close to, what? eight years now? And there is more content to pretty much anywhere else in the world. All of that over two years after an expansion that was supposed to bring attention to the region. If anything we're way too quiet.

That said, these Leviathan diaries show that they are bringing more and more detail to regions not before touched, so we can all hope that the same will happen when (if) South America finally gets SOMETHING.
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Good job on the Australia rework! Even though I don't usually take interest in this area of the world it is nice to see it getting some love.
Was hoping to see the enigmatic Javanese colony on Lucaantara somewhere on the Northwest of the continent tho.

The Makassar nations can see the Top-End, but the Australians can't see them. I felt this was the best way to represent the relationship they had with each other.
Will the Javanese see Top-End (or the Northwest) too? Manuel Godinho de Erédia wrote that the Javanese sailed to the southern land of Lucaantara which might really be Australia.
Two questions about Oceania content.
Will aboriginals have advisors portraits?
Will polynesians have advisors portraits and new unit models or will reuse some of the already existent unit models?
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to building an oceangoing vessel for the first time
So; I'm assuming this means the Aboriginals count as Primitives then? Would explain the rework of Australia itself; they'd be pretty much unplayable without boats in it's current province layout.

What tech group are they? Or are they a new tech group/The Polynesian one?

And this also raises the question about how they reform. It takes Europeans quite a while to reach Australia after all; and by then; if they have a Native Reform system like the universal one, they might have conqured/colonised the entire island and locked themselves out of being able to border someone.

Or do they have reforms like the Incans/Aztecs/Mayans?

Also while the AI won't do it [AI will never take Exploration/Expansion before having Renaissance] what's stopping a player in multiplayer from allowing the Australians to reform VERY quickly? Ternate/Tidore can reach Australia at Tech 3 Colonisation Range; and have an insitutution.

Also I shall enjoy turning myself Primitive with this new Religion instead of having to do it with Inti. [As an Animist; you can just fall to rebels and convert to the Dreamtime faith]
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Thank you for the write-up, but the thing is, as much as the entire situation with PDX Tinto points to a shift in policy regarding content to Iberia and South America, that is, from disregard to actual thoughtful and passionate created content, which is what we all hope for, there is still no indication that there's something coming, so the open wounds from Golden Century and the years of neglect continue.

I reckon it's sort of annoying to you and others in the thread that might not be attached to these regions, but guess who's getting content they relate to? Pretty much everyone except for us still...:( It's even more annoying to be feeling left out of all the fun.

I don't think the wave of complaints will (or should) stop until we get something. At least until the devs at least address the issue, that being either with a clear and direct message stating that Golden Century did not fulfill its promise (I don't think they ever did it directly) and/or saying they have, if not something planned, at least the intent to do something regarding the lack of content for South America in future updates, which they have never done whatsoever. So yeah, until that happens, I don't think people should stop complaining.

Iberians were central to shaping the world in the period depicted, and South America was fundamental to that. It feels almost insulting that the latter is left out the way it is with no plans to fix it at all. The game is getting close to, what? eight years now? And there is more content to pretty much anywhere else in the world. All of that over two years after an expansion that was supposed to bring attention to the region. If anything we're way too quiet.

That said, these Leviathan diaries show that they are bringing more and more detail to regions not before touched, so we can all hope that the same will happen when (if) South America finally gets SOMETHING.
Did GC even alleged to be about South America?
I understand the concerns about Iberia being shafted in their own DLC and now any hopes of further content being pretty much over. But i don't think South America was even supposed to be in GC's scope, as far as I remember only central America got worked upon.

I wouldn't despair too much, I think it's pretty much granted that a South American WILL gets its own DLC sooner than later. And it will likely come along with a much requested facelift to Colonisation mechanics (even this DLC and it's changes to North American natives already laid some groundwork for a potential colonisation rework).
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Alrighty, here's clarification on how the religion works. Please keep in mind art is PLACEHOLDER.


Here you got your religion's base modifiers, pretty nice.


Then, just like Hinduism and Fetishism, you have different modifiers you can choose, but this time in the form of Dreaming Stories. You begin the game with just three of them, but there's many more to unlock.


Instead of just having to border other religions like the Fetishists, new Dreaming Stories are unlocked by completing specific missions. These missions range a lot in what they ask you to do, some are as simple as having a large navy or discovering certain parts of the world, but others ask you to take on the daunting task of winning wars against great powers.

If you unlock all of the other Dreaming Stories, you unlock The Rainbow Serpent, one of the most prolific figures in Australian religions and one of few figures who appears across almost all religions in Australia. I won't spoil the exact bonuses of all of the Dreaming Stories, but the design intention behind them is to give players bonuses that are immediately helpful in speeding the player along in what their objective likely is at that point in the game.

Hope that answers every question everyone had about Alcheringa!
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We have been asking for an MP patch for a long long time. I guess we should've known what we were gonna get, this broken patch that doesn't work and as of now will 100% kill eu4 MP. A 32 player limit kills competitive games, and I own a server that has 45+ players in competitive modded eu4 games and this patch is just sad for me. People put a lot of work into mp games, much more so than paradox does in their MP patches that's for sure. Anyhow if eu4 competitive mp dies I am uninstalling eu4 and every other paradox game and never buying a single paradox game again. I will also change my review from a 5 star to a 0 star. I was going to buy the dlc for my brother and friends, glad I waited Lol gonna save some money. Maybe I should be thanking paradox for giving me more time in my life and getting rid of an addiction. Thanks paradox I guess.
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Alrighty, here's clarification on how the religion works. Please keep in mind art is PLACEHOLDER.

View attachment 681904
Here you got your religion's base modifiers, pretty nice.

View attachment 681908
Then, just like Hinduism and Fetishism, you have different modifiers you can choose, but this time in the form of Dreaming Stories. You begin the game with just three of them, but there's many more to unlock.

View attachment 681909
Instead of just having to border other religions like the Fetishists, new Dreaming Stories are unlocked by completing specific missions. These missions range a lot in what they ask you to do, some are as simple as having a large navy or discovering certain parts of the world, but others ask you to take on the daunting task of winning wars against great powers.

If you unlock all of the other Dreaming Stories, you unlock The Rainbow Serpent, one of the most prolific figures in Australian religions and one of few figures who appears across almost all religions in Australia. I won't spoil the exact bonuses of all of the Dreaming Stories, but the design intention behind them is to give players bonuses that are immediately helpful in speeding the player along in what their objective likely is at that point in the game.

Hope that answers every question everyone had about Alcheringa!
Religious mechanics are among my favourite things when it comes to give a region it's own unique distincitve flavour, keep up the good work.
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Love it! Also from Melbourne (Naarm) and very pleased to see these changes.

For what it might be worth: the province that you've got listed there as 'Port Albert' would probably be more accurately labeled 'Gippsland'. The settlement at Port Albert was a very early one, but that whole region of eastern Victoria was even by then (and is still to this day) called Gippsland.

The state regions are a little odd too - Victoria extending as far north as Bathurst won't make anybody happy! Noting the design preference to have five-province states, you'd almost be better off having Victoria as Melbourne / Bendigo / Port Albert + Tasmania, then giving 'New South Wales' both Bathurst and Bogong (which would maybe be better labelled as Wagga Wagga or Cootamundra?).
Speaking of the "New South Wales", it'd be nice if the area (and maybe region?) could be dynamically named like the provinces. Gives us the sense of separate colonies within a Colonial Nation (CN) since, after all, the Australia were historically organized into several separate colonies, now states within the Australian federation today, similar to the Thirteen Colonies and Canada. Seem like a British tradition to do that. ;P

Though, on the other hand, dynamic naming of the areas/regions to represent the separate colonies within a CN may not always make sense. For example, if the Spanish had colonized Australia, I imagine it would be a single, huge viceroyalty like in the Americas (Philippines was even subject to a viceroyalty based in Mexico at one time, despite their great geographical distance from each other!), in keeping with their tendency to centralize so much the colonial administration all over the world. The fact that only three countries of Spanish colonial heritage (Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico) within the mainland Americas are organized as a federation today is partly a legacy from this, though it also have to do with ethnic diversity and/or their country size.

But dynamic naming would only make sense if all provinces within an area or a region are owned by same colonizer, however. So this might not be technically practical.
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You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this! Any word on whether Uluru will be added as an aboriginal holy site in the future? And if there will be missions for the nations in north Australia to interact with the makkassars?
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Did GC even alleged to be about South America?
I understand the concerns about Iberia being shafted in their own DLC and now any hopes of further content being pretty much over. But i don't think South America was even supposed to be in GC's scope, as far as I remember only central America got worked upon.

I wouldn't despair too much, I think it's pretty much granted that a South American WILL gets its own DLC sooner than later. And it will likely come along with a much requested facelift to Colonisation mechanics (even this DLC and it's changes to North American natives already laid some groundwork for a potential colonisation rework).
You're right, GC was never presented as something for South America, which in my opinion is part of the problem. It was called the GOLDEN Century because of the wordplay with, exactly, gold. Or in abstract, resources extracted from the New World, like silver from Potosí, which was what fueled Spain's (and to be honest the whole of western Europe's) economy and allowed it to be the powerhouse that it was. So yeah, not including South America in an update supposedly dedicated to that is well, just wrong.

It should frankly be called the Golden Century of Piracy, then it would somewhat fit the given content, although still that would disregard Piracy in the South Atlantic.
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@Meka66 Fantastic! Spectacular! The is one of the best dev diaries I can remember seeing. Thank you so much for your dedication to this project and for finally creating gameplay in such an underrepresented region.

One question (not meant as criticism): out of curiosity, why did you decide not to have more provinces in Australia’s interior— even just a few provinces linking the east and west through the wasteland, like the passages from the Maghreb through the Sahara to the Sahel? I am a little sad that the updated map doesn’t contain a new province with Uluru in it, which would have made a great province modifier (maybe triggered by the owner being of Aboriginal culture of having the Dreamtime religion).
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Do you or other content creators plan to introduce Australian culture to the game, with roughly similar mechanic of birth with Americans, Mexicans and Brazilians?
This would be a really cool feature.
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-5% shock damage and +1 dip rep and possibly +10% morale and +5% movement speed?
This religion is certainly not a weak one. Far better than what Fetishism offers and maybe even better than Hindu.
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-5% shock damage and +1 dip rep and possibly +10% morale and +5% movement speed?
This religion is certainly not a weak one. Far better than what Fetishism offers and maybe even better than Hindu.
Seems ludicrously strong to be honest. Not only are the buffs by itself pretty good, they also combo well with the nation's that have acces to them.

One nation can get +25% morale just from religion and NI; another can stack both Dev and building cost just from religion and NI. The synergy is there.
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Alrighty, here's clarification on how the religion works. Please keep in mind art is PLACEHOLDER.

View attachment 681904
Here you got your religion's base modifiers, pretty nice.

View attachment 681908
Then, just like Hinduism and Fetishism, you have different modifiers you can choose, but this time in the form of Dreaming Stories. You begin the game with just three of them, but there's many more to unlock.

View attachment 681909
Instead of just having to border other religions like the Fetishists, new Dreaming Stories are unlocked by completing specific missions. These missions range a lot in what they ask you to do, some are as simple as having a large navy or discovering certain parts of the world, but others ask you to take on the daunting task of winning wars against great powers.

If you unlock all of the other Dreaming Stories, you unlock The Rainbow Serpent, one of the most prolific figures in Australian religions and one of few figures who appears across almost all religions in Australia. I won't spoil the exact bonuses of all of the Dreaming Stories, but the design intention behind them is to give players bonuses that are immediately helpful in speeding the player along in what their objective likely is at that point in the game.

Hope that answers every question everyone had about Alcheringa!

I was looking over the oceania expanded mod (couldn't actually play it, so wondering why manaism from it wasn't transfered to the polynesian tribes, I really hate the idea of having animism for them
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Thank you for the write-up, but the thing is, as much as the entire situation with PDX Tinto points to a shift in policy regarding content to Iberia and South America, that is, from disregard to actual thoughtful and passionate created content, which is what we all hope for, there is still no indication that there's something coming, so the open wounds from Golden Century and the years of neglect continue.

I reckon it's sort of annoying to you and others in the thread that might not be attached to these regions, but guess who's getting content they relate to? Pretty much everyone except for us still...:( It's even more annoying to be feeling left out of all the fun.

I don't think the wave of complaints will (or should) stop until we get something. At least until the devs at least address the issue, that being either with a clear and direct message stating that Golden Century did not fulfill its promise (I don't think they ever did it directly) and/or saying they have, if not something planned, at least the intent to do something regarding the lack of content for South America in future updates, which they have never done whatsoever. So yeah, until that happens, I don't think people should stop complaining.

Iberians were central to shaping the world in the period depicted, and South America was fundamental to that. It feels almost insulting that the latter is left out the way it is with no plans to fix it at all. The game is getting close to, what? eight years now? And there is more content to pretty much anywhere else in the world. All of that over two years after an expansion that was supposed to bring attention to the region. If anything we're way too quiet.

That said, these Leviathan diaries show that they are bringing more and more detail to regions not before touched, so we can all hope that the same will happen when (if) South America finally gets SOMETHING.
I do want to apologize for my lack of clarity in my write up, because when I said “complaining”, I wasn’t meaning users such as yourself. It was aimed primarily at the ones who had just posted shortly before I did and were saying the equivalent of “this isn’t South America, so it all sucks and you people are terrible!!!1!”

By all means, I think you should keep bringing up South America! Make yourself heard, because what fans want does have an impact on what the fans get, and/or how quickly they get it. Just be respectful in doing so, and also understand the reasons why all these other regions are getting content now and don’t take it as a personal affront towards South America as a region.

And the above statement, again, is not addressed towards you or any of the users here who have been respectful in approaching their concerns about the lack of content in South America, because being passionate about it and wanting to see it get the attention it deserves is awesome! It’s specifically addressed towards those who were not being respectful with their words, and didn’t have anything to contribute but anger and insults towards the developers. That doesn’t solve anything or help anyone, and even though I personally am also disappointed that we haven’t seen anything substantial in the SA region, I would rather be happy for what we do have, such as SEA finally getting the attention it’s been deserving for so long, while still looking forward to SA getting that same focus soon, from a dev team that very likely cares more about the area and will give it the attention it deserves.

Don’t hate the present, just look forward to the future!
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You're misunderstanding, parts are not project time. For instance the thing that was not project time in North America was the contributions made by a beta program participant and some parts by me. But after that you still have bugs that needs to be fixed, improvements to be made, etc. What Mekka is saying is the things he did he did because he could. That doesn't mean no other work from other Content Designers/Programmers etc was not necessary.

As an example is the missions, events etc for North America was implemented by Tinto's new Content Designers and are very much things that were budgeted for after the inclusion of my contributions. After that I also kept sitting on the things I've added and fixed issues and changed things after play testing. For instance Federations have gotten more stuff added to them since I initially showed them after feedback. You can now for instance form a client-state style country through Federations uniting the tribes that comprise of it. This work for instance which wasn't part of my initial hobby/freetime work was budgeted in the time of the project.
Wow, that sounds really cool and could really turn Federations into something really essential in NA (as oppossed as something I saw as worthless before).

Could also be recycled/expanded upon in future DLC, a lot of America needs work (and in particular MY pet region of Mesoamerica), this sounds like something that would neatly fit in almost every region of the continent, could easily see it applied to the Triple Alliance, the Guamar Confederacy, a Mayapan League, you name it, sounds really awesome and useful for future content, really cool that they are working on content like that.
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