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Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 21st of March 2023 - Balance Changes and Usermodding Additions

Greetings! Today we will take a final look at some of the balance changes and the additions for usermodding coming with 1.35. So without further ado let’s get started!

First thing to present are the changes to the Age Abilities. As some Great Powers have received changes to their power level, it was only fitting to adjust their Age Abilities too. The following balance changes have been made:

  • “Guns of Urban” has been renamed to “Ottoman Siegecraft” and now gives +1 Leader Siege instead of +33% Siege Ability
  • “Spanish Tercios” has been replaced by “Spanish Field Marshals” and now gives +1 Leader Land Shock instead of -30% Shock Damage Received
  • “Mughal Artillery” has been changed from -50% Artillery Cost to +15% Artillery Combat Ability
  • “Persian Reinforcement” has been replaced by “Persian Enlightenment” and now gives -20% Development Cost instead of -30% Reinforce cost
  • “French Musketeers” has been replaced by “French Absolutism” and now gives +30% Max Effect of Absolutism instead of +20% Land Fire Damage
  • “Dutch Officials” has been replaced by “Dutch Commercialization” and now gives +33% Trade Steering instead of -0.2 Yearly Corruption
  • “British Fleet” now gives +1 Max Admiral Fire instead of -33% Naval Maintenance Modifier
  • “Russian Empire” now gives -10% Minimum Autonomy in Territories instead of +33% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • “Austrian Diplomacy” has been replaced by “Austrian Tenacity” and now gives -20% Morale Damage Received
Some other noteworthy balance changes:
  • Ramparts can now only be placed on terrain which is seen as “Flatland” in the game. This means it is only possible to build ramparts on farmlands, grasslands, steppes, savannahs, drylands, (coastal) deserts and coastlines.
    Note: we are aware that this change is a bit against the nature of what ramparts actually are. The reason behind this change is that mountains with ramparts can lead to oppressive situations where neither side wants to commit to an attack due to the threat which are -3 on rolls.
  • The cooldown for changing rivals has been reduced from 25 years to 5 years
  • Iberian Trade Goods have been adjusted

    Related to this, the event "A new Spanish Capital" now changes the trade good of Madrid to glass if you decide to make it to your new capital.
  • Celestial Reforms now cost 80 Mandate instead of 70
  • The mandate growth has been adjusted:
    • Every point of stability gives now +0.4 instead of +0.24 Yearly Mandate
    • Every state with prosperity now gives +0.04 instead of +0.03 Yearly Mandate
    • Every 100 development with 100% devastation now gives -12.0 instead of -10.0 Yearly Mandate, scaling with degree of devastation
    • Every 5 loans now gives -0.6 Yearly Mandate instead of -0.36
  • Piety has seen some changes in order to have an easier time reaching Mysticism while having it a bit harder to reach Legalism
    • Piety always resets to 0 when a new ruler ascends
    • Piety no longer gets increased or decreased when you declare a war
    • All decisions but “Denouncement of Secret Practices” now push you into the piety direction you are directing for. So this means, “Enforce Religious Unity” now gives -15 Piety if you are below 0. Otherwise it gives +15 Piety. Denouncement of Secret Practices gives +10 Piety.
    • Added a new privilege for the Clergy which gives -0.1 Monthly Piety. It cannot be combined with “Clerical Ministers” which gives +0.1 Monthly Piety.
    • Mysticism now gives -10% Idea Cost instead of 20% Fort Defense
  • The Special Units have seen some rebalancing:
    • Janissaries:
      • Start now with 10% of their Regiment strength instead of 100%
      • Start now with 10% of their Morale instead of 100%
      • Cost now 3 Military Power instead of 10
      • Janissaries have now +50% Assault Fort Ability
      • Janissaries have now 50% Army Drill Gain Modifier instead of 100%
    • Cawa:
      • Start now with 50% of their Regiment strength instead of 10%
      • Start now with 10% of their Morale instead of 50%
      • Cost now 2 Military Power instead of 5
      • Cawa have now -0.05 Shock Damage Received instead of -15%
      • Cawa have now -50% Land Attrition instead of -25%
      • Cawa have now +50% Reinforce Speed instead of -25%
      • The reinforce cost of Cawas has been removed
    • Streltsy:
      • Are no longer spawned through the government abilities
      • They are now recruited like regular troops
      • Stretsy are available for Russian Principalities, Veche Republics, Tsardoms and Great Veche Republics. You can recruit 10% of your force limit as streltsy as a Principality / Veche Republic. This is further increased by another 10% if you upgrade your government reform by forming Russia.
      • The “Raise Streltsy” government ability has been changed to “Equip Streltsy” which decreases War Exhaustion by 2, grants you a low amount of yearly manpower (5% as Principality, 10% as Tsardom) and increases the Infantry Combat Ability of your Streltsy by 5% / 10% for 10 years.
      • Streltsy have now -10% Fire Damage Received additionally to their Fire Damage dealt
      • Reliance on Streltsy no longer increases stability cost
    • Cossacks:
      • Reliance on Cossacks no longer increases stability cost
      • Cossacks have now +15% Shock Damage instead of 10%
  • Blockaded provinces now gain -100% Trade Power Modifier
  • Local Base Tax now has some additional province modifiers which give base tax a bit of an identity. Every point of base tax has the following effects:
    • -1% Local Construction Time
    • -2% Local Recruitment Time
    • +2% Institution Spread
    • -1% Local Great Project Upgrade Time
  • Pashas have seen some changes
  • Note: Local Tolerance of Heathens makes the province behave as if you would have the amount of Tolerance (or less if your Max Tolerance is below the Local Tolerance value). So in our example here: the Ottomans have +1.5 Tolerance of Heathens while a Max Tolerance of Heathens of 3. A province which is in the hands of the Pasha behaves as if the Ottomans have 3 Tolerance of Heathens due to the +10 Local Tolerance but only a +3 Max Tolerance.
    You might also notice that it gives Monthly Autonomy Change while also increasing the Minimum Local Autonomy. This is intended as it raises the base Autonomy, but makes it easier for the province to reach this base.
  • The negative effects of devastation (with the exception of local movement speed and supply limit modifiers) have been doubled
  • Inflation now increase Missionary Maintenance, Colony Maintenance, Great Project Upgrade Cost, Embracement Cost, Colonial Subject Upgrade/Change Cost and State Maintenance by 1% for each 1% of Inflation
  • Call for Peace now increases War Exhaustion with a rate of 0.005 instead of 0.008
  • Expand Infrastructure now decreases local development cost by 15% instead of 25%
Last week we presented the toggle function of Slack Recruiting Standards. We did some number adjustment to it so it provides 100% Manpower Recovery Speed instead of 50%.

This is by far not the entire list of changes to game balance, but the most important parts should now be covered. Before we continue, I would like to showcase you three new map modes which we will add with 1.35 too!

Razing Map Mode:

Scorched Earth Map Mode:

Expanded Infrastructure Map Mode:

And last but not least, special state effects such as Pashas or Holy Orders are now visible in the Metropolitan map mode:

Let’s move on to the additions for modders. One of the most frequent questions were about the moddability of the government mechanics. Fortunately enough, the programmers have created a very handy readme.txt file which goes into detail of what is possible with the government mechanics:
#<government_mechanic_id> = { #The ID of the government mechanic which is used by the government_abilities in the gov reform files
# alert_icon_gfx = <icon> #defines which GFX icon strip the alert icon to use for this mechanic is in
# alert_icon_index = <int> #the index of the icon for this mechanic in the above strip
# available = <trigger> #criteria for the mechanic to be available
# powers = {} #1..n of
#  <government_power_type_id> = {
#   gui = <string> #link to the gui that will be used to display this power. By default, it will be government_shared_power if it's not a power only associated with one action, or if it is a unique power for one interaction, this will be ignored and the bar from the interaction's gui will be used. New versions of this will need to contain the same elements so they can be filled in.
#   min = <int> #min power value - usually just leave this at 0.
#   max = <int> #Defines how much progress you can save up for the progress bar.
#   default = <int> #default power when resetting, usually leave as 0
#   reset_on_new_ruler = yes/no #Defines if a new ruler resets the progress bar. It does so if set to yes, otherwise the progress remains saved even if you get a new ruler.
#   base_monthly_growth = <float> #Defines the base amount of progress growing. At default, it is 0.
#   development_scaled_monthly_growth = <float> #defines the amount of monthly growth you get from development scaled by Development/COUNTRY_DEVELOPMENT_SCALE (i.e. was in country_development)
#   monarch_power = <adm/mil/dip> #specify if the power also gains from the ruler's skill value. Don't specify if you don't want this feature
#   scaled_modifier = <conditional modifier> #optional country modifier that scales with the percentage of power. You can have n of them in the power.
#   reverse_scaled_modifier = <conditional modifier> #optional country modifier that scales with ( 1 - percentage of power ). You can have n of them in the power.
#   on_max_reached = <effect> #effect when you get to full power
#   on_min_reached = <effect> #effect when you get to the least available power
#   is_good = <yes/no> #is this power....desirable?
#  }
# Modifiers will be generated for the power types like this:
#  monthly_<government_power_type_id> = <float> #a monthly amount of this power given to the country
#  <government_power_type_id>_gain_modifier = <float> #Modifies the gain from the add_government_power effect
# for each of these, you'll need to add a string for the generated modifier id and an icon.
# There are effects for all government powers:
#  add_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #adds government power
#  add_government_power_scaled_to_seats = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #adds government power, scaled to the number of seats in parliament
#  set_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #sets government power
#  freeze_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #government power no longer changes
#  unfreeze_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #government power can change again
# ...and triggers:
#  has_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #tests if government power is at least value
#  government_power_frozen = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #tests if government power is frozen
# interactions = {} #1..n of
#  <government_power_interaction_id> = {
#   gui = <string> #link to the gui that will be used to display this power. By default, it will be government_interaction_type if not specified. New versions of this will need to contain the same elements so they can be filled in.
#   icon = <gfx icon name> #Defines how the icon of the button should look like.
#   cost_type = <progress_type_id> # which progress type we're spending (if any)
#   cost = <int> #Defines how much progress you need to press the button. If pressed, it drains <int> amount of progress from the progress bar.
#   trigger = { <country triggers> } #Defines the triggers needed for the button to be used. At default, it is empty which means there are no triggers greying the button out
#   effect = { <country effects> } #Defines the effects happening when you press the button
#   cooldown_years = <int> #Defines the cooldown years for this one button.
#   cooldown_token = <any token> #defines the cooldown to use. If not specified, it will use the id of the action, so the cooldown will be unique to the action. This is useful if actions are to be mutually exclusive
#   cooldown_desc = <string key> #defines the string to use for the name of the cooldown. If not specified, it will use the name of the interaction.
#   ai_chance = <mtth> #mean time to happen, used to test to see how interested the AI is in doing this interaction
#  }
# }
# in theory, you can have as many interactions and powers as you like, but you'll need to make sure the UI script can handle them.
You can then assign the government mechanic in the reform like this:
example_gov_reform = {
    icon = "mercenaries"
    allow_normal_conversion = yes
    potential = {}
    trigger = {}
    modifiers = {
        diplomatic_reputation = 1
    government_abilities = {
        #You can have n government abilities in the same reform. UI can be a bit clunky though as you will have to rely on a scrollbar
    ai = {
        factor = 1
Here are a few example government mechanics:
tribal_federation_mechanic = {
    alert_icon_gfx = GFX_alerticons_government_mechanics
    alert_icon_index = 5
    available = {
        has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"

    powers = {
        tribal_allegiance = {
            max = 100
            reset_on_new_ruler = no
            base_monthly_growth = 0
            development_scaled_monthly_growth = -0.25
            scaled_modifier = {
                modifier = {
                    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.33
                    global_unrest = -3
    interactions = {
        enlist_general = {
            icon = GFX_enlist_general_button
            cost_type = tribal_allegiance
            cost = 30
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                create_general = {
                    tradition = 40
            cooldown_years = 0
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 10
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    is_in_important_war = yes
                    has_government_power = {
                        mechanic_type = tribal_federation_mechanic
                        power_type = tribal_allegiance
                        value = 95
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = {
                        has_leaders = {
                            value = 1
                            type = general
                            include_monarch = no
                            include_heir = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = {
                        has_leaders = {
                            value = 2
                            type = general
                            include_monarch = no
                            include_heir = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = {
                        has_leader_with = {
                            general = yes
                            total_pips = 6
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0.1
                    has_leader_with = {
                        general = yes
                        total_pips = 11
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    is_at_war = no
        train_horsemanship = {
            icon = GFX_train_horsemanship_button
            cost_type = tribal_allegiance
            cost = 30
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = train_horsemanship_modifier
                    duration = 3650
            cooldown_years = 10
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 100
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    is_in_important_war = yes
                    has_government_power = {
                        mechanic_type = tribal_federation_mechanic
                        power_type = tribal_allegiance
                        value = 95
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    not = { cavalry_fraction = 0.1 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0.1
                    not = { cavalry_fraction = 0.2 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    is_at_war = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    NOT = { manpower_percentage = 0.8 }
        conscript_from_tribes = {
            icon = GFX_conscript_from_tribes_button
            cost_type = tribal_allegiance
            cost = 30
            trigger = {
                capital_scope = {
                    controller = {
                        tag = ROOT
                    has_siege = no
            effect = {
                capital_scope = {
                    add_unit_construction = {
                        type = cavalry
                        amount = 6
                        speed = 0.25
                        cost = 0
            cooldown_years = 0
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 0    #Just no
mamluk_mechanic = {
    alert_icon_gfx = GFX_alerticons_government_mechanics
    alert_icon_index = 3
    available = {
        has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
    powers = {
        mamluk_adm_power = {
            max = 150
            monarch_power = ADM
            reset_on_new_ruler = yes
            base_monthly_growth = 0.25
        mamluk_dip_power = {
            max = 150
            monarch_power = DIP
            reset_on_new_ruler = yes
            base_monthly_growth = 0.25
        mamluk_mil_power = {
            max = 150
            monarch_power = MIL
            reset_on_new_ruler = yes
            base_monthly_growth = 0.25
    interactions = {
        promote_culture_in_government = {
            icon = GFX_promote_culture_in_government_button
            cost_type = mamluk_adm_power
            cost = 100
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = promote_culture_in_government_modifier
                    duration = 365
            cooldown_years = 1
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 100    #Never a reason to say no to this either
        sell_off_culture_slaves = {
            icon = GFX_sell_off_culture_slaves_button
            cost_type = mamluk_dip_power
            cost = 100
            trigger = {
                custom_trigger_tooltip = {
                    tooltip = ANY_OWNED_PROVINCE_OF_RULER_CULTURE
                    any_owned_province = {
                        owner = {
                            ruler_culture = PREV
            effect = {
                add_owned_provinces_development_ducats = {
                    custom_tooltip = FROM_PROVINCES_OF_RULER_CULTURE
                    trigger = {
                        owner = {
                            ruler_culture = PREV
                    multiplier = 2
                    age_multiplier = 1
            cooldown_years = 1
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 100    #There is never a reason to say no to money
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 1
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 3
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 5
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 7
        recruit_from_culture_lands = {
            icon = GFX_recruit_from_culture_lands_button
            cost_type = mamluk_mil_power
            cost = 100
            trigger = {
                custom_trigger_tooltip = {
                    tooltip = ANY_OWNED_PROVINCE_OF_RULER_CULTURE
                    any_owned_province = {
                        owner = {
                            ruler_culture = PREV
            effect = {
                add_owned_provinces_development_manpower = {
                    custom_tooltip = FROM_PROVINCES_OF_RULER_CULTURE
                    trigger = {
                        owner = {
                            ruler_culture = PREV
                    multiplier = 0.05
                    age_multiplier = 1
            cooldown_years = 1
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 100    #Say yes to manpower
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.3 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.2 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.1 }
iqta_mechanic = {
    alert_icon_gfx = GFX_alerticons_government_mechanics
    alert_icon_index = 2
    available = {
        has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
    interactions = {
        efficient_tax_farming = {
            icon = GFX_efficient_tax_farming_button
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = efficient_tax_farming_modifier
                    duration = 7300
                add_subjects_development_ducats = {
                    multiplier = 2
            cooldown_years = 20
            cooldown_token = iqta_mechanic
            cooldown_desc = AN_IQTA_TAXATION_POLICY
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 20
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    NOT = { num_of_loans = 1 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0.5
                    is_in_deficit = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 1.25
                    has_any_disaster = yes
                modifier = {
                    factor = 1.5
                    num_of_loans = 2
                    is_in_deficit = yes
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 1
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    num_of_loans = 3
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    num_of_loans = 5
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    num_of_loans = 7

        land_acquisition = {
            icon = GFX_land_acquisition_button
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = land_acquisition_modifier
                    duration = 7300
                add_subjects_development_manpower = {
                    multiplier = 0.05
            cooldown_years = 20
            cooldown_token = iqta_mechanic
            cooldown_desc = AN_IQTA_TAXATION_POLICY
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 20
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.3 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.2 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.1 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    is_in_important_war = yes
                modifier = {
                    factor = 30
                    is_at_war = yes
                    is_in_deficit = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    is_at_war = no
                    OR = {
                        NOT = {
                            any_neighbor_country = {
                                NOT = { truce_with = ROOT }
                        manpower_percentage = 0.9
        lenient_taxation = {
            icon = GFX_lenient_taxation_button
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = lenient_taxation_modifier
                    duration = 7300
            cooldown_years = 20
            cooldown_token = iqta_mechanic
            cooldown_desc = AN_IQTA_TAXATION_POLICY
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 10
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    NOT = {
                        any_subject_country = {
                            liberty_desire = 40
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    any_subject_country = {
                        liberty_desire = 45
                modifier = {
                    factor = 50
                    any_subject_country = {
                        liberty_desire = 50
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    any_subject_country = {
                        liberty_desire = 60
But that is by far not everything! Here are a few of my personal highlights as a content designer which get added for 1.35:
  • Guibounds command for the console, allowing you to debug the UI

  • Change_country_color = { country = <country scope> / color = { r g b } } If the former argument is used then the country will adapt the color of the specified country scope. If the latter is used then a defined color will be used instead. Of course it comes with a restore_country_color = yes
  • Decisions (and parliament issues) can be recolored. Here is an example of the decisions activated by estate privileges:

  • Bunch of new on_actions such as on_parliament_debate_reset, on_parliament_seat_given, on_parliament_seat_lost, on_hre_reform_passed, on_mandate_reform_passed, on_slacken_start, on_slacken_stop, on_colony_finished, on_advisor_hired, on_adm_advisor_hired, on_dip_advisor_hired, on_mil_advisor_hired, on_core, on_tech_taken, on_adm_tech_taken, on_dip_tech_taken, on_mil_tech_taken, on_barrage, on_naval_barrage, on_scorch_earth, on_war_ended, on_alliance_broken, on_royal_marriage_broken, on_alliance_created and on_royal_marriage
  • Bunch of new static modifiers such as under_governing_capacity_modifier, mandate, imperial_authority_emperor, imperial_authority_member, positive_imperial_authority_emperor, positive_imperial_authority_member, negative_imperial_authority_emperor, negative_imperial_authority_member, average_overseas_subject_liberty_desire, reverse_average_overseas_subject_liberty_desire, average_subject_liberty_desire, reverse_average_subject_liberty_desire, average_global_autonomy and reverse_average_global_autonomy
  • Potentials (conditions which hide this object if they are not fulfilled) and trigger/allowed (conditions which are required to interact with this object) for Decrees, Fervor aspects, Golden Bulls. Personal Deities and Trading Policies
  • The amount of soldiers killed / lost are now automatically exported to the variables “land_units_killed”, “land_units_lost”, “naval_units_killed” and “naval_units_lost”. Note: they do not count together into a variable of the total amount of units you have killed over the campaign. Every battle sets the variable to the new value.
  • Added “effect” and “removed_effect” for the following mechanics:
    • Diwan mechanic (so if you assimilate a culture group the effect fires, if you lose the assimilation bonus, the removed_effect fires)
    • Naval Doctrines
    • Personal Deities
    • Policies
    • Decrees
  • Additions to modding Parliaments:
    • Issues have now the following arguments:
      • backing_percentage = <int> #Determines how many seats will back up the issue. backing_percentage = 100 would mean all seats would back it up, backing_percentage = 0 means no seat backs it up. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_BACKING_PERCENTAGE from Defines
      • effect_duration = <int> #Determines how long the effects of a passed debate last, and also the amount of time before you can debate the next issue after passing one. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_EFFECT_DURATION from the Defines.
      • debate_duration = <int> #Determines how long the debate will go before it gets into the phase where it can be randomly closed. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_DEBATE_DURATION from the Defines.
      • chance_of_decision = <float> #Determines the chance debate is ended after debate_duration / PARLIAMENT_DEBATE_DURATION. Defaults to PARLIAMENT_CHANCE_OF_DECISION
    • Bribes have now a chance = {} argument which defines how likely a bribe is to appear
  • New attributes for Mercenaries
    • counts_towards_force_limit = no (a merc company with this trait would not occupy any force limit)
    • max_size = <int> #Limits the size of this mercenary company. If a merc company would be larger than the max size allowed then every additional "would be" regiment will be transferred to the company's manpower pool. If not set or if "-1" then it is the default setting.
    • min_size = <int> #Limits the minimum size of this mercenary company. So if you hire a merc company it will ALWAYS have at least as many regiments as min_size demands it to be. If it's bigger than "max_size" then it should throw an error in the error log and be deactivated. If not set or if "-1" then it is the default setting.
    • no_additional_manpower_from_max_size = yes #A flag for the merc company which disallows the behavior that every single additional "would be" regiment over max_size will be turned into company manpower. "no" is the default.
    • manpower_pool = <double> #Defines how large the manpower pool of the merc company is. Merc Manpower modifier use this as the base to modify. At default, it is -1 which means it just uses the normal way of calculating the available manpower for the merc company
    • So in script a merc company could look like this then:
    • Code:
      merc__local_free_company = {
           regiments_per_development = 0.025
           cavalry_weight = 0.1
           artillery_weight = 0.1
           cavalry_cap = 2
           cost_modifier = 0.75
           trigger = {
               total_development = 150
               is_allowed_to_recruit_mercenaries = yes
           # No home province means local mercenary company
           max_size = 12
           min_size = 4
           no_additional_manpower_from_max_size = yes
           manpower_pool = 50
      This free company would have 4 regiments minimum and cannot have more than 12 regiments max. Every single regiment which would be part of this company gets lost as "no_additional_manpower_from_max_size = yes" is set. It also has a manpower pool of exactly 50k troops as "manpower_pool = 50" is defined.
  • And last but not least: new modifiers. This is the complete list of ALL modifiers in the game. Be warned though: unit, province and country modifiers have been put all in the same place. This list serves first and foremost as a source of information that a certain modifier exists in the first place.

    #test_modifier = {
    #    can_not_build_colonies = yes
    #    can_not_build_buildings = yes
    #    can_not_build_missionaries = yes
    #    can_not_declare_war = yes
    #    can_not_send_merchants = yes
    #    capped_by_forcelimit = yes
    #    can_claim_states = yes
    #    free_concentrate_development = yes
    #    build_cost = -0.1
    #    local_build_cost = -0.1
    #    build_time = -0.1
    #    local_build_time = -0.1
    #    local_unrest = -1
    #    global_unrest = -1
    #    development_cost = -0.1
    #    development_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    local_development_cost = -0.1
    #    local_development_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    trade_efficiency = 0.1
    #    province_trade_power_value = 0.1
    #    province_trade_power_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_prov_trade_power_modifier = 0.1
    #    production_efficiency = 0.1
    #    local_production_efficiency = 0.1
    #    trade_goods_size = 1
    #    trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
    #    raze_power_gain = 0.1
    #    monarch_power_tribute = 1
    #    tributary_conversion_cost_modifier = -1
    #    expand_infrastructure_cost_modifier = -1
    #    max_absolutism_effect = 0.1
    #    centralize_state_cost = -0.1
    #    local_centralize_state_cost = -0.1
    #    land_morale_constant = 1
    #    naval_morale_constant = 1
    #    max_general_shock = 1
    #    max_general_fire = 1
    #    max_general_maneuver = 1
    #    max_general_siege = 1
    #    max_admiral_shock = 1
    #    max_admiral_fire = 1
    #    max_admiral_maneuver = 1
    #    max_admiral_siege = 1
    #    coast_raid_range = 1
    #    development_cost_in_primary_culture = -0.1
    #    reduced_trade_penalty_on_non_main_tradenode = -0.1
    #    colony_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    local_colony_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    spy_action_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    placed_merchant_power_modifier = 1
    #    reduced_liberty_desire_on_other_continent = -1
    #    overextension_impact_modifier = -0.1
    #    artillery_level_modifier = 1
    #    local_tolerance_of_heretics = 1
    #    local_tolerance_of_heathens = 1
    #    tax_income = 1
    #    global_tax_income = 1
    #    local_tax_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_tax_modifier = 0.1
    #    stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    inflation_reduction = 0.1
    #    inflation_reduction_local = 0.1
    #    interest = -0.1
    #    colonists = 1
    #    missionaries = 1
    #    merchants = 1
    #    diplomats = 1
    #    global_trade_power = 0.1
    #    global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1
    #    global_own_trade_power = 0.1
    #    colonist_placement_chance = 0.1
    #    local_colonist_placement_chance = 0.1
    #    global_missionary_strength = 0.01
    #    local_missionary_strength = 0.01
    #    land_morale = 0.1
    #    naval_morale = 0.1
    #    local_manpower = 1
    #    global_manpower = 1
    #    local_manpower_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_manpower_modifier = 0.1
    #    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
    #    morale_damage_received = -0.1
    #    morale_damage = 0.1
    #    military_tactics = 1
    #    local_sailors = 1
    #    global_sailors = 1
    #    local_sailors_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_sailors_modifier = 0.1
    #    sailors_recovery_speed = 0.1
    #    land_forcelimit = 1
    #    naval_forcelimit = 1
    #    overlord_naval_forcelimit = 1
    #    overlord_naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.1
    #    land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.1
    #    naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.1
    #    land_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    naval_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    merc_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    local_fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    mercenary_cost = -0.1
    #    infantry_cost = -0.1
    #    cavalry_cost = -0.1
    #    artillery_cost = -0.1
    #    heavy_ship_cost = -0.1
    #    light_ship_cost = -0.1
    #    galley_cost = -0.1
    #    transport_cost = -0.1
    #    infantry_power = 0.1
    #    cavalry_power = 0.1
    #    artillery_power = 0.1
    #    heavy_ship_power = 0.1
    #    light_ship_power = 0.1
    #    galley_power = 0.1
    #    transport_power = 0.1
    #    attrition = 1
    #    hostile_attrition = 1
    #    artillery_barrage_cost = -0.1
    #    transport_attrition = -0.1
    #    land_attrition = -0.1
    #    naval_attrition = -0.1
    #    max_attrition = 1
    #    max_hostile_attrition = 1
    #    supply_limit = 0.1
    #    war_exhaustion = 0.1
    #    war_exhaustion_cost = -0.1
    #    local_hostile_attrition = 1
    #    army_tradition = 0.1
    #    navy_tradition = 0.1
    #    army_tradition_decay = -0.01
    #    navy_tradition_decay = -0.01
    #    leader_land_fire = 1
    #    leader_land_shock = 1
    #    leader_naval_fire = 1
    #    leader_naval_shock = 1
    #    leader_siege = 1
    #    leader_naval_manuever = 1
    #    leader_land_manuever = 1
    #    state_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    local_state_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    global_spy_defence = 0.1
    #    spy_offence = 0.1
    #    trade_value = 0.1
    #    fort_level = 1
    #    blockade_efficiency = 0.1
    #    ship_recruit_speed = -0.1
    #    regiment_recruit_speed = -0.1
    #    global_ship_recruit_speed = -0.1
    #    global_regiment_recruit_speed = -0.1
    #    prestige = 0.1
    #    prestige_decay = -0.01
    #    prestige_from_land = 0.1
    #    prestige_from_naval = 0.1
    #    trade_value_modifier = 0.1
    #    garrison_growth = 0.1
    #    global_garrison_growth = 0.1
    #    advisor_cost = -0.1
    #    advisor_pool = 1
    #    female_advisor_chance = 0.1
    #    technology_cost = -0.1
    #    discipline = 0.1
    #    reinforce_speed = -0.1
    #    range = 0.1
    #    global_colonial_growth = 1
    #    local_colonial_growth = 1
    #    tolerance_own = 1
    #    tolerance_heretic = 1
    #    tolerance_heathen = 1
    #    defensiveness = 0.1
    #    local_defensiveness = 0.1
    #    global_ship_cost = -0.1
    #    global_ship_repair = 0.1
    #    global_regiment_cost = -0.1
    #    global_tariffs = 0.1
    #    diplomatic_reputation = 1
    #    papal_influence = 0.1
    #    devotion = 0.1
    #    legitimacy = 0.1
    #    horde_unity = 0.1
    #    republican_tradition = 0.1
    #    monthly_splendor = 1
    #    local_ship_cost = -0.1
    #    local_ship_repair = 0.1
    #    local_regiment_cost = -0.1
    #    local_friendly_movement_speed = 0.1
    #    local_hostile_movement_speed = -0.1
    #    trade_range_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_heretic_missionary_strength = -0.01
    #    global_heathen_missionary_strength = -0.01
    #    improve_relation_modifier = 0.1
    #    trade_steering = 0.1
    #    all_power_cost = -0.1
    #    core_creation = -0.1
    #    enemy_core_creation = 0.1
    #    free_leader_pool = 1
    #    idea_cost = -0.1
    #    heir_chance = 0.1
    #    embargo_efficiency = 0.1
    #    recover_army_morale_speed = 0.1
    #    recover_navy_morale_speed = 0.1
    #    diplomatic_upkeep = 1
    #    unjustified_demands = -0.1
    #    mercenary_manpower = 0.1
    #    fabricate_claims_cost = -0.1
    #    claim_duration = 0.1
    #    regiment_manpower_usage = -0.1
    #    all_estate_influence_modifier = -0.1
    #    justify_trade_conflict_cost = -0.1
    #    rebel_support_efficiency = 0.1
    #    discovered_relations_impact = -0.1
    #    annexation_relations_impact = -0.1
    #    vassal_income = 0.1
    #    religious_unity = 0.1
    #    inflation_action_cost = -0.1
    #    migration_cost = -0.1
    #    add_tribal_land_cost = -0.1
    #    settle_cost = -0.1
    #    monthly_fervor_increase = 0.1
    #    monthly_piety = 0.001
    #    monthly_piety_accelerator = 0.001
    #    monthly_karma = 0.01
    #    monthly_karma_accelerator = -0.01
    #    global_rebel_suppression_efficiency = 0.1
    #    caravan_power = 0.1
    #    yearly_corruption = -0.1
    #    min_autonomy = -1
    #    global_autonomy = -0.1
    #    min_local_autonomy = -1
    #    local_autonomy = -0.1
    #    siege_ability = 0.1
    #    privateer_efficiency = 0.1
    #    global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_trade_goods_size = 0.1
    #    envoy_travel_time = -0.1
    #    imperial_authority = 0.1
    #    imperial_authority_value = 0.1
    #    imperial_mandate = 0.1
    #    ae_impact = -0.1
    #    province_warscore_cost = -0.1
    #    supply_limit_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_supply_limit_modifier = 0.1
    #    national_focus_years = -1
    #    vassal_forcelimit_bonus = 0.1
    #    vassal_naval_forcelimit_bonus = 0.1
    #    vassal_manpower_bonus = 0.1
    #    vassal_sailors_bonus = 1
    #    years_of_nationalism = 1
    #    local_years_of_nationalism = 1
    #    num_accepted_cultures = 1
    #    culture_conversion_cost = 1
    #    local_culture_conversion_cost = 1
    #    culture_conversion_time = 1
    #    local_culture_conversion_time = 1
    #    diplomatic_annexation_cost = 1
    #    chance_to_inherit = 1
    #    ship_durability = 1
    #    liberty_desire = 1
    #    reduced_liberty_desire = 1
    #    allowed_num_of_buildings = 1
    #    global_allowed_num_of_buildings = 1
    #    allowed_num_of_manufactories = 1
    #    global_allowed_num_of_manufactories = 1
    #    church_power_modifier = 1
    #    monthly_church_power = 1
    #    garrison_size = 1
    #    local_garrison_size = 1
    #    loot_amount = 1
    #    embracement_cost = 1
    #    local_institution_spread = 1
    #    global_institution_spread = 1
    #    native_uprising_chance = 1
    #    native_assimilation = 1
    #    may_recruit_female_generals = yes
    #    block_introduce_heir = yes
    #    can_transfer_vassal_wargoal = yes
    #    can_chain_claim = yes
    #    free_maintenance_on_expl_conq = yes
    #    colony_development_boost = 1
    #    attack_bonus_in_capital_terrain = 1
    #    can_bypass_forts = yes
    #    ignore_coring_distance = yes
    #    force_march_free = yes
    #    possible_condottieri = 1
    #    global_ship_trade_power = 1
    #    local_naval_engagement_modifier = 1
    #    global_naval_engagement_modifier = 1
    #    global_naval_engagement = 1
    #    block_slave_raid = yes
    #    may_perform_slave_raid = yes
    #    may_perform_slave_raid_on_same_religion = yes
    #    cavalry_flanking = 1
    #    movement_speed = 1
    #    capture_ship_chance = 1
    #    sunk_ship_morale_hit_recieved = 1
    #    naval_tradition_from_battle = 1
    #    army_tradition_from_battle = 1
    #    local_core_creation = 1
    #    immortal = yes #Dummy, doesn't do anything but has a cool icon I guess
    #    amount_of_banners = 1
    #    local_amount_of_banners = 1
    #    has_banners = yes
    #    local_has_banners = yes
    #    has_carolean = yes
    #    local_has_carolean = yes
    #    amount_of_carolean = 1
    #    local_amount_of_carolean = 1
    #    can_recruit_hussars = yes
    #    amount_of_hussars = 1
    #    local_amount_of_hussars = 1
    #    hussars_cost_modifier = 1
    #    free_land_leader_pool = 1
    #    free_navy_leader_pool = 1
    #    amount_of_cawa = 1
    #    local_amount_of_cawa = 1
    #    fire_damage = 1
    #    shock_damage = 1
    #    fire_damage_received = 1
    #    shock_damage_received = 1
    #    reinforce_cost_modifier = 1
    #    garrison_damage = 1
    #    local_garrison_damage = 1
    #    assault_fort_cost_modifier = 1
    #    local_assault_fort_cost_modifier = 1
    #    assault_fort_ability = 1
    #    local_assault_fort_ability = 1
    #    local_religious_conversion_resistance = 1
    #    global_religious_conversion_resistance = 1
    #    placed_merchant_power = 1
    #    ship_power_propagation = 1
    #    institution_spread_from_true_faith = 1
    #    prestige_per_development_from_conversion = 1
    #    administrative_efficiency = 1
    #    yearly_absolutism = 1
    #    max_absolutism = 1
    #    core_decay_on_your_own = 1
    #    autonomy_change_time = 1
    #    expand_administration_cost = 1
    #    rival_change_cost = 1
    #    rival_border_fort_maintenance = 1
    #    harsh_treatment_cost = 1
    #    reduced_liberty_desire_on_same_continent = 1
    #    backrow_artillery_damage = 1
    #    enforce_religion_cost = 1
    #    liberty_desire_from_subject_development = 1
    #    monarch_admin_power = 1
    #    monarch_diplomatic_power = 1
    #    monarch_military_power = 1
    #    local_heir_adm = 1
    #    local_heir_dip = 1
    #    local_heir_mil = 1
    #    artillery_levels_available_vs_fort = 1
    #    country_admin_power = 1
    #    country_diplomatic_power = 1
    #    country_military_power = 1
    #    meritocracy = 1
    #    yearly_harmony = 1
    #    harmonization_speed = 1
    #    cav_to_inf_ratio = 1
    #    local_monthly_devastation = 1
    #    global_monthly_devastation = 1
    #    global_prosperity_growth = 1
    #    local_prosperity_growth = 1
    #    monthly_favor_modifier = 1
    #    monthly_gold_inflation_modifier = 1
    #    gold_depletion_chance_modifier = 1
    #    local_gold_depletion_chance_modifier = 1
    #    tolerance_of_heretics_capacity = 1
    #    tolerance_of_heathens_capacity = 1
    #    move_capital_cost_modifier = 1
    #    war_taxes_cost_modifier = 1
    #    siege_blockade_progress = 1
    #    warscore_cost_vs_other_religion = 1
    #    mercenary_discipline = 1
    #    sailor_maintenance_modifer = 1
    #    yearly_army_professionalism = 1
    #    general_cost = 1
    #    reserves_organisation = 1
    #    drill_gain_modifier = 1
    #    drill_decay_modifier = 1
    #    same_culture_advisor_cost = 1
    #    same_religion_advisor_cost = 1
    #    promote_culture_cost = 1
    #    own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
    #    local_own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
    #    global_defender_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    local_defender_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    global_attacker_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    local_attacker_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    own_territory_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    can_revoke_parliament_seats = yes
    #    parliament_backing_chance = 1
    #    parliament_effect_duration = 1
    #    parliament_debate_duration = 1
    #    parliament_chance_of_decision = 1
    #    num_of_parliament_issues = 1
    #    max_possible_parliament_seats = 1
    #    institution_growth = 1
    #    innovativeness_gain = 1
    #    possible_policy = 1
    #    free_policy = 1
    #    possible_adm_policy = 1
    #    possible_dip_policy = 1
    #    possible_mil_policy = 1
    #    free_adm_policy = 1
    #    free_dip_policy = 1
    #    free_mil_policy = 1
    #    adm_advisor_cost = 1
    #    dip_advisor_cost = 1
    #    mil_advisor_cost = 1
    #    reform_progress_growth = 1
    #    reform_progress_growth_building = 1
    #    monthly_reform_progress = 1
    #    monthly_reform_progress_modifier = 1
    #    monthly_reform_progress_building = 1
    #    min_autonomy_in_territories = 1
    #    reelection_cost = 1
    #    leader_cost = 1
    #    candidate_random_bonus = 1
    #    election_cycle = 1
    #    monthly_support_heir_gain = 1
    #    power_projection_from_insults = 1
    #    local_religious_unity_contribution = 1
    #    trade_company_investment_cost = 1
    #    cawa_cost_modifier = 1
    #    janissary_cost_modifier = 1
    #    blockade_force_required = 1
    #    hostile_disembark_speed = 1
    #    hostile_fleet_attrition = 1
    #    regiment_disembark_speed = 1
    #    allowed_tercio_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_tercio = 1
    #    local_has_tercio = yes
    #    allowed_musketeer_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_musketeers = 1
    #    local_has_musketeers = yes
    #    allowed_samurai_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_samurai = 1
    #    local_has_samurai = yes
    #    allowed_geobukseon_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_geobukseon = 1
    #    local_has_geobukseon = yes
    #    allowed_man_of_war_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_man_of_war = 1
    #    local_has_man_of_war = yes
    #    allowed_galleon_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_galleon = 1
    #    local_has_galleon = yes
    #    allowed_galleass_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_galleass = 1
    #    local_has_galleass = yes
    #    allowed_caravel_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_caravel = 1
    #    local_has_caravel = yes
    #    allowed_voc_indiamen_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_voc_indiamen = 1
    #    local_has_voc_indiamen = yes
    #    allowed_marine_fraction = 1
    #    can_recruit_janissaries = yes
    #    can_recruit_cawa = yes
    #    can_recruit_cossacks = yes
    #    can_recruit_rajputs = yes
    #    can_recruit_revolutionary_guards = yes
    #    allow_janissaries_from_own_faith = yes
    #    allow_mercenary_drill = yes
    #    merc_leader_army_tradition = 1
    #    merc_independent_from_trade_range = yes
    #    allow_mercenaries_to_split = yes
    #    may_explore = yes
    #    sea_repair = yes
    #    cb_on_government_enemies = yes
    #    cb_on_primitives = yes
    #    no_religion_penalty = yes
    #    auto_explore_adjacent_to_colony = yes
    #    reduced_stab_impacts = yes
    #    extra_manpower_at_religious_war = yes
    #    idea_claim_colonies = yes
    #    may_establish_frontier = yes
    #    can_fabricate_for_vassals = yes
    #    cb_on_overseas = yes
    #    reduced_native_attacks = yes
    #    may_not_reduce_inflation = yes
    #    no_cost_for_reinforcing = yes
    #    may_build_supply_depot = yes
    #    may_refill_garrison = yes
    #    may_return_manpower_on_disband = yes
    #    may_not_convert_territories = yes
    #    allow_client_states = yes
    #    enable_forced_march = yes
    #    number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    heavy_ship_number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    light_ship_number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    galley_number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    transport_number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    hull_size = 1
    #    hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    heavy_ship_hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    light_ship_hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    galley_hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    transport_hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    engagement_cost = 1
    #    engagement_cost_modifier = 1
    #    special_unit_cost_modifier = 1
    #    special_unit_manpower_cost_modifier = 1
    #    number_of_cannons_flagship_modifier = 1
    #    number_of_cannons_flagship = 1
    #    number_of_cannons = 1
    #    max_flagships = 1
    #    flagship_morale = 1
    #    naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 1
    #    trade_power_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    ship_trade_power = 1
    #    ship_trade_power_modifier = 1
    #    can_transport_units = yes
    #    flagship_naval_engagement_modifier = 1
    #    blockade_impact_on_siege_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    movement_speed_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    flagship_durability = 1
    #    morale_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    exploration_mission_range_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    barrage_cost_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    naval_attrition_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    cannons_for_hunting_pirates_in_fleet = 1
    #    movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier = 1
    #    admiral_skill_gain_modifier = 1
    #    privateering_efficiency_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    prestige_from_battles_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    naval_tradition_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    landing_penalty = 1
    #    establish_order_cost = 1
    #    treasure_fleet_income = 1
    #    global_naval_barrage_cost = 1
    #    center_of_trade_upgrade_cost = 1
    #    local_center_of_trade_upgrade_cost = 1
    #    missionary_maintenance_cost = 1
    #    local_missionary_maintenance_cost = 1
    #    naval_tradition_from_trade = 1
    #    admiral_cost = 1
    #    expel_minorities_cost = 1
    #    infantry_fire = 1
    #    cavalry_fire = 1
    #    artillery_fire = 1
    #    infantry_shock = 1
    #    cavalry_shock = 1
    #    artillery_shock = 1
    #    curia_treasury_contribution = 1
    #    cb_on_religious_enemies = yes
    #    yearly_patriarch_authority = 1
    #    yearly_authority = 1
    #    yearly_karma_decay = 1
    #    available_province_loot = 1
    #    relation_with_heretics = 1
    #    relation_with_heathens = 1
    #    relation_with_same_religion = 1
    #    reverse_relation_with_same_religion = 1
    #    relation_with_same_culture = 1
    #    relation_with_same_culture_group = 1
    #    relation_with_accepted_culture = 1
    #    relation_with_other_culture = 1
    #    stability_cost_to_declare_war = 1
    #    special_unit_forcelimit = 1
    #    curia_powers_cost = 1
    #    appoint_cardinal_cost = 1
    #    papal_influence_from_cardinals = 1
    #    unrest_catholic_provinces = 1
    #    imperial_reform_catholic_approval = 1
    #    disengagement_chance = 1
    #    manpower_in_true_faith_provinces = 1
    #    manpower_in_own_culture_provinces = 1
    #    manpower_in_culture_group_provinces = 1
    #    manpower_in_accepted_culture_provinces = 1
    #    free_city_imperial_authority = 1
    #    imperial_mercenary_cost = 1
    #    max_free_cities = 1
    #    max_electors = 1
    #    manpower_against_imperial_enemies = 1
    #    monarch_lifespan = 1
    #    max_revolutionary_zeal = 1
    #    yearly_revolutionary_zeal = 1
    #    flagship_cost = 1
    #    governing_capacity = 1
    #    governing_capacity_modifier = 1
    #    governing_cost = 1
    #    trade_company_governing_cost = 1
    #    state_governing_cost = 1
    #    territories_governing_cost = 1
    #    local_governing_cost = 1
    #    local_governing_cost_increase = 1
    #    state_governing_cost_increase = 1
    #    statewide_governing_cost = 1
    #    reasons_to_elect = 1
    #    years_to_integrate_personal_union = 1
    #    legitimate_subject_elector = 1
    #    accept_vassalization_reasons = 1
    #    transfer_trade_power_reasons = 1
    #    local_warscore_cost_modifier = 1
    #    mercantilism_cost = 1
    #    tribal_development_growth = 1
    #    monthly_federation_favor_growth = 1
    #    monthly_heir_claim_increase = 1
    #    monthly_heir_claim_increase_modifier = 1
    #    great_project_upgrade_cost = 1
    #    local_great_project_upgrade_cost = 1
    #    great_project_upgrade_time = 1
    #    local_great_project_upgrade_time = 1
    #    colonial_type_change_cost_modifier = 1
    #    colonial_subject_type_upgrade_cost_modifier = 1
    #    yearly_doom_reduction = 1
    #    all_estate_loyalty_equilibrium = 1
    #    loyalty_change_on_revoked = 1
    #    estate_interaction_cooldown_modifier = 1
    #    all_estate_possible_privileges = 1
    #    no_stability_loss_on_monarch_death = yes
    #    allow_free_estate_privilege_revocation = yes
    #    warscore_from_battles_modifier = 1
    #    yearly_innovativeness = 1
    #    yearly_government_power = 1
    #    no_claim_cost_increasement = yes
    #    naval_morale_damage = 1
    #    naval_morale_damage_received = 1
    #    has_tercio = yes
    #    has_musketeer = yes
    #    has_samurai = yes
    #    has_geobukseon = yes
    #    has_man_of_war = yes
    #    has_galleon = yes
    #    has_galleass = yes
    #    has_caravel = yes
    #    has_voc_indiamen = yes
    #    has_streltsy = yes
    #    allowed_streltsy_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_streltsy = 1
    #    local_has_streltsy = 1

You can see the file in the game where it is called “02_test_modifiers.txt”. It is commented out, so it has absolutely no effect in the game.

This was it for this week! Next week @SaintDaveUK will talk about the art of Domination. Until then I wish you all a great week!
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Can you please separate Kazakh, Uzbek, Turkmen, Kyrgz, Turkish, Azerbaijan, Uyghur and other Turkic cultures to a separate culture group called "Turkic". Their current culture groups doesn't fit at all. These countries are in union called "Turkic Union" irl and calling them Altaic, Levant or Irani is kinda outdated thing imo.
I woudl think this is just for balancing purposes. at leaast for turkish, if it wasnt on arab culture group would be quite shit to expand on to mamluks and further
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I'll also put my worthless .02 ducats on the table and say Ramparts change is an incredibly feels-bad decision. I loved the silly feeling of safeness whenever i try to play a small country. I would rather not have that taken from me
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Yeah, my point is why adding a new privilege instead of changing the old one with a modifier already present that depending on the situation act as either piety increase or decrease?
It might be intended to set the original direction of the piety, after which accelerators matter.
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Yeah, my point is why adding a new privilege instead of changing the old one with a modifier already present that depending on the situation act as either piety increase or decrease?
Because events can ad-hoc change piety in the direction you don't want to overall move towards i.e. move from +5 to -5, while the estate privilege should always move piety towards one direction or the other continually regardless of your current piety.

If I wanted to move towards legalism, but took an event decision to temporarily move from slightly positive to slightly negative, I would then trend towards Mysticism via the privilege, which I don't want to do.

Also your suggestion would do nothing if piety = 0.

Having two mutually exclusive privileges is a much better solution.
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I dont understand what is the huge impact on SP. Elaborate pls
OK, I'll bite.

I think we can all agree that a mountain/hill top-tier fort with ramparts will take a LONG time for the AI to pass. And, if the AI tries, you have a LONG time to find a counter (eg. end the war, send your entire army to lift the siege). In short, it buys time.

Impact #1: If you're a mid-sized or large country, strategically-sited mountain forts with ramparts allow you to mentally segment the map. Strategically-sited forts mean you don't have to continually worry about AI abusing the absurd mil access system to walk around your frontline and start destroying your heartland from a historically-implausible direction. Extensive prior preparation gives you a large benefit, which is as it should be in a strategy game.​

Next, it's fairly common for an AI who has similar siege bonuses to the player (or, worse, stronger bonuses) to get through a couple of layers of forts and become unstoppable as an accident of geography (they can take the next fort in line faster than you can retake the last one). This is very ahistorical (supply lines!), feels bad, and ruins your nation with devastation.

Also, it's worth noting that most people don't have the same omniscient view of the map as the AI - they can only look in one place at a time. It's very possible to miss an AI army that sneaks round the back way to break into your heartland. Is this the player's fault when it occurs? Absolutely. But a good game offers multiple ways to offset such threats - insisting that human micromanagement (ie. obsessively & continuously checking the entire map) is the only solution would make the game significantly less enjoyable.

Impact #2: Players can offset their own limitations as single humans vs AI by deliberately creating a few highly-defensible forts at key points. (Eg. Mountain forts with ramparts have +40% defensiveness compared to flatland forts without ramparts. Bonus points for stacking defensiveness even higher - eg. marches with defensiveness in their national ideas.) This is because the large variability in defensiveness means that armies will NOT progress through your realm at a constant rate - there will be a significant pause at the mountain fort - which means that it's feasible for pursuers to catch the armies they are chasing.​

Next, covering your realm with low-level forts is one of the main strategies to deal with rebels and devastation. (Rebel armies adjacent to a fort can't debuff provinces. Rebel armies on a fort will require several months to take it, giving you time to respond. Devastation only ticks down semi-rapidly for provinces adjacent to forts, and a tiny amount of devastation can ruin prosperity for a long time.) However, these low-level forts are extremely vulnerable in war, so you need to ensure you have real defenses elsewhere. Also, it makes a lot of sense (both historically and strategically) for defensive efforts to focus on borders and strategic chokepoints.

Impact #3: Ramparts give a player a way to create focused defensive perimeters and chokepoints, ie. it opens up the possibilities for interesting variations in strategies. In a game intended for replayability, it's better if there are more viable strategies (instead of only one). Do you have to do it? No. Is it useful sometimes to have a fort that's twice as expensive and ~25% "better"? Yeah, sometimes.​

I could probably go on, but I think that's enough to show that strategic use of ramparts has a small but real impact on single-player.

I will also reiterate my challenge: Can anyone say why ramparts NEED to be changed for the single-player game?
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I don't care about the ramparts issue. I play most of the time solo and the IA in def or offensive war can't do anything against ramparts on moutain with edict of def and a fort.
IA just wait and try nothing. Wohooo was fun.

In MP, as i like to watch huge GPO game, players who like building ramparts on moutain are a cancer and make horrible battles, where def and attack players stacks tons of armies and wait. Wohooo was fun.

I like the ramparts issue to make the game more historical; big ramparts were builds to protect big cities. And big cities with a vital interest for a nation were most of the time build in lands without landforms. Big ramparts structures wich are in game infrastrcture were made to protect big cities, like Paris, Vianna, etc. Not a shity cities in the mountain.

A fort is what it is; a military construction who englob nothing except it self.
I can see your point. Tbh I find it to be good idea, to not be able to build fort, but instead rempart in, said provinces with 30 dev or higher, but in that case rempart should receive a good buff (mainly cause netherlands couldn't build fort anywhere)

On a side note, what devs thinks about building more than one important building in highly dev provinces ?
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I see a lot of requests in these comments that people have been asking for forever that the devs haven't even commented on.
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I am waiting for the release, but the raise Streltsy was the most fun part of playing Russia, if i want higher quality troops, i play one of the many strong military idea nations, i dont want strong troops, i want more troops :p
And it was a SPECIAL thing, now its just a "special" unit, just like all other special unit :rolleyes: (i like special units, but this was much cooler than for example recruiting carolians)

  • Are no longer spawned through the government abilities"

“Russian Empire” now gives -10% Minimum Autonomy in Territories instead of +33% Governing Capacity Modifier"
R.I.P. last age blobbing o_O

But the army quality, and stability buff are nice, so maybe it will balance out, but its less fun, at least in my opinion :(

Could you publish when will it be live? To decide to should i play a lost campaign with my O.G. streltsy units or not? ;)
If you want play more troops,not more quality troops, you can play the Great Ming, Ming has a lot of troops,but its troops is very very easily to be defeated.>.<
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If you want play more troops,not more quality troops, you can play the Great Ming, Ming has a lot of troops,but its troops is very very easily defeated.>.<
Yeah Russia already can get a lot of troops so it's nice to have some stronger core troops to hold their ground a bit more against the Ottomans/Commonwealth/Swedish/etc.
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Yeah Russia already can get a lot of troops so it's nice to have some stronger core troops to hold their ground a bit more against the Ottomans/Commonwealth/Swedish/etc.
The Ming also have a lot of troops to against the ottomans,commonwealth,Swedish,etc.
The quality of Russian’s army is much better than that of Great Ming 。I think the Great Ming is perfect for you to play with。^•^
My words on this- I absolutely hate the changes to ramparts as they already werent used that much, and those with issues with them can easily mod changes for multiplayer(it takes less than a minute to do so) without detracting from achievement runs etc.

i dont feel great about expand infrastructure changes, as it already costs an incredible amount of governing capacity.

and another issue still not addressed by anyone though i dont think anyone cares all that much:
ming had ~25% of the worlds population, having between 3 and 5 times as much population as the whole of the HRE depending on which sources you look at.
so why dont they get anything for manpower, and why do they have soo much tax dev compared to manpower...
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My words on this- I absolutely hate the changes to ramparts as they already werent used that much, and those with issues with them can easily mod changes for multiplayer(it takes less than a minute to do so) without detracting from achievement runs etc.

i dont feel great about expand infrastructure changes, as it already costs an incredible amount of governing capacity.

and another issue still not addressed by anyone though i dont think anyone cares all that much:
ming had ~25% of the worlds population, having between 3 and 5 times as much population as the whole of the HRE depending on which sources you look at.
so why dont they get anything for manpower, and why do they have soo much tax dev compared to manpower...
Can you believe it. In the history of 1444, Ming had at list 2000k army . >.<
So ,for balance,that is impossible to make it in game as history. >.<
45k Ming’s army can defeat 150k Japanese army. >.<
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My words on this- I absolutely hate the changes to ramparts as they already werent used that much, and those with issues with them can easily mod changes for multiplayer(it takes less than a minute to do so) without detracting from achievement runs etc.

i dont feel great about expand infrastructure changes, as it already costs an incredible amount of governing capacity.

and another issue still not addressed by anyone though i dont think anyone cares all that much:
ming had ~25% of the worlds population, having between 3 and 5 times as much population as the whole of the HRE depending on which sources you look at.
so why dont they get anything for manpower, and why do they have soo much tax dev compared to manpower...
Agree 100% on Expand Infrastructure and Ramparts.

As for Ming dev, tax represents a portion of the population as well. In my mind Tax/Prod/Manpower dev distribution roughly represents the agricultural/commercial/militarized ratio of the population/economy. However, it realistically should still be higher as Ming had an army size of around ~1,000,000 (on the low end of estimates) in the 1400s. Most of that was not deployed for combat so shouldn't necessarily be troops on the field, but should still be represented as manpower IMO. Unfortunately the game isn't mechanically balanced in a way that would make that desirable.
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Agree 100% on Expand Infrastructure and Ramparts.

As for Ming dev, tax represents a portion of the population as well. In my mind Tax/Prod/Manpower dev distribution roughly represents the agricultural/commercial/militarized ratio of the population/economy. However, it realistically should still be higher as Ming had an army size of around ~1,000,000 (on the low end of estimates) in the 1400s. Most of that was not deployed for combat so shouldn't necessarily be troops on the field, but should still be represented as manpower IMO. Unfortunately the game isn't mechanically balanced in a way that would make that desirable.
At 14ct,Ming had at list 2 500 000 army.
At 15ct, Ming had about 2 000 000 army.
So ,I hope the Ming’s country ideas should be give Max manpower +100%,manpower recoverspeed +100%,instead of tax +10% and stability cost-10%。^_^
OK, I'll bite.

I think we can all agree that a mountain/hill top-tier fort with ramparts will take a LONG time for the AI to pass. And, if the AI tries, you have a LONG time to find a counter (eg. end the war, send your entire army to lift the siege). In short, it buys time.

Impact #1: If you're a mid-sized or large country, strategically-sited mountain forts with ramparts allow you to mentally segment the map. Strategically-sited forts mean you don't have to continually worry about AI abusing the absurd mil access system to walk around your frontline and start destroying your heartland from a historically-implausible direction. Extensive prior preparation gives you a large benefit, which is as it should be in a strategy game.​

Next, it's fairly common for an AI who has similar siege bonuses to the player (or, worse, stronger bonuses) to get through a couple of layers of forts and become unstoppable as an accident of geography (they can take the next fort in line faster than you can retake the last one). This is very ahistorical (supply lines!), feels bad, and ruins your nation with devastation.

Also, it's worth noting that most people don't have the same omniscient view of the map as the AI - they can only look in one place at a time. It's very possible to miss an AI army that sneaks round the back way to break into your heartland. Is this the player's fault when it occurs? Absolutely. But a good game offers multiple ways to offset such threats - insisting that human micromanagement (ie. obsessively & continuously checking the entire map) is the only solution would make the game significantly less enjoyable.

Impact #2: Players can offset their own limitations as single humans vs AI by deliberately creating a few highly-defensible forts at key points. (Eg. Mountain forts with ramparts have +40% defensiveness compared to flatland forts without ramparts. Bonus points for stacking defensiveness even higher - eg. marches with defensiveness in their national ideas.) This is because the large variability in defensiveness means that armies will NOT progress through your realm at a constant rate - there will be a significant pause at the mountain fort - which means that it's feasible for pursuers to catch the armies they are chasing.​

Next, covering your realm with low-level forts is one of the main strategies to deal with rebels and devastation. (Rebel armies adjacent to a fort can't debuff provinces. Rebel armies on a fort will require several months to take it, giving you time to respond. Devastation only ticks down semi-rapidly for provinces adjacent to forts, and a tiny amount of devastation can ruin prosperity for a long time.) However, these low-level forts are extremely vulnerable in war, so you need to ensure you have real defenses elsewhere. Also, it makes a lot of sense (both historically and strategically) for defensive efforts to focus on borders and strategic chokepoints.

Impact #3: Ramparts give a player a way to create focused defensive perimeters and chokepoints, ie. it opens up the possibilities for interesting variations in strategies. In a game intended for replayability, it's better if there are more viable strategies (instead of only one). Do you have to do it? No. Is it useful sometimes to have a fort that's twice as expensive and ~25% "better"? Yeah, sometimes.​

I could probably go on, but I think that's enough to show that strategic use of ramparts has a small but real impact on single-player.

I will also reiterate my challenge: Can anyone say why ramparts NEED to be changed for the single-player game?
but a rampart only increases defensiveness by 15%, that is 4.5 days more per phase, I really dont think that would make a difference for any single fort capability to use as strategic point to pivot or gain time. As far as I see, the best thing about ramparts is the +1 combat roll (diffrent from the negative terrain modifier) which makes it is worth spending the cost with the intention to fight there, but not for the defensiveness increase, or the attrition. I think the initial intention of the devers was exactly that, to fight on those, but resulted into (alegedly) too dificult mountain forts
Furthermore , ive not seen a single MP ballance mod do anything to weaken Ramparts, if anything ive seen Mods Buff them because the're not that prevalent of a stratagy or meta, so i dont know were the idea of them being oppressive is coming from, ive played allota Multiplayers and ive never seen anyone complain about them
I reckon it's a knee jerk reaction to how a couple of their matches went in one of their developer LAN sessions. I cant think of anywhere else that they got the idea they were OP from. Because like you said no one has ever complained about them and they're a very niche building.
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but a rampart only increases defensiveness by 15%, that is 4.5 days more per phase, I really dont think that would make a difference for any single fort capability to use as strategic point to pivot or gain time. As far as I see, the best thing about ramparts is the +1 combat roll (diffrent from the negative terrain modifier) which makes it is worth spending the cost with the intention to fight there, but not for the defensiveness increase, or the attrition. I think the initial intention of the devers was exactly that, to fight on those, but resulted into (alegedly) too dificult mountain forts
I don't have any hard stats (and I can't work out how to interpret the table on the wiki), but I believe it's fairly common for a max-current-tech army to require 5-10 siege phases to take a max-current-tech fort. That means that ramparts' +15% defensiveness adds 23-45 days to the siege length. Which is definitely nice, but doesn't seem like a lot.

However, bear in mind that the topic here is the ability to build ramparts in mountains/hills. If you choose to build your defensive perimeter in hills/mountains and also add a rampart and also add +30% from the TC investment (or +33% from defensive edict), the combination of all three increases defensiveness by 55-70%, which increases the siege phase length by 16.5-21 days, which increases the total siege length by 82.5-210 days (compared with an unimproved top-tier flatland fort). If you put your defensive perimeter inside a march who has picked the defensive idea group and has fort defense in their national ideas (eg: Tibet, Georgia), you can reasonably expect another 10-20% defensiveness (+40-50% from bonuses, -30% from no investment/edict), for a total of 65-90% defensiveness and an increase in total siege length of 97.5-270 days.

An extra few months of total siege length from properly siting your forts is actually very nice - it means the enemy take a few months of punitive attrition and it gives you time to respond. Your response doesn't have to be "send an army to lift the siege", because it is often very possible to wait until just before the fort falls to take a non-100%-warscore peace deal; the extra +1 diceroll from ramparts if your response was "send an army" is just icing on the cake.

The reason why ramparts are good is not because they are particularly good on their own, it's because they are an expensive way to further improve an already-highly-defensible fort.
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The nerf to Expand Infrastructure seems pretty hefty.

1) Why do this?
2) Will it still add +15 governing cost then?
3) Maybe reduce the cost then?

Giving some nations a decrease to the cost of EI in their national ideas would be neat.
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